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Refusing to Fall (Dennison Series Book 3)

Page 26

by Ferraro, W

  Mason was the last to speak with him, and Reed took the opportunity to ask the question he was too afraid to admit he knew the answer to.

  “Is she here?” Reed whispered.

  Mason looked unusually sullen as he shook his head in answer.


  However, before Reed could voice anything else, a campaign worker announced it was time for his speech.

  He watched as his family offered a thumbs-up and words of encouragement before stepping out the door to take their place out in the ballroom.

  Reed composed himself, waiting for his announcement, but the joy he thought he would feel at this moment was so empty, and he knew exactly why.

  Colby wasn’t by his side, sharing it with him.

  He knew if she wasn’t here, then she was holding the fort down at the restaurant. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. One thing was for sure; her absence cast a definitive shadow on this occasion.

  “So please, put your hands together for State Senator-Elect, Mr. Reed Dennison . . .”

  With a smile he didn’t feel, he stepped out the door. He took the few steps, which led up to the raised platform where he would give his speech.

  There was applause, and catcalls, whistles, and cheers echoed off the walls. Flashbulbs went off as plenty of news outlets and press were in attendance, and a hundred cell phones held up aimed at him to catch this moment on film. He stood behind the podium, which held a campaign banner on the front and a large one suspended on the wall behind him. Reed could see his family front and center, all with wide smiles and cheering the loudest.

  When the cheering broke and the hall quieted, Reed knew it was time to recite the speech he had memorized a week ago at Lacey’s request.

  But it didn’t feel like the right thing to say, so he improvised.

  With the first genuine smile he had shared in days, Reed looked out into the crowd and spoke from the heart. “Thank you all. Thank you all so much for your support and for being here to celebrate this monumental moment in my life. I’d like to thank every person who voted for me, and I want you to know that I will stand by all of my intentions shared throughout this campaign, and I want you to hold me accountable if I do not live up to your expectations. My door will always be open and my time will always be available for any concerns you deem fit.” He smiled, allowing his words to resonate with all here before he continued. “I’d like to thank my campaign team that has worked so hard to get me this far, as well as my deepest thanks to my family; my parents and siblings both by blood, loyalty, and by marriage, for standing by me and supporting me in every way possible. Calling a spade a spade when I needed to hear it, I really would be lost without you all. I’ve dreamed of holding this position for a long time now and to know that my dream to help those in our wonderful state is coming to fruition is very humbling to me. However, above all, this win has proven that I was less than truthful during my campaign.” At this, many people gasped and cameras clicked. “I have been completely honest in everything I have planned to do to fix the state’s economy, as well as I have been nothing but straightforward about the less than stellar job those in office in this state are doing or my intention to rectify that immediately.” More gasps and looks of confusion filled the quiet room. “So you are probably wondering what I was untruthful about, and right, you should be. I’ve allowed not only this campaign, but also my previous public persona to paint me in a way that in my opinion is far from honorary. You see, I am far from the proverbial bachelor and/or unattached man that I’ve allowed everyone to see and know. The undisputed truth is I am a man who is very much in love.”

  The Dennisons’ faces looked prouder than they did not five minutes before. In a sea of confusion, mumbled whispers, and furiously recording journalists, they were his line of support.

  “They say behind every great man is a woman who knows how to help her man succeed as well as know her place in his world. I, unfortunately, have let this very special someone believe her place in my world is anywhere but by my side. I can tell you all that horrible missteps I took will forever be my cross to bear. I could stand here and tell you every stunning and honest-to-god perfect trait of this one-of-a-kind woman, but I understand you all have lives to get back to.” This earned a round of laughter. Reed placed his hands on the top of the privacy sides of the podium, becoming more casual and completely forth telling. “No, this amazing and non-fictitious woman has given my life such clarity that everything I knew to be true six months ago, I now know pales in comparison to my present reality. Regardless of what I felt for her on the inside, I allowed my lack of control over perception to dictate what I could feel on the outside. Now, let me clarify. I have never once been ashamed of this woman nor will I ever be. However, I can’t say that she feels the same way. Or at least, she shouldn’t; she has every right to be ashamed of me for how I treated her, for how my bid for privacy portrayed as what I felt to be of the most importance. For that, I will never be good enough for her. So please take my word when I say, my relationship is neither new or a publicity stunt but rather me finally admitting to the world what I have known here”—he points to where his heart is in his chest—“for a very long time. I’m madly in love with Colby Jackson.” Collaborative gasps echoed as well as some mild applause. “For all of you who know this beautiful, kind, wonderful, and talented woman, you can confirm that she is too good for the likes of me. But that is the beauty of what she has taught me and continues to drive home with me. That no matter how you think you feel, unless you are one hundred percent honest with yourself, you are just refusing to fall.” With an exaggerated silence, Reed then continued, “Colby, I speak to you now. Thank you for showing me the person I want to be and the person I should have been to you from the beginning. My heart will only ever be yours, and I hope one day you will allow me to say all the things I should have said and need to say.” Reed took a moment to collect himself before smiling once more and ending his speech. “So, in closing, I vow to always be honest with both myself and all of you in my plans and hopes for the state of New Hampshire. Thank you all and have a great night.”

  As Reed made his way down the steps, handshakes and affection by his supporters overcame him, resulting in taking him a minute or two longer to make it back to his family. When he finally reached them, not one of the women had a dry eye and all of the men had matching goofy expressions of joy. Letting his eyes take them in, he had secretly hoped that in the sea of blue eyes, Mason’s brown ones wouldn’t be the only ones.

  Reed, trying to hide his chagrin, continued to accept congratulations and speak with supporters as the party bloomed into full swing. However, the commotion at the door to the hall drew his attention.

  The crowd broke and there in the open space stood a flushed, windblown, thick-coat covered Colby in ripped jeans, her fuchsia colored hat and mittens, and bright green Converse.

  Never before had he ever seen anything more beautiful.

  The two just stared at each other before Reed felt a playful push at his back, propelling him forward and straight to her.

  He wanted to touch her, to taste her, to hold her and never let go, but he needed to follow her lead. The fact that she was here was sentiment enough.

  Dare I hope?

  Colby took charge and grabbed his hand pulling him toward the door and out into the cold.

  When they had taken four steps, his senses came back and he stopped them, instead leading her to the private suite where no one would be able to disturb them.

  When they were safely behind the closed and locked door, Reed reluctantly let go of her mitten-covered hand.

  “You came . . .”

  Taking her hat off her head, she placed it along with both her hands in the pockets of her large coat. She looked him straight on and asked in a whisper, “Did you mean what you said?”

  Reed wanted to raise his hands in victory, to just be alone in a room with her gave him more hope than he ever thought possible. However, at t
he same time, he was absolutely terrified he would mess whatever olive branch this was up. He just continued to take her all in; he was afraid to look away for a moment to miss something or worse, she would turn around and walk out the door.

  She spoke again. “Reed, I need to know. Did you mean what you said?”

  “I meant every word.” Reed’s palms began to sweat, and he could feel his heart threatening to beat out of his chest.

  “You really are in love with me?”

  Even though they were a mere three feet apart, it might as well be a mile. Taking a hesitant step toward her but not daring to take more than the one, he held her gaze. “At the moment, it is the only thing in the world I am one hundred percent positive on. I am madly in love with you, Colby. Whatever you need or want me to do to prove it, just say it and I will.”

  “You want me in your life? To share all of this with you?” Her eyes were now water filled, and her voice was meek.

  “I want you more than in my life; I want my ring on your finger and our last names to be the same,” Reed answered clearly and confidently, daring to take one more step toward her. Bringing them chest to chest.

  Colby bit her lip as she continued to fidget. She averted her eyes, but Reed wouldn’t accept that. With the gentlest of hands, he placed a finger under her chin and raised her eyes to meet his.

  “I love you, Colby. Stay with me. Forever. Please.” He spoke with such desperation, knowing he would never get another moment to show her how much he needed her.

  “Reed . . .” she began but never pulled out of his touch or severed their gaze.

  But he didn’t give her a chance to speak; he was too overcome with paranoia that she would just turn around and leave him once more. “Marry me?”

  She squeezed her eyes shut before opening them and staring into his truest of blue ones. “No.”

  No? He felt the air leave his lungs, and his heart cease to beat.

  He didn’t care that his voice cracked from his emotions or that he had fallen to his knees at her feet. He grabbed hold of her hands, refusing to let go. With his head bowed, he begged willingly, “Please, baby, don’t do this. Give me a chance to prove to you I changed, that I should have openly given you what you deserved rather than being so arrogantly selfish. Please don’t leave me. Please!”

  Now, it was Colby’s turn to drop to her knees, holding his shaking body and offering him comfort through his sobs. “I didn’t fall in love with the man who spoke tonight. Don’t change for me.”

  He cleared his throat. Uncaring of the wet tracks that covered his cheeks, he cradled her face between his hands, finding solace in the warmth that chilled his cold hands and the sight of those freckles scattered across her skin.

  “But that’s just it, baby. I’m the same man, Colby. I’m just rectifying my mistake. A mistake I’m ashamed to say I let occur. I want the world to know you are mine. I want my—no, I need my love for you to be my legacy in this world. Not my professional life, not my court record, or all that I will do in office. It has to be how I treated the woman who has stolen my heart, and who I will treasure every day of my life.

  “Oh, Reed . . .”

  “I want you . . . as my wife . . . as soon as possible.”

  “I don’t need a ring or grand gestures. I can be happy just being us.”

  Now with a dimpled smile that spread wide from ear to ear, he leaned his forehead against hers, never releasing his hold on her precious face. “You aren’t the one who needs the ring, I am. I need to know I have honored you with something I never intended to share with anyone. I need everyone to know that I am the lucky one, that I am the one who gained. You being happy as mine is what will make me happy.”

  Reed couldn’t hold back any longer. He pressed his lips against hers and the charismatic feeling of hope and happiness filled him; the undeniable feeling of being home surrounded him. Their lips molded together as their tongues answered one another.

  Colby wrapped her arms around his neck, allowing him to pull her even closer, pulling her down to the floor, where he stripped her of her mittens and coat, so he could lean over her and offer wordless yet powerful apologies mixed with pleas of acceptance.

  When they came up for air, they were both laughing and content to have the party go on without them. Colby stood, suddenly aware of what she wore in comparison to him. However, before she could say anything, he answered.

  “You couldn’t look any more beautiful right now if you tried.”

  She bent down to kiss him, extending a hand to pull him to his feet; however, Reed had other plans in mind.

  He remained on one knee, he held her hand, and with the most dazzlingly of smiles, he asked, “Colby, will you marry me?”

  With love and adoration returned through her gaze, she too smiled wide and answered, “Before I give you my answer, I’d settle for a proper date.”

  Not taking this as any form of rejection, he stood to his full height, pulling her into a passionate and slightly indecent kiss before saying, “A date, you say? Would you like to accompany me to a party?”

  Being playful in return, and totally completely in love, Colby answered with mischief. “Oh, you aren’t getting out of this easy, Mr. Senator-Elect. No, I want a real date! Flowers and wine, dinner and dancing!”

  Placing a kiss on her adorable nose, he asked, “Can we kiss on the first date?”

  “Of course.”

  “Will you put out on the first date?” He smirked.

  She returned his smirk and added a wink. “If you play your cards right, I just might.”

  They shared another heated kiss before Reed once more turned sincere. “You know I’ll ask you every day to wear my ring.”

  With one hand on the doorknob to join the celebration and the other safely tucked into his, Colby looked at him and answered, “I’m counting on it.”

  Colby’s face turned serious, and Reed was suddenly rapt with attention, hoping she wasn’t second-guessing this moment.

  “There is one more thing I want you to do for me,” she whispered, averting her eyes to remain focused on his tie.

  Placing his fingers under her chin, he raised her precious face, stared long and hard into her eyes wanting her to feel his honesty. “Anything.”

  “You promise?”

  Reed searched her eyes, knowing he would pull down the sun, moon, and stars if she asked him to.

  “I promise.”

  “I want our paintings back.”

  The smile that spread across his face was enough to threaten to crack, and he placed a leisurely kiss against her waiting lips before he replied over them in a ghost whisper, “I think that can be arranged. When you move in, you’ll see them in our bedroom.”

  “Our bedroom, huh?” Colby asked, matching his smile, as she stood on tiptoe and returned his kiss.

  “Yes, our bedroom. However, I must say, there is a hell of a lot more remaining wall space in our bedroom, so perhaps we should consider adding to our private collection.”

  Weaving her hands through his short locks, paying special attention to the back of his neck because it was one of his sensitive spots, Colby returned his sultry look and added, “I’m sure I could dig deep to find some inspiration to create some more.”

  “Don’t worry, you won’t have to dig very deep—of that, I have no doubt. Just be sure I’m right there with you when inspiration strikes.”

  “I wouldn’t have anyone else standing there with me.”

  With the sexiest expression she had ever seen on his face, Reed dropped his face to lay kisses along her jaw, kissing all along until he reached the shell of her ear, and whispered, “Oh, I don’t know if we need to restrict it to just standing. There are many positions of inspiration we should try out, at least to ensure thorough possibilities and to remove you from your comfort zone. We will be very adventurous on our journey for inspiration.”

  “What a wonderful idea, but that is just until all our bedroom wall space is taken, right?”

nbsp; “Why limit it to just our bedroom? Hell, there are three stories of blank wall space we should fill up. Hell, I’ll buy a warehouse if I have to.”

  “Oh, think of the color possibilities,” she responded before giggling in his embrace.

  “I love you, Colby Jackson.”

  “I love you too, Reed. We can discuss redecorating ideas after your party.”

  Not letting go of her hand, Reed led Colby through the door to rejoin the celebration knowing as long as she was in his life, things would never again be just black and white. Reed would continue to look for the bands of colors between, knowing if it weren’t for Colby, such vivid color and happiness wouldn’t have painted his life.

  After all, who doesn’t love a rainbow?

  Reed twirled Colby around the dance floor as the piano played, filling the Dennison family home’s back deck with a soothing, love-filled melody. He couldn’t remove his eyes from her; she was a vision in her strapless simple white floor-length gown, which hugged her body almost indecently. His hand rested against the soft satin material at her waist, and Reed couldn’t help but pull her even closer to him, reveling that she was finally his wife.

  Every day, multiple times a day, for the last six months, Reed had asked Colby to do him this honor. Even with each sweet denial, he couldn’t stop himself from continuing to ask her. She wanted to be wooed, she wanted to be courted, and she wanted to know him on every level, without a filter. Well, by God, that was just what he was going to do.

  Whether it was quiet evenings at home with takeout containers, well-thought-out candlelight dinners at five-star restaurants, or simple walks through the park or around town, every moment he had to give, she was the only recipient.

  His heart swelled when she would join him on state business, regardless of the scale, because when she was on his arm, he made sure everyone knew it.


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