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Shameless (An Enemies To Lovers Novel Book 5)

Page 8

by Michelle Horst

  She smiles warmly at Rhett before she goes back to the bed.

  As we walk away, Rhett leans into me and whispers, “They have the hots for each other, but they think no one knows.”

  “Oh,” I whisper as I glance over my shoulder. “How old is Mia?” I ask, wanting to know more about her.

  “She’s fifteen.”

  He doesn’t say anything else, so I gently probe, “And you’re okay with her dating Logan?”

  Rhett shrugs. “Logan would rather die than hurt Mia. I know my sister is safe with him.”

  Before I can ask another question, a guy comes barreling out of a room, slamming into my side. I lose balance and fall against Rhett, and when his arms circle me, I become highly aware of the fact that he’s still shirtless. My right-hand grabs hold of his lower back, and my left flattens over his chest. My entire front is plastered against his side until he pulls me closer, bringing us chest to chest.

  His manly scent and the heat from his body overwhelm me. My heartbeat speeds up as every part of my body touching his starts to buzz with tiny electric bolts.

  “Shit, sorry,” the guy says. “You’re so small I didn’t see you.”

  “Evie, this is Jaxson. He and Logan are twins,” Rhett says, sounding way calmer than I feel. Apparently, he’s not affected like I am by our close proximity.

  “Hi, Jaxson,” I say, trying to not let my rampant emotions seep through to my voice. I’d die if Rhett ever found out how affected I am by him.

  “Hey, Evie.” Another guy comes out of the same room Jaxson was just in, and for a second I can only stare. He is easily the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on. Where Jaxson is blonde like Logan, the new guy is all dark and broody. If someone had told me that he and Rhett were brothers, I would’ve believed them.

  “And that’s Marcus. His bark is worse than his bite,” Rhett says playfully.

  What does he mean by Marcus’ bark is worse than his bite?

  “What-the-fuck-ever,” Marcus growls. He gives me a cold look before he shoves past us.

  I instinctively inch closer to Rhett, until I feel his chest against my cheek.

  A slow grin spreads over Jaxson’s face as he says, “You kids have fun now.”

  Suddenly we’re alone in the hallway with Rhett’s arms still around me. I pull back, putting a safe distance between us.

  Clearing my throat, I say, “Interesting friends you have.”

  “They’re my family. For the last ten years, it’s just been us guys, Mia, and Mr. Hayes.”

  “Mr. Hayes,” I ask, glad that we’re back to talking about Rhett’s life as we walk to his room.

  “Carter’s dad. He took us all in and has been taking care of us.”

  “Oh,” I whisper, wondering how they all landed up together. I don’t ask, scared that it will give Rhett the idea of asking me questions in turn.

  When we walk into Rhett’s room, I glance around, not sure where I should sit.

  Rhett plops down on the bed, crossing his arms behind his head.

  “Make yourself comfortable, Evie,” he says.

  All I can do is stare at his lean, hard body, stretched out before me like a feast waiting to be devoured.

  I shake my head lightly to rid myself of the stupid fantasies and carefully sit on the edge of the bed by Rhett’s feet.

  He rolls his eyes at me, then darting forward, and grabbing my arm, he pulls me back with him.

  I end up lying stretched out, half on the covers and half over Rhett. My face flames up as I quickly move away, and turning on my side, I stare at the bed until it feels like my face has cooled down a little.

  “You’re weird,” Rhett says, making my eyes snap up to his.

  The words sting, and he must see it on my face, because he quickly adds, “Not a bad weird. You’re shy, but at the same time, you have all this fight inside of you. It’s a weird mixture. I’ve never met a shy girl who could argue as much as you do.”

  I’m not sure if it’s a compliment or insult, so I decide to keep quiet.

  “What are you scared of?” he asks.

  I frown at him, not sure what he means.

  “I’m scared of…” his words trail away. I sit up and fold my legs under me. “Rats. Fuck, I hate those critters with their beady red eyes.”

  I start to laugh at the expression on his face. It looks like he stepped in something nasty.

  “Well, you know I’m scared of clowns,” I say.

  He lets out a deep chuckle that does crazy things to my hormones.

  “Yeah, I figured as much after you crawled away from me.”

  “I never watch horror movies,” I admit. I don’t add that my life has had enough horror. “I like comedies.”

  “I’ll remember that next time we watch a movie.” He smiles tenderly at me, and it warms the spot in my chest where my heart is.

  Chapter 16


  I drink in Evie’s relaxed smile before my eyes drop to her exposed shoulder where the shirt has slid down.

  There’s something about this girl that excites and scares me at the same time.

  My gut is telling me to stay far away from her, but I can’t. Like the gravitational pull of the moon causes waves, she causes those same tides inside of me.

  “Which movies do you like?” she asks me, drawing me out of my thoughts.

  “Anything really,” I whisper, not wanting to disrupt the relaxed atmosphere between us. “If it’s entertaining I’ll watch it.”

  “You know,” she says softly, dropping her eyes to her hands, “you’re also weird.”

  I smirk, not surprised. “How so?”

  “You come across as this easy-going guy, but then there are moments like this afternoon where you become a neanderthal.” She bites her bottom lip as if she’s nervous about continuing, but then she pushes through. “I think there are so many sides to you that you don’t allow people to see.”

  She peeks up from under her lashes, and our eyes lock for a moment.

  When things become too intense, I chuckle, “Nah, I’m your regular joker, babe.”

  She shakes her head lightly, a gentle smile making her look breathtakingly delicate.

  “I think it’s a wall you use to hide behind.”

  Her honesty stuns me for a second before I regain my composure.

  “Don’t we all have our walls?” I ask to throw her.

  She shrugs, looking back to her hands.

  I lean forward and placing my finger under her chin, I nudge her face up. Her eyes find mine as I ask, “What do you hide behind your walls?”

  I’m playing a dangerous game right now, and it’s going to backfire on me. I drop my hand from Evie’s face and let it rest between us on the bed.

  She fills her lungs with a deep breath. “If we’re going to be honest with each other–” she draws her bottom lip between her teeth and the urge to kiss her almost makes me forget that I can’t.

  “You know where I come from.” She pulls her shoulders up and folds her arms around her middle as if she’s trying to protect herself.

  It makes my protective side roar to life, and I almost pull her into my arms.

  “My biggest fear is being alone,” she whispers.

  Fuck this.

  I throw caution to the wind as I take hold of her forearm and pull her towards me. She doesn’t resist as I position her against my side with her head against my shoulder. I tighten my hold on her and press a kiss to her wild hair.

  As she lets out a deep breath and her fingers tentatively brush against my chest, something tender and fragile unfurls in my chest. I should crush it, but I don’t. Instead, I tuck it into the deepest part of me where it will be safe.

  “You’re not alone,” I whisper, my voice hoarse from the affection I feel for this girl that’s filling my heart.

  Chapter 17


  This feels too good to be wrong.

  Lying in Rhett’s arms, feeling his warm skin beneath my cheek,
and watching his chest rise and fall with every breath he takes, wakes something inside of me. It’s like a blossom on the first day of spring.

  But I’m scared that the first storm will ruin it and along with it my heart.

  I want to know more about Rhett, and lying so close to him gives me the guts to ask, “What’s your favorite memory of your parents?”

  He takes a deep breath, and as he holds me close, he turns onto his side to face me. With my head resting on his bicep, we’re so close I can feel the heat of his breath on my face.

  The corner of his mouth pulls up as he remembers something and I have to resist the urge to reach up and touch his lips. Instead, I tuck my arms between us, curling my fingers into the fabric of my shirt.

  “We had this thing we always did on Sunday’s,” he says, his voice a low rumble. “Dad would make breakfast. Well, actually he tried. Without fail, he would burn the bacon, and I swear you could play baseball with those eggs. But we ate it without complaint.” His eyes drift closed, and a sad look haunts his features. “I miss the smell of burnt bacon.”

  I stare at him, imprinting the image of him at this moment into my mind. This is Rhett. The sad boy who misses his dad and mom.

  Intuitively, I wrap my right arm around him as I press my face into his chest. I hug him as tight as I can with my right arm. When he buries his face in my neck, and his arms lock me to him, I have to close my eyes against the tears threatening to fall for him.

  That’s when I know I’m in trouble. I never cry for myself, but for this man, I will weep.

  Minutes pass where we hold each other.

  How’s it possible that you can wake up in the morning with your heart still safely in your chest, but come night, it belongs to someone else?

  All it took was Rhett showing me a side to him he keeps hidden. I’ve fallen in love with a little black haired boy.

  As Rhett pulls back, he brings his hand to my cheek. Our eyes meet, and it feels like there’s an invisible cord tying us to each other.

  What I feel for Rhett has been slowly building over the past six months. He’s so easy to love. When you spend time with him, his focus is solely on you. I’ve never had that before. I’ve never meant anything to anyone.

  I know I’m going to regret it in the morning, but no longer able to keep my feelings for him a secret, I whisper, “I love you.”

  A look of pain crosses his features, but he doesn’t break eye contact with me. I don’t expect him to say the words back. I meant it when I said I love him. As a friend. As a savior. As a person. Yes, I feel attracted to him, but that has nothing to do with what’s in my heart.

  I suppose you could say I love him the same way he cares for one of his friends.

  But the moment between us shatters, and his words rain down on me like flakes of ice freezing any hope I had that he might love me back.

  “You’re a good friend, Evie. But that’s all we can be, just friends.”

  I close my eyes, hiding from the truth that I’m unlovable. I turn onto my other side and force my voice to sound light.

  “Night, Rhett. Thanks for letting me stay.”

  He takes hold of my shoulder and pulls me onto my back.

  “Don’t do that, Evie. Don’t withdraw from me.”

  I keep my eyes on the other side of the room, far away from Rhett.

  “I meant it as a friend,” I whisper. I might as well tell him what I feel. What’s the use in hiding now? “I love you as a friend. You’re the first person to show me any kindness. When life turned its back on me, and I became invisible, you saw me. You take care of me without expecting anything in return. How can I not love you? You’re the perfect friend.”

  Rhett presses his forehead against the side of my head, and his breath flutters over my ear.

  “I’ll always see you. I’ll always take care of you. I was a dick for assuming you were confessing your undying love for me.”

  He pulls slightly back and cupping my cheek, he turns my face so that I’ll look at him.

  “I don’t let people in easily, but once you’re in, it’s for life.” A soft smile plays around his full lips. “From the moment I saw you, you were in here.” Removing his hand from my cheek, he pats the spot over his heart.

  He remains quiet for a moment before he whispers words I’ve never heard directed at me before.

  “I love you too, Evie.”

  I’m hit by a tidal wave of emotions that makes my eyes brim with tears, and as Rhett offers me the safety of his chest, I’m overcome with happiness and a sense of finally belonging somewhere.

  Chapter 18


  I hold Evie until she falls asleep.

  Where there might have been a five percent chance of Evie and I having a romantic relationship, it's now zero. She needs someone who will take care of her, and be her friend, more than she needs a horny fucker who can’t keep it in his pants.

  With her body tucked against mine and her steady breaths fanning over my chest, I make her a silent promise.

  I’ll never give up our friendship for a quick fuck with her. I’ll protect her from myself.

  I didn’t take her seriously when she told me she loved me because honestly, she wouldn’t feel the same if I weren’t taking care of her.

  I think she’s confusing feeling grateful with love.

  I, on the other hand, meant what I said. Evie has burrowed her way so deep into my heart there’s no way of ever getting her out.

  I doubt she’d like me at all if she ever found out what a sick bastard I really am. I wonder if Evie has even had sex before. Yeah, I’d scar her for life.

  Then there’s the fact that it’s hard for me to trust people. As it is, I only trust Mia, Carter, and Logan.

  Mom always used to say that without trust, a relationship is doomed to fail.

  But it’s hard trusting people when you don’t know whether they like you because of your money, or for who you really are inside.

  Money can’t buy loyalty and happiness.

  With my mind full of crap, I drift off to sleep.

  Waking up, the first thing I become aware of is the soft flesh beneath my fingers. Opening my eyes, I glance down and when I see Evie’s wild, red curls, I let out a sigh.

  Thank God, it’s not some chick I fucked. I pull her body closer and bury my face in her hair, taking full advantage of the moment while she’s still asleep.

  My fingers brush over her silky skin again, and it’s then I realize my hand is under her shirt. I push myself up and stare down at her.

  Correction. The shirt is bundled around her ribs, giving me an eyeful of her toned stomach. Her skin is pale white compared to my tanned hand.

  Unable to resist I move my thumb back and forth, drinking in the feel of her.

  She lets out a breathy sigh which makes my morning wood turn to titanium steel.

  Evie starts to move, and I freeze, scared that she’s going to open her eyes and bust me with my hand almost up her shirt. I yank my hand away and keep dead still when she turns onto her side, and throws her leg over mine.

  She snuggles into my chest, curling her arm around my waist, and as she shifts her leg a little up, her thigh brushes over my balls, nudging at my cock.

  Holy fuck.

  I’m going to shoot a load if she does that again.

  When it’s clear that she’s done moving, I place my hand on the back of her neck. My fingers curl into her hair, and all I want to do is drag her up my body so I can kiss her breathless while she rides my cock.

  I’m fucked.

  I’m so fucking fucked.

  Every nerve ending I have zeroes in on my cock when she shifts a little, rubbing her hot pussy against my hip while her thigh presses down on my cock.

  This is fucking torture.

  My hips move, slowly rolling upwards, placing a little pressure on her pussy while I get to rub my cock against her leg.

  Screw that, it’s not torture, it’s a fucking turn on wanting somethin
g so much, but not being able to take it.

  Evie’s grip on me tightens, and she murmurs something ineligible.

  Feeling brave that she sleeps like the dead, I move my hand down to her ass and cup her right cheek firmly.

  Oh yeah, it’s as firm as it looked.

  I keep my eyes on her face as I grow a little bolder, moving my hand up to the waistband, and slipping it beneath the material. When I brush over the soft flesh of her ass cheek, I groan. She’s not wearing any fucking underwear.

  I’m going to come in my pants. Fuck, I want Evie so badly my cock is aching.

  With my right hand I grab a fistful of her hair and pulling her head back, I slam my mouth into hers. Digging my fingers into her ass, I pull her body over mine until she’s straddling me. I can’t think clearly anymore as my tongue spears into her mouth, and I taste the moan rippling up her throat.

  Evie starts to kiss me back with the same hot passion. She moves her hands to my sweats and shoves them down, freeing my cock. I don’t stop her as she pushes her own sweats down, and positions my cock at her wet entrance. I thrust up and enter her with a loud groan…

  “Rhett,” she says, which isn’t possible seeing as my tongue is almost down her throat. “Rhett, wake up.”


  Her body disappears from on top of me, and then the fogginess of waking up intrudes on the best wet dream I’ve ever had.

  I blink a couple of times as my hips keep rolling leisurely, and my cock brushes against the firmest ass I’ve ever felt.

  “Rhett, you’re dry humping my butt!” Evie hisses.

  My eyes pop open, and my entire body moves all at once. The one second I’m rubbing myself against Evie, and the next I’m standing next to the bed with my cock straining against the sweats, ready for action.

  “That must have been some dream you were having,” she says teasingly, and I appreciate her making light of the moment.

  “Right,” I growl as I walk to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and quickly step into the shower. The water is cold at first, and it does nothing to put out the fire burning through my veins.


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