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Bloody Revenge

Page 72

by Darrell Guidry

  truly rocks shuddered, and travelers endeavored to be pressed in firmament, trying

  to somehow calm the snoring horses. Sea Hozyain committed excesses

  deeply below, but every time seemed as if an unreasonable wave just about

  sliznt all from the rock. Or will simply carry in dust eaves under legs...

  If not two magicians, the horses able to muffle a fright, those

  long ago obespamyatel for fear, escaped from hands and, of course, died

  . But presence of Niilit and Tilorn did the part: fugitives

  moved ahead. Though slowly. Too slowly.

  The wolfhound did not hear a pursuit. Also did not see though in the east already

  the dawn inflamed. He just felt it. That not the soldier who does not feel

  danger approximations also allows to take itself unawares. Venn looked back

  back also sighed, having remembered ten very convenient places where, be at it

  the second hand and in it onions, it one would undertake to stop decent group. And

  to lay besides to the people on number of arrows in Tula, and even it is more. It not

  considered himself the great shooter, happened more accurately. But on this track of the person

  was to push enough, and even to frighten, force to slip,

  to lose balance. And his death will be such is that the others

  will think whether it is necessary to be torn forward.

  Would know where, would spread straws, he thought angrily. And why I am in advance

  did not ask to make Lots I will forgive?.

  The wolfhound expelled because of Mysh's bosom, and the quick small animal flew up to it on

  head. To the foot of the Foggy Rock there were only several hundreds


  At the beginning of rise Tilorn continually looked back, checking as there

  Wolfhound. But veins went surely and easily though wounds for certain tormented him.

  Then became Tilorn not to him at all. Two horses charged to the wise man

  demanded full concentration. The track bent around a rock shoulder,

  at the same time abruptly directing upward. Here the Wolfhound decided that the best

  to it not to find the place for a meeting with Luchezarovichami, and stopped. Tilorna

  he did not begin to warn, so far that only watched the scientist leave not

  disappeared in the next crevice. There now and glory to Gods. And that mind

  it stop being got involved.

  To gather suitable stones below the Wolfhound did not guess, and here it

  it appeared not easy. Nevertheless he found for a weighty splinter of granite,

  threw it several times on a palm and was going to throw in a forehead

  to the first who will appear because of turn. Ability to distinguish a low sound

  among a roar for the present did not leave it, and soon, despite a sea rumble,

  he caught the muffled abuse, a shuffling of steps behind a stone edge and

  metal jingle. Closer... Even closer... The wolfhound was made for

  it is bright... Mysh confused all his plans. Having suddenly flown up, a small animal of silent

  by lightning it was thrown for turn. Almost at once scared reached from there

  the exclamation which was replaced by terrible inhuman shout. Shout sounded exactly

  it is so much time how many it was required to a heavy live body that

  to reach water. Mysh saw off a little falling, then returned to

  To wolfhound and again sat at him on the head.

  Luchezarovichey it became one less. But now they knew that

  in several steps them wait for everything. Or rather, suspected an ambush. On

  some time tarried there. The wolfhound heard Kanaon's voice: нарлак

  gave orders. Then because of a rocky shoulder young carefully looked out


  The Wolfhound held a hand with a stone at a shoulder, and the stone departed without

  delay. The young man promptly jumped aside back and, clear, stumbled,

  but did not fall: the cruel lesson did not go to waste, was tied to his belt

  strong rope. Behind the rock hesitated again. Someone with someone it is careful

  traded places. But here at last because of a stone, similar to recovered

  to boulder, the giant in two-pood armor under which mighty moved forward

  shoulders went, as under a thin shirt. Kanaon! Here whom with anybody not

  you will confuse.

  The wolfhound held a sword in hand, and the loop on a wrist was strongly tightened.

  Once I talked to you, he thought, looking at Kanaon. I then

  did not want to kill you. It was long ago.

  The former soldier of striped priests differed not only improbable force,

  but also rare art. The poor creature Iterskel in comparison with him was

  it is simply harmless. The wolfhound looked narrowly and saw the rope attached

  to Kanaon's belt.

  - Give up, the bodyguard! - began to roar mighty нарлак. - My children

  climbed up upward other road, and already intercepted your friends!

  If you give up, I, maybe, will leave them life!

  The wolfhound kept silent because this time to spare Kanaon he not

  gathered. One cannot say that from words of the bandit at it at all not

  heart trembled. But also to Kanaon it had no belief. Here if

  that held for a collar the boy Zuyk, then another matter. Though then

  he still very much would think before being given.

  He floutingly smiled to Kanaon and spitted out to himself under legs.

  Kanaon directed forward. The wolfhound had to recede before him

  impact, differently that swept simply away it as an avalanche. On a narrow track was

  not to be developed, thanks and on what it gave it, the lefthander, some

  advantage. Interestingly, the Wolfhound who after all created it thought? Those,

  who the first reconnoitered the kind world and, maybe, with fight left to the Gate,

  saving wise and just?. And what with them was then, them THERE,

  watered with blood, did not take?. To ask the waves which were measuredly rumbling

  below. Probably, they one also knew the answer.

  Luchezarovich already bent around the rock after the leader. At Someone

  there were in hands onions and self-arrows. Big accuracy this troops, however,

  did not differ. Armye onions not the most worthy weapon, believed

  onions kill from far away. They practised in firing more for the sake of hunting on

  animal. And in the wood, выхваляясь courage, preferred a bear spear. They and

  now did not shoot: were afraid to get to Kanaon. The wolfhound moved back back,

  step by step.

  A little further the track hid again, doing turn. There again conducted

  quite abrupt and rather ice-covered rise. In some places frost

  it was upholstered with hoofs of horses, and here and there and an axe butt. To horses cleared away

  way that they did not break. Kanaon looked at everything to the Wolfhound under legs,

  and veins guessed what that wanted. That he slipped.

  And the Wolfhound slipped. He lost balance, waved a hand and

  it began to be filled up backwards. Kanaon instantly brought a sword and with triumphing

  roar jumped forward, to finish. The brought blade already fell when

  both legs of the Wolfhound suddenly shot up. All body was curved by an arch, so

  that on the earth there were only shoulders and a neck, and a foot in wet, stuck around

  snow boots crashed to Kanaon into the lower edges. The blow was terrible. If

  not the continuous shod bib, нарлак with the flattened-out interior would die

  on the place. Armor allo
wed it to live still some time. It was almost twice

  heavier a vein, but raised it over a track and threw for an edge of steep. And

  when the end of a sword of the Wolfhound cut the rope attached to it

  to belt, about that one Wolfhound also knew.

  Kanaon should pay tribute - he did not utter a sound and even not

  let go throwing while flew towards to death. Luchezarovich

  it is bewitched watched how his body somersaulted in air. There,

  below, not to come up was and naked not that in a heavy armor.

  The wolfhound did not begin to waste time in vain. The movement which sent Kanaon

  to Sea Hozyain, put him on legs. It was still safe,

  except for furious pain in the disturbed wounds and especially in

  to the killed hand. But it still could move, so, pain followed

  to suffer. Yes and not for long remained.

  He did not begin to wait while regained consciousness Luchezarovichi stick it

  arrows. It jumped aside back and hid behind a stone ledge. And there

  nestled a back on the rock, endeavoring to recover the breath and wiping filling in eyes

  sweat. He knew that at once Luchezarovichi to it will not get. They and so

  lost two, and lost silly and terribly, on own

  self-confidence. There is no need to hurry them... Or there was nevertheless a reason for


  From there, where it stood, the city was already visible. There ascended the sun, and

  The wolfhound for the first time saw Galirad all entirely from height. Also understood that

  not for nothing pulled a knesinka here in the summer. He had no time to admire

  snow on roofs, gentle-pink and pure, not dirtied by a soot yet

  masterful and grain furnaces. He saw only what in the yard of Krom was

  fully to the people, and one big group jumped streets, and another left for

  city gate. The Wolfhound had very sharp sight, but even to it

  certain riders seemed the tiny, slowly creeping points. Not

  was any opportunity to make out who headed forward group.

  Three ahead jumped side by side... Knes, Right and... Ertan? Internal

  intuition prompted to it that it here hardly was without velkhinka.

  Veins smiled. So, suppression of Luchezarovy good fellows took place

  far quicker, than he expected. To them even Varokh's house was not allowed to burn.

  To wolfhound a lack of time was to try to discover eyes the familiar yard, but fire or

  he precisely would make out a black tear of a big fire. Perhaps is also not necessary

  to get away from the city, throwing a shelter and good?. Perhaps yes, or perhaps is also not present. They

  after all the most zealous henchmen of the murdered Luchezar with themselves were taken away.

  Therefore, probably, it was also succeeded to cope with the others the world.

  The wolfhound listened to the excited voices of soldiers behind the rock and understood that

  those just about will move further. And, how heroes drove horses of a knesova,

  they will not manage to help anybody any more. Unless will only press traitors on

  to track will also abandon them down.

  Unexpected incident granted it a little more delay. Luchezarovich

  suddenly heart-rendingly began to make a racket, and the Wolfhound looked down. To Kanaon,

  it appears, it did not happen to fall without hindrances by a bottom and to pass away there

  to fishes on joy. The roaring wave picked up it and rashly threw about

  rocks. One leg got to a crack, and the body of a narlak hung headfirst,

  being shaken and hitting against a stone. The show was terrible. Luchezarovich not

  could have eyes glued and only discussed whether Kanaon precisely died or it is still live

  and whether it will turn out to pull out it. The wolfhound thought of it too and solved,

  that it was possible to pull out the dead person, but it will be required in the afternoon. So far will overcome

  the rocks which hung over that place until lower on the fellow's rope,

  dexterous, not shy and besides lung body... If only until then

  mad waves will not drag away Kanaon back. Managed to throw, so

  will manage and remove.

  Luchezarovich too it realized, and the Wolfhound understood that a respite

  comes to an end.

  Almost at once at it behind the back the track dived into the gorge again, and it,

  it seems, removed already to the very top. There it is necessary to recede when they,

  having lost one-two more people, will expel him and from here. Who at them now

  was for the senior?. The wolfhound listened and understood that Plishka. Plishka

  usually the Wolfhound strong kept as if in the background of the giant of a narlak, but

  suspected that сольвенн was simply much cleverer. That priests, at

  which both served, trusted a role of the false fighter Plishke. At

  Kanaon would not be missing mind to cope.

  - Hey, veins! - cheerfully called suddenly to Plishk. - And that you there, upward

  you climb? At you that there, a cave?.

  Not your mind business, the Wolfhound angrily thought and was going to fight.

  The shirt under a chain armor unpleasantly stuck to a body, wet by the own sweat and blood

  from the opened wounds. Well anything. Still how many and that it will hold on. And

  not one will die. If only Evrikh and the others has enough reason...

  Rustle of hasty steps forced it promptly behind the back

  to look back. And then - it is furious to swear. To it, sliding legs in

  to smooth stone mouth, Evrikh and Tilorn hasty went down. Both

  it is unknown why dragged with themselves a spear. How they held weapon,

  at once there was a wish to begin to cry. The wolfhound turned towards and furiously


  - To me you what, the hands to finish off? And well...

  - We are men, - with advantage Tilorn answered. - We will beat off

  together with you.

  For a long time the Wolfhound did not feel such despair. It was ready

  to personally disarm both, to set bloody bruises and to push out in

  neck. But here Evrikh noticed on that party of a bay suspended headfirst

  Kanaona. The body of a narlak was hard shaken under blows of waves. When water

  receded, on stones blood began to flow. The following wave pinched it

  without the rest. Greedy seagulls already tried to the dead person.

  Brave Evrikh became green, precisely the girl who saw a dead rat.

  - About Gods of the Heavenly Mountain!. - the bookworm exhaled. Also asked

  the braided language: - It... broke?

  - Perhaps also broke, - the Wolfhound muttered. - Or perhaps I a little helped.

  To whom it is told, I will do without pomoshchnichok!

  Here because of a stone edge the soldier, and the Wolfhound instantly looked out

  it was made to defense, but the thought of the scientist overtook his sword. This time,

  the truth, Tilorn did not begin neither to accept a rack, nor to help himself fighting

  shout. It seemed to a wolfhound as if red-hot made by flew by

  the needle also pecked a solvenn in a breast. Venn expected that brushed away the guy with

  tracks as those logs that in front of his eyes one look threw off with

  benches Tilorn. Or that Luchezarovich captured by indescribable horror

  rushed back and, favor of favorable Gods, on somebody flew.

  Neither that, nor another! The young soldier just stiffened, looking expanded eyes

  in space before.

  - And long it is so?. - the Wolfhound asked.

For half an hour it will be charged, - Tilorn answered. - We run rather upward, the friend


  What is "half an hour", the Wolfhound had no idea. At

  it houses measured time in threads, vypryadayemy by the skilled skilled worker.

  It was necessary to assume that Tilorn designated this word though some

  extent. Still the Wolfhound thought that creators of a track could not but

  to provide there, above, the last boundary. On which he will also get up

  already to death. It is necessary to recede there because in other way to turn out upward

  two immoderately brave bookworms were not represented possible. Young

  сольвенн still stood in a motionless, napruzhinenny pose. Not really

  also you will bypass it.

  - Went, - the Wolfhound nodded and put a sword in a sheath. Blade still

  remained it is pure. Fortunately, the pradedovsky sword was not from those that

  refuse to come back to a sheath, without having enjoyed enemy blood.

  The last rise was abrupt and heavy. Remained only to a miracle

  to be given as it is horses passed here, without having broken themselves legs. No,

  finally the Wolfhound solved, the track was created not in itself. It

  created. And it is very prudent.

  Evrikh intended to prove the courage and wanted to go the last.

  The wolfhound was promised not to regret the escaped hand and to strangle the easy rider,

  if contradicts.

  "Half an hour" promised by Tilorn they were not given. In a booming stone corridor

  all sounds reaching from below were clearly heard. Soon

  Luchezarovicham bored to wait back advanced and to guess in vain,

  where it got to and why because of a ledge no noise is still heard

  fights, shout. They carefully looked out for a stone edge and at once

  saw the associate bewitched by Tilorn. To bypass it not

  it was possible, to stir up - too. And strong, strong body in every possible way

  opposed to attempts to change its situation. Someone offered simply

  to finish the adolescent and to dump him down: all the same supposedly he has no need to live,

  dirtied by evil sorcery.

  - I will finish those!. - Plishka shouted. But here other voices were heard:

  - Regained consciousness, regained consciousness...

  - It I released it, - Tilorn wearily frowned. - You understand,


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