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Doctor Single Dad

Page 3

by Sonia Belier

  I stopped to take another sip of that bittersweet espresso.

  “...Wait till you get a load of the nurses.”

  She folded her arms and smirked. I could see she was in thought with the way her eyes seeming gazed across my face.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works Doctor. Maybe you’ll learn something from me.” She gave me a wild grin and tapped her hand on my desk. I could tell she liked playing a verbal game of chess with me. I’ll admit it again, I was liking this too.

  “You know, I’ve caught you giving me some pretty sexy looks during class.” I didn’t really care about modesty anymore. I know what I wanted and I was pretty sure it was the same thing she wanted too.

  “It’s not like I didn’t catch you either Paul. So, what’s the deal?”

  We stared at each other for a few moments both waiting for the other person to make a move.

  Shit. Maybe I should be professional. Maybe I shouldn’t move this thing too fast.

  Clearing my throat, I immediately changed the subject. “I’ve got an offer for you I’ve been thinking about for a few days. I’ll pay you pretty well if you can find time for it.”

  She folded her arms curiously and tilted her head. “I’m listening.”

  “I’m looking for a babysitter for my little boy Dylan. I’m pretty sure you can imagine how fucking hectic my schedule is. Every time I get someone good, they drop out because they just can’t keep up with it. I was hoping you might be able to.”

  Her eyes lit up at the sound of that and she slammed her slim arms against my Cherrywood desk, almost making me leap out of my seat.

  “Oh my god, I love children. I would love to! What’s his name? Dylan, you said? Count me in!” She was so excited I got a little worried that she might be an overgrown child herself. Nonetheless, I was pretty relieved at her enthusiasm.

  “Alright, great! Here…” I scribble down the address to my condo and some hours on a piece of paper on the desk. I put my number down too, hoping that she would give me a call or text so I could hear that soft sultry voice sometime. “If Dylan likes you and you think he’s a good kid, which he is, then we’ll make this thing official. I appreciate it April.”

  “Sounds good to me! Okay then, I’m going to head out Dr. Gray.” Just as she gathered her things to leave my office, I grabbed her wrist and she let out a weak moan. Don’t know how I managed to resist her the whole time she was sitting across from me, but I did. She looked at me with just a bit of concern in her eyes. I let her wrist go and got up from my seat behind the desk.

  Walking over to her, I placed my hand around her waist. She didn’t stop me, she even leaned in further to my body.

  “First, call me Paul from now on. And second…”

  Cupping her soft cheeks into my hand I pulled her close to and pressed my lips firmly against hers. April deepened the kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck. The faint taste of hazelnut coffee was on her tongue and I licked it with mine carefully. The vibration of her slight moaning against my mouth was making my whole body tense. I felt an overflowing sensation of heat all over me.

  Who the hell knew a kiss could be so damn good?

  Whoah. Whoah, whoah whoah whoah whoah. Snap the hell out of it Paul.

  Chapter 4


  “Shit, I’m sorry about that…don’t know where that came from.” Breaking the kiss, he shook his head and rubbed his eyes. I don’t know where it came from either, but surprisingly, I didn’t mind. I wanted to do it again even. I couldn’t stop thinking about Paul since I walked into that lecture room on the first day of class.

  “No really, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” I struggled to form a coherent sentence and my face turned flush with nervousness.

  “You gave me yours but here’s my number.” I hastily scribbled down my number on a sheet of paper that I pulled from my folder.

  “I’ll give you a call and come pick you up Friday afternoon so you can meet Dylan. Sound fair?”

  “Yep! That sounds like a plan.” Even though my back was turned as I walked out of his office, I could feel those icy blues burning holes into me. I don’t know what we just did, but I knew it wasn’t going to end here.

  I thought pretty hard about whether or not I would tell Judy that I kissed Paul. Sitting in my bedroom alone, I tossed and turned scrolling on my phone. I was really waiting to see if he would call or text. And I was practically glued to the damn phone all night.

  Was it even normal to be crazily attracted to your med school professor?

  I mean who wouldn’t be!

  He was rich and famous and super smart. Pretty much any girls dream. I tried to keep my composure around him, toying with him a little bit was the best part of it.

  Suddenly my mind went to his son and I started to worry about all sorts of things.

  Was he married? Was he divorced? Was Dylan really his kid? Maybe I should’ve thought all of that out before I signed up to babysit. But I didn’t see the harm in it. Even if we did kiss, I swore to myself that it would definitely be a one-time thing.

  Every time I tried to stop thinking about him, the feeling of his muscular body towering over me would always come to the forefront of my mind. Like a thought that stuck with me no matter how many times I tried to think about something else.

  It was like I could see the firmness of his muscles through his through that tailored suit he was wearing even though he wasn’t even around.

  “The drop-dead gorgeous ghost of Doctor Paul Gray coming to terrorize his student with his sexiness.” That had a nice ring to it.

  Paul had the most beautiful crystalline eyes I’ve ever seen. Blue, like the sapphire gem in the ring my parents gave me as a child. His short brown hair followed his cheekbones into a soft jagged pattern on his chin.

  So unbelievably sexy!

  My body was reacting to my thoughts and I felt my entrance getting slick with the thought of him.

  Was this bad? Was it dangerous?

  There was no way I could be sure but I was sure as hell going to risk it. He was just t0o good to pass up.

  The sound of the lock on the front door opening jolted me from my scrambled thinking.

  “Judy’s back…”

  I opened the door to my room and greeted her in the front of the apartment.

  “Hey Judy! What’s up girl?” I gave her a bear hug and waltz over to the kitchen to get some snacks from the fridge. All that thinking about Paul made me really hungry for some reason.

  “Well don’t you seem so bubbly today? Meet your prince charming?” Yeah, I was definitely not going to spill the beans to her about Paul just yet.

  “Eh, I just had a good day. Light work. Nothing special.”

  “Oh come on April. I know when you’re bullshitting me. Who’s the lucky guy huh?” She dropped her purse to the side and looked me up and down. “You will not convince me that something didn’t happen today.”

  “Fine, fine, fine! I’ll tell you. But you’d better swear on your life that what I’m telling you stays in these flimsy walls, okay?” Judy laughed hard and sat down on the couch in the living room while I munched on a cookie. Hopefully, I wouldn’t regret telling my best friend that I kissed my Cardiology instructor who just so happens to be a rich and famous doctor.

  “So today I went to Dr. Gray’s office hou-” Judy brought her fingers to my lips to silence me.

  “Wait up a sec. You went to his office hours? I thought you were already acing tests and shit. What do you need tutoring for?”

  “Well, of course I didn’t go for tutoring. I went to…”

  “Ahh, I get it you sly fox.” Judy winked at me and pinched my arms playfully. I was pretty sure she was already well aware of why I went to see Paul. She knew me too well. She continued, “You went to his office to try and make a move, didn’t you?”

  “Yep. I did. And in fact Ms. Know-It-All, it was pretty successful.” I pouted and continued chewing the butterscotch treat that I definitel
y should not have been eating.

  “Holy shit. Did you kiss him? Did you get to kiss freaking amazing heartthrob Dr. Paul Gray? Please tell me you took one for the team. Please.” She clasped her hands in a praying motion and pretended to faint. Seems like I wasn’t the only one that had an eye for Paul.

  “We kissed. I don’t think it was anything serious though. You know how things get when you’re stuck with a really sexy guy in a tiny room.”

  “If it were me, things would’ve gotten a hell of a lot hotter than just a kiss.” She winked and I rolled my eyes in laughter.

  “He has a son named Dylan that he wants me to babysit this weekend. I was thinking that it might not be such a bad idea.”

  Judy grabbed a nail file out of her purse and started filing away. “I’m rooting for you to get a nice reward after all of your hard work. And you better give me every single detail!” She tapped me on the shoulder and walked out of the living room.

  He’s a rich surgeon that teaches med students to pass the time, what would he want with me? There had to be hordes of women at his every call, all clamoring for his attention, right?

  My phone buzzed with a text message and my eyes lit up to see Paul’s name on the screen. I’d never gotten so excited from a fucking text before. This guy was making me act like a little kid, I swear.

  “Hey April, just texting to make sure I got the right number.”

  My heart started to race. This was a real thing now. Like, I was really talking to Paul and not just as a student. What the hell has my life become in three days?

  My last boyfriends were nothing really to think about and none of those relationships really lasted long at all. I was convinced that school was going to consume every waking second I had. The last thing that I thought was that I would start falling for Paul Gray. The. Paul. Gray. Maybe babysitting would be a good icebreaker. Maybe.

  “Alright class, the first week is coming to a close. If you still don’t know by now, this is a high-level Cardiology class. If you’re in the wrong place you should probably leave now.” The whole class tried to contain laughter at the sight of two clueless guys walking up and leaving the room.

  All this time and they just now realized they were in the wrong room?

  “Okkaayy…On with the lecture.” Paul quickly raised his eyebrow and let out a chuckle that was dripping with sex appeal.

  But maybe only I noticed that.

  “So today we’ll b e c o v e r i n g…” Every word he said became a slur and blurred up in my head. I just watched him walk back and forth against the whiteboard that was filled with notes, keeping my eyes locked on those lips that I got to taste the afternoon before. I couldn’t even focus on work anymore. My eyes followed his body, studying every curve of the toned muscles beneath today’s sexy tailored suit.

  Every once and a while he shot me a knowing look, curling his mouth upward and blinding me with his handsome shine.

  Those were the longest sixty minutes of my life.

  When the hall dispersed I got up from my seat and walked over to him

  “Hey, looks like you managed to get through that one. Good job.” He sarcastically gave me a pat on the back and my skin nearly vaporized at the feeling of his warm hand on me.

  “I tried, that’s for sure. I can’t wait to meet Dylan by the way! I’m sure he’s a great kid.”

  “Oh, you’ll love him. An energetic little ball of fire. That kid can go for days. He’s my world.” Paul placed his hands in his pocket and looked me deep in the eyes. I wasn’t used to a man so commanding, so in control of the situation that nothing intimidated him. I stared at his lips and thought about kissing him again. Before I could make the first move, he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. The scent of his earthen cologne poisoned my senses and my eyes rolled back in ecstasy.

  He brought his mouth to my ear. “I was thinking about how I was going to kiss you all that time. You know that?” I felt the wet slickness of his tongue tracing shapes around my earlobe and down my neck. My whole body shivered under the weight of his touch. He trailed circles and squares down my skin and back up to my lips where he pressed against me firmly. Our tongues dancing together, he slid his hands down to grip my ass.

  It was so dangerous what we were doing in the lecture hall but I sure as hell didn’t want to stop. It was too good, too tantalizing.

  When he broke the kiss I was left standing there feeling like there was some gaping hole in my body.

  “Paul…” The words almost yanked themselves out of my throat and he lowered his lids barely covering his crystal blue eyes from view.

  “I don’t know what you’re doing to me April. But if you don’t stop this might get a little wild between you and me.”

  “What if I want it to?” I felt his arms tense against me and the firmness in the length his manhood pressed up against my inner thigh. I wanted him so badly, but he stopped me from going further.

  “I’m going to get going.”

  The most depressing five words that have ever been whispered to me. Why was he leaving all the sudden? I didn’t care who was around. I wanted him to take me right on his desk in this giant lecture hall. He was a thrill that made me forget about everything surrounding me. He was my new obsession.

  “I’ve gotta pick Dylan up from school.”

  He was…a dad.

  “Oh! That’s right! Let me not keep you then.” I begrudgingly let his arms go and he slid his arms down my back and then to his waist. We both moved in practical slow motion, neither one of us wanting to be the one to leave first.

  “I’ll see you on Friday.” He ran his hand softly against my chin and placed a peck on my forehead.

  “See you then.”

  I watched him walk away and studied every step he took before he made it out the door.

  It was too late for me to reel myself in from him. I was already in too deep.

  Chapter 5


  It was Friday and the end of the week couldn’t have come faster if I begged it to. I rolled out of bed and dragged my tired feet over to the bathroom in my suite. Undressing down to my bare skin I turned on the water and let the burning hot stream flow over my tense body.

  I wasn’t used to this “take it slow” thing.

  Usually, when I wanted something I got it almost immediately. And I wanted April, but something in me was being gentle with her. Walking her through those stereotypical courting motions. She was young and beautiful and it was taking every ounce of restraint I had to not do all the things I’d been thinking about doing all week.

  I slid my hand down my cock which was already way too hard for words and leaned my head back and let the water hit my face.

  Thank goodness my mind was in control, because if it was my body…oh boy.

  I got dressed in a crisp fresh button up and ran my fingers through my hair. The sound of the doorbell ringing in the distance grabbed my attention. Jogging through the condo, I stopped at the front door and opened it quickly.

  Each time I saw her she was even more gorgeous than I remember.

  Her light blue dress hugged her curves neatly and her hair fell against her shoulders like a waterfall.

  “Is this Dr. Paul Grays house?” She asked innocently and sarcastically and I couldn’t stop the toothy grin that crept over my face at the sight of her.

  “It sure is, come on in.” I led her into the condo and grabbed her bags from her shoulder. She walked around the entryway and tried to take everything in all at once. I admit, the place was pretty impressive.

  “You have a beautiful home, Paul. Wow.” I walked up next to her and placed my hands on her shoulder.

  “It’s your place for today,” I whispered in her ear and felt her shiver at the feeling of my breath against her skin.

  “Daddy! I have today off from school!” Dylan ran from upstairs and almost knocked me down charging me into a hug.

  “I know buddy, isn’t that great? Hey look, there’s someone I want you to
meet. Why don’t you say hi to April?” He turned around and faced April, squeezing her just as tight as he squeezed me.

  “Hi April! Are you gonna build robots with me today?”

  “Of course I am Dylan. We’re going to build some big, bad, awesome robots!” April picked him up and spun him around in a circle. Little man laughed so hard his face turned red as the rose bushes in our garden. I hadn’t seen him this happy since…his mother was alive.

  “Sure looks like you two will get along just great. Hey April, I’ve got to run. If you need anything from me you have my number. Thanks again for doing this.” I almost leaned in for a kiss but stopped myself short.

  “No problem Paul. I think me and Dylan are going to have a ton of fun today, aren’t we?”

  “Yay! We are!” He ran to his toy robots and started putting pieces together. I gave April one last smile and a deep hug. She was really saving my ass right now and I had full intentions of paying her back tenfold.

  I arrived at my office at the hospital to the sound of the most irritating shrieking down the hall that I’ve ever been subject to in my whole 44 years of living.

  “Where is he?! I need to see him right now! Y’all said I can come back if I need anything and right now I need something. Where the hell is he?! I will not take no for an answer! Bring him to me!”

  “Ma’am Dr. Gray hasn’t gotten into the hospital yet. He’ll be on his way any min-”

  “THAT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! He needs to be here...RIGHT. NOW.”

  That nagging voice.

  The southern drawl.

  It was fucking Courtney Townsend coming to terrorize me again. Just my luck. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about Dylan today. All I would have to worry about is myself.

  I walked down the hall to see my med-tech assistant Lorrie trying to console the hysterical Townsend woman. Lorrie had missed work since she quit babysitting Dylan. It was awkward to see her after all of that but it wasn’t the time to start wondering about it.


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