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Savage Promise

Page 5

by J. Woods

  “Do I want to know?” Dr. Dae asked, interrupting her mental dialogue.

  “Nope.” She watched as she slowly nodded her head.

  “Lift your dress honey, I need to make sure you’re not bleeding.” Brie did as she was told and pulled her dress over her belly baring the smooth, rounding skin.

  “So you’re…?”

  “Max’s Aunt,” Dr. Dae finished for her.

  “Perfect,” Brie muttered, watching the knowing smile cross the doctor’s face. She lay quietly as she completed the check up, praying everything was alright. It was stupid of her to get so worked up. But Max did that to her; made her so out of her mind that she couldn’t do anything but get mad. Because if she didn’t get mad, she would tell him the truth. And she couldn’t do that.

  “Okay Brie, everything seems to be okay. I want you to come in on Monday so I can do a full check. Take it easy tonight and tomorrow. I’ve already told you but obviously I need to tell you again. You need to try not to become too stressed out or upset, this has a direct affect on the baby, hence the pain you were feeling.” Brie nodded her head in understanding. “For tonight, I suggest you find a chair and sit your ass down for the rest of the night.”

  “I think I’d rather just head home and go to bed.”

  “Also a good idea,” the doctor agreed. She helped Brie up and fixed her dress before they made their way downstairs into the party that was now in full swing. Max caught her at the bottom and she refrained from rolling her eyes; she absolutely refused to admit she was glad he waited.

  “Okay?” he asked her quietly. She nodded her head, thanking Dr. Dae before she disappeared into the crowd.

  “I’m going to go home. I need to rest and Dr. Dae said no more stress.” She pinned her gaze directly onto him. His lips quirked in a half smirk that she wanted to both slap and kiss off his face. He was too damn charming for his own good.

  “Brie! Are you okay? I heard you weren’t feeling well.” Roxy pushed through to stand in front of her, her eyes full of concern.

  “I’m okay Rox, but I think I need to go home and lie down. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer.”

  “Nonsense! I just hope you’re okay.”

  “I am, you’re aunt was able to check me out upstairs.”

  “Oh good, okay. Do you need a ride home?”

  “I’ll drive her,” Max interrupted. Roxy looked behind her as if seeing him for the first time.

  “No,” Brie stated. “I have my own car. I can drive myself home.”

  “Okay but only if you’re sure,” Roxy urged, grabbing her hands. Brie pulled her in for a hug, hearing Roxy’s name being called from across the room.

  “Go,” she urged. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” Roxy gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving her alone with Max.

  “And then there were two,” His smirk morphed into a chuckle at the attitude she was doing little to hide.

  “Actually soon, there will only be one,” she said, pointing out the fact that she was leaving. She watched the frown snap between his eyebrows before he quickly masked it.

  “I’ll walk you out.”

  “You don’t need to do that,” she protested.

  “Either I walk you out or I carry you, you’re choice.” He grinned. This time she did roll her eyes. Too damn arrogant too, she thought walking toward the door.

  “I should say goodbye to your mom.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll tell her you had to go. You can see her soon.” She didn’t want to argue with him anymore tonight. Shaking her head she let out a sigh to let him know she wasn’t happy with his demands. His warm laugh caressed over her, it was so easy, so light. His hand rested on the small of her back as he walked her to her car. She pulled open her driver side door and climbed in behind the wheel.

  “You’re sure you’re okay to drive?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you, Max. Really, I appreciate what you did for me tonight.” He looked like he wanted to protest but instead swallowed what he was going to say and shot her that winning smile that never failed to make her knees shake. She looked away to start the car, every feminine need in her body screaming at her to stay.



  “Text me when you get home. I want to make sure you got in okay.”

  “Max, I’ll be fine.”

  “I didn’t ask if you’ll be fine. Text me when you get home or I will drive over to make sure myself.”

  “You are impossible,” she ground out between clenched teeth. “I will text you when I get home.”

  “Good.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to her cheek, leaving them to linger for a long moment before pulling away and allowing her to close the car door, effectively shutting him out. She needed to get away from him and pull him closer all at the same time. This was the exact reason she didn’t want to run into him again, why she stayed away. Because in the matter of an hour, he had her melting into a puddle of want and desire.

  Kicking off her heels, Brie almost groaned at the feeling before reaching for the zipper of her dress and pulling it off. By the time she got to her bedroom she was blissfully naked. She was too exhausted to bother taking off her makeup so she slid in underneath her covers, the events of the day weighing down her eyelids. She held her phone in her hand and stared at the blinking curser waiting for her to type a message. She started the text three different times, erasing each before pressing send. She fell back against her pillows; she wanted to slap herself. Finally, after two more attempts she forced herself to press send.

  Home safe and sound.

  Her phone buzzed in her hand, surprising her not even a minute later. She smiled, wondering if he had his phone out, waiting for her text.

  Glad to hear it. Did you lock your door?

  Yes Max.

  And you’re windows are closed and secure?

  Yes. There is no way you could sneak into my bed without my knowing.

  As tempting as that sounds, I just want to make sure you’re safe and secure.

  She frowned at the odd turn of conversation. Before she could question him, her phone buzzed again.

  What are you wearing?

  She laughed, picturing his almost icy blue eyes set against his dark features, sparkling with play as his lips turned up in a shit eating grin.

  Goodnight Max.

  Sweet dreams beautiful Brie.

  Chapter Six

  Max had finally cornered his sister out on the patio at his brother’s engagement party. “Rox, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” He turned to see who she was laughing with as he walked outside only to see she had been talking with Joel. He refrained the snarl that wanted to curl at his lip. He didn’t know what it was about the guy; he just knew he didn’t like him. And Max got along with everyone.

  “She just wasn’t feeling well, Joel. She had to go home, I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay, understandable. Maybe I could grab her number from you so I can call her and see if she wants to get together.”

  Like hell.

  “Roxy, I need to speak to you. Now,” Max interrupted. He felt his blood boiling at the thought of his Brie going out with someone like Joel; he was a kid. He didn’t deserve her. Roxy looked up in surprise as if just noticing that he was standing there. He turned to Joel and eyed him until the other man scurried away inside.

  “What was that?” Roxy asked, arching an eyebrow.

  “I don’t like him,” he growled.

  “Oh please, he’s harmless.”

  “Tell me about Brie.” He held back his wince. Could have gone about that a little more graciously Savage, he thought.

  “And why would I do that?” Damn it, he didn’t want his sister suspicious and her folded arms across her chest told him she was exactly that.

  “Because I think it’s interesting that she is your best friend and I have never met her. And because it’s my business to know about anyone who walks through this house.”

  Genius. />
  She rolled her eyes, her peaked interest slowly deflating as he used his job for an excuse.

  “Her name is Brie Murphy, she is my age, twenty-four and she just moved back here for work.”

  “And what does she do?”

  “She is the Marketing Director for one of the big firms downtown.”

  Impressive, Max thought. But not surprising. “And how did you two meet?”

  “In college.”

  “Is she single?”

  “Jesus Max, what is this, an interrogation? What’s wrong with you - she is the sweetest person I know.”

  “Is she?” he pressed.

  “Yes.” He watched her sigh in exasperation, but he had one more question before he let her go.

  “If she is single, who is the father of her child?”

  “Some guy she met...”

  “Roxy! Max! Come inside now loves, it’s time for cake,” his mother interjected, sticking her head out the door. Roxy moved past him, following orders.

  “Rox,” he persisted.

  “Max! Let it go - she’s not a danger to you or this family. Chill!” And that’s where his sister was wrong. She could possibly be the most dangerous thing he would ever come across. Because without a doubt, he felt his heart slowly slipping away from him. Or maybe that she had already stolen it. He loosened his balled fists and stepped inside, smiling at the happy couple they were all there to celebrate. Logan held Zoe close, leaning down to whisper something in her ear that caused a pretty blush to touch her cheeks. Max rolled his eyes as his brother Luke chuckled beside him. He watched as Zoe smiled up at Logan, some secret, silent conversation happening between them that caused a grin to curve at his brother’s mouth. And he felt the pang of jealousy in his own chest. He was undeniably happy for his brother; he’d found someone that was so perfect for him and took none of his shit. Zoe was beautiful and successful and she was one woman that was probably tougher than most men he knew. She was strong and independent and her eyes almost always carried a dare to anyone who thought about crossing her. She had only become stronger from when she had been kidnapped six months ago and fought against the man who had been unknowingly stalking her for ten years. She had become a staple in their family as she immediately worked her way into every one of their hearts. Including the man who him and the rest of his brothers called the Ice Man. Logan knew his reputation had gone to shit, he’d let his hard demeanour slip but he didn’t care, because he got the girl. And Max wanted his own girl. Who was now in bed, alone. And wouldn’t tell him what she was wearing.

  The next morning, Max pulled into the parking lot at Brie’s building. He frowned at the neighborhood she was living in. Surely a Director of Marketing could do better than this. He would have to talk to her about that. Pulling out the bags of groceries, he remembered the fiasco from last night and figured she shouldn’t be going out today; he walked through the unlocked doors shaking his head. Sure, it was Sunday morning, but he figured they were left unlocked all night. He stepped into the elevator pressing the button for her floor that he had memorized from the illegal copying of documents he took from her doctor file. He found her door, the hallway dark even in the morning light and knocked in a rhythmical pattern. He checked his watch, 11:00, and knocked again. Listening to the silence, he attempted the doorknob to find it open. Pushing his way inside, he called out for her and faintly heard the shower running from the opposite side of the apartment. He ground his teeth as he placed the groceries on the counter - he was going to tan her gorgeous ass for being so stupid. Walking through her apartment he found her bedroom and the open door to the bathroom where steam was escaping from. The soft sounds of her humming curved a smile at his lips as he grabbed a towel for her and waited, leaning against the doorframe.

  Five minutes later the shower turned off abruptly and she stepped out of the shower backward, not yet seeing him. God she had the prettiest ass he had ever seen. He was clenching his jaw so hard he was surprised he wasn’t cracking teeth, the sight of her wet, slick glowing skin had never made him harder in his life. He couldn’t take it anymore, he needed her to cover up or he was going to strip himself of his pants and convince her to fuck him against the tiles of her shower wall. He reached his fingers in front of her face handing her the towel. The sharp scream that tore from her lips surprised even him. He hadn’t meant to scare her, and if he was honest with himself he was glad she was shocked by a man in her bathroom. He wrapped the towel around her quickly, pulling her against his chest.

  “Shh, it’s just me.” She pushed away from him, shoving her shaking hands into his chest causing him to stumble backwards.

  “Jesus Christ, Max!” she yelled. “What the hell are you doing here?” Before he could answer she plowed forward. “No - get the hell out of my bathroom!” He held up his hands in surrender, maybe he should have thought this through better. Backing out of her bathroom and through her bedroom, he made sure he was out of sight before letting his grin loose. Damn she was sexy, standing there infuriated in just a towel. He adjusted himself in his jeans; hell, this was going to be a long day. He had never wanted anyone as much as he wanted her. He wanted to throw her on the bed and lick every single drop of water from her skin, the need to feel her wet heat around him as she begged him for more. He braced his hands against her counter bowing his head on a groan. He couldn’t think about that right now, just the thought of her in the next room, naked, had him ready to explode in his pants. He had already decided during his sleepless night, in order to get past her barriers he was going to have to seduce his woman, pregnant with another man’s baby. It was a job he was looking forward to. They would figure it out, he would have to, because he wasn’t going to give her up without a fight.

  Pulling out the groceries he found her pots and pans and turned on the stove. Ten minutes later he was throwing the last of the vegetables in the omelets when he watched Brie walk down the hall, her hair still wet around her shoulders, the long sleeved shirt she wore, tight around her belly, the black comfortable pants hanging loose around her hips. She leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen watching him, her mask of indifference solidly in place.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he admitted, letting his eyes rake over her. There was never a question that she was the sexiest woman he had ever laid eyes on, but her pregnancy only added to her allure. Her skin held that glow, her tiny frame still small enhanced only by her growing belly. For a fleeting moment Max almost wished it was his child she was carrying - too fast for him to grab before it was gone again.

  “What are you doing, Max?” she asked, avoiding his statement.

  “Making breakfast,” he grinned, turning back to plate the eggs.

  “I mean, what are you doing in my apartment?”

  “About that, did you know your door was unlocked? I was able to just walk right in, Brie.”

  “Max, answer the question,” she demanded, following him as he placed the plates on the table. He watched her eyes soften at what he’d already laid out on the table.

  “We had a date, it’s Sunday remember?”

  “No. We didn’t. I said I would think about it.”

  “And I told you I would see you Sunday. Now sit and eat. I figured with what happened last night you wouldn’t be up for going out today so I brought brunch to you.” He could see the slow surrender as she stared at him, the small smile tilting at her lips while she shook her head.

  “It smells delicious,” she said quietly.

  “I’m sorry I scared you.”

  “You should be. I swear, I almost gave birth in the bathroom.” He snorted into his apple juice, wouldn’t that be a sight.

  “How are you feeling this morning?” he asked soberly.

  “Better,” she mumbled around a mouthful of food.

  “Good. So what did you have planned for today?”

  “I have to finish unpacking. These boxes are driving me crazy.”

  “You’re not doing any unpacking. That’s too much for you today aft
er last night. I will unpack and you can just tell me where it goes. You can sit that pretty ass on the couch and relax.” He stood up to take their empty plates, putting them in the dishwasher before following Brie into the living room and the small mountain of cardboard.

  “Sit,” he ordered. She rolled her eyes but obeyed.

  “Roxy and I started unpacking already the other night.”

  “I can see you got a lot done,” he commented sarcastically. Her light laughter floated around her small apartment.

  “I don’t like you living here,” he told her then.

  “Excuse me?” she asked, still laughing.

  “I’m serious Brie, it’s in a bad neighborhood, there is no security on the building. I don’t like it.”

  “Well it was all I could find in the short amount of time I had, so it will have to do, and you’ll have to get over it.” Her saucy little attitude was already driving him crazy. He turned away from her going for the first box on top of the pile.

  “So which brother are you?” He looked at her over his shoulder raising an eyebrow at her question. “Roxy told me all about her big strong brother’s and their amazing security business. But she also told me about what each of you did before starting Savage Security - a soldier, cop, P.I., special ops, marine. So... which one are you?” He found himself stalking over to her, her interest in his past sparking the hunger only she had the ability to call on. He couldn’t have stopped himself if he tried. Placing one hand on the arm of the couch and the other on the back, he effectively cornered her as he leaned in, her increased breathing hot against his lips. He could see the beat of her heart pulsing at the base of her neck and he wanted his mouth on it. He let his eyes roam over her gorgeous face.


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