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Believe Series box set

Page 29

by L Chapman

  "Baby, I will be with you. It’s our first New Year’s together. I'm up for a onesie party, but do I actually have to wear one?" Mark says.

  "Of course, you do, or you can’t come," Jenny answers.

  Jenny and I have always ended up together on New Year’s. Even when we are out at a bar, we leave before midnight because neither of us really likes it. I think a party would be a good idea and something that Kate can be involved in. We could do some fun dressing up. I would love to see Mark as a lion because he seems to have a thing for them, or at least the roaring part.

  "We will sort the full-on plans tomorrow," Warren says. "I don't want to be at work, but I will have to go in at one point though."

  I will be glad when I can crawl into bed tonight. I'm shattered. Today has been such an emotional day. I need to sort out my head. I love Mark, and I want to be with him. I have to think of my daughter though. I don't want John taking her, and I definitely don't want him. I just don't know what to do. Why has this been such a complicated Christmas? I just wanted a simple, magical one.

  "Bed now," Connor says, picking up Kate from the floor. She fell asleep with her head on the pram cover hugging her dolly.

  "It’s been such a busy day for her," I state.

  Lucy has been asleep for a couple of hours now; she will be up soon for a feeding and then out again until morning. I hope she grows out of getting up so often during the night.

  "Megan, would you be upset if I went to bed, too," Jenny asks.

  "No, go," I say, standing and picking up our empty glasses. Well, I have been drinking Coke all day.

  "Night, hun," Jenny says, "Thank you for an amazing day."

  I finish collecting all the dishes and load them into the dishwasher. Yeah, I'm feeling lazy now. I don't like washing dishes though, so the dishwasher was one of the first items I bought when I got the house. I don't use it as much as I should. I feel Mark's hands wrap around my waist, pulling me back and close to him.

  "Baby, do you want me to do Lucy Doo's milk? That way you can get that sweet arse of yours to bed," he says as he kisses my neck.

  "That would be great, but only if you want to, baby," I answer, spinning around to face him.

  "Anything for my two special ladies."

  "Thank you," I say, kissing his cheek.

  Before walking upstairs, I turn off everything and move the presents to the side so that no one trips. I can hear Mark chatting to Lucy.

  "Lucy, you’re so cute. I can’t wait to have a house full of more little ones. I hope you can see me as a dad. I would do anything for you. I'm never going to let your dad hurt you."

  I walk into the room and place a kiss on my daughter’s head. "Goodnight,

  Lucy." I walk back out, leaving him to it.

  "Hey, baby, you’re still awake." Mark points out as he creeps into the bedroom.

  "Yeah, I was waiting to cuddle with you."

  "Give me thirty seconds and then I'm all yours," he says, pulling off all his clothes and leaving just his tight arse black boxers.

  He climbs into the bed and pulls me close. I lay my head on his chest, and he wraps his hand around my back. I feel so safe.

  "Thank you for sorting Lucy," I say.

  "Anything for you."

  I lift my head and place a kiss onto his lips.

  "Megan, I'm sorry but I need to ask you something. I just didn't know when the right time would be."

  I sit up straight because this sounds bad. "Go on."

  "Don't look so worried. I have been looking into starting a new office in this end of the world, and I need to fan things out a bit more. With you here, it makes more sense. I want to be with you all the time. Will you move in with me?"


  "Will you move in with me?" he enunciates each word slowly.

  I sit there looking down. What do I do? Follow my heart or follow my brain?



  To my family, thank you for all your love and support.

  Paige, thank you for spending hours working with me and making everything sparkle. You rock. I would be lost without you. Thank you.

  Angel, best formatter, EVER. Thank you. You have done an amazing job.

  Anna, Tina & Gemma, thank you for being the best beta readers I could ask for.

  Wendy, thank you for clean reading for me.

  Kristine, a few months ago, we were strangers. Now look at us. You're a great supporter and an amazing friend. Thank you for everything. Love you, K.

  To my amazing sis, Crystal. You rock. I love our wild chats and the way you try to do my accent. I would be lost without you. I can't wait for your books to be out. Thank you for everything you do. I love you, sis.

  Christine, what can I say? Thank you, hun. You're as crazy as me. You're an amazing support to me, and you kick my bum when I need it. I love you and those two monkeys, Julia and Tyler.

  Jen, thanks for the amazing graphics. You're very talented. Thanks for being there for me. Love you.

  Doris, thanks for being you.

  I can't forget my girls, Jennifer, Suzanne, Michele, Chelle, Megan, Carey, Mindy, Melissa, EK, Saoching, Ana, Miranda, Julie and Antoinette. You are all so amazing and I would be lost without you.

  Not to forget all those bloggers that take their time to pimp me. Big shout out to Becky and Amber.

  Thank you to my amazing street team and everyone that has taken the time to one click.

  Love you all.


  Book 3 of the Believe Series

  L Chapman

  Image Copyright Eti Swinford

  Image from

  Cover designed by Sarah at Sprinkle on top Studios

  Edited by - Paige Maroney Smith

  Proof-read by - Nicki DeStasi

  Formatted by Angel Steel

  This book is a written act of fiction. The names characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to a person, living or dead, actual events locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever including internet usage, without written permission of the author.

  Copyright L Chapman 2014


  To all who have believed in me. You mean the world to me, and I couldn't have done this without you.

  ~ * ~

  You will lead a rich and successful life.


  It’s simply amazing how your life can change in a short amount of time. Only a few months ago I was going out with John. He was everything to me. We spent hours together, but we never actually spent the entire night together. It was just sex and maybe a few hours out on a date. Everything was always planned days in advance, never anything unexpected, but at the time, it was what I wanted.

  Now, look at me. I have a gorgeous daughter named Lucy and a new man in my life. Mark is perfect. By perfect, I really do mean perfect. Unlike John, he shows me the respect I deserve. We are not just sex buddies; we are a couple. I never knew I could scream and go to as many heights as I do when I’m with Mark. He truly makes me feel wanted. He never wants to leave me, and we can’t go a day without being in some kind of contact.

  After having Mark in my life, I can see everything that was wrong with John. There was nothing special with John, no spark and all sex. Now that I look back, I understand why John and I never spent the night together. He was married the whole time we were together. I’m glad I’m free of him. Unfortunately, he is the father of my daughter, and I realise there is nothing I can do to change that, but maybe in time Mark will want to adopt her.

  Chapter One

  I can’t believe Lucy is nearly four months old already. Time is flying way too fast. So many people have told me to treasure the time I have with her because she will not be a baby for long. She is slowly coming out of her
shell into a right little character. She is my precious little angel, and there is nothing better than curling up in the bed with her and tickling her tummy. She is such a cute little giggler.

  I would be lost without her. I can never lose her. I’m worried John is going to try to gain custody of her like he threatened to Jenny. She is my world, and without her, I would just be Megan. Lucy gives purpose to my life. Since Jenny told me what happened, I haven’t slept at all. Well, it feels like I haven’t slept, but I must have slept a bit, and just not realised it. I’m so scared; I need to spend all the time that I can with Lucy. Luckily, I have two more days here in London before I have the long drive back home. I don’t mind driving, which is the one good thing.

  When I visit Mark in London, I normally go via train, but he wanted to drive, so here we are. He drove my car, and Mia drove his. It makes no sense at all to me, but it’s a man’s idea, and we all know how men can be. They know best. Well, they think they do; we just let them believe it.

  I turn to look at the clock. It’s only 3 a.m. Why can’t I sleep? Mark is lying on his back, wearing only his boxers. The duvet barely covers his bottom. I love the way he lies with his arm resting above his head. It means I can curl up and cuddle with him. Every time I do, his arm wraps around me. I love it; I feel so close to him. My man.

  I’m scared this feeling might be love, and that I’m falling in love again. I think I already have because I have never felt like this before, like it’s the real thing and not what I shared with John. Mark is a totally different person than John. He thinks of others, not himself all the time.

  I roll over in bed, moving closer to him and placing my head upon his toned chest, feeling his arm slowly coming down to wrap around me. He does it every time, like an involuntary reaction, suddenly making me feel safe and wanted. I slip my leg between his, moving myself over a little bit, ensuring my chest is slightly pressing against his. This is heaven.

  Mark has been everything I have asked for and more since the entire ordeal with John. He has gotten a security system placed inside the house to protect Lucy and me, and Connor has been researching my legal options so that I know what to expect. If anything does happen, which I hope it doesn’t since I don’t think John has the balls to start something, then I will make sure his wife and whomever else he has been sleeping with knows everything. The thought of being just one of those girls makes me nauseous. I went through years of thinking I meant something to him; I didn’t though, and this proves it. I was just a sex toy to him when we were together.

  “Baby, are you still awake?” Mark mumbles.

  “Yes, sorry. Did I wake you?” I question.

  “No, but you need sleep, baby,” he replies, pulling me tighter and rubbing his chin against the top of my head.

  “I know,” I admit. He is trying to look out for me. I probably should just sleep; I know there is enough security around us.

  “You can’t stay awake twenty-four-seven. You will crash when you’re home without me,” he points out, placing a little butterfly kiss on my head.

  “Okay, baby.”

  “I’ll go get you some hot chocolate,” he states, letting go of me and shuffling to the edge of the bed.

  “There’s no need to,” I protest.

  “Yes, there is,” he states, rising from the bed and wobbling out of the room.

  That man never listens to me. I don’t want him to leave me alone. I’m scared when I’m alone, even though I will not confess that to Mark. It is just the uncertainty of not knowing when John will contact me, or if he will at all.

  Annabella taught Mark how to make hot chocolate when someone couldn’t sleep. He used to make it for Mia when they were younger when she jumped out of her bed and into his. There is one problem with hot chocolate. I don’t like it that much and only drink it if I fancy some. I will just drink a little bit of it to keep him happy. Hopefully, he will then leave me alone and fall back to sleep. I know he is doing his best to look after Lucy and me.

  I climb out of bed and check on Lucy. She is just lying there unaware of the worries the world offers and all the harm that could come to her. She’s so perfect. Hearing footsteps behind me, I turn to see Mark.

  “Hey, she is fine, baby,” Mark states, placing his arm around me and pulling me close.

  “I know, but I needed to see her with my own eyes. She is my world, and I can’t have anyone harm her,” I say, feeling a lump develop in my throat.

  “Come back to bed,” he demands, laying his hand on the small of my back and guiding me to the bed. I pull back the covers and climb onto the bed. I jump a little because the bed has gone cold quickly. As I sit up with my back against the metal headboard, Mark climbs in on the other side, sitting identical to me. He pulls the duvet up the bed, covering our legs.

  “Here,” he says, slowly passing me the hot chocolate in a tall white cup that has a red heart on it. He bought this cup for me to use when I stay with him. He will not let anyone else use it. I’m gutted to see that he has not added any marshmallows to it. I even got him to buy some for me the other day, so I could eat them. I guess I can’t get mad since I don’t think you’re allowed to eat them at three in the morning.

  I take a small sip, checking the temperature of it. I should have known he would have cooled it down a little to make it drinkable. He is such a thoughtful man.

  “Go back to sleep, Mark,” I state, looking at him and acting like a nodding dog. He can’t even keep his eyes open. He has had a really busy week, sorting out some business deals and working late. I didn’t hear much from him for two days; he was that busy. I don’t like it when he works too hard.

  “I will when you do,” he replies.

  I place the half-drunk hot chocolate onto the handmade wooden bedside table and lie down in the bed as close to him as I can get, placing my leg back between his and feeling his arms wrap around me, pulling me close. I lie there still as I can be; I don’t want to disturb him. I want him to get some decent sleep. With me not sleeping much, neither is he. It isn’t healthy for either of us. With my head resting on his chest, I feel it slowly rise and fall and hear his heartbeat. I close my eyes and let the land of Nod take me away.


  I slowly open my eyes. Seeing that the room is still dark, I push myself up slightly, realising I’m still lying with my head on Mark’s chest. I look up the wall at the foot of the bed to check the time on the clock. What a fancy clock he has. It’s red and black in the shape of an expresso machine with an attached cup. The clock piece is fastened to the cup. It’s very stylish, very Mark. It’s 5 a.m., so I lay my head back down. Oh, my head hurts, and it’s too early for me to function. I really should check on Lucy, but…

  Chapter Two

  I feel the bed dip a little beside me. “Hey, baby girl.” I hear Mark say, placing a little kiss on my head.

  “Mmm,” I grumble, slowly opening my eyes and seeing the blinding sunlight peeking through the red curtains. Mark is sitting on the side of the bed.

  “Oh, you’re so cute when you’re sleepy,” he adds, laying his hand on the arch of my back.

  “Mmm.” I reach for the thick winter duvet, pulling it over my head.

  “Oh, baby. I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to get up,” he states, gently pulling on the duvet.

  “But why?” I ask.

  “It’s ten.”

  “It’s what?” I pull back the cover, rolling onto my back and sitting up. Oh, that was a bad idea. Moving too quickly makes my head start to spin. I think just having those few hours of sleep have affected me in a bad way. I need a good amount of sleep.

  “It’s ten,” he repeats, rubbing his hand across my cheek. I kiss the palm of his hand as it slides down.

  “It can’t be,” I say, looking down the bed towards the clock. “How did I sleep that late?”

  “You were shattered,” he replies, smiling at me.

  “Lucy?” I ask with a hint of panic in my voice. She best be okay. I haven’t checked
on her in a few hours, and I need to see her for myself.

  “She is asleep in her car seat, all dressed and ready to go. She’s had her morning milk. Don’t worry, Megan. I have looked after her,” he says, leaning over the bed and placing a soft kiss on my head.

  “Thank you. You’re amazing,” I tell him. “I don’t know what I would do without you sometimes.”

  "Baby, we need to get up. I promised Annabella we would come around for dinner today," he replies.

  "All right, I'm getting up," I say, moving a little bit.

  "Come on, or I’ll place you over my shoulder and sort you out." He winks.

  "Oh, will you?" I tease, remaining motionless.

  "You’re going to test it out, I see," he utters.

  "Maybe." I bite my lower lip.

  Mark bends down, grabs hold of me and pulls me out of the bed and over his shoulder. "Argh! Seriously, let go. I was joking!" I protest. Mark taps my bum suggestively. "Hey, don't you start being Mr. Kinky on me."

  "I'll let you go once you’re in the shower," he adds, walking out of the room and into the bathroom. He lowers me onto the side of the bath. "And, baby? I'll be Mr. Whoever You Want. Anything to make you happy," he says, winking at me.

  "Piss off. I'm going to take a shower," I add, pushing him away with my feet and holding onto the side of the bath.

  "Oh, baby. You’re such a tease. You look very sexy in your outfit." He rubs his hand slowly up my leg. I’m only wearing a black silk nightie. So, of course, I look sexy. I need to look my best around Mark, even though he always says how cute and sexy I look in my pyjamas.

  "You said we needed to get on. If you start this, then you know we will be late,” I say, standing still because I want him.


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