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Bloody Revenge

Page 9

by Darrell Guidry

  to chain armor such arrow will get stuck and, having wounded, to kill after all will not kill.

  The dismounted oboznik vividly threw boards on the left hand and, swearing,

  began to shoot back.

  The wolfhound needed a moment to pull out tense from a nalucha

  onions and without looking to pull out from birch bark Tula an arrow. More than an instant later arrow

  left there where between trees in an underbrush something live flashed. From

  thickets shout was heard.

  The Wolfhound had no helmet, and Nonvolatile Mysh, having left his shoulder, hung

  on a nape, a death grip having seized the spits thrown for a back. To it

  was not to get used.

  If the Wolfhound understood something, there were approximately so many attackers

  how many and oboznik. So, everything depended on quantity of arrows.

  If robbers brought with themselves on two Tula - then things look bad.

  Arrows began to run low at the same time at those and at others. Here in a thicket

  deafly sounded a horn, and robbers with a roar rushed on the road. Instead of persons

  horribly birch bark masks grew white. Robbers were surprisingly nicely

  are armed. One of three who rushed to the Wolfhound cart swung even

  sword. Another had a spear, the third pulled a hand to the pole-axe which was dangling in

  cover made of cloth at a belt. He thought on the run whether it is necessary to fight with

  or it is possible to be enough with the lonely security guard from the cart bags at once. His companion

  with scope stabbed the Wolfhound a spear. That caught the flashed sting edge

  board and, having jumped aside that there were forces kicked in edges of the third

  the robber who already grabbed a cart side. He felt how

  bones crackled, the robber with shout fell down. Let's look whether will manage

  to rise. On a narrow roadside it was not to be developed, bushes disturbed

  to opponents of the Wolfhound to attack him at once. He evaded from

  svistnuvshy sword, managed to notice a dangerous wave of a spear and right there, not

  deliberating, struck. It happened to it to tear chain armors, but a side all

  still unmercifully was ill, and he aimed the blow in a throat. Wide

  the perfected tip almost cut the robber's neck. Heavy body

  it was lifelessly tumbled down, breaking bushes. The wolfhound released a spear and at once

  jumped aside back, to the cart. If carries, the sword-bearer will thrust a blade in

  the wooden side of the vehicle and moment will linger...

  However that unexpectedly stopped steps in five so that not suddenly

  got a spear.

  - Listen, veins, - he told. Corrected the moved-down mask and slightly

  lowered a board, wishing to secure itself against artful blow in a stomach. -

  Look back around: yours are already finished. You, I see, not bad fight,

  there is no need to vanish uselessly to such good fellow. I would say for you

  Zhadobe's word. You do not progadat!

  And here on the other side of the cart Tilorn's shriek and almost sounded

  at the same time - a desperate cry of Niilit.

  The wolfhound jumped forward as he a lynx on hunting, and kicked in lower

  edge of a predatory board. From such the blow was not defenses. His opponent

  flew away back and died, without having concerned the earth yet. To somebody could

  to seem that he, having opened a mouth to ears, bites own board, but

  The wolfhound of it did not see any more. He did not begin to run all over the cart around. Grabbed

  for a side also waved top, directly through bales in which plentifully stuck out

  the sat-down arrows.

  He managed to capture a look the battle which still was humming at vehicles here and there

  to see Fitela who was skillfully active a long, thin sword. He was in time

  to notice Tilorn who pressed palms to a bloodstained face. And horse

  the robber who was already disappearing among fir-trees. On a saddle before it shouted and

  Niilit thrown through horse withers fought.

  The wolfhound grabbed one of the two axes, what was shorter -

  also threw.

  The axe with whistle turned over in air... but the horse sharply threw up

  the back, jumping over a valezhina, and the heavy edge aimed between shovels

  to the horseman, hit it in a croup.

  The horse wildly began to squeal and failed at full tilt. The wolfhound jumped with

  carts, having flown through the writhed Tilorn, through some

  the robber and one of security guards - it seems, to Avdik, - that rode,

  having seized each other drinks, near wheels. Soft forest earth

  spruzhinila under legs. The wolfhound instantly jumped and rushed off there where

  the horse squealed and threshed hoofs. Speshenny robber at all not

  suffered. He was standing too and already got away in the wood, dragging Niilit.

  The little girl resisted desperately - rested, tried to grab for

  fir-tree branches to bite his hand. Also shouted:

  - Wolfhound!. Wolfhound!.

  - Call more loudly, - the thief advised it. Then turned back and saw

  I will drive: - Aha, here and your friend appeared in time.

  He made out the crystal bead decorating hair of the Wolfhound.

  Most of all veins was afraid that the robber will be afraid and will try

  to be covered with the little girl. That is it would not confuse the Wolfhound at all, but

  Niilit and so had enough terrible fright why her it is even worse to frighten...

  Gods did not popustit. It was worth лиходею distracting a little, estimating

  the opponent, - and sharp teeth of Niilit deeply stuck into a wrist.

  - You bite, a knot!.

  The handle of a sword fell by a dark-haired cinciput. Not too strongly, not

  to death - just that lay down quietly, while finish off the friend.

  The pole-axe of the Wolfhound met and flung away the whistled sword. On a sword

  there was blood. Whose head he managed to split? Tilorna?.

  - Northern bastard! - on-solvennski the robber Volkovads told, and

  that did not doubt that it was its native language. - You go through ours

  lands together with velkha and segvana. With them also you will die!

  The wolfhound did not answer. The long sword whistled again, aiming to it on legs.

  The wolfhound easily avoided blow, having jumped through the flying blade. The sword was

  it is magnificent. If it happened to possess it, it would be necessary to own it

  better. Regained consciousness Niilit rose and, without having other weapon,

  started in the thief the sprained cone. The cone harmlessly jumped aside

  from the shoulder poured by a chain armor.

  Veins understood that before it there was a skilled soldier. Skilled and cruel. But

  haughty. Got used to win at once. Means, it is possible to try

  to fool him.

  Striking aside the next blow, the Wolfhound got entangled with a leg in juniper

  rhizome also fell on a knee, having nearly dropped the axe. His opponent one

  the movement developed a heavy sword and, having grunted, with a force rubanut from top to down.

  Niilit stridently began to squeal. The robber almost already saw before himself

  the body spread in two, but instead of the fair-haired head a sword with a ring and

  gnash passed on a thick shod butt. Pole-axe edge immediately

  slipped forward, and already the robber howled by a bad voice: its sword and two

  finger of the right hand fell in a grass.
r />   It had enough mind at once to rush наутек. Winding, it rushed for

  fluffy fir-trees, in dense young growth of an alder. The wolfhound could without special work

  to catch up with it or to track down on blood spots from a wound. He even stepped was

  forward, but stopped. It did not do to throw the frightened little girl one.

  It is live, whole - and kindly.

  Niilit hung at it on a neck. She did not cry, only shivered all

  body. The wolfhound ironed uncombed black curls and thought that by all means

  will find for it such house where will nevermore seize these hair

  anybody's greedy paw. And if there is no such house on the earth, it will build it.

  It picked up a sword of the robber and went back, to the road. If horseman

  caught the little girl and jumped away, so about a victory in a speech fight not

  went. And precisely - voices of the having something in common oboznik in front were distributed.

  Attack was beaten off.

  In a pursuit fever it seemed to the Wolfhound as if he moved away from the road on

  some ten steps. Actually it ran not less than one hundred. Niilit

  kept up with it, being confused in a heather. She all tried to grab it

  zone belt, but fingers slid off.

  If the bandit made something with Tilorn, the Wolfhound thought, I am it

  I will track down. Also I will have the guts for garters to it.

  It still stopped near the fallen horse. Having seen people, that raised

  the head, moaned and tried to rise. But could not. Hind legs not


  As ill luck would have it, the horse was white, without uniform speck. Venna knew that

  such attracted the solar chariot on the sky. The wolfhound fell

  beside it on knees, removed a saddle and undid the bridle fettered

  figured silver, releasing a horse.

  - Jump on the Sky, a horse, - he quietly spoke, ironing soft

  nostrils. - Jump on an eternal Tree through heaven, across the blue Ocean, on

  silver meadows. There to you Mothers will weave a new body, will cut out a new fur coat

  more beautiful present. You will become a foal again, again you will be born on light. Yes

  tell the Old Horse that the angry person brought you on flour, and the Grey Dog


  Niilit did not notice when he managed to pull out a knife. The horse trembled and

  calmed down. Convulsively rising side fell down last time...

  Niilit started back away, sobbed and ran to the road. Wolfhound

  lifted a sword, a saddle and a bridle and followed for it.

  Tilorn was not only is living, but even for the first time without assistance

  managed to sit down on the cart, and at the Wolfhound the stone fell off heart.

  The cripple everything tried to wipe blood from a face, but, of course, it is only more

  smeared. Niilit fussed beside it, moistening a rag from a flask.

  Having approached the cart, the Wolfhound gave up down to the ground production, pushed away hands

  the scientist himself also began to feel carefully and quickly his head. Ten

  long fingers with gentle germs of nails immediately clasped both it

  wrists, and the Wolfhound noted that handshake of the scientist found some

  similarity of force.

  - Wolfhound! - by the suffering voice Tilorn uttered. The broken lips

  badly obeyed it. - Skin with me, I deserved! I do not know

  also I do not know your customs itself about what stirs my nasty language. Well, strike

  me! Abuse!. Only do not leave!

  The wolfhound remembered how this person talked to the executioner, and

  was surprised. But the lump which got stuck in a throat at it was more surprising than everything


  - And slide you in..., - he muttered at last. Left Niilit to appease

  the blood which was still exuding from nostrils at Tilorn bypassed the cart and became

  to take off weapon and clothes from three robbers rolling at wheels.

  Several oboznik were wounded in a skirmish, but that, except for

  the vyyuk which are ripped up here and there, losses were also limited. In the evening at a fire

  The wolfhound cleaned the sword which is taken away from the robber, a vpolukha listening to reasonings

  Fitela that supposedly it will be necessary to take in the following trip with itself

  sensitive dogs.

  - Now managed the Wolfhound, - flashed strong teeth of Avdik.

  Security guards laughed loudly so that Aptakhar even nudged the son and threw

  on a vein the glance - whether took offense. The wolfhound did not take offense. It

  the ancestor really was a dog who saved the foremother of the tribe from fierce

  wolves, and then, as usual, turned back the stately man. On what

  to take offense?

  It for the 100-th time wiped with a soft rag the blade laid on knees.

  The sword was Vienna, excellent old work. The unknown master long cooked

  pure iron with the fat black stone which is taken out from the earth, and then

  carefully allowed to cool down, without urging on either a draft, or cold water.

  Slowly ironed, vylaskat a hammer on an anvil and at last washed special

  burning infusion, отчею on a blade showed a pattern - brown and silver strips

  width in a finger, cunning twisted and many times repeated from a tip to

  handles. The wolfhound did not find any brand on a sword. To the understanding person

  this already in itself spoke about something. The wolfhound heard from the father -

  great masters of former centuries did not mark the blades in any way, believing,

  that people and so will distinguish them. Out of the corner of the eye he tried to catch jaundiced eyes

  security guards. All saw that on an iron butt of its pole-axe flaunted

  fair notch, blade did not suffer at all. For such swords on

  the bargaining is given the equal weight of gold and do not complain of high cost.

  It will be necessary to celebrate for it what follows a sheath...

  - Niilit told me, - Tilorn quietly spoke, - that you... that

  you had to finish off a horse.

  - It was necessary, - the Wolfhound told and slightly clicked a nail on an edge.

  The ring was high and pure.

  - It absolutely it was impossible to leave? - Tilorn asked. - If it broke

  leg, I would try...

  The wolfhound turned to him. The scientist lay on a stomach, having propped up a fist

  the chin, and a finger teased the Nonvolatile Mysh confused in his beard.

  - He broke a back, - the Wolfhound told. - I marked at the horseman, but

  missed. Tilorn sighed:

  - You did not finish off me.

  - It was necessary, - the Wolfhound grumbled. Having put a sword to itself on the head, it with

  by force bent down a handle and a roundish edge to shoulders. The released blade

  it was straightened, precisely a spring. It is possible to insert it into a cleft of a stone and

  to hang all over, it will not break. Now the Wolfhound precisely knew that

  pattern - not a fake that the sword will chop a nail and will cut the fuzz which fell

  on an edge.

  Tilorn long got up courage and at last decided.

  - Please, do not become angry about me, - it began it is guilty. - I am an ignoramus,

  who should be learned and learned. Make favor... explain to me, than

  after all I offended you.

  - You called me the cannibal, here that, - the Wolfhound told.

  - How? - Tilorn was terrified. - I...

  The wolfhound put elbows on a sword, and tha
t hardly considerably caved in.

  The wolfhound long was silent. How to explain to the stranger what there, above, is

  Great Mother, Eternally Real Outside, which once in day of spring

  equinoxes gave rise to this world together with Gods, people and nine

  heaven? How to tell it that the Hostess Sudeb, the Goddess of the law and the truth

  - woman? And how from other world the flaring mountain arrived, and

  The father Nebo covered Mother Earth with himself?.

  Later curious Tilorn still will ask him and little by little vyznat everything.

  In particular, and the fact that any veins would not lay down down to the ground prone, nestling close to

  it, as to the wife if the ceremony of sowing of the field only did not cope. Well there

  on war or on hunting, when there is no other way out. But so far before

  it was far, and the Wolfhound gloomy was silent, despairing to find necessary


  - Women are Saint! - he told at last. Added nothing any more.

  ... It appears, in a band at Fitela was got to exempt from night

  guards of the soldiers who caused a stir in a skirmish. But when examined wounded,

  it became clear that the Wolfhound should not enjoy a deserved dream.

  He silently shrugged shoulders, getting under bed curtains: let will wake him,

  when the turn comes...

  - It seems to me, today you killed, - Tilorn carefully told it.

  - Killed, - the Wolfhound told, not quite understanding where the scientist drives.

  - Means, - that continued, - for the third night they will come again?

  It seemed to a wolfhound that Niilit ceased to breathe in the dark, anew

  experiencing the past horror and being afraid to hear "yes".

  - Will not come, - he told.

  - It because there was a fight? Your belief distinguishes it from murder?

  - Not in volume business, - the Wolfhound grumbled. - There will be a thunder-storm at night... anybody

  does not come after a thunder-storm.

  - Forgive my curiosity, - having kept silent, the scientist asked. - There, under

  oak... When you wooden stake... What was it?

  - Souls, - the Wolfhound told.

  - But it seemed to me, you battled against something материаль... with something


  The wolfhound long thought before answering.

  - Souls happen different, - he spoke at last. - The righteous person has it -

  as light cloudlet... Gods call it, and it departs. And at such, as


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