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If I Loved You (Harper Falls Book 1)

Page 10

by Mary J. Williams

  “And that?”

  His tongue. She gasped. One pass across that oh so sensitive bud. Then another but slower, this time drawing it into his mouth, material and all.

  “You’re killing me, Jack. I’m begging you…”

  “I don’t want you to beg, sweetheart.” His voice vibrated through her center causing her legs to jerk in response. “I want you to let go. Let go and just feel.”

  Rose could hear the passion in his tone, feel how his breath was getting heavier, causing a coating of steam to envelop her overheated flesh. She gasped at the sound of material ripping and then his mouth was on her, his tongue opening the folds. There was no hiding, her legs were wide, welcoming his body, this touch. One finger, then two entered her easily, the slick, plentiful moisture easing his way. They matched their rhythm. His tongue, his fingers, her hips, moving together, taking her closer to fulfillment.

  “Let go, Rose. Give in. Give me everything.”

  His words sent her over the top. A full body orgasm that started between her legs and fanned out to the top of her head and the tip of her toes. It seemed to be never ending. She would start to come down, and Jack would send her just a bit higher until there was no more. She was spent, a limp, thoroughly satisfied woman.


  Rose would have laughed, but she didn’t have the energy.

  “There are no words. Thank you.”

  “I’d say the pleasure was all mine but let’s just call it mutual.”

  Jack sat back up on the couch and pulled her into his arms. He brushed a soft kiss onto her temple and smoothed back her hair. “Cold?”

  “No.” She snuggled closer. “Give me a moment and I’ll return the favor.” She slid her hand down his chest towards the bulge in his jeans. “With pleasure.”

  Before she could reach her destination, Jack trapped her hand beneath his.

  “This was for you, Rose.”

  She frowned in confusion. “But Jack…”

  “Next time.” Jack kissed her, sweet and tender. He tucked the blanket they’d been wrapped up in earlier back around her. “Shall I carry you to your bedroom or do you want to stay here?”

  “Will you join me?”

  “Not tonight,” Jack said with genuine regret.”

  “Then I’ll stay here.” She snuggled deeper into the blanket. “Being in my bed all alone would be too depressing and I don’t want anything to bring me down. I plan on basking for at least a couple of hours.”

  “I like the sound of that.” He gave her a final kiss, sweet instead of hot. “I’ll see you tomorrow night at Tom Tom’s. Eight o’clock.”

  Rose watched him go and sighed. She could spend the rest of the evening trying to figure out Jack Winston, or she could do what she’d told him she was going to do. Her body felt loose, relaxed. She was still floating on a post-orgasmic high like nothing she’d ever known. The choice was easy, she basked.


  TOM TOM'S TAVERN was located south of Harper Fall’s outside the city limits and away from any restrictions the town council put on places that served alcohol. You couldn’t get a liquor license if you catered to an unsavory element. Tom Unger, owner and veteran of the first Gulf War, thought that was the only kind of element worth serving. The more unsavory, the better. As a result, it tended to be a rowdy crowd.

  Jack ordered a round of beers for himself, Drew and the five crew members who had joined them. It was purely informal and something they did from time to time to blow off steam. Whoever was free and wanted to come was welcome.

  “Seems to be more strangers than usual.” Jack didn’t have to shout at the bartender, but it was a near thing.

  Bobby Finn had worked at Tom Tom’s since it opened. He was big and mean and kept the peace with intimidating looks and a Louisville Slugger that was always within reach behind the bar.

  “Bikers,” Bobby said with a shrug. “There’s some yearly gathering down the road at the campground.”

  Great, bikers. Normally Jack wouldn’t have had a problem with that. But he didn’t know any of them personally and with Rose and her friends due to arrive at any time, he was beginning to wonder if maybe this had been a bad idea. The women’s safety was too important, and there was no predicting who in the bar might have a short fuse when it was lit by alcohol and a surplus of testosterone.

  Making his way through the crowd with seven long necks lifted over his head was a challenge but he made to their table without incident.

  “If our business ever tanks you could do that for a living.”

  Jack gave Drew the finger and passed around the beers.

  “I was thinking, maybe I should call Rose and cancel. Too many strangers and they’re getting rowdy pretty early. It will probably be okay, but I don’t want to take any chances with Rose and her friends.”

  “Friend,” Drew muttered.


  “Tyler won’t come.”

  Jack sighed. It had to be the hundredth time Drew had told him that Tyler would be a no show. Usually while gritting his teeth. If Drew didn’t do something about his feelings for Tyler his dentist would soon be fitting him for a pair of dentures.

  “Well, it’s too late, there they are.” Jack got up when he saw Rose come through the door. “We’ll just have to be extra vigilant and hope these guys know how to keep their hands to themselves.” On the way, he patted Drew’s shoulder. “And it seems you don’t know Tyler as well as you thought.”

  Drew’s head shot around. Damn, he’d been hoping she wouldn’t show almost as much as hee was hoping she would. An entire evening of having her just within reach and knowing she wasn’t his to touch. It had been ten years and her taste was still so vivid in his memory he could feel the saliva pooling in his mouth just thinking about it. The problem was she hated him. And with good reason. He sometimes wondered, if he could go back to those final days would he do anything differently? But the answer was always the same. His reasons had been solid, even necessary. He broke Tyler's heart and as painful as it would be he would do it again. But what he wouldn’t do is stay away. He would find her and explain. He would make her understand. Now it felt like too much time had gone by, and he had no idea how to start mending the cracks that had become chasms. But he’d figure it out, he vowed. He would find a way. Just then, Tyler looked up and caught him staring and for a moment he thought he saw a hint of the love that used to shine so freely from those silvery depths. Unfortunately, it replaced so quickly by the icy indifference he’d grown used to that he couldn't help but wonder if that flicker had just been wishful thinking. It was starting to feel like his whole life was becoming one huge wish, a wish to have Tyler in his arms again. Drew groaned. It was going to be a long night.

  Jack made his way across the room as quickly as he could without physically removing the bodies in his path. The three newcomers were already garnering attention, and he wanted to get them back to the table and out of harm’s way as fast as possible. Sure, he knew he was overreacting. There were other women in the tavern, and he hadn't noticed anyone giving them a hard time. He’d always been protective of women, having six sisters will do that to a guy. But this was different. Overprotective Caveman Jack was someone he’d never met before and someone he doubted Rose would like. Well, too bad. She was his woman, and it was his right to take care of her.

  “Great place,” Rose said into his ear as he greeted her with a hug. “You’ve met Tyler and Dani. We were saying that we can’t believe none of us have ever been here before.” Tom Tom’s was a place all kids aspired to sneak into. Very few succeeded and the few who made it past the door didn’t make it far. Tom Unger kicked them out but not before he gave them a talking to that left their ears ringing for days. If they tried coming back again before they were twenty-one, they were banned for life. Rose and her friends had left Harper Falls well before they were old enough to get in. She’d wondered for years what was inside the rather nondescript dark brown building and now she was fina
lly finding out. It was loud, dimly lit and smelled a bit like stale beer and industrial cleaner. In other words, everything she’d hoped it would be.

  “You all look beautiful.” Jack took Rose’s hand and ushered Tyler and Dani with the other. He was able to get them back to the table and seated without any problems made. Yup, Jack decided, he was overreacting.

  “What can I get the three of you? It’s crazy in here, and you never know when a waitress might pass by.”

  “You went last time,” Drew interrupted. “Stay here with Rose and let me go.”

  “Thanks,” Jack said with a knowing shake of his head. Drew couldn’t be around Tyler for two seconds without bolting at the first opportunity. Then again, he was only going for drinks. He had to come back.

  “Whiskey, neat,” Dani said.

  “Same,” Rose nodded.

  Drew waited for Tyler’s answer with a quizzically raised eyebrow. He would have waited all night.

  “Tyler is driving so just bring her a club soda.” Rose rolled her eyes at Jack but only because she knew Tyler couldn’t see the gesture. It wasn't as though they were asking her to engage the guy in a lengthy conversation. And Tyler had agreed to come. Telling Drew what she wanted to drink wouldn’t have killed her.

  After Drew had left to get the drinks, Jack made the introductions. The five security crew members, Terry, Linus, Carl, Mark, and Wade, were a bit younger than their bosses but just as physically imposing. None of them lived in Washington but were there for couple days of training before their next assignments. Rose was still getting a grasp of the personal security side of H&W. She knew people in the music industry who had bodyguards, but they were with them day and night. Jack and Drew only booked temporary jobs. They lasted a few days, maybe a week at the most. From what Jack said they were in high demand and if they had wanted they could have expanded to a much larger operation. But they liked it small and exclusive. Jack had laughingly told her it was classy, just like him and Drew.

  They were sitting near one of the pool tables, and a couple of the guys were just finishing up a game.

  “Want to play next?” Rose asked Jack.

  “Just don’t make a bet with her, she’s a shark.” Dani grinned.

  Jack choked on his sip of beer. Bet. The word caught him off guard.

  “Are you alright?” Rose patted him on the back. She exchanged puzzled looks with Tyler and Dani. What had they said?

  “He’s fine.” Drew had just returned with the drinks which included another round of beers for the guys. He sat down the full tray and then gave Jack a hard slap on the back. Jack lurched forward, catching himself with his free hand.

  “Thanks,” he muttered to Drew. If looks could kill—.

  “Anytime, buddy. Now, did I hear someone mention a game of pool?”

  Jack handed Rose a stick and then racked up the balls.

  “Rose,” Dani called to her. “Tyler and I are going to the bathroom. By the looks of the line, you should be up a couple games by the time we get back. Do us proud.”

  “Ladies first.” Jack gestured towards the table.

  “Are you sure?” Rose chalked her cue. She looked back at him before making first shot. “Dani wasn’t kidding about me being good. Her family had a table in their basement. Her dad taught me how to play, but it wasn't long before I could beat him most of the time.”

  “I think my ego will survive if you win.” Jack wasn’t worried. He knew once he got a turn he’d clear the table. Rose didn't give him a chance. Ball after ball fell into the pockets and all he could do was stand back and watch. Not that it was a hardship. Her hip action when she was setting up for a shot was mesmerizing. Her tight jeans hugged her like a second skin highlighting a truly fine ass. And by the looks on his friend's faces he wasn’t the only one who'd noticed.

  “Hey, keep your eyes to yourselves,” he grumbled.

  “You can’t blame them for looking,” Drew pointed out. “And now that they’ve seen her they’re all wondering how you’ve maintained your virtue for the last two weeks.”

  “Do they doubt my word?” Jack demanded.

  “Hell, no.” Drew laughed. “They know you too well for that. But you’re starting to achieve legendary status in the control department. It’s a good thing the terms of the bet lets you take care of your own business or you’d be going out of your mind.” He gave Rose’s swaying hips another look. “By the way, how’s that going for you?”

  “I never thought I’d say this, but if it was capable my dick would yawn every time it saw my hand coming.”

  “Or every time it comes in your hand.”

  “Lately you have been a real laugh riot, my friend.” Jack watched as Rose sank the last ball. “One more week,” he groaned. God, she was even sexier getting balls out of pockets than she had been putting them in. He almost lost it when she racked them up for another game and crooked her finger inviting him to join her.

  Drew shook his head in amusement at how quickly Jack jumped when she called. His friend was a goner, no doubt about it. Was it love? That was for Jack to say. Either way Drew couldn’t have been happier for him. It wasn’t easy finding a woman you could love. Sometimes it was even harder holding on to her.

  He’d been keeping one eye on the ladies room door just to make sure Tyler and Dani made it back to the table without being bothered. They’d been gone for some time and he was just about to go looking for them when Dani returned alone.

  “Where’s Tyler?” he demanded.

  Dani gave him a look that was one step up from how she’d look at something stuck to her bottom of her shoe. Okay, he got it. He wasn’t her favorite person. He tried again, hoping he sounded a little less gruff.

  “It’s a rough crowd tonight, Dani. She shouldn’t be wandering around alone.”

  Dani stared at him a moment before deciding he had a point. “She saw an old friend at the bar and stopped to say hello. See, there she is near the end.”

  Drew relaxed a bit when he saw Tyler was indeed at the far end of the long, mahogany bar. But he tensed up again. She wedged tightly between two men, one of whom seemed more interested in getting her attention than the bartenders.

  Drew knew that Tyler wouldn’t appreciate his intervention, so he stayed where he was, but kept watching her just in case. Drew frowned. The guy that was hitting on Tyler looked awfully familiar. Was that Craig Lowe? It couldn’t be. Craig was in rehab and wasn’t scheduled to get out for several more weeks. Drew shifted his angle to get a better look at the man’s face. Shit, it was Craig, and it looked like he was drinking. Drew sat his beer down with enough force to get the attention of a couple of the crew. He waved off their questions and headed across the room. Tyler might not want his help, but she was about to get it.

  Tyler had lied to Dani. She hadn’t seen an old friend. It was just an excuse so she wouldn't have to go back to the table, an excuse Tyler knew Dani had seen through but thankfully hadn't called her on. They both knew that the real reason she wanted to be on her own was Drew, no explanation needed. She hated that he could still make her feel anything. Anger, hurt, need, even longing. Ten years should have been enough time to purge her of those feelings. She wanted apathy. She wanted to be able to see him walking down the street and have no reaction beyond mild appreciation for an attractive man. Try as she might, she wasn’t there yet.

  She managed to find an empty spot at the bar and ordered a whiskey and soda. She didn’t plan to drink it, but it didn’t seem right to take up prime real estate and not spend some money. Just ten minutes, she promised herself. Then she’d go back and join her friends.

  “Hey, baby.” The man’s breath had arrived before he did, sour with booze and garlic. Tyler groaned, so much for alone time. There always had to be one deluded drunk in the crowd and tonight she seemed to be the unlucky woman to draw his attention. At the best of times her patience was thin, tonight it was like tissue paper.

  “Not interested.” Her words were sharp and to the point.
r />   “Are you screwing Jack?” the man slurred. His eyes were swollen and extremely bloodshot. He kept squinting at her as if he couldn’t quite make out her image. “Jack break the bet? Saint Jack sticks me in rehab and forgets all about me.” He tipped her way, grabbing her arm to keep from falling. “Bets he can keep his dick in his pants and then screws you. Lies about it.”

  The guy was rambling, but Tyler got the gist of what he was saying. There was some stupid bet involving Jack. Damn it, was he playing games with Rose? If he hurt her Tyler would make sure he hurt a lot worse and for a lot longer.

  “Wait,” the drunk grabbed at her again to stop her from leaving. “Forget what I said. Jack’s my friend.” He was almost in tears. “Shouldn’t tell secrets. Bros before Hos,” he cried out, lunging for Tyler’s breasts. Disgusted, she neatly avoided grasp, not even glancing back when she heard the distinct thud of his body crashing to the floor.

  “Are you alright?” Drew pushed past a particularly large man dressed entirely in leather just in time to see Craig hit the floor.

  “I believe you have some trash that needs taking out.”

  Drew sighed as he watched Tyler wind through the crowd. What the hell had Craig said? Drew caught Terry’s eye and motioned him over.

  “Can you get Craig back to his place?” Drew remembered that Terry and Craig used to hang together so he hoped Terry wouldn’t mind being singled out to take care the guy.

  “No problem, Drew. I visited him last week and he seemed to be doing good.” Drew helped him get Craig to his feet. “I wonder what set him off.”

  Drew made sure Craig was buckled into Terry’s car before he reentered the bar. He hated to think what kind of crap the idiot had been spewing at Tyler. Technically he wasn't responsible for Craig's actions but that didn't stop him from feeling a twinge of guilt. Even though he doubted she would accept, he wanted to apologize to Tyler. But by the time he got back to the table none of the women were anywhere in sight.

  “What happened over there?” Jack asked with a frown. “Tyler practically dragged Rose and Dani back to the bathroom. Though she looked more like she wanted to punch someone than pee.”


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