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Shameless (An Enemies To Lovers Novel Book 5)

Page 5

by Michelle Horst

  “No,” she whispers before she takes a sip of her coffee.

  “Do you have any family?” After placing the cup down, I cross my arms on the table, giving Evie my full attention.


  She doesn’t elaborate, which only makes me wonder more about the life she’s had.

  “What happened to your parents?”

  She shrugs, and finally, she looks up from her hands. Meeting my gaze, I don’t like the lost look I see on her face. I wish I could change her past.

  Just when I think that she’s not going to answer me, she says, “I don’t know. I’ve never had parents.”

  I frown, unable to believe that she doesn’t know her own parents.

  “I’ve been in foster care since I can remember,” she explains.

  Shit, at least Mia and I have good memories of our parents.

  “How did you end up living on the street?”

  She drops her eyes back to her hands, and I know I’ve just hit a sensitive subject.

  “I turned eighteen.” Again she doesn’t elaborate, and I decide to drop that subject for now.

  “Don’t take offense, but I have to ask. Have you ever been arrested?”

  She cringes and whispers, “No, and before you ask, I haven’t done drugs either.”

  “That’s good to know.” I take a sip of my coffee before I continue. “Have you thought about the deal?”

  “I have.” Her eyes meet mine, and I see the uncertainty, which gives me hope that I can still convince her. “Can you explain it to me again.”

  “It’s quite simple. I’ll be your benefactor, and in return, all you do is study your ass off. The only rule I have is that you keep your clothes on. No stripping. No dating. Give your full attention to your studies.”

  “What rights will you have as my benefactor?”

  I immediately read between the lines. “Evie, I’m going to be straightforward with you. I have no hidden agenda.”

  She bites her bottom lip, still worried about my intentions.

  “Hey,” I whisper as I reach across the table. I cover Evie’s hand with mine, hoping that I'm not too forward by touching her. “I want to give you a chance to be independent.”

  She lets out a soft sound through her nose, almost like a silent laugh.

  “I still don’t understand why you’re willing to help me. Especially when you won’t be getting anything in return.”

  “I have a sister. She’s a few years younger than you. Living on the streets could’ve been our fate if Carter’s dad didn’t take us in when our parents died. He didn’t have to, and he certainly got nothing in return. Like I said yesterday, I want to give you the same chance I was given.”

  “It’s all surreal,” she whispers as she pulls her hand from mine. “If I take the deal, what will I have to study?”

  I smile, knowing that she’s going to agree.

  “You can choose. We will look at apartments together, and the lease will be in my name, but you will have a say in which apartment we go with. I’m not sure what to do about your monthly expenses. I’m not comfortable with just transferring funds to your bank account.”

  “I don’t have a bank account,” she says, her cheeks flushing pink.

  “We’ll figure something out. I’ll pay the school fees and rent. Maybe we can get together once every two weeks to get anything you might need, and that way I can also check in with you to see how your studies are going?”

  “We could do that.” She realizes what she just said when I grin at her.

  “That sounded like a yes,” I tease her. She smiles, and it transforms her face. “You need to smile more, Evie.”

  Her voice is hoarse with the emotion I can see on her face when she says, “You’ve given me a reason to smile. I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “Become a beautiful, independent woman. That will be thank you enough for me.”

  “I don’t know about the beautiful part, but I really want to be independent.”

  I reach over the table again and wait for her to shake my hand. When she does, I say, “We have a deal, Evie Cole.”

  “It’s a deal,” she says, and a burst of laughter is quickly smothered by a sob. “I’m sorry.”

  I give her a moment to compose herself. It’s understandable that she’s emotional right now.

  “Let’s go apartment hunting,” I say once she’s back in control of her emotions.

  “Right now?” she asks, her eyes sparkling with excitement. It’s another look which suits her.

  “Right now,” I say as I get up. “I’m just going to settle the bill, then we can get going. Are you okay with staying here until you can move into an apartment?”

  Evie hesitates before she answers, “This place is expensive, Rhett. I’ll be fine at a motel.”

  Just because she keeps trying to get out of me spending money on her, it makes me want to give her everything her heart desires.

  “I’ll feel better if you stay here,” I say, hoping to change her mind about the motel.

  “Okay,” she whispers with the bright smile back on her face. “But hopefully it won’t be for too long, and we can find a reasonably priced apartment.”

  Chapter 9


  I hope this isn’t all a dream.

  I catch myself smiling as Rhett drives to another apartment. I’ve been laughing so much today that my cheeks ache. It’s wonderful. We’ve already seen three places, which were way too big and expensive.

  At the last one, we argued for the first time. Accepting Rhett’s help doesn’t mean that I’ll let him get an apartment that’s bigger than any house I’ve ever lived in. That’s just crazy.

  When he stops outside another luxurious building, I scowl.

  “I can already tell you that I’m not going to agree,” I say as he opens his door.

  “You haven’t even seen it yet,” he says, grinning at me.

  “Can’t we look in a normal neighborhood where the rent will be reasonable?” I ask, but he gets out of the car before I’ve even finished my sentence.

  When I open my door, he says, “Let’s just have a look.”

  I relent and follow him to the second floor. When we walk inside, I’m actually relieved to see that the kitchen is much smaller than the other ones we’ve seen.

  The living room is also a decent size, and I love all the light streaming in through the large windows.

  I turn in a full circle and frown when I count three bedrooms. That’s a bummer.

  “I only need one bedroom,” I say.

  “You can use one of the other bedrooms for a study,” Rhett starts to argue.

  “I don’t need an extra room for a study. One bedroom will be fine. I can also study in the living room.”

  “Woman, will you stop being stubborn for one second. This apartment is situated in a nice area.” He actually rolls his eyes at me. “You know most women would just say thank you and take it.”

  I frown at him, not missing that it’s the first time since we’ve met that he’s called me a woman and not a kid. Twice.

  I get a feeling that Rhett is used to giving money out as if it were smiles. If that’s the case, he’s got another thing coming.

  “All this space is a waste of money, Rhett.”

  “You can always rent out the other two rooms.” He walks closer to me, trying to stare me into submission, which almost works. One look from those dark eyes is enough to make me lose my ability to think, never mind form a coherent sentence.

  “I don’t know anyone,” I mumble, feeling lame that I’m admitting something like that to him.

  Rhett takes a deep breath then pins me with a penetrating look. I’m not sure I like that look. It makes me feel self-conscious around him. It’s as if he’s trying to figure out what I’m thinking.

  I don’t even try and deny that Rhett is way too much male for me to handle. Knowing that he isn’t much older than me, and adding that he’s been nothing but kind to me, only ma
kes him so much more attractive. There are moments where I feel at ease with him, but then there are instances like this one where I feel way out of my comfort zone.

  When we were viewing the second apartment, Rhett took hold of my hand to hold me back when I wanted to leave, and it made my stomach flutter. I’ve been cautious ever since.

  I have to be careful that I don’t mistake feeling grateful for attraction. Besides, Rhett’s made it clear that I’m not his type so it would be a waste of time on my part.

  “You’ll meet girls once you start classes. I’m sure you’ll make friends.”

  I take a step back and breaking eye contact with him, I glance around the apartment again.

  “I’m sure everyone attending school will already have a place to stay.”

  “I’m going to put in an application.”

  “That doesn’t mean that I’ll move in here,” I throw at him over my shoulder.

  “Dammit, Evie. It’s a safe neighborhood. You’re close to the school. I live right around the corner. This place is perfect.”

  Turning to face him, I cross my arms and glare at him.

  “It’s too much.”

  “Too much what? Money? Last time I checked that was my problem,” he snaps as he starts to lose his patience with me.

  “You don’t like hearing the word no, do you?” I ask as I realize that Rhett is used to getting his way. “I know it’s your money, Rhett. Trust me, I’m highly aware of that fact.”

  Once the words are out, I pinch my eyes shut. I didn’t mean for it to sound so harsh.

  I let out a sigh and drop my arms to my side. “I’m sorry, that was uncalled for. I’m grateful for all your help. Not only is this place costly, but it’s too much for me. I’ve never had my own bedroom before. I wouldn’t know what to do with all this space. I’d rather have something small and comfy, than something big and empty.”

  I give Rhett a pleading look, hoping he’ll read between the lines. All this space will only remind me that I’m alone.

  “I really like this place.” My hope goes up in a puff of smoke. Rhett’s too stubborn to see things from my point of view. “Just try it for three months. If you can’t find roommates, then we can look at smaller places.”

  My eyes dart back to his. “Really? You’ll be okay with that?”

  “Yeah,” he says, smiling. “Can I go fill in the application now?”

  “It’s not like anything I say will stop you from doing what you want,” I tease.

  “You’re a quick learner, Evie Cole,” he teases back. “Stick with me, and I’ll make you famous.”

  Laughter bubbles over my lips. It amazes me that the one second we can be arguing and the next we’re laughing. I’ve never met anyone like Rhett. Being around him is actually pleasant, and it makes it easy to like him. I think it’s the same for him because he’s starting to joke with me.


  (Six months later.)

  As I pull the brush through my hair, I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

  Everything has changed over the last few months. It happened so fast that I’m still overwhelmed when I think of it.

  Living on my own has been an adjustment. Then I had to worry about surviving, where now I have too much time to feel lonely. I’m still looking for a job, but at least now I’m able to be more selective in my choices. I’m hoping to hear back from the gas station down the road. Yesterday I applied for the cashier position, and with a little luck, I’ll get it.

  During the first three months, I used to see Rhett a lot, but since I’ve started studying I only see him once a month. He had me open a bank account, so he could easily transfer money into it, instead of having to go shopping with me. He gives me way too much, but I only use what I need. The rest I leave, hoping that once I’m done studying I’ll be able to repay him much quicker.

  If I’m honest with myself, I have to admit that I miss Rhett. He crawled into my heart those first two weeks. I thought we were becoming friends, but seeing as he chose to put distance between us, I must’ve been mistaken.

  I stand up and take one last look at myself before I grab the sweater from where it’s lying on the bed, and my bag. Since I’ve gained back all the weight I lost while living on the streets, I’ve been experimenting with clothes. I scour all the thrift stores for bargains, and that way I’m able to save a good portion of the monthly allowance I receive from Rhett.

  It’s getting colder, but with the boots and sweater, I should be fine wearing a dress today. I fell in love with the dress the second I saw it. It’s vintage with a high waist and pleated skirt. The bodice is cream which complements the deep green skirt. As I leave the apartment, I have to admit that I actually feel pretty. It’s a foreign feeling, but one I bask in.

  I haven’t decided what to study yet, but luckily I have plenty of time before I have to decide on a major.

  I get to class with some time to spare, doodling in the front of my notebook, when a girl sits down next to me. I smile at her before returning to my not so great drawing of a palm tree.

  “Damn, I should’ve grabbed a coffee. I was worried I would be late for class if I stopped to get some,” the girl sitting beside me says.

  I drop my pen on the table and smiling at her, I say, “Coffee would be nice.” Glancing at the time, I see that there are only five minutes until class starts. “I don’t think we could get some and be back in five minutes.”

  “Yeah, this lecture is going to be torture without my caffeine fix. I’m Willow,” she says.

  “I’m Evie.”

  We share a smile and I just know I’m going to like her. She’s tall and beautiful. Her blonde hair looks silky soft, and intelligence shines in her warm, brown eyes.

  “I love your hair,” I can’t help but pay her a compliment.

  She lets out a burst of laughter. “It takes me thirty minutes to straighten it like this. I usually just leave it to air dry, but then it curls like crazy.”

  I point to my curly mop of red hair. “Nothing can straighten this mess.”

  We have to pay attention when the professor comes in, but I can’t stop smiling. It’s nice talking to a girl.

  When class is over, I shove all my stuff into my bag.

  “Do you have another class now?” Willow asks.

  “No, I only have one later this afternoon,” I say. Right now I want to get something to eat and a cup of coffee.

  “Want to join me for coffee?”

  “That would be great.” I should’ve thought to ask her, but I’m glad she did. Maybe we can get to know each other and become friends.

  The cafeteria is bustling with students, all looking for a caffeine fix after class. We grab our orders, and I choose a muffin for myself while Willow takes a bagel. We pick a table outside for which I’m grateful. It’s freezing in the cafeteria.

  With the sun baking on my back, I enjoy some of my coffee before I ask, “Do you live on campus?”

  Willow rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh. “I do. My roommate drives me insane though. She’s out every night, and when she comes in late, she makes one hell of a noise.”

  A slow smile spreads across my face. I feel a little embarrassed and nervous as I say, “I have an apartment off campus, and I’m looking for roommates. You’re welcome to come look at it.”

  Willow’s eyes widen with surprise. “I’d love to see your apartment. It would be wonderful to sleep an entire night through without being woken up.”

  “We can go now. I don’t have any plans,” I offer.

  “Are you sure?” she asks with excitement coloring her cheeks a pale pink.

  “Trust me, I’m desperate for a roommate. The silence in the big place is killing me.”

  “Do you want me to follow you?”

  I frown, and for a minute I don’t understand what she’s asking.

  “My car is parked in front of my dorm. If I’m going to follow you, I need to go get it quickly.”

  “Oh no, don’t worry ab
out that. The apartment is close by. We can walk if you don’t mind.”

  We finish our coffee and breakfast before we walk to the apartment. All the way there I’m silently sending up prayers that Willow will like it enough to want to move in with me.

  Chapter 10


  I duck behind a tree when I spot Evie coming out of the cafeteria. I’m a dick for avoiding her.

  It’s just… I’m fucked.

  When she started gaining a healthy amount of weight, she changed. It was like watching a butterfly slowly open its wings. Yeah, she’s healthy now, and I’m happy for her, but it’s not so great when it comes to my dick. Her breasts filled out and damn, that ass of hers. It went from as flat as a surfboard to plump and firm. Her skin now has a healthy glow, and her hair shines which makes the strands look like flames.

  Basically, every time I see her my dick forgets that she’s off limits and it goes rock hard. The little shit doesn’t understand the meaning of friends only. That’s the problem. She’s definitely not someone I can screw around with. She’s been through enough shit as it is. The last thing she needs is me hooking up with her for a random fuck. With her being dependent on me, it’s made it hard to be around her. Pun intended.

  The first time I got hard, she was bending over to tie a shoelace. I was so shocked by my physical reaction to her that I high-tailed it out of there at the speed of light. I haven’t been back to her apartment since. I always meet her in a public place, and I stick to once a month. It’s safer that way.

  That’s why I’m hiding behind a tree like a five-year-old. Until I’ve figured out a way to get my dick to calm down, I can’t be around her.

  I wait for Evie to walk past the tree before I head towards the cafeteria. I need to do something about this problem. I can’t keep avoiding her.

  Fuck, it’s not that I even want Evie. Not in a sexual way. She’s not my type. But my dick seems to have a mind of its own whenever she’s around.

  I’ve had a few one-night stands, but it’s done nothing to satisfy me. I need something more, something wild.


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