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Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings

Page 26

by Saxon Andrew

  “We launched the satellites ten years ago. They are grandfathered in, Mr. Premier. By the way, you might want to know that our conversation is being transmitted to every nation on the planet. We are delivering a message to you but want to make sure everyone understands our position on being attacked by anyone.”

  The world watched and listened to what was happening. Everyone was frightened at the possibility of the Chinese launching the remainder of their nuclear missiles.

  “If you don’t stop this I will launch my missiles at the Allies of your country.”

  “Go ahead and try. You’ll save me the use of a nuclear warhead.”

  The Premier yelled, “Launch on London, now!”

  A technician pushed a control and the Premier watched the launching pad in the north western province. As he watched the missile, it started lifting and then exploded in a nuclear fireball. The other fifty missiles at the site were destroyed in the blast. The Premier sat down and stared at the expanding explosion on his monitor.

  The voice said, “We have replaced all of the guidance boards in our nuclear arsenal and removed any electrical contact with an external computer. The boards have their targets already programed and we have launched the first wave. It will arrive in about fifteen minutes.”

  Someone in the room asked, “Where are they targeted?”

  “The first wave will destroy every military center in China.” The Premier started to say something but was interrupted, “Your missile shield will not protect you. All of your systems have been infected with a Dragon.”

  The President said, “What’s a Dragon?”

  Suddenly everyone in the room heard a fluttering and a device landed on the desk immediately in front of the Premier. It was barely visible. They were only able to see it when papers were blown off the desk when it landed. After a moment it lost its transparency and they saw a strange machine that was mainly wings. The device’s wings were moving slightly and its nose was pointed directly at the Premier. “That is a dragon, Mr. President. It is invisible to radar and carries a ten megawatt laser. It can only fire three times but there are more than two hundred of them in the room you currently inhabit. We moved more than a million of those devices into China the day you put the virus in our defense systems. All of your anti-missile sites are currently crawling with them.”

  The President said, “I’ve never seen this device in our military.”

  “Meaning as much disrespect as I can muster, it’s good that you didn’t.”

  “How did you do this without me knowing?”

  “Again, it’s good we were able to do so. However, the Premier may want to take a look at the tanks in the Tenth People’s Liberation Army just outside Beijing.”

  The monitor changed and the people in the room watched as tanks began exploding. The voice said, “A dragon entered each of those tanks and is now firing on the shells that are stored inside. Every tank in your country has a dragon inside it, Mr. Premier.” The voice paused and said, “The first missiles are now arriving. Enjoy the show. I’ll communicate after the festivities.”

  The Leaders of China watched as every military and naval installation was hit by a nuclear blast. Most of the installations were located near a major city and it was destroyed along with the military.

  After the last missile struck the Premier said, “You must stop this. You’ve made us pay enough.”

  The voice said, “This message is not just for you but for the rest of the world as well. We are done with you. Live your lives as you choose but if you come to our lands you will face what our attacker is about to endure. There will be no exceptions. We will not leave our country and bother you again and you will stay away from us or face destruction. Our time of forgiving is over. We’ve seen what that leads toward and we have learned our lesson. You have your world. Everything in the former United States is off limits to the rest of the world. If you care to see if we mean what we say, try us. There will be no warning shots. You will be like China.”

  The voice said, “The second wave is on the way and every city with a population larger than a million is targeted. Enjoy the view. You earned it.”

  “Wait, wait!!” The voice was silent. A technician looked around and said, “The link to our satellite has stopped.”

  The Premier stared at the main monitor and saw hundreds of white lines moving over the pole. As they arrived, multiple war heads separated from the missiles and the monitor showed a bright white circle where a city used to exist. A technician turned and said, “The last to arrive will hit here.” The technician paused and said, “The computer estimates that only forty million of our people will not be inside these blasts.”

  The Premier watched as a billion Chinese died. The blast that hit Beijing fused the elevator shaft and ten months later everyone in the room was dead from starvation. It was not a good death. The American President was the first one used for food. The second was the Premier.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The four million people in the huge underground buildings that had been constructed more than a mile deep watched the death of America and then China. AG appeared on all the monitors in the facility and said, “I know many of you wonder why this had to happen. If we knew so long ago it was coming, why couldn’t we stop it? You’re right to wonder. I tried to find a way to prevent this and every time I discovered that we would be killed by our government that we were trying to defend. Would you have believed me if I told you that our President was a traitor? What would have happened if I pleaded my case in front of Congress? I would have been locked away in an insane asylum. There was no way to stop this; there was only the possibility of delaying it. Ultimately, China would have uploaded their virus and no one would have survived. They have practiced getting viruses into our computers for years and we’ve done nothing to stop or punish them for doing it. We owed them too much money to take any action against them and they knew it.”

  “My only choice was to try and save as many of our people as possible. That’s what this facility was built to do. It has room for more than eight times our current number and has everything we need to survive for a very long extended period. Our best and brightest have been brought here to build something better than before. That is our challenge. That is what you will do when I am gone.”

  AG paused and sighed, “We lost our way years ago. Our country was built on principles that we believed in and fought for. Over time we quit believing them. We lost God first; then we lost the understanding that freedom is something that is very fragile. We finally ended up with a society that had no principles to lead them. Our people only believed in themselves. They were only willing to fight for things that affected them individually. Ultimately, they weren’t even willing to fight for that. You don’t have principles unless you’re willing to die for them. No one was willing to do that anymore. We lost ourselves along the way.

  You are here because you believe in something more than yourselves. We are willing to take on the world; hell, we’ll take on the universe to make sure freedom prevails. You and your descendants are the future of this world. There are more wars to come and we will not take part in them. We will survive against all obstacles and one day we will make this planet what it should be. But that is far in the future. For now we have to build to defend ourselves and survive. I know those of you here will make that happen. Never forget that we are here to make the world a better place. With God’s help, we will prevail. Please see your chairmen about your tasks and I will be speaking with you later. Thank you for trusting me and coming here to this Central City.

  • • •

  The screen went dark and Cynthia said, “Tony and Jeremy don’t have your talents.”

  AG looked around the room and said, “They won’t need them. They have all they need to lead us into the future. Maybe sometime in the distant future someone will appear with our talents again. I believe Jerry and I were here at this moment in time to save us. We’ve done all we can to make that happen. I�
�m in my seventies and my job is done. It’s up to our children now.”

  “You’re not done yet.”

  AG took a deep breath, “No Jerry, you’re right. The Middle East will have to be taught to stay away from our oil fields. That will happen two years from now. Until that moment, we have more construction to finish.” Cynthia and Lydia hugged their husbands and closed their eyes. The long march into darkness had begun but one small flame against the darkness had been lit. Only the future would tell if it was going to survive against the coming storm.


  Two years later every major city in the Middle East was blasted into atomic rubble. The fleets of warships and oil tankers coming to the new country that was once called America were sunk with no survivors. The World War that followed for the oil remaining in the Middle East ended with millions dead. Three more World Wars followed over the next two hundred years until the planet endured a horrific nuclear winter. Through it all, no one attacked Central City until the last war and it didn’t destroy the city. It rose from the ashes and became the light for the rest of the world. Every generation after AG and Jerry died had a Gardner and a Dodd leading the way into the future. Their descendants carried the powers in their genes until they would be needed again. A thousand years later, a male child was born named Thomas Anglo Gardner and he discovered he could see shadows while playing tag.

  The End

  Excerpt from

  The Lens of time Book 4

  The End of Time

  Mikal watched as normal space appeared and he slammed his hand on the drive control button shutting it down. Loree screamed, “What are you doing?” Mikal hit the gravity control making the ship weightless and hit the thrusters. He grabbed the flight controls and turned the ship violently to the left and right as it flew through the fifty thousand ships of the 8th Fleet. Immediately behind them three orange colored battleships emerged into normal space and they were hit by fifty thousand ultrabeams targeted at their point of entry. The three ships blew up in huge explosions but not before the third orange ship to emerge fired at three Union battleships. The three ships exploded and started burning.

  RV hit the general frequency and said, “All hands on board the three ships that are hit will evacuate immediately. You have two minutes and then your ships will be destroyed.”

  Captain Juan Mendoza on the Acapulco appeared on RV’s display, “Sir, I have some of my crew trapped in the burning sections.”

  “Captain, you now have one minute fifty seconds. Get out and get out now! That is an order!”

  Escape pods and shuttles flew out of the three stricken battleships in huge swarms. They rushed towards the closest battleship and boarded through the landing bays. RV watched the countdown and ten seconds before it hit zero he ordered, “All ships will immediately jump to the assembly coordinates.”

  Fifty thousand ships disappeared and RV said, “Launch a fusion missile at each of those ships and get us out of here.”

  Cyanna felt grief for the trapped sailors on the three ships but hit the jump button after Dolly launched three fusion missiles. Just before the Tampa jumped out, RV hit his console releasing a sensor buoy.

  • • •

  The three missiles struck the three battleships releasing three massive explosions that merged into a gigantic shock wave just as three thousand orange battleships emerged into normal space. A hundred ships were damaged when the combined shock wave from the fusion explosions washed over them. The damage was not severe but there were injuries to the crews on the ships when they were violently pushed by the expanding wave.

  The Fleet Commander watched the expanding wave as it passed his ship and then looked at his Sensor officer who said, “I have no idea what was just destroyed.”

  Books by Saxon Andrew

  The Annihilation Series:

  Love Conquers All

  The Power of a Queen

  A Rose Grows in Weeds

  Tommy’s Tale


  Demon’s Sacrifice

  Finding Keepers

  Ashes of the Realm:

  Juliette’s Dream

  Greyson’s Revenge

  Death of an Empire

  The Return of the Realm

  Lens of Time:

  The Pyramid Builders

  Planet Predators

  Pray for the Prey

  The End of Time (November 2012)

  About Saxon Andrew

  Saxon Andrew is the author of the number one bestselling Annihilation Series. All seven books of the series have been a number one bestseller on Amazon’s kindle Science Fiction Series. Ashes of the Realm is the second series created by him and continues the history of the Stars Realm after its destruction. A third series, The Lens of Time, will be published in early 2012.

  His books are written so that anyone can enjoy them and not worry about their children picking them up. He lives in Tampa, Florida with his wife and looks forward to each day so he can write the stories that his fans enjoy.

  Copyright © 2012 by Saxon Andrew. All rights reserved. Screen Writers Guild no. VQEA3E380432.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author or publisher.

  First Electronic Edition: October 2012




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