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Until Then (Cornerstone Book 2)

Page 27

by Noorman, Krista

  Ashley rolled her eyes and took her seat again. "You can ask him yourself."

  “Oh, he’s here?”

  “He found some kids his age. He’s running around here somewhere,” Sean answered. “Ash, I need to talk to Michelle for a minute. Will you be OK here?”

  “I’m not two,” she replied sarcastically, and gave her dad a smirk.

  Sean started to lead Michelle to a quiet corner to talk, but there was a sudden commotion across the room.

  Simon came running toward them and slid across the dance floor, almost knocking her over. “Chelle, Sarah’s in labor!”

  “What?” Michelle started laughing. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Nope! It’s happening.”

  They followed him across the room to the group of family members in panic mode. Sarah was more calm than any of them.

  “Guys, we’ve got time.” Sarah cringed at another contraction. “It’s not like my water …” A look of horror crossed her face as a puddle formed on the floor below her. She glanced down and her bottom lip stuck out in a pout. “… broke.”

  Tom’s eyeballs nearly popped out of his head. “I’ll go get the car.”

  Patty and Ron were rushing around letting people know what was happening.

  Maggie ran off and returned with all of their things.

  “No, Mags,” Sarah cried. “Put that stuff down. You guys stay and enjoy your reception.”

  “Are you kidding me? No way! I’m not missing this. I’m supposed to photograph the birth.”

  “I know, but it’s your wedding day.” Sarah began to cry.

  Vi piped in. “Maggie, it may be some time before Sarah actually has the baby. I think you and Simon should stay here a while longer, then go to the hospital once we know how far along she is.”

  Simon stepped up behind his wife and wrapped his arms around her waist. “She’s right, baby.”

  Michelle glanced over at Sean, whose eyes were wide, then back at Maggie. “Is there anything we can do?” she asked.

  Maggie noticed them standing together and raised an eyebrow at Michelle. “Can you drive to my shop and get my camera bag? Just in case.”

  “Our shop,” Simon corrected her.

  Maggie elbowed him.

  “Absolutely,” Michelle replied.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” Sean asked.

  She turned to him. “Don’t leave the kids alone. I’ll be back in like fifteen minutes. You’ll still be here, right?”

  He nodded. “Of course.”

  She smiled at him and took off for the shop.

  Michelle turned into a parking space in front of Walker Wedding Photography, Maggie and Simon’s newly-renovated shop. She let herself in and went straight for the office. The camera bag was right where Maggie said it would be.

  She glanced around the room. It was bigger than before, the rear wall expanded backward. There was an extra work station across the room for Simon and built-in storage along the walls. She had not been in the shop since that horrible day when she had confessed to Maggie and thought she lost her best friends forever.

  She lifted the bag by its handle and started to carry it out when something caught her eye. On a large bulletin board of engagement and wedding announcements were a few photos of Maggie and Simon together and with family. Just beneath those were the picture of Michelle and Maggie in their dorm room on arrival day, a snapshot of Michelle and Simon taken freshman year, and one of the three of them taken this past Christmas. Seeing those captured memories on this special day filled her with joy. They had come full circle.

  I don’t know if I can possibly express how thankful I am to have these two people in my life, Lord. Thank you.

  When Michelle returned to the reception, she delivered the camera bag to the bride.

  “Any news?” she asked.

  Maggie shook her head. “Not yet. I can’t believe she actually went into labor today. With all the teasing we did about it, I never thought it would actually happen.”

  “I know.” Michelle’s eyes scanned the room.

  “He’s over there.”

  She looked at Maggie, who was grinning as she nodded her head in the direction of the dance floor. Michelle followed her gaze and saw Sean dancing with his daughter.

  “Thanks, Mags.”

  “You bet,” Maggie replied. “Go get your man.”

  As the song came to an end, Michelle strolled across the floor toward them.

  “Hey, you made it back.”

  “That’s my cue.” Ashley quickly departed the dance floor.

  Michelle laughed.

  “That was subtle.” Sean rolled his eyes. “Can we talk now?”

  She nodded.

  Sean led her to a quiet, empty table overlooking the golf course, and she sat down beside him. He was quiet.

  Knowing his trouble expressing his true feelings, Michelle waited for him to speak.

  “I’ve got so much I wanna say, but I don’t know where to start.”

  She was eager for his thoughts. “Just talk to me.”

  “I’m so sorry for the way I left things between us, for that thoughtless goodbye. I know that hurt you.”

  “Yes, it did.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She gave him half a smile. “I’m OK now.”

  He nodded. “I can see that. You seem happy.”

  “I am. I’m in grad school now. Loving my job. And I took your advice and told Maggie everything.”

  “Oh, you did?” He leaned in a little closer. “How did that go?”

  “It wasn’t pretty, but we came through it OK.” She made a motion toward the newlyweds across the room.

  Sean smiled. “Obviously. I’m glad it all worked out.” He took her hand in his then, and it sent a wave of goosebumps up her arm. “I wish I could say I’ve been as happy as you. I’ve been moping around for months. Aaron keeps asking why you haven’t come to visit. Ashley rolls her eyes at me whenever I say it’s complicated. Both of them want to know why I’m being such an idiot.”

  Michelle held in a laugh. “So, why are you?”

  He grinned nervously at that. “All I can say is I was shocked. Hearing what you’d done put all sorts of thoughts in my head, and I was angry that you hadn’t told me sooner. But I should’ve tried to help you work through everything instead of running away. You made some bad choices, but you’re human. We all are. We all make mistakes, and you know I’ve made my share. We’re saved, not perfect. That’s what I should have told you back in August, but I kinda freaked out about the whole thing. And honestly, I was jealous.”

  “Of what?” This was unexpected.

  He looked her straight in the eye. “Crazy jealous of every other guy that’s ever been in your life. Because I wish I had been the only one.”

  She pressed her lips together to keep from crying and squeezed his hand. “I wish that, too.”

  “This is probably gonna sound really stupid. I know I wasn’t, you know … your first, but I guess I always assumed that since you became a Christian after we were together, that I was your last. I liked the idea that you hadn’t been with anyone after me, so I was upset when I found out that wasn’t true.”

  A quick puff of air escaped between her lips. “But you were with Lindsay after me.”

  “I know.”

  “And I thought if I told you the truth, you’d forgive me. You practically begged me to forgive you for Lindsay.”

  “I know. It was stupid and selfish, and it had everything to do with—”

  “Your ego?”

  “I was going to say my pride.” Their eyes held for a moment. “I kept praying about it, asking God to help me let it go. By the time I realized what an idiot I had been, months had passed. And the more time that passed, the more I was afraid to pick up the phone. I was afraid it was too late.”

  She squeezed again, and he glanced down at their joined hands.

  “I’m sorry it took me so long to get over myself.” He raised her ha
nd to his lips and brushed her knuckles with a soft kiss. “What I’ve been wanting to say, what I should have said … what I’ve been rehearsing over and over in my head since I got in the car to come here is this. It doesn’t matter to me what your past looks like, because I believe God has an amazing future planned for us.”

  Her chin began to quiver, and the tears fought their way out.

  He took both her hands in his then. “I love you, Michelle.”

  Her tears spilled over, and she rapidly pulled her hands from his and wiped them away. She stood and took a few steps toward the window.

  “Michelle?” Worry sounded in his voice as he followed.

  She turned to face him again. “Are you sure about this? Because I don’t think I can go through losing you a third time?”

  The look in his eyes was as serious as she’d ever seen him. “Life is short. It can be taken away in a heartbeat. I’ve already wasted too much time without you.” He took her face in his hands. “I want a life with you. I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

  She grabbed hold of his tie and tugged him to her, kissing him sweetly.

  His fingertips caressed her neck and played with the wispy hairs that had fallen from her up-do, just like that night in his kitchen nearly a year ago.

  When she pulled back, he wrapped her up in his arms. “I’m never letting you go again.”

  She smiled into his neck. “Sean?”


  Michelle leaned back and looked him in the eye. “I want you to be my last.”

  The right side of his mouth turned up in the most gorgeous smile she had ever seen on a man.

  “Because I love you, too.”

  The deep blue of his eyes glistened with tears of his own, and a grin spread across his face. His lips met hers again in what was by far the sweetest, most adoring kiss she had ever received in her entire life.

  She felt so joyful and light, as though she might float off the floor and up into the clouds.

  He pulled her close, his lips brushing against her earlobe.

  Her knees were weak at the sensation. She didn’t think anything could affect her as much as that, until he whispered a promise into her ear.

  “I adore you, Michelle, and I intend to be the first and only man to show you what it’s like to be truly loved.”

  Her heart melted right then and there, and she was happier than she ever thought possible. He really did have a way with words sometimes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life. Thank you, Lord.

  “About time,” Ashley cried as she walked toward them.

  Aaron ran full speed in their direction and barreled into them.

  They let go enough to make room for the kids in their hug.

  Aaron squeezed in, then looked up at Michelle. “We’ve missed you.”

  Michelle hugged them both tightly. “I’ve missed you, too.”

  Sean suddenly began walking the group backward toward the dance floor. “I feel like dancing.”

  “Daddy!” Ashley nearly tripped over the leg of a nearby chair.

  “Sean!” Michelle tried to walk backward as gracefully as she could.

  Aaron burst out laughing.

  Sean held them all close to him, one arm wrapped around Michelle, the other around the kids, and swayed to the music. “I love my family.”

  Tears sprung to Michelle’s eyes. Family. It was what she had longed for, and now that dream was coming true. They were her family, and she was theirs.

  Michelle rested her chin on Sean’s shoulder as the four of them danced. She spotted Simon and Maggie not too far away. They both looked over at her and smiled. Simon gave her a thumbs-up, and she laughed.

  “What?” Sean turned his head toward her.

  “Simon and Maggie are happy for us, that’s all.”

  He kissed her cheek softly. “I’m pretty happy for us, too.”

  “Oh, yeah?” She brushed her lips against his, and he smiled. Even those gorgeous eyes of his seemed to smile.

  She was overcome with emotion then. Who would have thought that a girl like her, who’d had such a rough upbringing, would be blessed with such a wonderful man, such a bright future. She never would have dreamed of such a life back then. But now, she was amazed at the way God had orchestrated it all.

  Back in college, it wasn’t the right time for them. She could see that now. They had to go through life apart for a while, before finding their way back to each other. They had to love others and face the consequences of their choices. They had to struggle with life, with death, with family, with God. They had to wait until God brought them through the hard times, the broken hearts, the many mistakes they would make. They had to lose their way for a while to come back stronger.

  Michelle saw it all with fresh eyes now, standing in the arms of the man of her dreams, watching her best friends start their life together. She had longed for Simon because she thought he was her perfect match, not because God had told her so. After Simon, she had prayed for her future husband, whoever he might be, that God would draw close to him and prepare his heart. She never dreamed that man would be Sean.

  “Is it rude to get engaged at a friend’s wedding?” Sean whispered, after Ashley and Aaron scurried off to eat more cake.

  Michelle laughed. “Yes.”

  He smiled against her neck. “Because I have a rather large diamond ring burning a hole in my pocket right now.”

  Her mouth dropped open as she leaned back and looked at him.

  “Not the right time, huh?” he teased.

  She clamped her lips together and tried not to smile.

  He leaned in close again. “I’m dying to call you my fiancée.”

  Her hands began to shake as he let go of her and dug into his pocket.

  His smile lit up his entire face as he pulled out the ring. “I believe this is yours.”

  A grin spread across her face. “Yes. I believe it is.” Tears filled her brown eyes as he slipped the sparkly ring onto her finger.

  His hands trailed up her arms and over her shoulders, cupping her face as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

  She was in a state of pure bliss as her eyelids slowly lifted. “I love you.” She kissed him again and again, quick kisses on the lips, the cheeks, the nose.

  He couldn’t help but laugh at her sudden enthusiasm. He pulled her into another embrace, and they held each other through the next song.

  Michelle’s heart was overflowing with contentment and belonging and love for her future husband and his kids — their kids. God had given her the desires of her heart, and she felt whole for the first time in her life.

  Sean leaned close once more. “I love you so much, and I can’t wait to call you my wife.”

  She moved her lips close to his ear and smiled as she whispered, “Until then.”

  It was more than just their farewell phrase. It was a promise — to love each other in the present while they looked forward to every special moment ahead, to every milestone they would reach, to every day of their life together.


  This book would not have come into existence were it not for my Mom’s listening ear, letting me ramble on about the idea on our morning walks. I had this crazy idea to turn Goodbye, Magnolia into a series by telling Michelle’s story, but I only had a glimmer of an idea of who she really was. As we walked and I talked it out, I came up with the initial idea for the story, and it all went from there. Once I had written the first draft, Mom listened during a road trip while I told her the entire story start to finish. Thanks, Mom, for always listening while I talk too fast and too loud about my stories. And for always supporting me and being my #1 fan.

  Thanks to my oldest and dearest friend, Jen, who also listened to me babble about a couple of my books on our annual camping trip. I took a little bit of inspiration for the character of Michelle from Jen — she was saved her freshman year of college and got her degree in psychology. Jen also has a niece named Ava, while M
ichelle’s sister’s name is Ava. I am so very thankful for her friendship and for her love and support.

  Huge thanks to the lovely Sandra, who graciously allowed me to use one of her wedding photos for the cover of my book.

  I love my Launch Team ladies. Their feedback and support mean the world to me. I’m thankful for connecting with each and every one of them. Special thanks to Heather and Anita for their input on this book. I appreciate them both so much.

  All of my books are better because of my husband, Jacob. I wouldn’t dream of releasing a book without getting his input first.

  The greatest thanks of all go to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Salvation comes from Him and Him alone.

  As always, thank you, lovely reader, from the bottom of my heart. I love telling stories. It brings me more joy than I can ever express in words. My heart is full because I get to share my heart with you on these pages.


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  Have a blessed day!




  The Truth About Drew


  • Cornerstone Series •

  Goodbye, Magnolia (Book 1)

  Until Then (Book 2)

  Goodbye, Magnolia

  Cornerstone Book 1


  Wedding photography is Maggie's passion. The art of capturing a moment forever in time is magical to her, and she's worked hard to become the best of the best. Week after week, she works with couples as they plan their happily ever afters, but she hasn't been so lucky in love.

  Behind the camera, it's easy to hide from the pain and rejection of her past. The life she has made for herself is safe and predictable, until the owner of a rival photography studio sets up shop in her small town and comes to her with an unexpected proposal. Suddenly, everything she has worked so hard to build is threatened and her simple, controlled life is thrown into chaos.


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