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Bloody Revenge

Page 33

by Darrell Guidry

  Instead of grandly walking near Krom, to spin, rest at itself in

  to room or, at the worst, to potter with flowers (occupation for a chernavka,

  but it is fine, than the child played...), his "daughter" jumped with three

  bodyguards it is unknown where. Sometimes it took with itself a falcon,

  pleading hunting, but back for some reason did not bring a game. Only

  looked tired as though chased the most smaller a boar.

  The boyar would be glad to make it what inquiry, and even fatherlike follows

  hand to ottrepat for ears disobedient a child. Yes only how to be risen,

  that if something happens the shame did not leave it?

  Having thought, It is abrupt decided to undertake for a start properly for a vein. Benefit

  mysterious absences of a knesinka began with its emergence in except.

  Once it recalled the bodyguard away and strong raked up for a sleeve.

  - Where you drag the girl nearly every day? - it began to rumble terribly. -

  Why it how with you will go, goes as if you beat her with sticks there?

  The wolfhound looked at the strong knotty fingers holding his sleeve.

  He could escape, but did not begin to do it. He answered with an equal voice:

  - Madam goes where will wish, and we accompany her. And when

  we stop, madam does that to her to liking. And we watch that

  nobody offended her.

  If he understood something, the boyar to death wanted to curtail to it

  nose to the opposite side. But Right kept. To sense will not be, and

  sin definitely you will not be gathered. If not most true shame. And

  whether it was worth quarreling with the hanged man for whom "daughter" differently was as for

  wall... On that, so, their conversation also came to the end.

  Having waited for time, the boyar took for breasts of both brothers Dashing. But also here to it

  was it is fated failure. Two young villains preferred to please the

  to the mentor, but not the voivode, were also silent as idols. Then It is abrupt

  thought also ventured a last resort. Having been in a mansion to

  to knesinka, he started with it a conversation on maiden shame and that

  the father-knes, возвернувшись, precisely will lower from him, gray-bearded,

  skin, having heard that it, the blunderer, released the baby somewhere without

  the appropriate suite. Having calculated beforehand, the sly fellow the voivode for a start

  began to impose in the companion to a knesinka the whole hen house of seigniorial daughters and

  other notable maidens. Like Luchezar's sister, Varushki, beautiful, but stupid

  and eternally sleepy maid. At the thought that Varushka and about ten more such

  will begin to accompany it during trips astride, Elen Gluzdovna

  was horrified and quite easily agreed to take with itself at least old

  nurse. What, actually, the boyar also tried to obtain. It was one of the few,

  whom the harmful old woman did not drive for a threshold pomely, and, considering decent

  the person, in every possible way accustomed and caressed.

  The next day the Wolfhound sat on a porch and listened through slightly opened

  the door as the nurse collected a small basket of food and at the same time blamed willful

  the baby who was not wishing to stay at home.

  - Lay out honey, the nanny, - the knesinka told her. - And lay out gingerbreads.

  Bring better than fat, bread, meat smoked yes an onion and garlic a head

  do not forget...

  The old woman indignantly was silent some time, then proshamkat:

  - I will not spread apples, you as want. And I will leave gingerbreads. In

  to water I will soak, me, toothless, just...

  Having put a knesinka in a saddle, the Wolfhound was lop-sided on brothers Dashing,

  being going to hold a stirrup to the nurse. He thought, to it will bring a burro or, on

  thin end, obedient mule. Anything similar. The groom brought old

  to the grandma of a dark and bay nimble gelding, and the saddle on it was men's. Guys

  came nearer, indecisively exchanging glances. The old woman hissed on them,

  in a trice collected a hem of a shapeless black shirt under which were found

  black wide trousers, also vsprygnut in a saddle so as if since the childhood did not get down

  from a horse. The wolfhound only the head shook. The nurse conducted the sort from the tribe

  ichendar, living, by the way, in those Castle mountains.

  Having reached on a clearing, it sent twins to examine лесочек and

  to be convinced that nobody noticed frequent arrivals of a knesinka and did not prepare

  ambushes. Then allowed the young ruler to change clothes in men's trousers and became

  to explain what to do if grabbed by both hands at once. Nurse of subjects

  time settled on a body cloth near a basket with edibles,

  spread out sewing and turned to work. Knesinka later too will make

  it is a little stitch.

  That it was possible without paltering to answer, than were engaged: "We sewed!"

  - By force do not even try, the monarchess, - the Wolfhound edified. - It all

  will be equally stronger. Yes take your time, itself later will come...

  Knesinka, having frowned eyebrows, with concentration escaped. Venn held it

  slightly higher than wrists, very carefully really not to award

  bruises, but it seemed to it as if hands locked in covered by rigid skin

  blocks. Look for do not look for a weak point, it is absent.

  - To you, men, it is good to argue on force, - промучившись some

  I pound time without anything, the girl took offense. - Slightly that...

  The old woman postponed an embroidery, then quickly rose and approached them.

  - And well, let the girl! - she went for the Wolfhound. - To it only

  trust, pootorvt all hands!

  - Nanny! - the knesinka of Elen was indignant, the Wolfhound let out her and

  turned to the old woman.

  - I will not tear off, - he told. - I to, that another who not

  tore off. - Also gave a hand: - If you want, then be convinced that to madam is not present offense...

  Brown, wrinkled starukhina a pad with surprising speed

  disappeared under long, to toe, black silk volosnik. When it

  came up outside, in it shook sharp, precisely a stiletto, long

  hairpin. A brilliant edge to a half of a cover the dried-up yellowish


  - Somehow and baby обороню, and!. It probably in most

  business was able to do something. Years so fifty back when she was put over

  cradle of mother of a present knesinka. In vain, perhaps, she was nicknamed Haygal

  - The striking Spear. Yes. The wolfhound could get rid one click and from

  hairpins, and from the old woman. That there it - any of brothers Dashing, to which

  she safely got up a back...

  - Grozna you, the grandmother, - the Wolfhound amicably told. - As you enemy

  you will meet if me, the bodyguard to treat to a poisonous pin


  - The nanny, - the knesinka of Elen repeated. The grandma looked at them dark

  senile look, without hurrying to concede. For certain, she also understood

  - how many it swagger, young dexterous guys oboronit "baby"

  much better it. But just like that she could not confess to it. Why

  to it, old, then on light to live?.

  The wolfhound strictly was lop-sided on the grinning twins and told

  to knesinka:

  - Calm the nurse, madam, let sees that you and will defen
d yourself.

  When the knesinka for the third time burst its winter crop, the old woman began to smile, and

  after the seventh hid at last the hairpin. During this time Elen

  Gluzdovna made, apparently, all imaginable mistakes; if opponent not

  at all the fool, he would be turned out from any situation, fighting back. Wolfhound

  still will explain her it. But not now.

  The nurse thawed finally when time to take rest, and her approached

  the girl, having rinsed in the river, together with three gluttonous good fellows

  undertook fresh bread and tasty meat. It was not required to persuade her,

  as houses to try a piece...

  Further neither twins, nor the Wolfhound saw. But someone from

  ubiquitous and all-knowing servants spotted how the boyar Krut rose to

  to the old slave with some inquiries. About what he tried to find out,

  remained, however, it is conducted to nobody. One was clear: anything from those

  inquiries did not come out. The grandma only mysteriously rolled up eyes...

  One night in Krom the little, tired blue rock pigeon flied. It

  whisked in a dovecot, and there it was noticed at once by the young son of the slave,

  put to look after birds. The young man carefully caught fed

  pigeon also ran with him to the boyar Krugu. The voivode removed from a back сизаря

  the tiny sack also carefully pulled out the letter traced on the thinnest

  translucent leaf. Such did of a soft core of monomatansky

  cane, flattened out and dried up in the sun. It is abrupt read the letter and.

  went to a knesinka of Elen.

  The wolfhound knew only that with a pigeon there arrived the message from the sovereign

  Sense. What it was told in the letter, nobody to it about, to the bodyguard to report

  did not become, and he did not ask. He saw only that the knesinka became

  it is thoughtful and, perhaps, it is even sad. It surprised him, She loved the father and with

  impatience waited for it, so why?. The wolfhound at first decided even that

  кнес ached and is late in Velimore, but then understood that business was in

  something another. If кнес ached, Elen Gluzdovna it seems run

  would start to the temple - consulting and praying. But is not present. Knesinka spoke

  with magicians is not more often than usual. And in general behaved almost like always. In

  the end of the ends the Wolfhound decided that business did not concern it.

  He hoped, the fool that the knesinka will be content with several

  the simple receptions allowing to defend themselves from the casual impudent fellow. And

  it is better than that, will not overcome disgust to cruel and not so women's

  to business. Not at all. She threw a knife, tried on a hand to a sword and

  shot from a self-arrow. The benefit that was cocked by means of the lever and not

  demanded such force as onions.

  Somehow time when horses already rysit home, the knesinka of Elen asked

  Wolfhound as veins marry.

  - When the girl matures, guys come to ask a beads, - he answered.

  - If mother allows. Then she will choose one of them...

  Knesinka listened to him and for a long time thought. The wolfhound saw that it

  wanted to ask about something it, but did not decide. Several times it almost

  got up courage and even opened a mouth, but during the last instant nevertheless

  gave up. And at last asked absolutely about another:

  - And happens what the girl is given not for that for whom she wants?

  The wolfhound considered himself the person who lived and saw something, but

  to get used that at most of the people the girl was given not

  could. The girl took from venn to herself the husband. He answered:

  - Happens when it is necessary for a sort... But act more often this way not with

  the girl, and with the guy.

  - And it happens that the girl goes against will and runs away with the one who to it

  it is pleasant?

  - Sometimes, madam, - the Wolfhound nodded. - Seldom, truth. At us not

  consider that it is good.

  The Vienna Truth consisted of many laws, and there was between them one,

  condemning immoderately imperious parents whose children, having despaired to avoid

  hateful marriage, took the own life. In a genus of the Grey Dog such, on

  to happiness, never happened, and the Wolfhound did not begin to tell anything

  to knesinka. What for?.

  It suddenly was solved and, looking away, at last set tormenting her


  - And whether your girl can... itself to tell the man that he to it

  it was pleasant? The wolfhound answered:

  - So most often also becomes, madam. - Thought and added: - That,

  that presented me a bead, itself approached me...

  - Yes it dithat innocent! - unexpectedly the knesinka became angry

  Елень. - For the sake of Gold Keys! Ten years!. What, here so put to you

  bead, also marry?.

  - It gave, and I took, madam, - the Wolfhound patiently explained. - Could

  not to take. And to marry... Perhaps it whom will better find... Or mother not

  will crave...

  Especially as I not painfully was pleasant to mother, he added about himself.

  Well, the bead in his hair did not oblige to anything a small balovnitsa.

  On the Vienna custom, an iridescent pea on a thong at the single man

  designated only that he was going to be loyal presented it. So far

  she will not take him in marriage. Or will not prefer someone other...

  Knesinka, however, for something became angry about the bodyguard and suddenly

  drove a mare. The wolfhound immediately struck with Serk's heels. Scientist

  the stallion immediately started also in several mighty jumps which

  its breed was famous, overtook the Snowflake which was not in time to gain speed.

  The wolfhound seized a mare by the bridle and stopped.

  He waited that madam will be filled on it for arbitrariness, but is not present.

  Knesinka not movably sat in a saddle, having hung the head, and somehow it is a pity,

  prishiblenno was silent. The wolfhound told nothing too. Appeared in time

  twins it is guilty exchanged glances, understanding that from them two a knesinka

  could and skip away.

  Elen Gluzdovna sighed and moved further dejected, slow

  at a slow pace...

  Already peaked galiradsky towers when the road seemed ahead

  took out towards to coming back the lonely rider. Wolfhound at once

  recognized the boyar Krut and only sighed. It was clear: this time Right

  firmly intended to vyznat everything that he, in his opinion, was obliged

  nobility. That he and with himself did not bring adolescents. In case nevertheless

  some shame will emerge.

  He put black across the road, then dismounted and put hands on

  very broad breast. Also you will want, you will not painfully go round. Only who will want

  to go round the voivode glorified impolitely. It is abrupt looked at the Wolfhound.

  That, having come nearer, stopped Serk and too jumped off on the earth.

  - Where every day with a knesinka you hang around? - gloomy asked It is abrupt. - From

  murderers its Saviour, and you think, everything is permitted to you? Answer, I speak!

  The wolfhound answered with an equal voice:

  - Madam goes where wants and with whom wants, and we are with you, the voivode, her

  not the decree.

  The boyar, flus
hing, stepped to him towards. The wolfhound remained to stand where

  stood. It was not going to use weapon, and there as it will turn out.

  Elen Gluzdovna did not begin to wait, obstinacy and devotion so far

  will bring these two to a trouble.

  - A wolfhound, - she called and gave a hand, and veins removed it from a horse.

  Knesinka approached the boyar and asked: - You, Are cool Milovanych, for me

  undertook to look after?

  She after all did not pronounce absolutely already irreparable word. Not

  inquired - whether you supposedly the boyar, at me, at a knesinka, you want the answer

  to ask?. No. She too loved an old ottsov of the companion that so

  to offend him.

  - Here undertook! - bellowed It is abrupt. - Your father will return, as before

  to them I will get up? Your maid, I will tell, from three otorvigolovama... and I, old

  the fool, quietly stayed at home?

  - With three bodyguards, the uncle Krut, - it is unexpectedly quiet

  the girl corrected. Not for nothing nevertheless she judged court, accepted foreign

  merchants also spoke with the galiradsky people. - From which, - it continued,

  - two you to me, the uncle, itself picked up, and the third from me right death

  took away. To which of three do you have no belief, the boyar?

  Old Haygal silently gloated over, sitting in a saddle. It is abrupt looked on

  Dashing, on one and another, and on the Wolfhound only brushed brothers

  look and that gave itself away. Venn sighed, having in passing noted about

  themselves that twins did not forget to inspect bushes, the field and an edge of distant

  woods. He after all managed to teach them to something.

  Right meanwhile it was more densely poured by blood:

  - Here that, the maid as I will lay on a knee yes a nettle...

  Knesinka, continuing to step on him, repeated:

  - To which of them do you have no belief, the boyar? And then It is abrupt made a mistake.

  It raked up it by a hand. The wolfhound understood what will be made now by a knesinka, slightly

  not earlier than her and instantly vzopret. It not painfully was given this

  reception. And against the boyar, till its birth carrying a sword... It

  was mistaken. Knesinka inspired by offense did everything perfectly.

  And... quickly. Surprisingly quickly. The third-party person would not be in time behind it


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