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Doctor Single Dad

Page 16

by Sonia Belier

She rolled her lips together, tucking them in and trying to block any sound from coming out. It was cute that she thought her resistance would get her anywhere.

  “Forest!!” Sticking a finger inside of her tight body gave me the third scream I was looking for. Between my tongue and my finger, I could feel her soft walls getting tighter

  She was definitely at the edge.

  “Let me see those pretty eyes.” She stared into my eyes as much as she could as I continued to pleasure her. When she couldn’t hold it any longer, she closed her eyes and shuddered against my hand.

  She let out a scream so pleasurably piercing, I made it a mission to make her do it every day.

  Pulling my arms up to the bed, she motioned me to lay next to her. I could see the small beads of sweat dripping from her body and I wrapped my arm around her waist, bringing her closer to me.

  “Forest,” she said “That was amazing. I never felt like that before.”

  I smirked at the sound of her voice.

  “I’ll make you feel like that again.” I whispered into her ear.

  Tonight was nothing compared to what I really wanted. But I was going to take my time with it.

  Slow burn baby. Slow burn.


  A few weeks later, my first day on the job at Forest’s shop was surprisingly, fun. We’d bickered about it, but he finally agreed to let me paint the drab white walls over. As long as I painted bug eyes somewhere on there.

  There was never a moment he didn’t use to make fun of me.

  “Hey Jamie, go man the front counter for a second, will you? Derrick and I have something to work on in the garage.” He came from behind me dripping with sweat, soaking his white tank top.

  Looking at him like that brought me back to the night before. He must’ve noticed with my staring and gaping at him.

  “Something wrong bug eyes? Front desk work too much for you?” he wiped his oil covered hand s with a towel and placed it in his back pocket.

  “No, I got it!”

  “Good. Go get to work.” He slyly slapped my ass as I turned around to the counter.

  This was gearing up to be one seriously distracting job.

  Before I could sit down behind the counter, a pair of twin brothers walked through the front door. They looked wealthy. Like super wealthy. I immediately knew they must’ve been some high-profile clients of Forests.

  I better not mess this up.

  “Hello. Valor Hatton, a pleasure to meet you. You new here?”

  Wow, what a gentleman. I certainly wasn’t getting any of that from Forest.

  “Actually I am. Jamie Jordan. Nice to meet you too.” We shook hands and I caught a glimpse of his brother who looked a little less than impressed with me.

  Valor seemed to notice this.

  “Don’t mind my brother Fate,” he brought his face closer to me and whispered, “He’s a little bit of a hermit.” I chuckled lightly. “I’m here for my Bentley. My good friend Forest Lock said it was ready?”

  Bentley? Okay, these guys were definitely loaded.

  “Bentley…Yes…” I scrambled through the paperwork that was sprawled out on the counter. “Forgive me, this is my first day like I said.”

  “Oh no worries darling, take your time.”

  “Don’t take too long.” His brother Fate called out from behind him aggressively and thankfully, I’d just got my hands on their car keys.

  “Here you are Mr. Hatton!” He adjusted his glasses and took the keys from my hand.

  “Thank you, dear. Tell Forest we stopped by, will you?”

  “Will do!” The left as quickly as they came. I was a bit in awe. It sure seemed like Forest had friends in high places.

  I would ask him about it later.

  A few hours had gone by and I hardly had enough time to paint in between all of the people coming in and out of the shop. Guess I should’ve expected that. It was time for a break so I walked to the lounge area and took out my sketchbook.

  Might as well make some progress on my next piece.

  “Excuse me, where’s Forest Lock?”

  Or not.

  I looked up from my page and caught the gaze of a young kid in a fancy suit. He looked no older than 18, but I bet that suit was worth my than my entire life savings. The company that forest Kept was certainly well paid. Maybe I shouldn’t have found anything odd about that, but I did.

  “Hi, sir. What’s your name? Do you have an appointment with him?”

  “Name’s Mauve and I don’t need an appointment. Just bring him out here.” The pushy arrogant tone of his voice made me want to slap him.

  But patience, zen, peace…right?

  “Wait right here. I’ll go grab him from the back.”

  I jogged to the garage where Derrick and Forest were working.

  Forest’s head was jammed underneath the hood of a car. It looked absolutely painful…

  “Forest, there’s someone named Mauve here to see you.” At that, he rose his head up from under the hood too fast and slammed his head against the hood cover.

  “Shit!” He rubbed his head wincing and I went over to help him. He seemed to react pretty oddly to whoever this “Mauve” person was.

  “I’m alright Jamie. What the hell does that kid want??”

  “He just said he wanted to talk to you. Wasn’t really specific about it.” The veins in his neck protruded and his muscles tensed. I looked over in Derricks direction to read his face.

  He looked worried. That was definitely not a good sign.

  “Stay in here Jamie.” Dropping his tools beside him, he walked out of the garage and to the lobby. I walked beside Derrick.

  “Who is that guy out there Derrick? Seems like Forest doesn’t really like him much.” Derrick paused for a moment. Was he thinking about his answer?

  “Ehh, don’t worry about it Jamie. It’s just some annoying kid that bothers him every once in a while. Nothing special.” He continued to screw some nuts on to the part he was working on.

  Something was really not right about this. I glance over to the glass partition that separated the lobby from the garage. I could see Forest flailing his arms back and forth, pointing in the face of that Mauve character.

  “Derrick, look out there. It doesn’t look like nothing to me.” Joining me I discreetly peeking out the window, Derrick winced his mouth to the side and clenched his lips.

  “Don’t worry about it Jamie. He’s just a customer that’s always disgruntled.”

  “Fucking race you again? I already beat you! Kid. Give. It. Up!”

  Race? What was Forest talking about?

  I placed my head closer to the glass while bending down and trying to remain hidden. Derrick awkwardly walked back to the car he was working on and kept his head down, avoiding eye contact with me.

  “Don’t you want more than twenty grand Forest? I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse.”

  My heart sunk. I feared the worst.

  Was Forest involved in some kind of criminal enterprise? Was he an ex-con? Suddenly I felt so foolish for falling for him. There was some part of him that he was trying his hardest to hide from me. And I wasn’t sure I wanted to know what it was. I backed away from the glass.




  “Derrick, is there something you’re not telling me about your car shop?”

  “Stop yer worrying Jamie. There’s nothing there, scouts honor.” I wasn’t too sure that Derrick was being completely truthful with me. I decided I would get to the bottom of it on my own.

  When the conversation had wrapped up outside, Forest came back into the garage looking normal.

  “We’re done, Jamie. You can go back out to the lobby.”

  I said nothing to him and walked outside. I sat at the front desk and leaned my head against the table. Fear came over me at what his business was with Mauve. Something about racing? And a crap ton of money? It just didn’t sound right no matter how I sliced it.
br />   I continued to serve the remaining appointments until the end of the day. Then I would confront Forest.


  The clock struck 6:30 pm, and we’d just finished tidying up the shop for today. Forest waited for me by his car and I walked up to him.

  “Forest, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about on our way home.”

  “Hop in.”

  I got in the car and he revved up the engine. We drove back to our apartment. Though I said I wanted to talk to him on the way back, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

  The drive was mostly silent.

  The walk to our building was mostly silent.

  The elevator ride was mostly silent.

  And when we got to his front door, he expected me to walk in behind him. I did grudgingly. Somehow, when the door was closed inside of his apartment, I finally got the courage to speak.

  “Forest, who is that Mauve guy? I feel like you need to tell me what’s going on. I saw you in the shop. I head things…” I spoke quietly fearing the retaliation of my question.

  “Mauve is a customer. That’s it.” He causally popped open a beer and threw his leather jacket to the red couch in the living room.

  “Really? Then what’s that I heard about twenty thousand dollars?” I walked up to him and crossed my arms. “What’s this about racing? What is he talking about Forest.”

  He took a long swig of beer and put it on the table, leaning his head to the side.

  “You really ask too many questions Jamie. Some things have nothing to do with you.”

  How dare he act like I had no business probing in his life? We practically lived together at this point. We almost made love. I had full right to ask questions!

  “I’m not taking any shit from you right now Forest. You need to tell me who that hell that was and what the hell you were discussing. Right now.” I pointed my finger at his chest and he grabbed my hand forcefully. It was a small movement, but it nearly knocked the wind out of me.

  “It’s none of your business. I won’t say it again.”

  “I’m making it my business Forest.” There was no way I was backing down from him.

  He dropped my hand and shrugged casually. I was worried what he might say, but I swallowed hard and readied myself to bite the bullet. I was prepared.

  “I race. Illegally. I make amazing money and frankly, I’m not stopping anytime soon. Been doing it since I was in high school. Ain’t stopping now.”

  He was talking about the legality of it, but what about the fucking danger?!

  “Why would you do something so reckless forest?! Aren’t you afraid that you might get hurt?!” Suddenly it all started making sense to me.

  He kept saying he was a dangerous man. Now I knew why.

  “Look, you would never understand why I do it and I don’t have the patience to explain it to you. I said I won’t stop. And nothing you’re going to say will convince me otherwise. So save your breath.” He looked at the ground as he spoke. Something in me felt that he didn’t want to say what he was saying. But regardless, he said it anyway.

  “I want you to stop Forest. Please! You’ll get hurt!” I pleaded with him, but he didn’t budge. He just stared at me. Unfazed. “You lost your parents to a horrible car accident! Why the hell would you pick up street racing!”


  He slammed the beer he was drinking into the table next to us and the hoppy liquid burst everywhere, glass shards flying all over. I bent down and screamed, covering my head with my hands.

  He stood there fuming, his nostrils flared and his breath disjointed.

  How could he do this to me? I didn’t understand it. I thought we…

  “I can’t stay with you Forest. I’m going to leave.” My voice was trembling. My eyes were closed. I couldn’t bear to look at him.

  “You know what Jamie? Get the fuck out.”

  “I will!! You’re foolish Forest! You’re going to kill yourself!”

  I didn’t have to put up with his shit. I marched out of his apartment and slammed the door behind me. Unlocking the door to my apartment, I closed the door and dragged my body down to the floor against it.

  And cried.

  And cried.

  And cried…

  I couldn’t stop the steady flow of tears that just kept coming out. I wrenched my forehead together so painfully, I could feel a headache coming on.

  “Forest…” Even in this moment of sheer anger, all I could do was worry for him.

  There was no way I could be with him.

  Just like he warned me. He was far, far too dangerous.


  She couldn’t say I didn’t warn her. Jamie knew I was dangerous. She knew that getting involved with me was going to be a risk.

  I was pissed. No, I was livid.

  Cleaning up the mess I made in anger, I thought about all of the people I pushed away on purpose. All to prevent doing this to them. And the one person I let in? Yeah, I just destroyed that too. Shit was spiraling uncontrollably downward all of the sudden.

  I hit myself for ever letting her in. For kissing her. For tasting her flesh.


  I needed to release this pent up fucking adrenaline.

  Mauve wanted a race? I’d give ‘em one.

  I dialed the bastard up.

  “Ahh Forest, I knew you would take me up on my offer. Finally come around, did you?”

  “Cut the bullshit. When, where and what are the stakes?” My patience just about ran out with the kids shit.

  “Someone’s a little pushy today!” I rolled my eyes at his mocking. “Tonight. Same place as last. Outside of the entrance to highway 99. This time, we’re going for fifty grand, and pink slips.”

  Pink slips? Was this kid out of his mind? I was going to claim everything he owned if he kept risking it all.

  “I’ll be there. Don’t be late kid.”

  “Good luck Forest.”

  As soon as he hung up I raced for the door and to my car outside. Revving up the engine, I burnt out to the highway entrance where our race would start.

  Speed was the only comfort I knew. It was the only thing that wouldn’t let me down, wouldn’t judge me. There was nothing in the world that could take that feeling away from me. Except for Jamie.

  Dammit, I had to get the girl out of my system.

  I pulled up to the highway entrance and saw Mauve waiting for me in his Mustang. He stayed in his car not saying a word. Just giving me that same punchable expression he always did. He flashed a briefcase that contained the prize money and then flashed his pink slip. Rolling his window up, he revved his car as his assistant Rebecca made her way in between us to count us off.

  My palms were sweating on the wheel. I hadn’t felt like this ever before a race, but I had a sinking feeling in my stomach...

  Was it my day to meet the Grim Reaper?

  Everything moved in slow motion. When I saw Rebecca’s arms hit the ground, I floored it as hard as I could, yet again leaving Mauve in the dust.

  Just who did that kid thinking he was messing around with?

  The empty night highway opened up my tunnel vision and I steered down the road with ease. I looked in my rear view and could see Mauve trailing behind. I had no clue why he insisted on racing with stakes if was going to constantly lose.

  We were going for ten minutes and eight minutes had already passed.

  And then the worst happened.

  My car slowed down over a bump on the highway. Loud pop noises squeezed their way through my closed windows.

  Red and blue flashes shined like strobes into my dark car and my car stopped at the side of the high way with flat tires. All of the sudden I could see Mauve trailing up in the background and he pulled up behind my car, and next to the police.

  The fucking police.

  That moronic kid set me up.

  Shit. This was bad.

  I pulled my registration out of the
glove compartment and braced for the worst.

  The officer walked up to my car, stopping passed Mauve on the way.

  “Thanks for your help Mauve. Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to bust him. Good work.”

  “Oh, no problem at all Officer Bloom. It really was no trouble.”

  That fucking snake.

  The officer walked up to my window and knocked on it twice, her hand on her holster the whole time. I rolled the window down.

  “Forest Lock. I’m Officer Bloom. Do you happen to know how fast you were going down this highway?” She was a tall woman, hardened. Looked like she wouldn’t take any shit. Just my luck. No use trying to charm my way out of this one.

  “Actually, no officer, I don’t. Care to tell me?”

  “160 miles per hour. Ninety miles over the speed limit. Almost broke my detector back there.”

  Not a record speed, but I’ll take it.

  “Wow. That’s definitely a bit over the speed limit.”

  “A bit? Step out of the car sir, and put your hands where I can see them.” I did as she asked and stepped out of the car. She pushed me up against my car roughly and felt up my body.

  “You could ask you know. I’m kind of in high demand.”

  “Cut the shit Lock. I’m placing you under arrest. The judge is going to give you a hefty bail. You can thank your friend Mauve for that.”

  She placed the cuffs on my hands nearly cutting my circulation of, and lead me to her cruiser.

  Looks like the joyride was over.

  All I could think about was Jamie. I thought about what I did to her. And I felt like shit.

  The drive back to the precinct was the worst twenty minutes of my natural life. When we arrived, I was booked and thrown into a jail cell.

  Guess there was a first for everything right?

  I laid there on that hard bed, wall hanging thing for hours.

  Finally, after all that time the let me use the phone.

  I didn’t know who else to call, so I called Jamie. I figured I owed her an apology anyway. And what better place to give it to her than inside of a jail?


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