If I Loved You (Harper Falls Book 1)

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If I Loved You (Harper Falls Book 1) Page 14

by Mary J. Williams

  “Jack,” Rose said, thoroughly enjoying the view. She could get used to naked Jack.

  “Yes, Rose.” Jack rejoined her in bed, sliding down so that they were face to face.

  “I know I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, but you have a rather rabid looking bunny tattooed on your shoulder.”

  "It’s a jack rabbit, not a bunny,” he informed her quite firmly. It wasn't so much a case of out of sight, out of mind but he'd had the tattoo so long he forgot until someone else noticed it. He could tell Rose was curious, so he settled them under the covers and told her the story of how he got it.

  “Seriously, Jack," she laughed several minutes later. "You can never get drunk again. I shudder to think about what you might get talked into next time." Then after a minute she suddenly made the connection. “Of course. Jack. Rabbit. Was Jack Rabbit your nickname in college?”

  Jack considered changing the subject. She didn’t need to know the truth. But since it was only mildly embarrassing what harm could it do? Besides, he’d sworn to himself never to lie to Rose again, even by omission.

  “No, not a nickname. It’s my actual name.”

  “You’re parents named you Jack Rabbit? It’s on your birth certificate?”

  “My full legal name is Jack Rabbit Run Winston. Go ahead and laugh, if you hold it much longer you might blow a blood vessel.”

  “I’m sorry.” Rose collapsed in a fit of giggling. “I think I could have suppressed it if you hadn’t added the Run.”

  The word set her off again and Jack patiently waited for her to finish. It wasn't an unusual reaction. Which was why very few people knew his full name.


  She thought for a moment. “Yes," she said decisively. "I’m done. But do you mind if I ask how they came up with such an original name?”

  “Mom thought that with six girls my dad needed a boy.”

  “Needed?” Rose asked. “What did your dad think?”

  “I doubt Dad cared,” Jack shrugged. “Not that he didn’t love having a son. He was great at all those dad things like playing catch and teaching me to spit. But he loves my sisters with all his heart. Another girl wouldn’t have mattered to him, just more to love.”

  Rose felt a pang of envy, but just a small one. It would have been nice to grow up with siblings and a mother and father. But in her experience Jack’s family wasn’t the norm. Sometimes family, any family, caused you more pain than pleasure. No, she was glad that Jack had happy childhood memories, but Rose had found her family with Tyler and Dani. Sisters of the heart. She figured she was better off than most.

  “So what does that have to do with your name?” Rose prodded.

  “Patience, my dear. There’s a process to telling a story, and you can't rush it.”

  “Fine.” Rose gave him an affectionate shove. “But I need a visual aid to go with your story. Turn over and let me get a better look at your bunny.”

  “Why does it sound dirty when you say bunny that way?” Jack rolled over so his back was to her. “And it’s a rabbit,” he reminded her.

  “Finish your story, Jack Rabbit Run.” Rose traced her fingers over the snarling rabbit. It was beautifully done—a work of art. Considering the drunken state Jack had been in when he got it, he was lucky it hadn't turned out to be a cute little Easter Bunny.

  “As I was saying, my mom decided even before I was conceived that I was going to be a boy. She read up on the subject and started eating boy foods and doing boy exercises.”

  “I had no idea there were such things.” Rose replaced her fingers with her lips, outlining the tattoo with lingering kisses.

  “Oh, you'd be surprised.” Jack moaned when Rose ran her tongue along his shoulder blade. What was he saying? Oh, right, his name. What was his name?

  “If you want to hear the rest of this you’d better stop that.”

  “Don’t you like it?” She gave the rabbit one final kiss before wrapping her arms around his waist so she could spoon him. “I want to hear the rest. I’ll be good, I promise.”

  Having her naked body rubbing his back wasn’t helping his concentration but it sure as hell felt good. Might as well enjoy. He pulled her arms tighter until she was molded to him completely then continued.

  “But what made my mother certain all her efforts had worked was what happened the day my dad took her to the doctor to confirm her pregnancy. It seems that just as they were leaving the house a brown and white rabbit jumped up onto the porch. Mom being Mom, she decided it was a sign. And then when the rabbit ran off into the field, well, she knew what she was going to name me.”

  “I like your mom,” Rose said. “And I’m growing very fond of this jackrabbit.”

  “And me?” Jack turned to face her. “How do you feel about me?”

  His words were teasing, but Rose felt an undertone of seriousness she wasn’t comfortable with. She liked things light and playful and didn’t want to go any deeper, not now, maybe not ever. So instead of answering his question she shifted the subject to one she was more than happy to deal with. Sex, and how amazing Jack made her body feel.

  "So far I like you just fine and I can tell there’s a certain part of your body that really likes me.” She nudged his growing erection with her pelvis. “That is for me, isn’t it?”

  The moment had passed and he didn’t want to push Rose where she didn’t want to go. It was early days. He knew his feelings were farther along than hers and that he couldn’t rush her. But that didn’t stop him from wishing she wouldn’t shut down that part of herself whenever he got too close. He shifted, tangling his legs with hers. He had no complaints about getting to know each other physically; he was all for it. The rest would come, he just had to be patient.

  “All yours. But this time I’m going to take charge.” Making her gasp with how quickly he moved, Jack rolled her under him. He braced his arms so they bracketed her head then leaned down and whispered, “This time? Your pussy.”

  “Again, good choice.” Her breezy quip was quickly cut off by Jack's blistering kiss. She suddenly had no desire to talk. Kissing was so much more fun.

  “This is it, Rose.” He gave her another hard kiss, one that told her playtime was over. “Remember, when you wanted me to take you home and screw your brains out? Three weeks has felt like an eternity, but there’s no turning back now.” He moved his hand between her legs, testing her readiness. “Unless you want me to?”

  Rose growled in frustration. She pulled his mouth back to hers and wrapped her legs around his hips. After three weeks of foreplay, she was more than ready. Their kiss was wild and out of control. Lips were bitten; tongues dueled; finesse had been replaced by raw need. Jack entered her with one firm stroke, filling her and making her gasp. They stayed that way for several moments, unmoving—savoring the connection.

  Jack raised his head. He wanted to watch the play of emotions on Rose’s face. What they shared wasn’t some random fuck, and he needed to know she felt the same. If she couldn’t say it with words, let her say it like this.

  He pulled out slowly. Her eyes had turned a hazy amber. Just as he was threatening to leave her warm depths he paused, tormenting them both. One second passed, then two, wanting her to be just as desperate as he was.

  Rose tightened her legs around his hips, trying to pull him back. Already she felt empty, and it was an emptiness only he could fill. But no matter how hard she tried to bring him back he wouldn’t budge and she wasn’t strong enough to make him. She rubbed her breasts against him hoping for some relief but it only added to her frustration. Everything felt so good, but she needed more. At the end of her rope, she reared up bit him, hard, on the neck. Hard enough to leave her mark on him. She wanted to send a message. Move, now.

  Finally, Jack thought with satisfaction. He entered her again, reveling in the way her body welcomed him. Her tight grip was like nothing he’d ever known. Home, he was home. Rose was the answer to every question. Their bodies knew it and so did he.
br />   How could this be happening so fast? Rose wondered. Sex, even at its best, had always been a gentle journey towards a pleasant destination. But this felt like she was about to burst out of her skin. Scorching heat blazed through her veins. Could you survive if your blood boiled? At that moment she didn’t care. Jack was taking her someplace she’d never been, and the ride was wild and terrifying and she loved every moment of it. His strokes were hard and sure. She was there, so close. And then she was spiraling over, bliss suffusing every inch of her body. She knew the instant he joined her, his shout of release giving her another blast of pleasure.

  Jack collapsed on top of Rose. He hoped he wasn’t crushing her but at the moment he was unable to move. He found just enough energy to lift his head and graze her cheek with an awkward kiss. He could feel her breath against his cheek and see the rise and fall of her breasts. Her eyes were closed, but there was a slight smile curving her lips.

  “How are you doing?”

  “Shh.” Her smile deepened. “This moment needs to be savored.”

  That sounded good to Jack. He untangled their bodies and settled back against the pillows, pulling her into his arms.

  “You go right ahead and savor.” He smoothed her tangled hair back from her face. Such a lovely face. “When you're finished let me know. By then I should be ready for the next round.”

  Rose had just enough energy for one good chuckle. “Don't start making promises you can't keep.”

  Jack pulled her in for another smoldering kiss. "Never."

  DOGS WERE FORGIVING souls. Floodlights illuminated the yard making it easy for Rose to watch as Edgar chased his ball with never diminishing enthusiasm. There were no hard feelings for being kicked out of the bedroom. Though it wasn’t they'd completely forgotten him. Jack had dutifully checked on him every few hours, filling food and water bowls and letting him out to do his business.

  It was well after dark when they finally took a prolonged break. With three amazing orgasms and plenty of pillow talk under her belt, Rose was ready for a shower, clean sheets, and food. Jack told her that it was a nice, roomy shower and insisted they should conserve water by sharing. Rose soon found out that Jack’s definition of roomy meant spacious enough for twelve very friendly adults. As for saving water? By the time they had finished, she figured those twelve adults could have showered alone, twice.

  Jack threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before going down to start dinner. He had offered to help her make up the bed but as soon as he showed her where he kept the clean linen she shooed him out of the room. She was learning fast that Jack’s super power was outrageously fast recovery time. She didn’t think the bed would ever get made if he were helping her. Not that Rose was complaining, she wasn't an idiot. But she needed sustenance. She had plans for later and that required keeping her strength up.

  An hour later, having refueled with bacon, eggs and toast, they were keeping their promise to play with the dog. Edgar trotted over and dropped his slimy ball at her feet. He looked so proud that she was careful not to grimace when she picked it up. He’d welcomed her without reservation and had no problem sharing Jack. She didn’t want him to think she found anything about him objectionable, not even his spit.

  “Nice arm.” Jack watched her throw sail into the trees. He had six sisters and a mother who would hit him upside the head if he ever accused anyone, man or woman, of throwing like a girl. But there were degrees of competence and Rose obviously knew what she was doing.

  “Which one of your friends is responsible for that?”

  Rose laughed. Jack had figured out that where one friend went the others followed, not always enthusiastically, but never wavering in support. Baseball had been Dani’s thing.

  “Never tell Dani she can’t do something.” Rose shook her head as she remembered the third summer she’d spent in Harper Falls. “When she heard some of the boys saying girls couldn’t play baseball she got her father to coach us in secret. Dani had a wicked spitter. And yes,” she held up a hand when Jack would have protested, “I know it’s an illegal pitch. But she struck out Billy Paul, the most obnoxious of the bunch, and then never played again. She proved girls could play, and I learned how to throw a rocket from third to first.”

  “I wish I’d known you then.”

  “I was five inches shorter and skinny as a rail.” She knelt down to praise Edgar for all his hard work then grinned at Jack over the dogs head. “You wouldn’t have given me the time of day.”

  Jack thought about his twelve-year-old self and had to agree. Not because of how Rose had looked. But because at that age he had considered all girls to be weird, even his sisters. They giggled a lot and didn’t like to get dirty. And what could you do with a girl? Boys were much more fun. It would be a whole two years before he figured out that not only could girls be a lot of fun but they also smelled considerably better than boys.

  “You’re right.” Jack pulled her into his arms. “But only because all girls have cooties.”

  “Boys are the one with cooties, fella.”

  “I’ll show you my cooties if you show me yours.”

  Rose gave him a considering look then shook her head. “You can keep your cooties to yourself. Besides, I’ve already seen everything you’ve got.”

  “Is that right.” Jack grabbed her, throwing her over his shoulder and heading for the house. Figuring this was a new game Edgar trotted happily behind. Locking the door behind them and setting the alarm, Jack told the disappointed dog to stay. “I think I still have a few things to show you.”

  “Jack,” Rose yelped. “Put me down.” She started to struggle which earned her a hard swat on the butt.

  Jack took the stairs two at a time. “Stay still or you’ll make me drop you.”

  “That hurt.” Rose was about to return the favor when suddenly she was flying through the air landing on the bed with a bounce. Jack was on top of her before she could regain her breath.

  “Show me,” he grinned as he began to unbutton her jeans. “I’ll kiss it and make it better.”

  Laughing, Rose let him strip off her pants. Jack knew how to have fun in bed, something new for her. The playful lover, the thoughtful lover, the intense lover. She'd found them all in him. And as his lips soothed her, quickly igniting her passion once again, Rose wondered what other things she would find out about Jack. And what unexpected things she would find out about herself.


  TWO DAYS OF sexual bliss, a man who could make her laugh and a dog. Rose hated for it to end, but the real world was calling them back.

  She closed her suitcase and sat it on the floor. Smoothing the comforter, she grinned when she thought about all the action the bed had gotten in the last forty-eight hours. Not that they’d confined their activities to the bedroom. Jack was very inventive, and if she were the type to blush easily she’d be beet red in almost every room in the house.

  “Let me get that.” Jack came in and picked up her bag. “Are you sure you have to leave?”

  “Are you?”

  About an hour ago Jack had gotten a call from Drew reminding him of a conference call they’d had scheduled for weeks. Besides, she needed to get back to work. Sam Laughton was expecting a progress report and she wanted to be able to tell him she would have the songs done by the end of June. He wanted her to deliver them in person to his Paris studio. A month ago she would have been tempted. Sam was attractive and very interested. Not her usual type, but tempting. Now she had every reason to stay in Harper Falls because of a different man who was not her usual type. Rose refused to think of the implications or of the knot in her stomach that formed when she thought too far ahead. She was enjoying the now and a knot free stomach.

  “I should have turned off my phone.” Jack took her hand as they descended the stairs. “Unfortunately, Drew lives just down the road. No getting away from work when your partner can be at your house in less than five minutes.”

  Edgar woke with a start as they came out of the h
ouse. He had been dozing in his favorite spot, but the moment he saw them he was wide awake and wiggling, easily beating them to the SUV. Jack opened the back passenger door and let him jump in.

  “He gets so excited about going with me and then sleeps for most of the trip.” He laughed, giving the puppy a scratch before closing the door. He turned to find Rose staring.


  “Your hair is growing.” Rose knew she was stating the obvious, but it had just hit her how much longer it had gotten since the Lilac Ball. She sighed. She hadn’t thought a man could be any more gorgeous than Jack had been that night. Yet there he was, unshaven, hair at what should have been an awkward stubbly stage, and wearing jeans and a flannel shirt that had seen better days. And if anything, he was sexier. Rumpled suited Jack Winston.

  Jack ran a hand over his head, grimacing slightly. “It couldn’t have gotten any shorter. Don’t worry, my hair grows very fast. In a few more weeks it will be back to a reasonable length.”

  “I liked it,” she mumbled hoping her voice was too low for him to hear.

  “Yah?” Jack helped her into the truck then jogged around and hopped in behind the wheel. “I didn’t think the look worked for me.”

  She knew Jack wasn’t searching for a compliment. Most guys would have expected her to elaborate on her comment, to stroke their egos. Jack didn’t need any affirmations. She’d never met a man who was so comfortable in his own skin. He was who he was and he didn't need to be complimented every five minutes to feel good about himself.

  They shared a companionable silence during the fifteen-minute drive to her house. Rose expected Jack to drop her off and head straight to work so she was surprised when he followed her inside. He sat her suitcase by the stairs. Something was bothering him. He had a habit of rubbing the back of his neck when he was troubled.


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