Bloody Revenge
Page 3
held in hand a short spear with the wide, sharply perfected tip.
The left shoulder bled, seated about a door.
- You who? - Koons roared. He, however, managed to notice boots already
the policeman, sticking out because of a door and to understand - the stranger glanced here
it is not casual at all. For an instant Vinitary even listened whether storm
lock. But is not present. The person with a spear was one. Хегг knows how it got
through a wall as passed vigilant protection as managed without sound
to be quit with the policeman at a door. But anyway it was very much, very much
it is dangerous. And the team as shout, will not manage to come running any more.
The cannibal was not a coward.
- You who? - he repeated, trying to win time.
The wolfhound silently went on monomatansky carpets, forward once
magnificent, but now fairly greased. He did not begin to remind Koons
about a genus of the Grey Dog and about the boy whom that did not finish once,
pushing luck. To start talking to the enemy - means to stretch between him and
itself hidden, but very strong thread which makes impossible
murder. There was no it and to offer Vinitariya of a duel. He has no need
to ask justice from Gods. It came to execute the Cannibal. God's Court for
it not потребен.
Vinitary released the girl's hair. That was in a trice rolled away away, in a corner,
also rose on knees, having forgotten about the nakedness and in all eyes watching for
two men, because in one of them suddenly seemed to it
Vinitary was a skilled soldier and did not lose former skill, even
having decently grown fat. It rushed to the weapon hanging on a wall with
surprising speed for which it was at first sight difficult from it
to expect. But at this time the Wolfhound threw a spear. It broke a stomach
The cannibal, rejected him back, like mad struck in a wall and
got stuck, to death clamped by the split log.
The blow which was prepared by eleven years does not pass the purpose. And passes -
means, not the Wolfhound put it.
Several moments the Cannibal not knowingly looked at the stomach and on
the spear crossbeam which is deeply pressed in a body. Then grabbed a staff and
cried. Terrible, senseless shout of fatally wounded animal.
The roar of the Cannibal raskatitsya on all lock - only by the deaf or the dead could
not to hear it. But the Wolfhound knew that komesa will not come running. Its barefoot
legs already felt the heavy spasm which came through oak overlappings
and thickness of carpets. Then the scared voices reached. Somewhere there, below
logs of walls turned, ceilings fluctuated, floors were reared, with
terrible crash soundly spryazhenny corners dispersed. Any force not
will overcome the violent force of the tree which increased at the crossing of forest tracks and
in the same place dried up. Only Gods could stop it. But Gods
will not want to interfere. The Wolfhound was confident in it.
The nailed Cannibal still turned and utrobno rattled, still
tried it is not known why to pull out from a wound a spear. On a carpet under it
the dark pool blurred. The wolfhound did not look at him. It turned
facing the South, there, where the life-giving way of the Sun where rose lay
eternal Tree, zizhdushchy the worlds where in the celestial ocean the Island of Life turned green,
sacred Monastery of Gods. There, on this Island, children of the Grey Dog left.
One Wolfhound endured all to return and revenge for exterminated
sort, for the scolded house, for the profaned centers. And here revenge was made.
What remained? The little. To sing the Song of Death and to step towards
to ancestors from a funeral fire into which the lock just about will turn
The wolfhound closed eyes, lowered hands and started singing. His these words
far ancestors saw off and addressed the dead. They were said by soldiers
its tribe, having remained alone against hundreds of enemies. Wolfhound of all
listened to the Song of Death twice: when buried the great-grandmother, then the grandfather.
Tenacious memory of the boy imprinted and kept heard. And is farther at
it was the whole eleven years firmly to harden each word.
A hundred times to repeat the Song on all together and on everyone separately...
Time hurries, passes as sand,
The uninvited Guest hurries on a threshold.
From trees the frost tears off a dress,
But young leaves from kidneys look.
How long the dawn will smile to others,
The uninvited Guest, you exult in vain!
How long lips nestle close to lips,
Over Life to you not to see a celebration!
Whether at least one more live soul knew it now? Or today ancient
The song sounded in the latest time because at the Grey Dog any more not
puppies will be born?
The uninvited Guest, in great fight
There will be a justice on your force.
To someone you will cast the last dreams,
But the sleeping grains will wait for spring.
Floor shook, being shaken more and stronger. Fat smoke of begun
the fire scratched a throat, creeping at an open door. Smother those for whom
revenged, will be able to be embodied again and to live on the earth.
The wolfhound for a moment thought: whether it will be possible to complete the Song...
It was not possible.
Something live nestled on his knees. Shivering. Crying. Reluctantly
having opened eyes, the Wolfhound looked down and saw the slave. Unfortunate nude
the little girl looked at it with horror and hope. Her lips were moved, on
to gentle children's cheeks tears slid, blue eyes asked to save. From
The cannibal still choking at a wall. From lewd mercenaries, which it
had to get for the next day. From the lock ready to be scattered under
At this time from the opened window loophole was heard
shrill peep. The wolfhound threw up the head just in time that
to see how to the room, working webby wings hard, flew
two big нетопыря. They held a long stick in pads; in the middle of it
head over heels Nonvolatile Mysh hung. Having noticed the Wolfhound, he it is joyful
screeched. Netopyri rose under a ceiling, and Mysh, having unhooked, fell down
precisely on the head to the friend.
- You will be gone! - the Wolfhound told and tried to disentangle him from hair,
again to seat on a stick and to show the door. Nonvolatile Mouse very
sensitively bit it for a finger. Also squeaked something the - the nobility,
thanked. Those threw a stick and in a moment dashed away in a window.
- Well, as you wish... - the Wolfhound murmured, beginning to understand that
to die as dreamed, it will not be given. Two excess victims on its funeral
fire is too. Having bent down, it intercepted a knife a rope,
pulling together behind the back the slave's elbows. Pulled off a dense cover from a bed,
tore in the middle a hole and pulled on the little girl. Seized her by a hand and
ran down a vskhod.
The wolfhound never forgot places where he happened to pass though
once. It rushed back with confidence the gonchy dog flying on fresh
to trace. He remembered where he thru
st the chips and where saw torches and
the lamps which made the fire. When fire at last blocked it a way, it
thought only for a moment, thinking whether it will be possible to slip to
to the following vskhod. This moment appeared enough that from fire
towards to it with a roar the gone crazy policeman took off. The wolfhound jumped aside
away, but that it is blind ran by: the clothes burned on it, dropping smoky
shreds. The little girl in horror began to squeal. The wolfhound raked up it in an armful, put it
in hands of Mysh who is torn out at last from hair rolled up both in a cover and,
having bent down, rushed through a flame.
Moist hair and leather trousers only partly protected it. To it
it seemed that began to rip skin off a naked torso and bare feet.
Having somehow covered with an eye elbow, it an arrow flew by ten steps and already
ran out on the other hand when the wall on the right hoarsely sighed,
settling. The smoking, charred log jumped out of it, krutanutsya
in a corridor and with a force hit the Wolfhound sideways, having thrown it on a floor.
He jumped at once, understanding only that it is still living and still can run. The second
the ladder was directly before it as he also counted. He rushed to it and
rushed off down, jumping through four steps. Somewhere away above still
time howled the Cannibal. Howled so that it was heard even through a rumble of the fire and
shouts of the rushing-about people. Has to be, fire reached a bedchamber. Then
howl calmed down - already forever.
The wolfhound ran on soldiers several times. The majority on
that did not pay attention, occupied with searches of the next door outside. Only
suspected one something at the sight of half-naked, covered with a soot
the stranger, nearly dragging pulling along the blubbered little girl.
The mercenary grabbed there was for a sword, but a Wolfhound, without stopping, neatly
kicked it in a groin that from now on did not poke the nose into other people's affairs. The soldier was bent,
gasping for air in half with ashes flakes. Having bypassed it, the Wolfhound
slipped at a door that conducted down, in a vault. Slammed it and on everyone
the case turned the key which was still sticking out in the well of the lock with
In the cellar gray waves suffocating smoke floated, but to glance here,
it seems, nobody guessed. There was nothing to breathe, a wall torch
hardly smoked, cracking and being spat by bluish uvulas. The girl poorly screamed
at the sight of the dead executioner. Then once again - when saw a cage.
The wolfhound swore. The prisoner released by him, appears, did not manage
even plainly to creep out of a cage through an open door. There was hardly enough forces
only on vyprostat the head and shoulders. It lay facedown,
emaciated hands trembled, trying to make still effort.
The wolfhound swore again and, almost without having shortened a stride, bent down and
picked up it a free hand. Bony, terribly dirty body
it seemed to it weightless. The prisoner moved, sighed, muffledly murmured
"thanks" also hung, precisely wet smelly rag. Some more moments,
and the Wolfhound faced a door that conducted to a secret passage, one for another
feeling rivets: whether will give in some.
He was not quite sure that he will manage to land this door if not
will find the hidden springs.
- Give me, the young man... - the prisoner whispered. - I know...
The wolfhound did not begin to argue. Clasped with palms of his edge and raised it
before, facing a door. Eventually, this small unmistakably guided
it on the Cannibal. Who knows - and suddenly does not lie and now.
The left hand of the Wolfhound felt mad heart beat, rushing about
in an incorporeal breast. Long fingers ran on smooth struganny
to boards, found one of rivets and, to some surprise of the Wolfhound,
beat off on it intricate fraction. Almost at once in a subsoil of a wall began
to be poured water, the familiar gnash was heard, and the door went in
But at this time from where from above the crushing blow reached and then -
heavy, slow roar. The lock of the Cannibal turned into the flaring ruins.
The shiver shook a floor and walls of the cellar, the stone plate, with noise fell
it was sanded also small stones. The torch hissed and went out, having left
fugitives in total darkness. But worst of all there was the fact that a door, having departed
from a wall on three palms, stopped. The wolfhound leaned very much,
trying to shake and shift it. Vainly.
He did not need to try to a crack to understand: for it,
the only thing from three, it was too narrow. He shrugged shoulders and
smiled for the first time for long, long time. So, Death Song
after all it will be finished singing. Now with interest will be enough for it for this time.
To know only, for what reason the Hostess Sudeb needed to slam
trap just when he seriously counted to survive.
Why it was not given fast and honest death in the falling lock, having locked
instead, precisely a rat, in the fetid cellar together with a corpse
the strangled executioner?.
Perhaps Gods delayed his death he saved these two?
What fate is intended to them?.
Or perhaps sitting in a cage not for nothing called the wizard? That, if it
managed to soil itself so terrible complicity to Darkness that released
it had to take inevitably its place and itself to accept the last torments,
which that avoided?
The wolfhound tore out from hair of the squalling, biting Mysh and again gave
to the girl, having turned to the region of a cover that it did not scratch her a hand.
Brought it to a door - she did not see in the dark and scaredly pressed close to it -
also pushed out outside. The flexible body sliped in a crack without effort.
- There will be steps, do not slip, - he told it, lifting
the helpless wizard and sending him after it. - Get down in water and
float on the left, in a tunnel. Be not afraid of a lattice, it is broken. Pull out with yourself
this heap of bones and Mysh if you manage. Give move.
It was not ready at all to what followed it. Little girl
desperately began to sob, jumped out back through a crack and awkwardly embraced him
in the dark, having buried a wet face in his naked breast. A wolfhound it is dumbfounded
the measurement and some time stood rooted to the ground, not in forces to move or
to start talking. Then tore off it from itself and pushed out on that party,
having addressed a strong slap backs are lower:
- Went, I speak!
And at most the blasphemous thought flashed: whether not to try a door,
through which they with it ran in here. For certain filled up pass, but it is not enough
And on what it was required to these two - and - anew to awake Mysha in it
desire to live if everything had to come to an end quite so?
- My child... - he heard a low voice of the wizard and counted that
that will manage to make caress what he did not manage roughness. However
the wizard told: - My child, whether you will manage to reach the third
from above a stone in a distant wall, in a corner opposite to a door?
- What for?. -
the little girl sobbed.
- It is about that, - by the dying-away voice the wizard explained, - that ours
the goodhearted friend managed to join us... If you reach,
press a bottom corner...
The person allocated with growth of the Wolfhound easily would get the third stone,
even without rising on tiptoe. The slave was less it on two heads. It
felt a wall and began to jump - silently, persistently, in a pitch gloom of times
behind time trying to strike with the brought cam the right place. Wolfhound
wearily sat down on a floor and tried not to think of unintentional embrace, about
touch of the thin, trembling body. Initiation of fight burned down in
it is mute, was not to touch the burned skin, and the right side was poured
painful heat and, apparently, swelled up.
- It was necessary to arrange in a different way sensors, - the wizard murmured.
- Though...
The wolfhound did not understand the sophisticated word. But did not begin to ask.
- Enough! - it began to roar in darkness. - Clean up!
It did not make on those two the slightest impression.
- The child, - the wizard surprisingly quietly told. - Approach here.
Sit down. Here so. Give a hand... I know what now at you will turn out. You
you can. Try.
And the little girl jumped. From the hundred first, or perhaps from the two hundred first
time. Strong legs threw an easy body, and the cam broken in blood up
had on a bottom corner of a stone, the third from above in a distant wall. At first
anything special did not occur. But then some invincible force
pulled hard on a door, with identical ease breaking oak boards and
thick bronze rivets. The risen Wolfhound threw up eyes, able to see in
to darkness, also saw that the stone lintel began to fall slowly. It
heard how the wizard touched with the flown-away fragment sighed. Having fallen
approximately to the middle of a door and having crumbed it in spills, a lintel
stopped. The wolfhound knocked out a leg the remains of boards and vividly it appeared on that
to the party. Again lifted the wizard and silently walked forward, there, where
steps and the cold water in a stone tunnel promising will expected.
The sun approached midday line. The wolfhound sat on the bank of river