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His Secret Agenda

Page 1

by Beth Andrews

  Allie could only stare as he closed the distance between them

  “What about you?” Dean asked as he reached out toward her as if to touch her cheek. But then he fisted his hand and dropped his arm back to his side. “Do you have any secrets you’d like to share?”

  She swallowed in an attempt to work moisture back into her mouth. “Nothing quite as dark as arachnophobia.”

  “You sure?” His eyes were steady. Intense. “Because you know what they say about confession being good for the soul.”

  Except she didn’t need confession. Not when she’d already taken care of her penance on her own.

  “I’m positive.”

  “Everyone has secrets, Allison. And I’m guessing yours are more interesting than most.” He leaned forward, and she slanted away. “Guess I have my work cut out for me,” he murmured.

  Fear, irrational and unsettling, filled her. “What work is that?”

  One side of his mouth lifted. “Finding out what your secrets are.”

  Dear Reader,

  I was seventeen when my best friend’s mother gave me a Harlequin novel to read. I was immediately hooked, but between finishing school and figuring out what I wanted to do with my life, my reading time dwindled.

  It wasn’t until after I was married and became a young stay-at-home mother that I rediscovered Harlequin books. I became so addicted, I read while my son napped as well as when I cooked, ran the vacuum and worked out on the stairclimber!

  No matter what type of story I was in the mood for—passionate, suspenseful, humorous or sexy—Harlequin had the book for me and, best of all, each one had a satisfying central love story and a happy ending.

  It was during this time of rediscovery that I realized exactly what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be a romance author for Harlequin Books.

  That dream came true on August 21, 2007, when I sold my first book to Harlequin Superromance. I have to say the reality of writing for this publisher is better than anything I’d ever imagined, and a large part of that is due to the guidance and patience of my wonderful editor, Victoria Curran, and Harlequin Superromance’s senior editor, Wanda Ottewell.

  This year Harlequin Books is celebrating sixty years of pure reading pleasure. Whether you’ve read these books for years or have recently discovered them, I hope you’ll join me in wishing Harlequin a happy sixtieth birthday!

  Thank you for reading His Secret Agenda. I hope you enjoy Allie and Dean’s story! I love to hear from readers. Please visit my Web site,, or write to me at P.O. Box 714, Bradford, PA 16701.

  Beth Andrews

  His Secret Agenda

  Beth Andrews


  Award-winning author Beth Andrews is living her dream—writing romance for Harlequin Books while looking after her real-life hero and their three children. A self-professed small-town girl, Beth still lives in the Pennsylvania town where she grew up. She has been honored by her kids as The Only Mom in Town Who Makes Her Children Do Chores and The Meanest Mom in the World—as if there’s something wrong with counting down the remaining days of summer vacation until school starts again. For more information about Beth or her upcoming books, please visit her Web site at

  Books by Beth Andrews




  To Mom and Dad for always believing in me.

  I love you.


















  DEAN GARRET HAD TWO WORDS to describe the town of Serenity Springs, New York.

  Freaking cold.

  And to think just last week he’d been complaining about the weather in downtown Manhattan. Guess mid-February wasn’t the best time to head north into the Adirondack Mountains.

  Lesson learned.

  The brisk wind blew through his coat—the coat that had kept him plenty warm during the past three winters in Dallas—and pricked his skin like shards of ice. Snow stung his cheeks and collected on his eyelashes as he made his way across the parking lot to The Summit bar.

  When he’d arrived yesterday he’d thought the snow was sort of cool. The way it covered every available surface, all pristine white and fluffy, made the town look like a postcard. Or one of those snow globes his aunt Rita collected.

  But still, enough was enough already. How did people live with this all winter?

  Thank God he had no plans to stay in town longer than a few weeks. That is, if all went according to plan.

  He opened the door, stepped inside the warm building and took off his Stetson, hitting it against his thigh to dislodge the snow. He scanned the bar, noting the exits, plus a short hallway and swinging doors that must lead to the kitchen. A guy with a shock of wiry gray hair nursed a beer at the end of the bar. A couple of college-age kids were shooting pool, while three men in suits sat at a table by the jukebox, stretching their lunch hour into two. Or three.

  A sharp-featured redhead in snug blue jeans and a long-sleeved black T-shirt, carrying a bottle of wine in each hand, pushed through the swinging doors. With her short, spiky hair and slim figure, she deserved the second look the college kids gave her.

  Dean walked up to the bar. “Allison Martin?”

  “Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not Allie,” she said over her shoulder as she set the bottles with the rest of the stock in front of a large mirror. “I’m Kelsey Martin.” She took one look at him, her green eyes shrewd, and grinned. “But don’t worry, if you’re straight, you’ll get over any disappointment real quick once you meet Allie.”

  He blinked. If he was straight?

  He switched his hat to his other hand. “I’m Dean Garret. I—”

  “Hold that thought,” she said, before crossing to the cash register, where one of the businessmen waited.

  Dean drummed his fingers on the scarred wood, realized he was doing so, then stopped. He set his hat on the bar and studied her as she swiped a credit card through the machine. How should he play this? Over the past two years he’d had a number of jobs, each of which had required him to be an excellent judge of people.

  A trait he used to his advantage as often as possible.

  He jerked the zipper of his jacket down while Kelsey sent her customer off with a friendly goodbye. When she’d spoken to him, there’d been no personal interest or attraction in Kelsey Martin’s eyes, so he’d save his patented I’m-just-a-good-ole-boy-from-Texas routine for the one woman who mattered to him.

  “Sorry about that,” Kelsey said. “You’re looking for Allie?”

  “She’s expecting me.”

  “With Allie, that’s debatable.”

  He frowned. “Sorry?”

  “Sometimes…well…time gets away from her.” The guy at the end of the bar raised his empty glass and Kelsey nodded at him. She pulled a draft and indicated the swinging doors with her head. “Allie’s in the kitchen. You can go on back.”

  He picked up his hat and circled the bar. Opening one door a few inches, he heard the synthesized sound of a syrupy pop song. Great. He had a few simple rules, lines he didn’t cross. He didn’t cheat. He kept to the truth as much as possible. He didn’t get personally involved with the people he worked with.

  And he didn’t liste
n to crappy music or even pretend to like it.

  After all, a man had to have his standards.

  He stepped into the large, industrial kitchen. She stood at the stove, her back to him, wearing a fuzzy, deep purple sweater that slid off her shoulder ’80s style, as well as black, pointy heeled, knee-high boots and a leather miniskirt. Her dark, straight hair was pulled into a high ponytail but still fell to the middle of her back, and when she did a little shimmy, it took him a moment to realize the harmonizing tones weren’t coming from the radio. They were coming from her.

  He clenched his fingers, bending the rim of his favorite hat.

  Turning, she spotted him and took a step back. Then flipped the radio off. “Is that a real cowboy hat or just for show?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Your hat. Real or no?”

  He stared at the hat in question. “Real as it gets.”

  She clapped her hands together. “Am I imagining it or do I hear a hint of Texas twang?”

  “I don’t have a…a twang,” he muttered. A twang was the nasal sound his youngest brother made when he tried to sing along with Brooks and Dunn. What Dean had was an accent that he could downplay or exaggerate depending on the situation.

  “No offense,” she said offhandedly. “I’m just so excited because you’re exactly what I need.”

  “I’m Dean Garret,” he said smoothly. “We have an interview? For the bartending job?”

  She waved her hand in the air. “Yeah, yeah. We’ll get to that, but first we have something more important to figure out.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Just set your coat on the chair there.”

  Shrugging out of the garment, he laid it on the back of the chair, and crossed the room. “Ma’am, I’m not sure I—”

  She shoved a triangle of quesadilla into his mouth. “What do you think of this?”

  Since he had no choice, he chewed. It didn’t taste like any quesadilla he’d ever had before. And for the life of him he couldn’t figure out what she’d put in it—not shrimp or crab. Then, out of nowhere, the heat hit him.

  His throat burned; his mouth felt as if he’d just chowed down on a fireball.

  “I tried to get Kelsey’s take on it but she wouldn’t try it because it has tomatoes. Isn’t that the craziest thing you ever heard? Who doesn’t like tomatoes?”

  His face flushed and sweat formed on his upper lip.

  “I mean,” Allison continued, “she eats pizza and pasta sauce—both of which, I shouldn’t have to point out, are tomato based.” The woman paused long enough to take a breath. “Well?”

  He cleared his raw throat. “How much hot sauce did you use?” he wheezed.

  Her eyebrows drew together. “Did I add too much? The recipe called for four tablespoons, but I got called away in the middle of making it and couldn’t remember…I figured another tablespoon or two couldn’t hurt, right?”

  “You thought wrong.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure,” he said. “Didn’t you try it?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t like spicy food, which is why I needed an opinion.” She smiled, and it was like being struck by a bolt of lightning. “But maybe I should get a second one. Opinion, that is. Just in case you’re like me and can’t handle a little heat.”

  He scowled. Which he knew was damn intimidating—especially when combined with his size. Even with her high heels, he had a good five inches on her.

  “Lady,” he growled, “I can handle spicy food. That—” he jabbed a finger at the offending quesadilla “—isn’t a little heat. It’s a blowtorch. My lips are still tingling.”

  She burst out laughing.

  Women. He’d spent a good deal of his life studying them, but he’d learned only one thing for sure.

  They never did what you expected.

  THE BIG COWBOY BRISTLED, but his hooded eyes gave none of his thoughts away. Allie swallowed the rest of her laughter. Some guys just had no sense of humor.

  Too bad. He was seriously cute though, with his sandy-blond hair and aquamarine eyes. Cute in an earthy, masculine, too large and with-a-heavy-dose-of-ride-’em-cowgirl way.

  She preferred dark-haired guys who dressed more conservatively than jeans and a striped, button-down shirt.

  He picked at the top layer of the remaining quesadilla on the plate. “What’s in this, anyway?”

  She turned her grill pan off. “Hot sauce—”


  “Tomatoes, some lime juice, onion, scallions…” She ticked each item off on her fingers as she spoke. “Cheddar cheese, cream cheese and lobster.”

  He jerked his hand back. “Lobster?”

  She stirred the big pot of tomato sauce simmering on the back burner. “Sure. Why not?”

  He scratched his cheek. “I’ve never heard of a lobster quesadilla before, that’s all.”

  “That’s why I made it. I wanted something different.”

  “It’s different all right,” he murmured in his sexy drawl.

  She tapped the spoon twice on the edge of the saucepan. It didn’t matter what this…cowboy thought about her menu. The Summit belonged to her and if she wanted to liven things up with fancier fare, then she would.

  Besides, if she had to cook one more boring cheese-chicken-and-mushroom quesadilla for the next Tex-Mex Monday, she’d stick a fork in her eye.

  She slid the band off her heavy ponytail and combed her fingers through her hair. “Well, let’s get on with your interview. Why don’t we sit down?”

  He pulled a chair out for her at the small table. She thanked him and took her seat. Studied him as he sat opposite. Okay, so he was polite. She couldn’t help it if she had a weak spot for courteous manners.

  She flicked her hair over her shoulder again as she picked up the file containing Dean Garret’s résumé, as well as the job application he’d sent in.

  “So, I guess we’ll get right to the basics,” she said. “I need someone to tend bar in the evenings from seven to three Tuesday through Saturday. We’re closed Sundays…except during football season.”

  “Football’s big here?”

  “We have our fair share of fans. Although if I had to guess, I’d say we’re packed Sunday afternoons because people go a little stir-crazy around here in the winter. They need to get out, and since social opportunities are limited to church functions or skiing, they wind up here.”

  He leaned forward. “Please tell me there are other things to do in this town beside church dinners and going a hundred twenty miles per hour down a hill on a pair of toothpicks.”

  “I take it you’re not into religion or winter sports?”

  He glanced around as if checking to make sure they were alone in the room. “If my mama happens to ask, I attend church every Sunday.”

  He was afraid of his mama. God, that was sweet. “So it’s just skiing you have a problem with?”

  “I prefer warmer activities.”

  Her mouth went dry.

  Oh, this wasn’t good.

  She got to her feet. And about fell back to her seat when he stood, as well. Yeah, those manners were mighty impressive. She went to the refrigerator. “Most guys avoid the ice rink—except for the Tuesday and Thursday night hockey league. And since we’re on Main Street, we don’t get any snowmobilers coming in, either. They all stop at The Pineview on the edge of town.” She opened the fridge door and pulled out a diet soda. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No, thank you, ma’am.” He glanced out the window at the falling snow—and she could’ve sworn she saw him shudder. “Is there anything to do here that doesn’t involve the threat of hypothermia?”

  She couldn’t help but grin. “Not too much. At least, not between the months of November and February.” She pursed her lips as she opened the can. “And sometimes March.” He winced, but covered it quickly. She sat back down and he did, too. “Since you’re not a fan of cold weather, I have to ask—are you staying in Serenity Springs long?”
  He leaned back, the picture of relaxed, confident male. “I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.”

  Talk about a nonanswer. “I need someone I can rely on. I’ve been through too many bartenders to count.” He just nodded—in agreement? Pity? Who knew? “To be honest,” she continued, “it’s getting really annoying to hire someone, only to have them walk away a few weeks—or in one case hours—later. I need someone dependable who’s not going to leave me in the lurch.”

  She sipped her soda and waited, but he didn’t say anything. And the intense way he studied her made her squirm.

  She cleared her throat. “Now, that’s not to say if I hire you I expect you to stay forever….” The idea of staying at The Summit forever caused a chill to run up her spine. “But,” she continued, shoving aside the uneasiness she always felt when she thought of her future, “I would appreciate at least two weeks’ notice, not to mention a few months worth of work first.”

  He remained silent.

  She sighed. Why were good-looking men always such a trial? “I’m not sure if you understand how a conversation works, but that would be your cue to speak.”

  He hesitated. Her experience as a defense attorney told her he was readying a lie. But when she searched his expression, she saw no hint of deception.

  Which just went to show she’d made the right decision to quit practicing law. She obviously wasn’t as good at reading people as she’d thought.

  “I’ll be in Serenity Springs for a while,” he said. “But I can’t guarantee how long.”

  “If I hire you, I need to know you won’t leave me in a bind.”


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