Believe Series box set
Page 4
“Where are we?” I ask.
“This is my house. I just need to grab some things.”
Mark parks his car in a large circular shingled driveway near the front door. I see that there is also a black Range Rover and a red Mini parked nearby.
“I’ll only be ten minutes or so,” Mark says as he switches off the engine. “Come on in. This won’t take long.”
I look at Mark, then back at the house. “Are any of your family in there?” I put a hand protectively on my swollen belly, jumbled thoughts play to get a foot hold in my mind. I’m not sure that I want his family to see me while I’m pregnant. I don’t want them judging me without knowing my story.
“No one is here, but my personal assistant. He’s doing some work for me, and I don’t live with my family. Even if I did, it wouldn’t matter.” He places his hand over mine. I smile, but my nerves are in my throat. As I begin to climb out of the car, Mark races around the car, telling me to wait. As he opens the car door wider and offers me his hand, I take it and he helps me out of the car. I close the door behind me and look at the other cars. Mark follows my gaze and tells me that the Mini belongs to his assistant.
“The Range Rover’s mine. Don’t worry, Megan. No one else is here. I only moved in six months ago after I saw this place and fell in love with it.”
I look around at the grand house, and Mark offers up a smile.
“It’s only a house, Megan. Come on,” he tells me, as he leads me up a set of steps to the front door. There are planters filled with overflowing flowers on either side of the steps, and Mark opens the door and ushers me inside first.
The foyer is minimalist, with only a few small pictures on the walls, and the black, central spiral staircase is obviously the main focal point of the entry hall.
“I just need to do some stuff in my home office. You’re welcome to join me, or you can just have a look around. It’s up to you,” Mark tells me as he shuts the door behind us.
I turn and face him. “I’ll just wait here.”
I watch Mark go through an archway, obviously heading for his office. I walk around the foyer and see that the pictures appear to be of Mark’s family. I hear his voice, and I walk through the archway that he had gone through. I walk down the neat hallway to an open door where I can see Mark talking to another man. The man is a little bit taller than Mark and dressed in a smart pinstripe suit.
Mark notices me and smiles. “Megan, I’d like you to meet my assistant Connor.” Connor is an attractive man with short blond hair.
“Nice to meet you, Connor,” I say.
Connor walks around a black leather sofa.
“Good morning, Miss. Nice to meet you. Is there anything I can get you?”
Did he just call me Miss? That is a new one on me. I smile and say, “I’m fine, thank you.”
Mark walks around Connor, taking my hand. He walks along with me to a room he told me was his office. It has a desk, a computer and three chairs. It has French doors behind what would be Mark’s chair. Mark lets go of my hand and sits down in the chair, looking for something in his drawers. I walk around behind his chair, and I can see what he meant about the view. It is amazing. The garden is pretty. There is a built-in barbeque and a black garden arch with built-up flower beds at either side.
I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. “I’m ready to go when you are, Megan.”
I turn around to face Mark. “I see what you meant about the view. It is breathtaking.”
Mark and I walk out of the office together and head out of his house.
“Where are we going now?” I ask.
“Into the city, just to get something. We can pick up a film to watch later on if you like.” Standing at the side of the car, I nod and smile.
“That sounds great.”
Chapter 6
During the drive back into the city, we talk non-stop about what movies we like and find out that we enjoy the same kind. I cannot stop looking over at Mark. He looks so amazing. Mark glances over at me and I get butterflies in my stomach. We drive to the shopping plaza. Mark keeps a tight hold of my hand. I am sure friends do not normally hold hands. We choose three different films, a comedy, a chick flick and a horror. Mark asks if I need some snacks, but before I can answer, he heads out to pick some up. Then, he leaves me looking at clothes so he can pick something up he needed at the printers. I meet Mark outside the printers, and he smiles. “One last shop, then we can go back or get some lunch, if you would like.”
I walk alongside Mark. We stop outside a jewellery shop. ”I will be back in a minute.”
“Okay, I’ll stand right here.” I look at the jewellery in the window. Oh my god, I would need a mortgage to shop here. Why are we here?
“All right, Megan, would you like to go for some lunch?” Mark asks when he returns, slipping his hand into mine.
“Come on, then.”
We walk to a restaurant, which is very close. It looks very much like the bar where we met. The same corporation must own it, because the name is Restaurant 3000. The décor is the same as the bar. As we walk farther into the restaurant, a small woman walks over to show us to our seats.
She has blonde wavy hair, blue eyes and she is in a uniform. Mark lets go of my hand and walks with the server. She flirts openly with Mark, stroking his arm. I walk slowly behind them. I cannot believe how jealous I feel. I feel out of place, like the proverbial third wheel on a date. Nevertheless, he is not mine, and she very well could have a claim to him. Mark and I sit opposite each other.
“What would you like to drink?”
I raise my head up and look at Mark. I have no expression, but look straight into his eyes. I feel empty and prefer to go back to the hotel. I answer quietly, “Lemonade, if they have it.”
Mark smiles at me, “Of course, they do. What do you fancy to eat?”
I pick up the menu and hide behind it. As I read it, a tear rolls down my cheek. I select the cheapest thing on the menu.
“Chicken wrapped in bacon with rice, please.”
Mark waves the server over and orders for us. The server continues flirting with Mark and giggling at him. Unable to sit there any longer, I make my excuses and head for the restaurant’s restroom.
I sit in the bathroom crying. Why, oh why, am I crying? We are just friends. I straighten myself out, telling myself not to be so silly.
I walk back to the table just as the food is arriving. It is not the blonde server this time. I sit down.
“Megan, are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Lunch looks good, thank you.”
Mark smiles at me, but there is a hint of concern in his eyes. We sit in peace and quiet, eating our lunch. Once lunch is over, he takes my hand.
“Megan, please smile. Something is bothering you. I can see it’s written all over your face.”
Mark kisses my hand.
Once again, tears well up in my eyes, “Look, Mark. I really can't do this. I can't play games, nor can I handle being compared to the other women in your life.”
Mark looks at me, puzzled.
“What? What games? What woman? Megan, what are you talking about?”
I lower my head as tears again begin to fall.
“The waitress, it’s obvious you two...”
Mark shakes his head. “No, no, no, I don't know where you got that idea. HER? No, Megan, I told you we could begin as friends, but I know I’d like to be more than just friends.”
Mark waves the server over and pays for lunch, refusing to let me pay. He helps me to stand, and we walk hand in hand to the car. The journey back to the hotel seems long. We are quiet, but it is a tender silence. Mark holds my hand, kissing my fingertips and the back of my hand often.
After arriving at the hotel, I feel relieved to just sit on the sofa and take off my shoes. I put the snacks onto the coffee table with the films while Mark is talking quietly on his phone. I sit, trying to listen to what he is saying, but I cannot make out a word. I settle back on the sofa, pull
ing my legs beneath me and getting comfortable.
Mark walks over to join me.
“Right, I’m all yours. I have something for you.”
Mark places his hand into a bag and pulls out small cream- coloured teddy bear with a pink bow on its head.
“Oh, Mark, thank you.” He places a kiss on my hand. ”It’s for ‘Bump’. Your gift is still in the bag.”
Mark hands me the bag and tells me to open it. I reach into the bag, and I find a small black box with the name of the jewellery store Mark stopped at during our afternoon walk. I open the box slowly and find it contains an exquisitely crafted silver charm bracelet. Attached at intervals are several charms, each different to the rest. I look back to Mark’s face and directly into his eyes. Do I see nervousness? On the other hand, maybe it is fear.
“Mark, this is so beautiful. I don't know what to say.” Mark removes the bracelet from the box.
“Here let me.” Mark takes my hand, lifting it toward him and loops the delicate chain around my wrist. He lifts each charm and explains its meaning.
“A pram for 'Bump’, a heart because you make mine beat more than I knew it could, number 23 for the day we met, and a key to my heart. We can add to it, Megan, as our relationship grows.”
My eyes had been flooded with tears from the moment he opened the box. I feel tears running down my face. Mark looks at me with such a look of confusion.
“Mark, as I said, this is beautiful. I've never seen anything like it, but there is no possible way I can accept this.”
“Megan, beautiful girl, I bought you a gift. I ask for nothing in return. It is for yesterday, today and hopefully, tomorrow. I will not listen to any refusals, or excuses, from my heart to yours.”
”Thank you, Mark, but...”
Mark looks at me with a smile of warning. I lean over to kiss his cheek, but he turns his head and our lips meet. He cups his palm to my cheek as the kiss deepens. It is so perfect, this kiss. It’s soft, yet full of so much meaning. I do not fight it. Slowly we pull away, lost in each other’s eyes. Has time stopped? Mark brings us back to reality.
“So, which film first?” He grins.
“How about we watch the comedy?” I smile back.
“Perfect.” Mark immediately gets up and places the film into the machine. He walks back to the sofa and tells me to relax.
“I am relaxed,” I sass back. Mark sits and lifts his arm. With his other hand, he pats his chest.
“Come. Sit close and put your feet up. I’ll be your pillow. You will keep me close and happy.”
I do as I’m told. We stay there in silence, watching the film. I must have fallen asleep at some point, as when I wake, Mark’s jacket is covering both of us.
“Nice nap, beautiful?” Mark asks with a huge smile.
“I can’t believe I fell asleep.”
“It’s okay. You only missed the last five minutes of the film. You must have needed it.”
I sit up, leaving the jacket to fall away. “Sorry, I guess that’s one of the many joys of pregnancy. My body is always changing. I don’t know what I need from one moment to the next.”
Standing up and walking around Mark, I go over to the bathroom. Just as I am about to walk in, Mark asks if he can get me a drink.
“Please, you know what I like.”
I finish in the bathroom and walk back in to the other room. Mark places drinks onto the table. As I smile and place my hand on his shoulder, Mark turns around and hugs me. I cannot stop smiling. I sit down on the sofa.
“I have lemonade, Diet Coke and tea. All for you, Megan.”
I smile. “You forgot water.”
“I will get you some.”
I place my hand out in front of him just as he begins to stand up and touch his stomach. “I’m joking, Mark. Sit down,” I cannot believe how hard his stomach feels. He sits back down.
“What’re you like, Megan?” Mark says playfully.
“I’m lovely,” I start giggling.
“You are indeed.”
“Let’s watch another film, the chick flick?” I suggest, trying to hide the redness of my face from the comment he just made.
“That’s fine with me.”
“Are you sure?”
Mark gets up and places the film into the player.
“I just want to be with you, Megan, plain and simple.”
I grab some snacks and wait for Mark to sit down. I push the footstool under our feet and throw the jacket back over us. Mark turns towards the bed and pulls the duvet from it. He discards his jacket, and we snuggle down beneath the duvet. I rest my head on his shoulder, and the film begins.
Chapter 7
Mark rises from the sofa and walks to the television, taking the film out of the machine while I wander off to the bathroom again. I need a little time to myself to think. I really like him. I feel safe around him, but this is all moving too fast. This is just not possible. I feel like a lifetime of hurt dissolves just looking into his eyes. It amazes me that all the insecurities I have ever felt vanish when he touches me. I walk back into the sitting room to find Mark sitting on the sofa, looking at his phone.
“Your phone went off while you were in there,” he informs me.
“Thank you.” I smile.
I walk around Mark, sit down next to him and pick up my mobile.
“It’s Jenny, telling me about her day.” I tilt the phone so he too can see the text.
Hey beautiful, have had a fantastic day with Rich. We managed to sort so much out. How are you and bump? Did you do anything special today with Mark? Xx
I smile, look at Mark who smiles at me, and I reply to Jenny’s question.
Hey Hun, I’m so glad you got lots sorted. We are both well. Mark has been here since around ten. I’ve had an ‘eye-opening’ day. Xx
Mark smiles again, but this time it is a different smile. He shifts his body and turns toward me. With his index finger, he makes small circles on my knee. I look into his eyes and suddenly start feeling nervous.
“May I ask you something?” Mark takes my hand with both of his.
“Of course, you may. Anything, Mark,” I answer, but I am afraid of what he will ask, and if I am able to trust him enough to answer him. It always boils down to trust.
“Where is 'Bump’s’ dad? You don’t have to answer if it’s too difficult to talk about, only if you want to and only if it feels right.”
I smile. Can I trust him with this? I don’t want him feeling sorry for me. I pause, take a deep breath, and look down at our hands.
“He lives near me, the next town over.” I pause again, taking a deeper breath. “I caught him cheating on me with another woman. I found out he was married. He also has three children.” I can’t quite believe I told him all this information and so willingly.
Mark moves his hands from mine and puts one beneath my chin, ensuring I make eye contact with him. “Thank you for telling me. Are you okay?”
I can see the sorrow in Mark’s eyes. “I’m fine. I’m over him,” I state emphatically, hoping Mark can tell I want to move on from my ex and all the troubles associated with that chapter of my life.
Mark smiles, and it is not his normal cheeky one. “Does he not want ‘Bump’?”
“He doesn’t know about her. I found out a month after I last saw him. He wouldn’t answer my messages, and he’s since changed jobs. I do not want to break up his family. It would not be fair for his children. He has made his choice. I will never get back with him anyway. I want someone I can trust, someone who wants me for me and no other.”
Mark kisses my hand. “He’s not a real man because no real man would do that.”
“I’m okay, and I’m going to make sure he can’t hurt ‘Bump’.”
“He doesn’t deserve either of you.”
“Thank you, I know we’ll be okay. I’m going to do everything I can for her.”
Mark pulls me close to him, wrapping his arms around me.
“She’ll be fine, especially w
ith you as her mum. Thank you for telling me.” I feel a huge weight lift from my chest.
I sit there in Mark’s arms, listening to his heartbeat.
“Shall we get something to eat? It’s getting late. You need to eat.” Mark lets go of me. It’s nice that he is thinking of me, or possibly himself. We all know men love their food. I’m not really hungry, but “Bump” needs me to eat.
“Sounds like a good idea. What do you fancy?”
“It’s up to you. We can go out for something to eat, order room service or get take-away. I’m okay with whatever you like.”
Mark smiles his usual cheeky smile, the smile that makes me melt. “How about we eat here? We can have take-away or room service. I don’t mind.”
“Sounds like a good idea, baby. How about take-away?” Did I just hear him right? Did he just call me baby? I must be hearing things.
“Are there any take-outs you don’t like?” I enquire.
“I’ll eat anything, baby.” Mark kisses my hand, and I realize he did it again. I’m not hearing things. He called me “baby”.
“Chinese it is then.”
Mark uses his mobile to locate a Chinese restaurant and brings up a menu, and then he passes the phone to me so that I can choose what I like. I choose something simple, playing it safe, as I am conscious at all times that I have a precious life growing inside me and I have read that certain foods can be potentially dangerous to an unborn child.
“Chicken fried rice,” I inform Mark. “That shouldn’t have anything I’m not allowed.”
Mark smiles and places his palm against my bump and asks my unborn child if she’s hungry, which makes me smile. I love the way he considers “Bump,” making me feel like the pregnancy is not an issue for him.
“I’m going to have duck and pineapple in sweet and sour sauce. Shall I call for it?”
Mark rings the order in, and he informs me he is going to go and collect it as it’s just down the street. It would be quicker than waiting on a delivery.