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Voices of the Stars

Page 21

by Rowena Whaling

  Silence... Then there was a great bustle of conversation and arguing. I repeated, “Behold the sword of the ancient Kings of our Islands!”

  Many would not look... until they saw the eerie green light on the faces of those around them...

  For a third Time, I shouted “Behold!”

  Then they all faced the sword. It threw out its blue Flame – flaming up to the Sky. And at that very moment – very fortunately for me – the Storm calmed... The Rain stopped... The Sun disk shone through a parting of Clouds... They all stood and bowed to the power, the might, the Magic and the goodness of Caledfwlch. The deed was done.

  It was agreed that all would reconvene after one week during which Time they would consider whether to accept Arthur as Over-King, or no...

  Still, there was some squabbling and even a couple of skirmishes as all camped in the environs. But finally, by the Time we all met again at Table Rock at the end of that week, Arthur, through the Games – which it seemed to me that all men have need to play – had proven to them his valor, might, intelligence, good heart, strong will, and leadership abilities.

  So then, beneath a blue Sky, one by one they knelt in front of him to have him place the sword Caledfwlch upon their heads. They pledged themselves to the alliance and to Arthur – who would be High King and war Commander of these, Our Fair Isles.

  Morgan’s note...

  I feel that I must add some words to Gwyddion’s account of these happenings, for I doubt that what I am about to write has ever been mentioned – and surely not by him, for he would not. Perhaps he does not even realise... No, I am quite sure that, with all that Gwyddion has written of Arthur’s beauty and handsomeness, nothing has been said about the look of Gwyddion and of his countenance.

  To me he seems like the Angels Christian folk tell of. He is a man, yet more beautiful than a man should be – though nothing of his countenance is effeminate – no, not that at all. He is in fact very manly, in a lithe sort of way – yet otherworldly at the same Time. Yes, he is a handsome man, with square shoulders and a bewitching smile. He walks with self-confident determination. His blue-grey eyes are deep and shadowy, yet they sometimes sparkle with wittiness. Yet, it is not only these things that make him seem so enchanting. Perhaps it is the stuff of Magic that fills his Spirit even more extraordinarily than it does my Mother or Lady Vivianne.

  I often ask myself: “Am I confused by my great esteem for him? Am I infatuated with him? Is this the Love that comes from recognition or familiarity of one Creature for another of her own kind? Or is it the Love a woman holds for a man?” I do not truly think so, yet I do not know. Perhaps it is all the Glamour... One Day I may come to understand my feelings for him. But as for now, I can only express my great respect.

  Chapter 8

  Vivianne, Lady of the Lake


  I, Vivianne, am the Lady of the Lake. I have been elected such by the Council of The Nine High Wise Mothers of the Order on the Isle of Apples. This will be my position until my Death. Although, the longer I live, the more mistakes I make, the more Human foibles I demonstrate, the more I wonder how deserved is this lofty title.

  I have been asked by my dear Morgan to relate my experiences, views, and feelings regarding all persons and events concerning Arthur and those involved in the making of the King. She has also asked me to write the sum of our Mysteries – in as much detail as my vows of secrecy will allow – for this she will add to her Histories. And so, I will.

  To begin, I will write of some of the Great Mysteries of our Order and how they correlate to our Priestess Initiations...

  We recognize in our GREAT GODDESS many faces and attributes. The people of all the lands around us do the same. Many other traditions place the Goddesses’ faces into three stages of Being: The Maiden, The Mother, and The Dark Mother, Crone or Hag, as these relate to the phases of the Moon. They call the Crescent Moon the Maiden; the Full Moon the Mother; and the Dark Moon the Hag or Crone, referring to her as a Triple Goddess. Even their Goddesses who are not directly related to the Lunar Mysteries are placed into these categories. I do not know how long these ideas have been held – or how they may have been influenced by the Romans – for they do not seem to be so divided by out-lying or Northern Clans and Tribes.

  We honour their beliefs, of course, but a long, long Time ago our Ancestors recognized that the two Crescent Moons, the Waxing and the Waning, each have very different qualities. So, our Mysteries, our teachings and stages of accomplishments – as marked by our initiations – and our work within the Order, are based upon four faces of the Moon.

  The Waxing Crescent Moon is personified as the Huntress Maiden, the Full Moon as the Mother, the Waning Crescent as the Enchantress, and the Dark Moon as Old Wise Mother.

  Our young girls usually arrive here on the Isle at or near their fourteenth year-turn. They live here and are taught to read, write, and to understand rudimentary mathematics. They then begin to learn the Mysteries of the Waxing Crescent Moon – The Huntress Maiden.

  The Huntress Maiden represents the first Bow of the Rising Moon as seen in the Night Sky after She has emerged from being hidden in darkness. She represents all things fresh and new: youth, beginnings, the Element of Air, and the Eastern Sky as the Sun rises at Dawn. She is eager, unafraid to explore the Mysteries of life. She is bold, enthusiastic, loyal and strong. She is the arising, the awakening, the freedom of wild Nature; forever young and beautiful.

  In other cultures, She has had many, many names, such as: Artemis, Minerva, Idea, Athena, Aphrodite, Diana, and Bloudwedd – to name a few. She is a Warrior of the Spirit, ever alive and anxious for adventure.

  Our girls study and practice these attributes for two to three years, along with their learning to read and write. When – and if – these postulants have accomplished their studies – AND we have seen in them a Love of the GODDESS – AND they have demonstrated a good sense of ethics, we will initiate them to the station of ‘Huntress Maiden.’

  Some of our girls may wish to leave the Isle at this point to become Healers and Herbalists in their families’ villages. This they may do with our blessings.

  But, those who have accomplished this training, and in whom we, the Council of Nine, see the quality of devotion to the GREAT GODDESS and Her Son/Consort, may stay with us and devote themselves to further learning and accomplishment.

  However, there are also those who ask only to remain here with us as Huntress Maidens for the rest of their lives, with the intent of never going farther than their first initiation. I will say that in this there is absolutely no failure, shame or disappointment. You see, to my thinking, one’s first Initiation is the most important of all, because it is at that point which one dedicates their life to the Love and service of the GODDESS and the Old Ways. These ones, who go no farther in training, but who remain with us, work as cooks, planters, Herbalists’ and Healer’s assistants. They keep everything clean, as well as share in the care of our Animals. They also assist in the essential works of Weaving and Harvesting. What is more, if they have other special talents, such as dancing, drumming, singing or storytelling, we honour these too. For, it is not good to always be working, learning or meditating. In fact, it is well known that we of the Order have many and many more fun-filled and joyous Times here on the Isle of Apples.

  For those who continue their studies and practicing, the next step is to attain to the ‘Mother’ initiation.

  The Mother represents the Full Moon. She is the source of life and Love. She is fertility, the Element of Fire, the South, High noon, maturity, Mid-Summer... She is the lover and as such she burns with passion and Her passion brings forth Creation. She is our Healing and comfort in life. She delivers the bounteous Harvest. She is the Great Green... the milk of devotion, which will sustain and comfort her children. She is the directed Will of the Cast of Magic – the teacher, the protectress, the fullness of life.

  In other traditions, She is called Anu, Demeter, Madron, Brigit, Henwen, Her
a, Juno, Frigg... and so many more.

  When our initiates study and practice these attributes for yet two to three years more and have accomplished these qualities, they are initiated as Mothers. They then become the teachers and mentors of the younger girls. They either remain always at this level, or, in the case of those who excel in the Magical Arts, have the Sight, commune with the Spirits to an exceptional degree, or have the Gift of being Walkers Between the Worlds, they are taught the deeper Cosmic Mysteries, which, of course I cannot put into these writings.

  These young women are nineteen to twenty-one or more years old when they begin their training as Enchantresses. The Enchantresses are taught only by the Council of Nine High Wise Mothers – or in some rare cases by extremely Gifted, older Enchantresses. This training will go on for as long as it takes.

  The Enchantress represents the Waning Crescent Moon who is personified in the Maiden of twilight. She is the Goddess waning into the Dark Moon. She is of the Element of Water, the beginning of the pull of the Tides... the Priestess, the Poet, the Seer, the Siren. She draws all to her as she retreats into darkness. She is the great empathizer, and as such, may very well be vulnerable. The Huntress Maiden within her must balance her. The Mother must protect and keep her strong.

  She, too, has been called by many names: Persephone, Siren, Circe, Ondine, Ariadne, Arianrhood, Dadb, Lady of Twilight and more.

  There is one final Initiation possible: The Wise Mother...

  The Wise Mother represents the attributes of the Dark Moon. She embodies all knowledge, Wisdom, Dark Mysteries, and Banishing Magic. She is transformation. She stands at the crossroads, passing on her knowledge to the next generation.

  We Chant – “She is the end, the contraction, the fall... She is the Death and beginning of all.” She is equated with the North, Midnight, old age into Death, deep Winter, and the Element of Earth.

  Some call Her Hecate, Cerridwen, Cailleach, Aerfen, Morrigan or Scatach, and Hel...

  I can say no more about the depths of this level of Initiation. Once again, I am bound to silence. However, it is commonly known that from the initiates who attain this status are chosen The Nine – The Council of High Wise Mothers of the Order on the Isle of Apples.

  Beyond our initiations symbolized by the four Moon stages, are the GODDESS principals as embodied in the Nine High Wise Mothers, who form the spiritual leadership of our Order.

  I will give here the names of our Goddesses Nine... Or rather, the Nine faces and names of the ONE ETERNAL GODDESS – as we call to HER in the ancient language of our Ancestors:

  Waxing Crescent Moon:

  “Shi-Zikru” – which name means Idea...

  Full Moon:

  “A-Ama” – Mother or Ripened Womb... In our Rites, She is sometimes invoked as “the White Moon Goddess”.

  Waning Crescent Moon:

  “Mudi” – Enchantress, Secret Keeper, or Seer.

  Dark Moon:

  “Elat-Salamu” – To become Black ... She is also called “Night,” “Death,” and “Wisdom”.

  Star Goddess:

  “Nana” – The Heavenly One...

  Sun Goddess:

  “Sud-Ma” – Sun Mother... She is also called Day.

  Earth Goddess:

  “Kia” – Terrestrial One... Also called “Great Nature” or “The Great Green”.

  Sea Goddess:

  “Na-Amu-Ma” – Sea Mother... We understand that she is also “TIAMATU” – the Primordial Waters...

  All of these Faces of THE GODDESS and the entirety of all Creation – in form, energy, and Spirit, are “THE ONE.”

  SHE is “The Weavers” – the Triple GODDESS of “Fate” – of Past, Present, and Future. SHE is “TIME” or “The Night of Time” – as in “Primeval Time.”

  SHE is the ABZU – “primeval source.”

  HER name is “AIXIA”.

  AIXIA, when read from left to right means Cosmogenesis, when read right to left means Cosmonemesis.

  The GODDESS never dies; SHE only changes her faces... SHE is Eternal...

  And then there are the God Mysteries: The God as Son, Lover, and Consort of the GODDESS...

  These are the Gods of Light, Darkness, Sacrifice, and Shadow. They are: the Sun God, the Sacrificed God of Grain and Harvest – The God/Brothers of Winter and Summer – and the Dancing, Horned God of Ecstasy, lust, and wild, untamed Nature...

  Lesser – or should I say more personal – than these, are the Dark, Shadow Gods: of Springs, Caves, Forests, Thunder, Rain, and the Nether-World.

  Of course, as I have said, we also train Priests here at the Order. They represent the Gods in our Rites. They Smith and plant/harvest, as well as teach the other young male initiates and perform many other Arts and labours, such as poetry, carpentry, stonework, and Animal husbandry – all to the service of the GODDESS and the Gods – and to the great benefit of their sisters and brothers of The Order.

  The Male Mysteries are as different from Women’s Mysteries as are Men from Women... different – yet at the same Time, similar in nature.

  As I have explained, the Mysteries of the Huntress Maiden – the Mother, the Enchantress, and the Old Wise Mother – are stages of our lives and growth – personifying the Moon. Each woman, in order to be an enlightened, healthy, and balanced being, must strive to hold elements of each of these phases of life within her psyche throughout the whole of her life – in as equal a measure as she is capable. This is also true for men.

  Of course, the reality is that each of us – male and female – has our own gifts and capacities. Some will always be more Huntress or Mother, Enchantress or Dark Mother. This in itself makes for a more beautiful and interesting community.

  It is just so with men.

  The four stages of the Male Mysteries correspond to the Women’s thus:

  The Hunter: He who provides...

  The Warrior: He who protects...

  The Satyr: He who holds the power of ecstasy...

  The Mage: He who has excelled in the Mysteries and/or meets the challenges of life and overcomes them by his Wisdom.

  In order to be clear, I will give one example:

  Let us look at the third phase of the Moon – the Waning Crescent. It conveys our deepest instinctual tides. For a woman, this is her Psychic and empathetic pull. For a man, their sexual drive.

  Now, this is not to say that women are not sexual beings or that men do not have psychic Gifts – much to the contrary – yet these – the Enchantress and the Satyr – are each the attribute of a woman’s or a man’s most primordial, instinctual nature. It all plays out in this way: For a woman to attract a man and to entwine him into her sexual embrace, she uses her psychic, intuitive, drawing-in nature. For a man to embrace his psychic/Magical abilities, he must use the Fire of his sexual energy.

  Just so is it with the other three attributes or phases of life.

  I do hope that whoever reads this will grasp these basic concepts – for on these, our Mysteries, I have said all that I may.

  I know that The Merlin has written in detail of the events leading to Arthur’s having been blessed and chosen High King of the Britons so I will begin with the next and most important sequence in Arthur’s story... that being the Fertility Rites on the Isle of Apples.

  However, I feel that before I begin this story, I must make note of how the significance of things held in great value for millennia can begin to fail – of how Time changes all She touches...

  As a consequence of Rome’s invasion, some of the peoples of this land have accepted that, by a crowning – and not only by the Great Rite, would a man be recognized as King. Yet, for longer than anyone can remember, it was only the blessing of the Lady of the Lake and the Sacred Marriage that was needed to make a King or Chieftain of the Britons. In all other lands it has been the same – only the GODDESS could make a King. With the advent of male-ruled societies, the Goddesses are being pushed into the background and now men make a King. Whatever will be, will be, I s

  Word had come, with the arrival of The Merlin, Arthur, and Bedwyr, of the meeting of the Chieftains, minor Kings, Queens, Dux, Tribal Elders, and the council of the thirteen High Druids – which had been held at an ancient meeting place called Table Rock in the Southernmost lands of the Picti. It told of how The Merlin had presented Arthur as the son of Uther the Pen Dragon – that, by his word, by the blessing of the Lady of the Lake and the showing of Uther’s sword and the tale of Arthur’s claiming of Caledfwlch, he was able to convince all assembled that Arthur was Uther’s rightful heir. It also told of the eventual success of The Merlin’s proposal of peace and alliance between all the peoples who lived upon these Fair Isles. It told of how Arthur had held flaming Caledfwlch on high... gaining the sign of acceptance by the Thunder Gods – along with the approval of all there gathered, that he be High King.

  Although Arthur had been thusly accepted at Table Rock, he would never really be King until the “Summer Rites” and the Sacred Marriage had taken place. Afterward, he would be crowned High King with much pomp and celebration – with many words spoken and all of the protocols observed. But, even with all this, his Kingship would not be “official” until the moment a thin gold band was placed to encircle his head. Only then would the deed be done – Arthur would be High King.

  So, now had come the Time to prepare...

  Morgan was already being observed and considered by “The Nine”– which included me, of course – for the highest initiation of Wise Mother; and this perhaps within the next yearly cycle or two. This was a rare thing indeed, for it had only been three years since she had become an Enchantress. Usually, for a woman to be considered for this station, she would have passed her fortieth year-turn and have begun the Time of the cessation of her Moon Blood’s flow. For, this Wise Mother Stage represents or symbolizes a woman past her bleeding and hence, birthing and fertility; of her having entered her Time of Wisdom of the Cosmic Mysteries.

  However, having peered deeply into our oldest writings to find a precedent for such a thing, we, The Nine, could find none – yet found no actual prohibition of a younger woman’s initiation into this station – save only that the candidate had attained the required level of Wisdom. After an Enchantress’ becoming a Wise Mother, she would no longer be eligible to perform Ritual sex. She could lead these Rites and perform the function of Priestess in all other of our Rituals and deepest Magics. Of course, this in no way means that a Wise Mother could not continue to enjoy the sexual pleasures of the flesh...


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