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Bodyguard of Love

Page 10

by Lane, Terri

  She blushed, turning away and breaking the eye contact, even as she imagined his hands on her body. He cleared his throat before he spoke, a smile still tugging on his lips.

  “I’ll get these boxes loaded up and take them into Dallas to send them out tomorrow,” said Spencer.

  “Dallas is so far. I feel bad that you have to drive that far,” said Lara.

  “It’s only an hour, and it’s not worth the risk to send them out from our home. Like I said, you never know who is in the mob, and shipping lots of boxes like this would raise some interest we don’t want.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The government flags excessive mailing of packages. Ten boxes every five to seven days is a lot. Using the automated shipping at the post office and paying cash keeps us from showing up on anyone’s radar. Whether it’s the Feds or the mob, I don’t want to end up on any list, just in case.”

  “That makes sense. I’m glad that you think of these things so I don’t have to.”

  “It’s my job. The biggest way that we keep you safe is to anticipate ways to keep you hidden from the public eye. This is one of the ways that we do that.”

  “Thank you,” she said, not knowing what else to say that would let him know exactly how grateful she was to both of them. She stretched, yawning. “I think I need a nap.”

  “Take one. We won’t be done with the horses for another hour or two, and we can wake you up for dinner.”

  “That sounds fantastic,” she said, setting the doll down on the sewing machine table by the window and getting up. She looked around at the little nook they had made her and smiled. “I can’t believe that you two went to so much trouble to make me feel so at home,” she said, taking in the boxes of fabric neatly organized in cubbies, the craft table and everything else she’d so carefully purchased for her office at home. “I feel so at ease here.”

  “That’s good,” he said softly. “We want you to be happy here.”

  Her heart skipped a beat, his sentiment so sweet and tender. His worry over her comfort touched her heart, but it was the way that he looked at her that set her heart aflutter. There was more than just caring there. He wanted her, and she had a feeling that he felt the attraction just as strongly as she did.

  “Thanks,” she said, not sure what to do about the attraction that was growing between herself and both twins. Did they feel the same way? Would it be wrong to act on those feelings? “I know this will be over soon,” she continued, pushing her lusty thoughts away as best as she could. “I’ll have to find a new place to live, but for now, this is perfect.”

  His smile faded for an instant, but it was back in place almost as if Lara had imagined it.

  “I have to get back to work,” he said a little too quickly, turning to leave. “Take a nap and we’ll wake you up when dinner in ready.”


  Her breath was heavy, her breathing labored as she ran in the dark, running away from the fire, her bare feet stumbling over the cold ground. The heat of the flames seared her as she ran for her life, trying to get away from the shadowy figures in the darkness that were searching for her.

  A cry of fear stuck in her throat as she hid in the trees, watching her home burn before her eyes, everything that she loved going up in smoke. The men that milled about scanned the darkness, eyes glowing red in the night.

  Her heart pounded in her chest, then stopped suddenly when red eyes met hers from a distance, and a malevolent smile cracked a blackened, angry face.

  She turned, running into the woods, the raucous laughter behind her making it known that they were coming after her.

  “Trevor!” she shrieked in fear. “Spencer! Help me! Please!”

  Her voice was hoarse from the smoke, distant to her ears even though she heard herself clearly. She called out to the twins over and over while she ran in the darkness. Branches slapped her face, tearing at her clothes and slowing her down. She could hear the demons behind her, gaining ground no matter how fast she ran.

  “Lara,” they hissed under their collective breaths. “We’ve got you, Lara.”

  She screamed when one demon jumped onto her back, pulling at her hair and her clothes, its arms wrapping around her and squeezing her. Another grabbed her off her feet, slamming her hard on the ground and knocking the wind out of her. She screamed again, this time, the sound was louder and closer than before.

  She felt the earth shake beneath her, the arms of the demons growing tighter as she screamed and screamed.

  The sudden light was blinding, the faces above her a blur in the harsh light.

  “Lara!” they yelled in unison as she rose from the forest, shaking off the fog and casting off the demons even as one more scream ripped from her throat and filled the room.

  She sat straight up in the bed, breathing hard and looking around frantically. When a pair of hands touched her bare arms, she screamed, looking around and blinking in the bright lights. The room came into focus, and Trevor and Spencer stood there, both looking frantic, trying to wake her from the nightmare she was trapped in.

  She looked at the pair of them and sat back, covering her mouth and resisting the urge to scream again at the images in her head. Pulling her knees up to her chest, she wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her face. She took deep, shuddering breaths, trying to calm her nerves and get her heart rate back under control.

  “Do you want us to leave?” Spencer asked softly.

  “Please don’t leave,” she said softly. “I don’t want to be alone.”

  They sat down on the bed, both watching her intently. She recounted the dream to them, every scary and gory detail, and some she didn’t even remember until that moment.

  When she finished, she sighed heavily.

  “I feel better now, but this is just one huge nightmare that I can’t wake up from. I don’t know if life will ever be normal again, and I hate that.”

  She bit her lip, looking at one twin, then the other.

  “I don’t want to think about this mess for another minute. That’s all I’ve been doing for weeks and it’s too much. I need to forget all this ugliness, even if it’s just for the night.”

  They were watching her, and she could tell them moment when Trevor realized what she was saying.

  “We can stay with you tonight,” he said softly. “You don’t have to sleep alone.”

  She nodded, moving to the center of the bed and making room for them both. Trevor slid into bed in front of her, lying on his side to face her. He reached out, pushing the hair away from her face, and kissed her swollen lips softly.

  Spencer dimmed the lights then got into bed on the other side of her, sliding up against her and pulling her close so that her body was cradled against him. She sighed, leaning against him and letting the warmth of his embrace drive out the ugliness of the dream.

  She reached out to Trevor, running her finger over his bare chest and trickling her way down his flat stomach to the waistband of his pajama pants. He sucked in a quick breath when she slipped her fingers into the waistband, knuckles brushing the top of his pelvis.

  She bit her lip and looked at him, boldly daring him to stop her.

  “Are you sure?” Trevor said quietly.

  “Didn’t you say that you guys do everything together?” she asked, her voice husky and raw with need that had been simmering just below the surface for days.

  “I did,” he said.

  She felt Spencer kiss the back of her neck, pulling a sexy grin from her. Spencer might not be talkative, but he'd understood her. He knew exactly what she was asking. And he was willing to give her what she needed.

  Spencer trailed sweet kisses down her neck and shoulders while Lara toyed with Trevor, teasing him until she saw the soft smolder in his eyes build to a vibrant flame.

  “You’re playing with fire,” he growled.

  “I know,” she said. “I just want to forget, and I’ve been thinking about... this, for a while now.”

  “You have?�

  “Haven’t you?” she asked, arching an eyebrow in surprise then smirking when her hand went around Trevor’s stiff member, causing him to catch his breath. “As often as you touch my hand when it isn’t necessary, and the times I’ve caught you staring at me with a hunter’s look in your eye, I can’t believe that you haven’t been thinking about it, too.”

  “I have,” Trevor said.

  “We both have,” Spencer said.

  Spencer’s hands slid up her soft belly, pulling her loose shirt over her head and discarding it on the floor behind him. His hand went around and he worked his fingers into the band of her pants, sliding them down her hips until she could kick then off, then descending to the folds of her sex.

  Spencer stroked her slowly, gently at first while she held Trevor's penis in her hands. Spencer’s fingers were building a raging fire within Lara, her hips pumping against his hand as he stroked her tiny, sensitive nub of flesh.

  Trevor’s hands were on her breasts, squeezing and kneading them almost roughly. She arched her back against his touch, her round ass pressing against Spencer’s rigid shaft in the process.

  She moved again until the head of his penis teased her opening, still stroking Trevor in her hands and rubbing him into a frenzy. Spencer moved her until his hardness slipped between her legs, then into her body, burying himself to the hilt in her tight heat.

  She moaned with pleasure. Trevor’s hands continued to caress her breasts, and Spencer inside her felt so good that she could already feel the orgasm building within her.

  Spencer’s hand cupped her sex from behind, stroking the tender flesh between her folds as he thrust into her, his movements gaining momentum in response to her moans.

  Lara struggled to concentrate on Trevor, his hips pumping against her hands as she teased the pleasure out of him, his hands rough on her breasts. She laughed, throwing her head back a little and closing her eyes. She was there, just moments away from orgasm, her head already spinning with the pleasure that they were bringing her, their skillful hands working her nerves until the pleasure made them raw.

  She was whimpering now, orgasm so close that she could almost burst with anticipation. Then it hit her. It slammed into her with such a force and intensity that caught her off-guard. She screamed in pleasure, and when she stopped all she could hear was the shuddering breath of both her lovers, seeking release. She writhed and bucked against Spencer’s thrusts, her hands still wrapped around Trevor’s shaft and stroking him frantically.

  Two manly groans followed and all at once, they joined her in the crashing waves of pleasure.

  Spencer thrust into her roughly while Trevor fell apart in her hands. She called out to them, their sweet names on her lips as she thrashed and moaned. Moans turned to screams of ecstasy, her lips meeting Trevor’s in a deep, passionate kiss as Spencer emptied his passion into her in one final, deep stroke.

  They fell back to the bed as one, panting and laughing as their raw nerves twitched and trembled.

  When Spencer withdrew himself from her, she turned and Trevor moved forward to cradle her against his body as Spencer had done. She wrapped one had behind herself, resting her hand on Trevor’s thick hair and holding his head against hers in a tender motion. She kissed Spencer deeply, opening her mouth to him and tasting the heat of him.

  She snuggled between them, her body hot with their loving. Her sigh was content as she settled in to sleep, finally feeling safe now that she was between them and surrounded by their strength and their love.

  She felt Trevor’s arm go around her waist and Spencer’s hand reach out to cup one supple breast as she was drifting off to sleep. She smiled, letting the exhaustion claim her and thinking to herself that they would definitely have to do this more often.


  They were just finishing dinner the next night when Spencer’s phone rang, interrupting the silence and making them all pause. Trevor and Lara were silent as he took the call.

  “Agent Spencer Hart,” he answered.

  Lara watched him intently, but as usual, he facial expressions masked his thoughts.

  “I understand, Sir. Yes, I have a secure line on my laptop. I’ll sit with her and see what I can get. Thank you, Sir. Yes, Sir.”

  He hung up, going upstairs and returning with his laptop. He set it on the dining room table and motioned to Lara to join him at the end of the long table while Trevor cleared away their plates and made room.

  “We got the DNA back on the burn victim, and that led to the name of the last juror left.”

  “So, we got him? I can leave?”

  “No,” he said. “The FBI showed up at the man’s house and he was dead.”

  “They got to him,” she whispered.

  “They did, but he was dead long before you met him. He was murdered some time ago, at least two weeks before the trial even started.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Whoever killed him, killed him in order to let someone else step into his place. Our missing juror wasn’t who he was supposed to be.”

  “That makes sense. There was one guy that was always saying ‘not guilty’ no matter how many times the rest of us agreed that Jimmy was guilty.”

  “You don’t know who it was that was voting not guilty?”

  “No idea. It was a secret ballot and everyone put their folded papers into a basket.”

  “Well, the victim’s name is Gerald Thompson. Did anyone give their name?”

  “No. We were all numbers. It was the most annoying thing. I felt like a little kid.”

  Spencer opened an email while she spoke, pulling up eleven pictures.

  “Here are the men that are murdered. Someone is missing from here.”

  She took a moment to look through all the pictures, then nodded.

  “I know who’s missing. He sat in the corner. Glasses, greasy comb-over, wore a sweater vest. He never made eye contact.”

  “Did you get a good look at him?”

  “I did. He gave off this weird vibe, and I felt a little like I’d seen him somewhere. You know, like those people that you run into at the supermarket all the time, but you don’t know them; you just recognize their face?”

  “You recognized him?”

  “Not really. It’s hard to explain. I guess he reminded me of someone, and I kind of latched onto that. So, I paid attention to him more, and I got a few good looks at him. I never thought that he was the dissenter, though. He was always saying things that made me believe that he was all for convicting the guy.”

  “The point was to make sure that you never suspected him,” Trevor offered, coming back from the kitchen and sitting on the other side of Lara.

  Spencer opened a program on the computer and a blank face came up.

  “Do you think that you could describe the man?”

  “I can, but I don’t know what good that will do.”

  “Trust me,” Spencer said. “It can do a world of good. Let’s start with the eyes. Let’s just start with the color.”

  “Blue. Definitely blue.”

  “And what about the shape?” Spencer asked, clicking a button on the mouse and cycling through all the options. “You don’t have to pick the perfect pair right now, just get as close as you can.”

  “There! That one,” she said.

  He stopped, and they moved one. They worked piece by piece, slowly building a face one feature at a time. More than an hour passed before Lara finally stopped.

  “That’s it. That’s the man.”

  “Is there anything that could be changed?” Spencer asked.

  “No. It’s perfect. It looks just like him.”

  “Good. Now, here’s my next question: Do you know him?”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Are you certain? Take your time. It could be anyone.”

  “No, I don’t know him.” A look passed between the twins. “What?” she asked.

  “Your information was found in Gerald Thompson’s h
ouse. It didn’t look like it belonged there, but almost like it got knocked out of the killer’s pocket when he struggled while killing Gerald, or even while he was wrapping him up in plastic sheeting. I think that’s why it took them so long to find you. They lost the paper with your name and address on it.”

  “Seriously? Why wouldn’t they have it somewhere else?”

  “It looked like it was scribbled down in a hurry. Whoever gathered the information was unorganized, and that probably saved your life.”

  “Or scared,” Trevor added. “A lot of the people that work for the mob don’t start out killers.”

  Lara looked at the picture again, but it didn’t change anything. She shook her head.

  “I still have no idea.”

  “That’s alright,” Spencer said, reaching out and squeezing her hand. “I’ll send it to a buddy of mine and we’ll see what he can do with it.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I feel like I’m letting you down somehow.”

  “It’s probably a disguise,” Trevor said. “I’m sure that he’s wearing some Hollywood-worthy prosthetics on his face or something to that effect. But Spencer’s got a guy who is a whiz at facial recognition from these pictures. If this man can be found, Jerry will find him.”


  Lara woke up the next morning to an empty bed and cold sheets. Since that first night of passion, one or both twins had slept in her bed. Their presence had made sleeping that much easier for Lara, and she was no longer beset with nightmares.

  Her watch said that it was just after sunrise, the skylight just brighter than the gray light that signaled the impending dawn. She got out of bed, going down the stairs quickly and stopping short when she saw a group of men in the kitchen with Spencer and Trevor. Trevor waved her over, introducing her to the men around the table and pulling out the chair beside him with one hand.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “One of the big players in the mob flipped,” Trevor said excitedly.

  “Really?” Lara asked, excited. “Does that mean that I don’t have to testify and I’m done with witness protection?”


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