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Bloody Revenge

Page 14

by Darrell Guidry

  The wolf warned him that the half-dead slave was a wild pagan. Gray

  The dog really long enough was silent. But then nevertheless answered:

  "And their Father, Eternal and not given rise..."

  He well remembered science of the old priest and knew how welcomed the friend

  friend Ucheniki Bliznetsov. The old man always rejoiced when the Bonn children

  greeted it quite so...

  The wolf silently stood behind the priest's back, patting the curtailed whip on


  "There are no Gods, except Twins and their Father, Eternal and not given rise." -

  the priest proclaimed.

  The gray Dog knew nothing about repayment from bondage, but faultless intuition

  prompted to it - something depended on his answers to questions of the priest very much

  important. Perhaps, even freedom. And life.

  Many years later he with a reluctance and shame remembered captured it

  temptation and instant of fluctuation which - from a song of the word you will not throw out -

  after all was.

  "I pray to the Gods..." - he uttered slowly. Also has a fit of coughing,

  having buried a face in a floor.

  "Rot in a nasty thing, the insignificant pagan!" - the Palm of the priest drew

  between them in air a sacred banner - the Divided Circle. Supervisors

  saw how, releasing brothers in faith, he washed out mean abscesses and

  tied up wounds. But it departed from the pagan, having fastidiously picked up floors

  two-color attire. The wolf silently left after him.

  From where the Grey Dog could know that Gods whom he did not betray then,

  in total in a year will bring it out of an underground gloom...

  Outside everything became is lighter. Here slowly protsokat hoofs a horse

  water carrier. Then creaked, passing someone, a yard gate. Wolfhound

  heard how grumbled furious a bough, protecting the yard, but honor grumble

  at once was replaced by a sweet povizgivaniye. Has to be, someone came

  acquaintance. Stop rolling, the Wolfhound told himself. Some here

  were going to look for works. The worker who sleeps till a lunch is good...

  Having silently risen, it covered with the blanket curled up

  Niilit and quietly moved to a door. Nonvolatile the Mouse immediately opened eyes and

  stretched to it from the nailing. Yesterday he was once again convinced,

  what happens if at least for a while to leave the Wolfhound unguarded, and

  was not going to repeat an oversight. Try do not take it - probably

  all house will alarm. Will screech as blazhny. The wolfhound substituted it

  hand, then bent down and patted on a nape of the woken-up puppy. With whom,

  with whom, and he got on with dogs perfectly. It is far better, than with people. Sleep,

  mentally the Wolfhound ordered to a puppy. The fluffy tail wagged to and fro on

  to floor, and the sleepy kid hung the head on paws again. Having lifted boots,

  The wolfhound left and realized for himself a door.

  Having got out to a porch, he immediately understood whom welcomed

  creaking song gate. On the thick log laid along a fence

  purposely for zakhozhy guests, sat and it was heated on the tender morning sun

  old Varokh. The grandson who settled at his legs ironed a dog, dragged from

  shaggy ear thick, насосавшегося tick. And on a lap at the old man

  the parcel lay. Long, narrow parcel. The wolfhound without effort guessed that

  the dense bast mat covered from a malefice.

  It stopped on the top step of a porch, not really understanding as

  to behave. Meanwhile the old man opened eyes and at once looked at him.

  - Hi, the master, - without special hunting greeted the Wolfhound. Was

  сегван is younger, he, perhaps, at all would keep silent.

  - And you hi, - responded Varokh. Also added, having hesitated: - Approach,

  guy. Comply the old man. There is nothing to do, the Wolfhound approached.

  - Sit down, - the master told and clapped a palm on a smooth log near

  . - I want to tell something to you...

  The wolfhound sat down, askance glancing on the granddaughter which meanwhile

  rode out a psitsa and pulled long wool, asking to rise and take for a drive him

  on the yard. The dog did not want to get up and only mildly wrinkled a nose.

  - You, truly, noticed that my workshop not that that was earlier, -

  began old сегван. - Once near me two of my sons worked.

  Even heroes from Krom came to order from us boards and a sheath to swords...

  The wolfhound silently listened to him, askancing at bronze reflections between

  the bast mat threads disheveled here and there.

  - I came here, to Galirad, even before great fight at Three Hills when

  an end was put to greed of island kuns, - the master Varokh continued.

  - You, the guy, truly, battled then?

  - No, - the Wolfhound told.

  - And I did not battle, - the old man sighed. - My sons were half

  solvennam, and I read out - if we from the island not on wild

  the coast is sent, so it is necessary to understand a vezhestvo... - Lots sighed again,

  rubbed a palm a knee and suddenly told: - Well, about Zhadobu you all, it seems

  you know...

  The wolfhound shook the head.

  - From where me, - he answered the master. - Only that it it seems

  noble family... and you, segvan, does not favor.

  - Does not favor, - the old man grinned. Nonvolatile the Mouse, gone down on

  log, curiously sniffed at his hand - this time without everyone

  hostility or fear. - Does not favor, - Varokh repeated. - His father

  was from those who after Three Hills got up for that to get rid of all of us

  back for the sea. But did not leave - moved in the wood and began in itself

  to be at war... The father of one hated us, the son of all without discrimination to cut

  it was moved... Knotty fingers of Varokh fingered gunny.

  - Once we went to a fair to the western velkha, - he uttered

  deafly. - At us was the whole three vehicles... Sons took wives and children,

  wanted... to please... And not one went, the big wagon train was... Who

  knew that a half of robbers in security guards was employed... Zhadoba... Us with

  the grandson for the dead considered, to animals threw on the road...

  Varokh's voice was strained, the old man did not finish speaking. The wolfhound was silent.

  - Now you understand why yesterday I... so wanted that you appeared

  Zhadoby, - having coped with itself, continued old сегван. - Forgive me,

  guy. Here, take... - It cast away a bast mat: on a lap at it lay

  the fine sheath of color of an old tree intertwined with a long belt. - I

  worked all night long, - the old man not without pride told. - Was afraid... if you to

  to other lump did not go... Make favor, accept... do not offend...

  - Now I will bring a sword, - the Wolfhound told.

  Tilorn to whom treatment of a puppy, it is visible, indeed ran into money,

  slept still tight. Niilit did a plait, having sat down on edge of wooden

  beds at it in legs. She smiled to the Wolfhound and bowed to him, but

  right there scaredly jumped: he gave a hand to the sword lying on the shelf.

  The wolfhound pressed a finger to lips and waved with a palm - there is nothing supposedly

  to be afraid. Took away a sword and a purse with money and returned to the yard.

  The figured blade entered a sheath as a leg in well fami
liar boot.

  nail lishka, shortage hair. The crosspiece slightly clicked about

  the figured okovka of the mouth supplied with an ear for "a thong of good intentions".

  The wolfhound turned a sheath and with a force stirred up them several times. Sword and not

  thought to fall out. The wolfhound threw a cross body strap and clasped

  buckles. Then got a hand, and the handle laid down in a palm conveniently and precisely.

  The wolfhound pulled a sword outside. That left quietly and smoothly, without getting stuck,

  one movement promising immediate blow. The wolfhound smiled and returned

  sword in a sheath, having without effort caught the mouth an edge tip.

  - You are a real master, Varokh, - he told yours faithfully. - Though wait a moment!

  Yesterday you measured only me, and the sword, is remembered...

  Lame сегван smiled in reply and shook the gray-haired head.

  - What measure? To me to look at once... The wolfhound untied a burse:

  - Half-quarters silver, so?

  The master quickly rose and held his hand.

  - Do not offend, the guy, - he spoke quietly. - You cut three

  robbers and one more, speak, shot, and the sword took away from Zhadoby and

  the right hand to it mutilated... which it... For it I to you not that

  sheath... All bench...

  - Thanks on the kind word, the grandfather, - the Wolfhound told. - Only payment all

  take. To you the granddaughter to raise... most it is necessary to eat-drink... You will not take,

  will leave, again Zhadoba robbed you.

  It counted coins and, without listening to arrangements, poured out them to Varokh in a palm.

  Old сегван long looked at brilliant silver, and a white beard

  shuddered more and stronger. Then he suddenly stepped to the Wolfhound and embraced him.

  - You come to us... the sonny, - he told and convulsively sighed, vainly

  trying to hide the risen tears. - Come somehow, and? To your girl

  we will celebrate a corbel... wattled... with fasteners...

  Having lost hope for a sunlight in bondage,

  Soul fades, and heart ceases in a breast.

  And someone will whisper: "All the same there is no disposal..."

  Who broken died in a dungeon - you do not judge them.

  And those do not judge who, without having taken out freight of chains,

  Without being able to escape and endeavoring to annoy executioners,

  In total scores finished in one of sad days...

  Whether the end - and itself, and chains is better at once?

  Do not dare to reproach them for the fact that they could not

  To master it that did not dream you.

  On own skin try at first shackles -

  And however, I will not begin to wish it to anybody.

  I knew also others - who hardly noticed fetters,

  Making a line after line in miner dust

  The treatise about love and about fight of the universal beginnings...

  Those people - that the sun: they and in a gloom are light.

  I was not such is. I was angry and desperately proud.

  I knew for what Gods from death store me.

  To revenge at first for treason, for a fierce razor -

  Then only ancestors will accept me with honor.

  I death for death paid also with blood for blood.

  For all who to term went to boundless darkness.

  For all, turned into balls from claws and canines...

  I will not begin to wish it to anybody too.


  The sword hung behind the back, taken to a sheath for a crosspiece "by a thong

  good intentions". Nonvolatile the Mouse managed to investigate already in detail a sheath and

  found them low-edible, but very convenient for a lasagna there and here.

  The wolfhound slowly went down the street, and he had a mood quite under

  to become the sky entirely tightened gray clouds. Already beaten three days it

  to sense bypassed craft workshops without anything. Smiths, kozhemyak and

  the mostnik adjusting one to another wooden croakers of a pavement with

  respect glanced at his big shoulders and palms covered with callosities.

  But predatory as Bravlin was expressed, the ugly face and scars left weapon

  and shackles, over and over again did the part. Nobody hurried to take to himself

  former convict, person for certain uneasy, and even dangerous...

  moreover vein. The wolfhound knew that he can always find for sedousy

  foreman. That for certain will help, time promised. But at the thought of, that

  somewhere to run and by order of the same Bravlin to cut some

  "thief", in anything as then, it will become clear, not guilty... Is not present.

  The wolfhound went down the street and thought of the native woods, and everything became to him

  more precisely. It would have enough house with itself a simple zone knife, well there -

  onions with arrows for hunting. A sword, weapon military, in the wood not потребен. And

  here?. After incident at Varokh Volkodav without sword for gate not

  left. And the thong which gushed over a handle was such is that in a case

  what blow did not detain.

  Still he thought of how it would be good to reserve the remained money,

  to buy the sailboat and to go on it to Sveta’si's upper courses, to radical

  Vienna lands... if not the lock of the Cannibal, which charred ruins

  defiled the coast at the very beginning of a way.

  Be it as before, one, it easily would bypass the lock the woods. With

  satellites like Tilorn and Niilit it is necessary to wait for fall when merchants

  will go from Galirad back.

  No, nevertheless glory to Gods that it was now not one...

  Sometimes it seemed to the Wolfhound - he will not think up an exit. Sometimes -

  everything is somehow formed, it is only necessary to wait slightly.

  This morning Tilorn once again examined Mysh's wing and ordered

  To buy a wolfhound the strong wine killing an infection. Walking forward, veins

  slowly looked out for a tavern more purely, and was to it, the truth to tell, slightly

  horribly. As though purchase of wine concealed in itself something irreversible,

  like the first cut knife. Tilorn promised that it will not be painful to Mysh. But

  who will be charged for certain?.

  Nonvolatile Mysh felt his state, and, without understanding the reason,

  made up to the person. From it conscience tormented the Wolfhound even more.

  At last, having chosen a door from which smelled fresh pies delicious,

  The wolfhound bent the head and entered.

  He noticed at once policemen whose dozens - with Bravlin in

  to the head - settled down at a table near a door. Young policemen plaid about

  rukoborstvo. Rolled up sleeves, approved elbows on a table and were measured

  by force, swearing and laughing loudly.

  To wolfhound, precisely the boy, there was a wish to take a look a little at fighters,

  however at first it was necessary to execute conceived. It was limited to bow

  To Bravlin and at once passed to a rack.

  Korchmar was not pleasant to it. Having looked at it once, the Wolfhound

  understood that to Ayr-Donn to this type it was far. Sometimes, person,

  got used to deal mainly with foreigners, thinks about

  to boundless width of the world also finds wisdom, and with it and kindness. Happens and

  on the contrary: other begins to turn up a nose and, it seems, even to hesitate of blood

  make related.

/>   Also you will not talk to it, and the traveler who got into trouble, he

  will hang, and for nothing will not shelter...

  - What to give, respectable? - he asked the Wolfhound.

  Asked it seems politely, but so that veins remembered also the shirt at once,

  patched on elbows, and an ugly scar on the left cheek, and dusty boots.

  He told:

  - Small bottle of transparent wine. Very strong, such, that


  Korchmar slightly raised eyebrows. Whether the request of the Wolfhound seemed to it

  oddish, whether the Vienna okanye very much cut hearing. Anyway,

  he nodded and disappeared in a low door behind a rack.

  -... priests of Twin Gods, - the scrap touched ears of the Wolfhound

  casual conversation. - Preach on the square. We descend, perhaps,

  let's listen?.

  The wolfhound turned to a rack a back, and, having leaned the elbows, began to look,

  as policemen fought. The top was held by the white-headed spindle-legs with shoulders,

  passing, has to be, not at any door. Mighty guys loudly

  encouraged the friends who clashed in single combat. Someone in anger already

  bet on the earring which is taken out from an ear...

  Sedousy Bravlin caught an eye of the Wolfhound and, appear, wanted something

  to tell, but was not in time: returned корчмарь and with a lung pristuky put on

  rack a graceful bubble in which lapped from a half-cup colourless

  liquids. The wolfhound pulled out a stopper and smelled. Just the fact that it is necessary.

  Curious Mysh stuck a nose to an opening of a sklyanochka too and, having sneezed, fastidiously


  - How many from me? - the Wolfhound asked.

  - Six copper coins. I hope, you are able to count up to six, - answered

  корчмарь is slightly louder, than followed. The wolfhound noticed out of the corner of the eye,

  that the heads began to turn in their party. - But I, - continued

  the owner of an institution, - with pleasure I will give you a gift this wine if you

  you will show us directly here as drink it at you, in the Vienna woods. Really

  only the savage throat is capable...

  - I would show, only to me it not for drink, - slowly and very much

  quietly the Wolfhound uttered. - You are the person educated, you know,


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