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Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings

Page 4

by Saxon Andrew

  AG was silent but then he looked at her, “Probably not. I only developed the skill to fight Tao during the duel, and if it had happened there you would not have Favored Status and Tao would remain lost with his demons.”

  “So you really were there tonight to save both of us.”


  “Now that I know how you feel about me, what do you expect me to do about it, AG?”

  “Nothing; just because I chose you does not mean you are required to do anything. Go about your life normally.”

  “My life after what I’ve been through tonight will never be as it was. How can you expect me to just ignore what I now know?”

  “I would rather you ignore it than reject it. I am still working to be worthy of you and I hope you will give me the time to earn your favor one day.”

  They pulled up to the orphanage and Cynthia got out as AG exited the car. She walked up in front of him and looked him in the eyes, “I think the truth is that it is I that am not worthy of you. What you have done for me tonight is something I will hold in my heart for the rest of my life.” She reached up, put her arms around his neck, and kissed him. It was a long lingering kiss and AG was completely lost in the moment. She stepped back, got in her car, and drove away. AG stood there and held on to the feeling of her in his arms as the car disappeared in the night.

  He turned to go inside and he heard, “So it happened today.”

  AG turned and saw the superintendent standing in the shadows next to the building. “Yes, Master, it did.”

  “Were you able to save him?”

  “Only time will truly answer but he is on a new journey and perhaps he will learn.”

  “I hope he does; he is very talented.”

  “That he is. It was as I suspected and I could have lost my life fighting him. I also confirmed that my talents change when I’m under that much stress. I hope his heart is as big as his anger.”

  “He’s had a bad time of it and the anger is justified. He, like many, has let his anger define who he is.”

  AG thought a moment and said, “He almost made me forget that during the challenge. It was difficult to remember why he is so troubled when he was threatening my chosen.”

  “You know he posed no threat to her after her selection.”

  “Yes, I know, but emotions are not always logical.”

  “It’s not your emotions that almost made you forget; it was your heart.” AG thought for a moment and nodded. “Do you see the consequences still happening?”

  AG gave a heavy sigh, “Yes and unfortunately if I fight them, something worse will happen. This is the safest way for my development to happen. I still don’t know who I am and why I’m here.”

  “You better start practicing your throws.”

  “Master, you know I don’t need to practice. It only makes time pass faster.”

  “I know. That’s why you should start.”

  AG shrugged and nodded, “You’ve always known me better than I know myself.”

  • • •

  Cynthia lay in bed and thought about all that had happened. Her parents had read her the riot act when she arrived home but she told them that Robert was late from practice and they stopped to eat and time slipped away. They bought it. She looked at the intricate bracelet on her left wrist and knew that she had heard a snap when it was put on but she could not find anything that showed where it came together. It looked like one solid piece and the Wang-dao inscribed on it was beautifully done in script that one would have to get very close to, to read. She thought about the young man that had come to her defense and how he had planned to also save her attacker. If he was going to save Tao, why did she need to be a Favored? He had a much bigger heart than she did. She would have killed Tao if it was in her power. She still hated the giant warrior. She was also done with that coward of a boyfriend. He had no courage and she knew she could never trust her wellbeing to him. He would have to hire someone for protection. She sighed and decided that she would deal with that tomorrow.

  Then she thought about AG. He was good looking. Not like Robert but those eyes were striking and his body was beautiful. But….just being strong was not enough. She needed someone to challenge her mentally and to understand all that she learned and found interesting. He had to be intelligent and sensitive to others. She knew he was brave, but what about the kind of person he was? She decided to find out the next day. Someone had to know him well enough to tell her about his character and what he was all about. She remembered the kiss and it warmed her. She fell asleep thinking about that moment.

  Chapter Five

  Cynthia arrived at school the next day and found Robert waiting for her in the parking lot. He rushed up and said, “I am so sorry about last night. What happened? Are you ok? I couldn’t say anything or the Clan would have come and killed me and my family. Please tell me you’ll forgive me.” Cynthia looked at him and felt nothing but disgust for him.

  She took the class ring from her purse and handed it to him. “We’re done. Don’t bother me again.”

  He looked at the ring and then said, “You don’t think you can just walk away from me do you? I won’t let you go that easy. You will continue to see me and I will come over this weekend.”

  She looked at him and sneered, “Leave before I threaten to hurt you. You run much faster when you’re scared.” She turned and walked into the school. Robert felt his anger grow.

  Cynthia went to the office and saw the office secretary sitting at her desk. Grace Lavender knew everybody and everything that happened at the school. Cynthia sat down in a chair and looked at Grace, “Miss Lavender, do you know a student by the name of Anthony Gardner?”

  “Yes I do Cynthia. Mr. Grest marked him as a troublemaker years ago.”

  Cynthia’s heart fell. “Do you know anyone he hangs out with?”

  “Why yes, Jerry Thomas is a good friend of his.”

  Cynthia was puzzled. Jerry Thomas was a student that had been crippled by polio as a child and had to use crutches to get around. He was, however, fast on those crutches. She had seen him out run several athletes down the hall going to class. “Thanks, Miss. Lavender.”

  Cynthia knew where Jerry Thomas was hanging out before class. He was always in the parking lot smoking a last cigarette before school started. She walked out and looked around the parking lot and there was Jerry puffing away. “Hi, Jerry, got a second?

  “Well hello Cynthia Johnson. What are you doing here mixing with the peons?”

  “I want to ask you about one of your friends. I had the opportunity to meet him and I’m curious about who he is.”

  “Who is that, Cynthia?

  “Anthony Gardner; I think everyone calls him AG.”

  Jerry looked at Cynthia and grew serious, “Why do you want to know?”

  “He helped me out of a bad situation and I realized I have never met him.”

  Jerry relaxed and said, “He is the kindest person I have ever met. He stopped Ben Wilkerson from picking on me in the eighth grade. When no one else would come near me because of my bad legs, he went out of his way to be my friend. He’s funny, smart, and would do anything to help someone. It doesn’t surprise me that he helped you. If you really want to know about him you need to go talk to Lydia Gonzales.”

  Cynthia was startled. “Are you talking about the Lydia Gonzales that is the queen of the sophomore class?”

  “She is drop dead gorgeous isn’t she? She’s his best friend. She came and sat with AG and me when we were juniors and you should have seen all the boys that wanted to be my friend. She still sits with me at lunch. I know she’s the most popular girl in her class but she has as good a heart as he does. Because of her and AG I’m not treated as a leper anymore.”

  Cynthia went to class thinking about Lydia Gonzales. Jerry was right. Lydia was absolutely gorgeous. She was an all A student and was all everything in the tenth grade. She was class president, prom court representative, captain of the B-Team Cheerleaders, and vot
ed most likely to succeed by her class. She was also drop dead gorgeous. Was she more than just a friend to AG? She felt a pang of jealousy and then remembered that AG had said he had chosen her in the third grade. She would talk to Lydia at lunch.

  Cynthia left her third period class and started toward the lunch room. As she approached the steps leading down to the cafeteria, she saw a group of football players gathered at the rail. As she got closer she saw one of them holding her little brother by the ankle over the rail. Johnny had just arrived at school to start his afternoon classes. Johnny was one of the special kids that attended the special classes at the school and he was screaming from fear of being dropped. Cynthia rushed up and yelled, “What are you doing?”

  Robert walked out from the wall where four members of the football team were standing and smiling and said, “I told you that I would not just let you walk away. If you don’t want your brother to get hurt you’ll take this ring back.”

  Suddenly Johnny started jerking back and forth and was struggling to get free. Tim, who was a huge lineman, had been showing off just holding him with one hand. He reached to grab Johnny with his other hand but Johnny slipped loose. Cynthia’s heart went into her throat. Suddenly an arm reached over the rail and grabbed Johnny and lifted him back over the rail. Johnny was terrified but AG put him on his feet and said, “Was that fun or what?” and smiled at her brother. Johnny was startled but then he smiled and said, “Let’s do it again.”

  “Maybe later Johnny; why don’t you go to lunch now?” He gave Johnny a high hand and Johnny slapped it.

  Cynthia rushed forward and grabbed Johnny and hugged him tightly. He was the reason she had come to Sara Bittaker’s defense those many years ago.

  Tim rushed up and said, “I’m so sorry Cynthia. I wasn’t trying to hurt him. Robert convinced me to do it. I’m so sorry.”

  Cynthia turned with a look of pure disgust at Robert. “Leave my brother alone.”

  “I will if you agree to what I’ve asked.”

  The crowd had gotten larger and AG walked up to Robert and looked him in the eye, “You will not bother her again.”

  “Or what?”

  “I’ll hang you over that rail and let you see what it’s like.”

  The four football players standing near the lockers moved away from the wall and Robert said, “Hey guys, teach this dummy to stay out of my business.” The four looked at each other and moved in on AG.

  AG saw them coming and again everything went slow motion. The first to arrive attempted to wrap up his arms. AG grabbed one of his arms and swung him into the lockers lining the wall leaving a sizable dent in two of them. He then spun and flat handed the second one in the chest, sending him into the lockers next to the first lineman. He punched the third in the solar plexus, doubling him over, and quickly spun around to face the fourth, who was sending a haymaker at his head. He dodged the swing and punched him under the jaw; as he started to collapse, AG grabbed him by the shoulders, and threw him into the lockers by the first two. The player he had hit in the solar plexus, was still doubled over and AG grabbed him by the shirt and walked him over to the lockers and gave a small shove, landing him on top of the other three. All of this took place in less than five seconds. AG turned and walked toward Robert, who was now frightened. AG reached down and grabbed Robert’s ankle, snatching him off the floor with one hand and swung him out over the balcony rail. “I will not ask you to never bother her again.”

  “I’ll leave her alone. I’ll leave her alone. Don’t drop me.”

  AG hauled him back in and looked at Tim and said, “You, Robert, and Cynthia come with me now.”

  Cynthia looked at AG and could tell something was wrong. “Do as he says, Tim.”

  AG grabbed Robert by the collar and frog marched him along with Tim and Cynthia out of the building toward the parking lot. Cynthia moved up next to AG and asked, “What’s wrong?”

  AG looked at Robert and Tim and said, “You two have just placed your lives and your family’s lives in jeopardy.

  Robert stuttered, “WWhat do YYou mean?”

  “Cynthia is now a Wang-dao Clan Favored. Show them your bracelet, Cynthia.” She held it up for them to see. “Do you know what happens to anyone who threatens or hurts a Clan Favored or a member of their family?” Both of the boys turned white. “I suspect that the Wang-dao are now looking for your younger brother Tim and since you are an only child, Robert, they will probably punish your mother for your actions.”

  Cynthia was scared,” What can we do?”

  “They are going to bow down to you in the parking lot and plead for your forgiveness. You will allow them to do so until I nod at you. Then you will place your left hand on their head and announce loudly, ‘I forgive you.’”

  They entered the parking lot and the two boys knelt in front of Cynthia and began begging for her forgiveness. After two minutes Robert began thinking this was an elaborate hoax being done, but then a car pulled up and AG nodded. Cynthia put her left hand on Tim’s head and announced, ‘I forgive you.’ She hesitated over Robert, but then decided blaming him for what he did was like being angry at a rat for stealing cheese. She put her hand on his head and said, “I forgive you.” Five Wang-dao warriors got out of the car and looked at the two boys. The driver looked at Cynthia and said, “Clan Favored, are you sure they deserve your forgiveness?”

  Cynthia looked at the warrior and said, “Yes, Great Warrior. This is a sin of ignorance and they have proven to me they are sorry for their actions.”

  The huge warrior stared at the two for a long moment and said, “As you wish, Clan Favored,” and they drove away.

  AG looked at the two and said, “I’m sorry I was so heavy handed back there but your lives were in danger. He looked at Robert, “If you offend her again, her forgiveness will not save you.”

  Robert nodded and said, “I will not come near her again,” and he stood and ran away.

  Cynthia watched him run and said, “If nothing else, he is consistent.”

  Tim looked at AG, “Thank you for saving me from them. I was stupid for doing what I did. I really am so sorry, Cynthia.”

  Cynthia put her hand on his shoulder, “I know, Tim. Just go tell Johnny you’re sorry.”

  “I’ll do that now.” He left moving toward the cafeteria.

  Cynthia looked at AG, “Well, you’ve saved me again.”

  AG smiled, “Yes but I must ask a favor of you.”

  Cynthia tiled her head, “What?”

  “There are going to be consequences for what happened today and I want you to promise not to try and prevent them from happening.”

  “What consequences?”

  “You’ll know when they happen. Just don’t try to prevent them. All kind of bad things will happen if you do.”

  “Alright, I promise.”

  “Looks like our lunch period is over; let’s go back to class.”

  They turned toward school and Cynthia took AG’s hand as they walked back.

  After school, Cynthia went over to where the junior varsity cheerleaders were practicing and saw Lydia talking to another cheerleader. She walked up and said, “Lydia, may I talk with you a moment?”

  Lydia smiled and excused herself from her conversation and said, “Hi, Cynthia, what’s up?”

  “I was hoping you would answer some questions about a friend of yours.”

  Lydia got a funny look on her face and said, “It’s about AG, isn’t it?”

  Cynthia’s brow furrowed and she said, “How did you know that?”

  Lydia started shaking her head and her eyes began to tear up, “You’re his chosen aren’t you? I was hoping he would never find you and that someday I might have a chance at having him for myself. Oh how much I envy you.” Cynthia just stared at her. “You are his chosen, right?”

  “He has told me that I am the one he has chosen. What do you know about that?”

  Lydia pointed to the bleachers, “Let’s sit down.” Lydia dried her eyes with he
r sleeve and tried to smile. They sat looking at each other and Lydia said, “I have loved him since I first saw him. He is the most remarkable person I have ever met and there will never be anyone else like him.” Cynthia started to speak but Lydia held up her hand, “Let me finish. He knows I would give everything to be his chosen but he had already made that decision before I met him and he has explained that to entertain thoughts of anyone else would destroy him from the inside. He never told me who he had selected but I knew it was not going to be me. I settled for what I could have and we are the best of friends. Unfortunately, I measure every boy I meet against him and I will probably end up alone. I thought I noticed a difference about him this morning. He finally told you, didn’t he?”

  Cynthia shook her head, “No, he told the Wang-dao Khan about me to protect me from attack by one of their most violent warriors. He was forced to admit it in order to save me.”

  “That’s not surprising. He always said he was not worthy of you. I pity the poor fool who would try to harm you. No one on the planet can match him in his fighting skills.”

  “He must train many hours to be as good as he is?”

  Lydia shook her head, “No, he has never trained as far as I know.” Cynthia just stared at Lydia. “I’m serious, Cynthia. He was born with those skills and they come to him as naturally as flying does to a bird. You are probably excited beyond words aren’t you?” Cynthia didn’t say anything. “You have got to be kidding me. Do you know what you have in AG? You don’t do you? Cynthia what would your perfect man look like?”

  Cynthia thought a moment, “Well, he would have to be brave. Good looks are not absolutely required but the perfect one would have them. He would have to have a good heart.” Cynthia paused and then said, “I know this sounds like I’m bragging, but he would have to be at least as smart as I am and able to keep up with me mentally.”

  “Could you accept someone smarter than you are?”

  “Actually, I would prefer it.”

  Lydia smiled and said, “Ok, let’s take this one by one. What do you think about his looks?”


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