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Bloody Revenge

Page 29

by Darrell Guidry

  the boyar a raincoat, to it some muffled pomstitsya on the other side of a tent

  sounds. The wolfhound found eyes a knesinka, made sure that it under

  reliable supervision, also went to check in what business.

  He not especially was surprised, having found behind a tent of halisunets. Fat Illad

  bitterly cried, having taken cover from human eyes under svesy a tent. Venn approached

  silently, and the doctor did not notice it. Some time the Wolfhound stood

  not movably, gloomy looking at halisunets. And kind doctor, probably

  Very kind. Too probably read books and about Zelkhat Melsinsky heard.

  It seems, seventy seven diseases recognize by eyes also thirty three more - on

  palms. For what it so? Some attempts, murders... bodyguards

  worse than any murderers... Here not that with a fright of a sklyanochka you will mix -

  you will forget yourself as called. That now to execute him for


  The wolfhound fell nearby on hunkers and touched the doctor for a knee. Illad

  saw it and it was covered with hands. Venn moved apart raincoat floors:

  - Look whether he correctly made everything. Illad hasty blew the nose and

  began to look.

  - I burned to you a wound, the bodyguard... the hem will be... The wolfhound reaped

  shoulders. One have more.

  - You here that, - he told halisunets. - Someone wants to ruin madam.

  Today the knife was thrown, tomorrow would not take in head to poison...

  - Knives!. - Illad threw up the hands. - And suddenly they are poisoned too?

  - There would be on them a poison, - the Wolfhound told, - I would not sit here.

  Most of all pets of Death loved an instant potion to which was

  it is enough to get at least on skin. The person died before the doctor

  managed to bring antidote. Reliable weapon against governors, something

  not pleased Moeran.

  Illad was picked up from the earth and escaped, having forgotten to shake off dust.

  The wolfhound thought that at each murderer the habits were found.

  This, maybe, was famous as the unsurpassed master of knives. At all

  never contacted poison. He, in any case, stabbed Evrikh

  surprisingly dexterously. And pure knife. But you never know. And poisons happen

  different. And suddenly blood already carries secret death on a body?. Deeply in

  stomach there was a heavy ice lump. Well, if Illad finds a poison and

  distinguishes it, it will be still possible to hope...

  The wolfhound corrected a shoulder belt, approached a knesinka and silently got up

  at it behind the back.

  On the way back the Wolfhound went to Krom still to the right of madam,

  keeping slightly behind. Nobody challenged from it this place any more.

  The city managed to hear about attempt. The people left houses and craft

  workshops that crowds to rise along streets. Everyone wanted to be convinced

  own eyes that the favourite monarchess is live and healthy.

  Horses acted as a slow step, the knesinka of Elen waved to citizens

  hand. The wolfhound knew how the person whom just feels

  tried to kill. For certain new seemed to the little girl behind each corner

  the thrower of knives there was also a wish only for one - to get home somewhat quicker,

  to be hammered under a blanket and three days of a nose outside not to show. Perhaps quite so

  it will also arrive. It was necessary only to be surprised to endurance young

  the ruler who overcame fear, allowing the people on itself

  to see enough...

  On the road there was only one surprise. When passed near

  Varokh's workshop, the Wolfhound, looking crowd, suddenly saw the

  the "family" which was running out from the lane. All were here: both Tilorn, and Evrikh,

  both Niilit, and Zuyko. Even the old master hobbled at full speed, dexterously

  working with a crutch. They had persons mad persons: exactly like lost

  loved one. The wolfhound saw how they noticed him... and

  stopped, having precisely flown on an invisible obstacle. Then Niilit rushed

  on a neck to Tilorn and, apparently, burst out crying, and Evrikh grasped a dedov the granddaughter and

  with an unexpected force threw it nearly above fences. The wolfhound wanted

  to wave with it a hand, but changed the mind and only nodded. In the evening, having returned

  home, he learned how in Varokh's workshop neighbors-solvenny came running. They

  brought a message about attempt and were going to protect the house from plunder because

  rumor about inevitable exile of segvan was already spread. Then to

  adults the children - ulichansky friends of Zuyko, - and rumors were added

  began to expand like a snowball. People told that on

  the floor space the whole fight took place, and the bodyguard-venn closed

  himself a knesinka and, of course, died. Last words which it is allegedly

  at the same time said, already walked on the city in several options. Someone

  claimed as if, dying, he whether told Elen to Gluzdovna about

  love, whether confessed to terrible sins. Others swore as if it

  bequeathed to leave the body at the Foggy Rock. The third hinted on some

  the prophecies nearly on doomsday made dying...

  The wolfhound arrived on a kind horse and in a brand new shirt which,

  being proud of the done honor, one of merchants at the bargaining presented to it. On heels

  behind it the flock of boys ran. Others asked whether he saw a vein,

  the dead for a knesinka. They, probably, infrequently saw at themselves in the city

  venn. And therefore did not distinguish its braids braided as it was necessary

  to the murderer.

  The wolfhound was not going to tell houses about the wounds at all and

  wounds, in his opinion, did not cost a special conversation. Far from it. Tilorn

  with Niilit immediately guessed everything and when went home

  the calmed neighbors, started to treat him magic. Wolfhound it not

  too pleased, but it was necessary to concede.

  - The doctor looked for at daggers points poison... - just in case he told Tilorn.

  The scientist's palm instantly appeared at his breast. Tilorn hesitated,

  with concentration frowning and as if to something listening. And it is sure


  - There is no poison.

  Then Niilit undertook it and began to drive hands, bringing to

  to seams finger-tips. Tilorn watched closely its actions, something

  prompted, but mostly approvingly nodded. To a wolfhound

  it seemed as if under a bandage tiny hot sparks pottered about.

  - Now I will not be able to be at home all the time, - he told Evrikh who

  sat here and it is interested observed. - You should learn

  to be protected properly You never know...

  - Well, I can stand for myself too, - Tilorn told suddenly.

  It also to see, the Wolfhound thought. And aloud demanded:

  - Show.

  - Evrikh, get up, please, at a door... - there began a wise man.

  The wolfhound resolutely raised a hand:

  - On me.

  - You are wounded!

  - Anything.

  - Then, - Tilorn told it, - try to approach to me from the door.

  The wolfhound got up at a door. Tilorn developed legs, slightly, sat down,

  exposed hands palms forward and several times deeply sighed.

  - So far you gather... - the Wolfhound grumbled. He wanted to tell -

  seven times will kill, - but her
e eyes at Tilorn were lit as two

  amethyst, and with short exclamations "Ha!" it a jump rearranged legs and

  sharply pushed with palms air.

  The wolfhound reeled. Similar he expected nothing. Most of all it

  it was similar to blow in the head, only put it from distance in

  several steps, and to the same without touching. Blow by an invisible fist. And

  pretty notable. At the same time it seemed to it as if Tilorn became

  higher growth, terribly was distributed in shoulders and... where mild only got to

  wise man! It was faced by the ruthless, furious soldier capable - something

  whispered to the Wolfhound that it was valid so, - the following

  blow to knock out from it spirit at all. Venn with amazement heard in himself

  a certain voice, ugovarivavsh to give up and be on the lam...

  The wolfhound bent down as against strong wind, and moved on Tilorn.

  Following "Ha!" the scientist nearly forced it to stumble, but it

  continued to go. If he as was able to do, so it to respond with rage to rage.

  And ruthlessness on ruthlessness. Life taught. To hack for the third time

  Tilorn simply was not in time. Having jumped forward, the Wolfhound in a trice twisted him and

  pressed to a floor. And the terrible soldier immediately evaporated as if a mirage, to

  which was suited too close. From below up looked at the Wolfhound

  the former Tilorn smiling, who got wet and guilty. The wolfhound let out him

  also told:

  - After all you are a sorcerer.

  - So I also knew that you it will think, - Tilorn was upset and was accepted

  to justify oneself: - These are just the same receptions, as well as those which

  you own. Only they are based not on dexterity of a body... though on

  it too... but also on concentration of the thought allowing to direct

  so to say, spiritual blow...

  The wolfhound looked back to Niilit:

  - Means, here you as horses were going to frighten. Niilit silently nodded,

  and Tilorn continued:

  - These receptions allow to secure themselves against animals. And bad

  the person can be banished... The wolfhound noticed:

  - You not painfully banished me.

  - I was very cautious, - is proud Tilorn announced. - You are my friend, and you

  after all it is wounded. If you noticed, I did not beat you a sore point. And

  then, I not quite... - Here he faltered, reddened and is honest

  added: - To tell the truth, I and then with you, probably, not


  - You are very strong, - Evrikh confirmed. Tilorn shook the head:

  - Not in volume business.

  - How you, such dexterous, got to a cage? - the Wolfhound asked.

  Tilorn explained what owning magic fight too can be crumpled

  number and to starve out. What is, actually, and happened to it. Wolfhound

  decided to follow the old rule: to master any seen

  reception, even the most at first sight ridiculous. He asked Tilorna

  to show. Tilorn put a log on a bench and long explained a vein as

  to cause in itself hatred how to turn it into force and then to throw in

  suprotivnik. Honestly, on wave of his palm the log flew up as

  sdunuty, also it bryakatsya loudly in a wall. The wolfhound long tried, but at him

  it did not turn out. Probably, something after all was not given it. It

  was only able to extinguish a splinter, from a distance directing to it the developed palm.

  So veins checked themselves before a duel, wishing to learn whether it is reached

  internal balance. He did not begin to tell anything, though was touched for


  Three days he did not sit down in the house to a table d'hote and spent the night in the yard, at

  small kosterk, in the circle drawn on the earth. For the third night

  he did not sleep at all, but nobody came. Has to be, judged veins, Moeran

  Death took away the follower to itself at once.

  As he also expected, a knesinka of Elen really several days not

  left Krom and even from the mansion was shown seldom. However then

  everything went absolutely as earlier. With only that difference that now anybody

  did not sniff any more and did not mock concerning the bodyguard-venna. Wolfhound

  unperturbably stood at the monarchess's chair, behind the right shoulder,

  having deceptive quietly put on a hand breast, and over elbows from sleeves

  leather cover the chain armor looked out. He also did not try to hide it.

  Once in the market it was called in to himself by some merchant and tried to hand

  gift - expensive beautiful dagger. The merchant assured that he does not look for any

  favor of a knesinka. The wolfhound thanked, but did not take a gift.

  Tilorn still vanished at the master Krapiva. Hefty unota saw off

  scientist there and back. Together with the Nettle they descended to the glass maker Ostey

  also ordered bowls, and almost the same story repeated, as in

  workshop of a bronnik. Inquisitive Tilorn began to ask questions and,

  it is clear, now it was taken for a podsyl. Then - it is convicted of sorcery.

  Came to an end in the fact that Awns and the Nettle nearly took for beards the friend

  the friend, challenging to whom tomorrow to receive the wise man.

  The kind bronnik terribly was proud of the fact that a knesinka the bodyguard

  invested himself with the chain armor acquired from it in a workshop. Also went

  Gogol, until someone from neighbors moderated his pride, fairly

  having noticed:

  - Would be to be puffed up from what if about your chain armor those knives

  became dull. And so...

  Inaudible shadows will come to your headboard

  Also will begin to solve, the vessels given the right:

  Whom on the wide earth you will present love?

  What over this love will be born a star?

  And you, are lulled by silent breath of night,

  Childly you will easily smile to a good dream,

  Without knowing, without knowing that there to you will predict

  Come to judge imperiously young spring.

  Already defenseless the smile will be trustful,

  And the dream - is so good that nobody will dare to disturb,

  And, having trembled in confusion, hostesses of midnight unsteady

  Destinies will wait a moment a sentence over you to disclose.

  And from a clear sky the light silvery pours month,

  Sheaves, both armfuls, and full handfuls of beams,

  The bird cherry drives fragrant magnificent brushes,

  And loudly the baby - a transparent stream laughs loudly.

  And something will fan dead-pans from a century,

  And in soft shine of a miracle darkness will part,

  And the wisest will tell: "Idemte, sisters.

  Let chooses itself and solves itself".

  8. 8. WALKS TOP

  The wolfhound stood on Krom backyard, on the platform for firing from

  onions, also hit into the purpose. If not to practise, any skill is forgotten. It

  shot in every way: and just like that, and lying, and offhand from turn, and

  rushing head over heels through the head, and from a horse, sitting on him охлябь. And at the same time

  Serka accustomed to obey only knees, a voice and whistle, without reins.

  Having seen the suitable knesinka, he lowered onions and bowed:

  - Hi, madam,

  - How your wounds? - first of all she asked. - Heal? It


  - On me quickly everyth
ing begins to live, madam.

  - You well shoot, - the ruler praised and stretched to onions:

  - Show.

  It were mighty Vienna onions, height to a breast to the standing person,

  spryazhenny the kind master from a juniper and a birch, pasted over

  sinews and horn and povity from above birch bark. It was capable to shoot

  and in a severe frost, and in the rain. Knesinka weighed it on a palm,

  touched a waxed leather bowstring, and the bowstring quietly hooted. Terrible

  weapon. From such here also punch an oak board for two hundred steps.

  The girl attentively and with obvious knowledge of business examined onions and did not find

  anywhere knesova of a banner. The Wolfhound bought all military sprava itself, for the


  - In weapon you take nothing, - the knesinka noticed. - What so?

  - I am not a hero, madam, - he told. - I should not depend on the leader.

  Knesinka looked at his hands and asked:

  - You do not carry either a guard, or gloves... You are not afraid to be wounded?

  Awkwardly lowered bowstring really could cripple. Wolfhound


  - In my business in good time you will not be made, madam. Elen Gluzdovna

  tried to pull onions and hardly shifted a bowstring. To hold it as

  it was necessary, near the right ear, the effort equal to the adult's weight was required


  It it is squeezeed a little out smiled and asked:

  - And you are able to throw knives? The wolfhound nodded:

  - I am able, madam.

  - Show.

  Veins pulled out from a sheath a heavy fighting knife and backhand, without aiming,

  started them in the wooden column entirely tousled by former throws

  practising. The knife flew from a palm, turned over and sat down, having entered a tree

  on two vershoks. The wolfhound descended behind him and came back, hiding a blade on

  place. Knesinka thoughtfully watched it.

  - I do not want that you quarreled with Luchezar, - she told later.

  The wolfhound answered:

  - I do not quarrel with your brother, madam. She unexpectedly asked:

  - Teach me to own weapon, the Wolfhound. He thought and is careful

  took an interest:

  - Forgive, madam, but you grew up at a team. As left that you


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