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Still Go Crazy (Swoon Series Book 5)

Page 11

by J. H. Croix

  I almost didn’t trust myself. My hands were practically shaking from the restraint of snatching her to me and devouring every inch of her.

  Grace made the first move, lifting her hand and placing her palm over my heart. It kicked against my ribs, almost as if it actually knew who she was. On an elemental level, every cell in my body was attuned to Grace.

  “Boone…” she began before pausing and biting her lip.

  I placed my hand over hers and took a step closer. “What?”

  “I need you.”

  Her words fell into the quiet, providing kindling for the fire burning between us. It felt as if little bolts of lightning were striking and electrifying the air around us.

  “You have me.”

  Then, our lips collided. We were swept into the roaring current of lust, desire, and pure want. I was barely aware of anything beyond Grace and the feel of her body in my arms. In a tangle of lips, teeth, and tongue, we tore at each other’s clothes.

  It was awkward and inefficient because I didn’t want to stop kissing her. Her shirt got caught in her hair. She had my fly undone and started shoving my jeans around my hips before I interrupted her again to cup her face and fit my mouth over hers. Somehow, I managed to get her down to her panties with her blouse partially unbuttoned.

  Her palm slid into my boxers, curling over my cock, which was hard as steel. My mouth broke from hers on a ragged groan. “Fuck, Grace.”

  She giggled, her lips pressing hot kisses along my jawline and sending streaks of fire under the surface of my skin. Yanking at her blouse, I barely registered the sound of a button pinging on the hardwood floor. All I knew was a sense of sheer relief when the fabric fell open, and I could finally dip my head to swirl my tongue around one of her nipples. It puckered tightly through the lace as I bit down gently, cupping her other breast while squeezing her nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

  Grace gasped, a ragged moan escaping as I turned her and pressed her hips against the counter. I lifted my head just long enough to flick my thumb on the clasp of her bra between her breasts, letting out a satisfied growl as her plump breasts tumbled free, the two lacy cups falling to her sides. Her dusky pink nipples were tight, and I didn’t even bother to wait. I immediately leaned down again and swirled my tongue around one, savoring the sweet tang of her skin and the feel of her fingers spearing into my hair and stinging my scalp as she held on.

  Reaching around between her supple thighs, I cupped my palm over her mound, my fingers teasing over the damp cotton. “Boone!” she gasped. “Don’t wait. I need you. Now.” She turned toward me again, her words husky and demanding.

  With a light nip on her neck, I lifted my head. “Bossy, aren’t we?”

  Her eyes flashed as her hips bucked slightly. “Yes. Now.” She ordered as she reached to where my fly hung open, shoving my boxers out of the way and freeing my cock. When her hand curled around me and slid up the hard length in a firm stroke, I quickly saw her point.

  Spinning her around, I ordered, “Bend over.”

  Grace, not usually one to follow orders, complied immediately. When she leaned her elbows on the tile counter, the sweet curve in her spine and the tilt of her bottom sent a jolt of blood straight to my already aching cock. With one hand, I yanked her panties down, and she kicked them free from her ankles. At the sight of her pink, glistening pussy, a low growl escaped. Sliding my hand over the lush curve of her ass, I let my fingers tease in her soaking wet folds.

  “Mmm, so wet,” I murmured as I sank two fingers inside of her.

  Grace’s head fell forward between her elbows as she let out a little cry, her hips pressing back into my touch. I stroked my cock with my free hand, pre-cum beading on the tip and rolling down while I clung to my control.

  “Boone,” she gasped as I stroked my fingers inside of her once again, “I said now.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Sliding my fingers free, I nudged the crown of my cock against her entrance, holding still for just a beat before surging inside in a single deep thrust.

  Her core gripped around me, a slick, velvety sheath. “Ahhh, Grace,” I murmured as I gripped her hip with one hand and slid my palm up her back to lace my fingers in her hair. “You make me crazy.”

  Her reply was incoherent as she rocked back into me. I drew back once, sliding in slow and deep before I lost control and powered into her with deep, pounding strokes. Her hands curled over the edge of the counter in front of her as her hips arched to meet me.

  Everything was a blur of driving, pounding need. Grace cried out, her body tightening as I released her hair. I reached around to tease my fingers over her swollen clit, savoring the feel of her channel throbbing around me and clamping down tightly when my name came in a rough shout as she found her release.

  My own release came thundering on the heels of hers as if a bolt of lightning struck my body, and every cell went taut. The pressure was almost unbearable before it snapped loose and whipsawed through me as I poured my release into her. I dropped kisses up her spine as I pushed her blouse up to her shoulders, savoring the little shivers of her body and the tremors around me.

  When I pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, Grace let out a soft sigh. My heart clenched. There’d been a time when I didn’t think I would ever have this with Grace again. At that moment, I heard her stomach growl, and she giggled, the sound spinning through me.

  “We forgot to order pizza,” I murmured against her skin.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I wanted to stay exactly where I was. With Boone curled around me, stretching and filling me even as he went soft. I giggled again when my stomach growled. “I suppose we did forget about the pizza.”

  Boone pressed a soft, open-mouthed kiss right at the sensitive spot behind my ear, sending goosebumps rising in the wake of his touch. Much to my disappointment, he lifted his head, tugging my blouse down as he withdrew from me. He turned me around, stepping close to give me a lingering kiss. When our eyes collided, I felt caught in the power of his gaze.

  Boone had always had this way about him, when his eyes held mine, his gaze was sexy and loving all at once. He made me feel as if I were the very center of his universe. Once upon a time, I had no fear from the intensity of that feeling. Yet, I’d since learned just how much it hurt to lose that, and I didn’t want to let my guard down too easily again.

  Shaking those thoughts away, I forced my eyes from his, surveying the disarray around us. His T-shirt had been thrown on the floor at some point while my jeans were half-hanging off the edge of the couch nearby, and my panties were a bright cotton purple splotch on the tile beside the cabinets.

  “We’re going to have to get dressed before the pizza guy shows up,” I said as I finally braved another look at him.

  “Oh, for sure,” he replied, his lips kicking up in a smile.

  I shimmied out from between him and the counter, quickly walking over to snag my panties and jeans and tug them on. Whether he sensed my internal distress or not, Boone followed my lead, tucking himself back into his jeans and putting his shirt on.

  Once he was dressed, he pulled out his phone and glanced over. “Tell me where to call in an order. Pepperoni still your favorite?”

  My heart gave a hop, skip, and a jump at the realization that he remembered that detail about me. I was in so much trouble. I was on the verge of tears over learning Boone remembered pepperoni was my favorite kind of pizza. It was only a little bit ridiculous. Okay, maybe a lot.

  Swallowing through the emotion slamming into me, I nodded. “Of course,” I replied, striving to keep my tone light. “Call Lost Deer. They do pizza delivery from the restaurant,” I said, quickly reciting their number.

  Not much later, with the rain still drumming on the roof, Boone and I were sitting on the couch with my legs draped over his lap and the pizza box sitting on my thighs while we ate straight out of the box. Wayne sat on the opposite side of Boone, resuming the allegiance he’d once had to him. It felt a
s if the clock had spun backwards and plunged us into another time and place along the continuum.

  Doubts kept feathering along the edges of my thoughts. But honestly, it felt too good to let myself dwell in that place of worry.

  “Oh my God, dumb decision,” Boone murmured, his eyes on the television screen as a couple made a choice about a house purchase.

  “Why is it a dumb decision?”

  He lifted another piece of pizza, his gaze sliding to mine. “Because it’s one of those old houses. Just replacing the boiler alone is going to cost them a small fortune. Don’t get me wrong, I love those old houses, but you need to be willing to do the work yourself, or you have to be independently wealthy. That couple is neither.”

  I laughed as I leaned forward and bit off the end of the slice of pizza he held in his hands. The two pieces of pepperoni were too perfectly placed for me to resist.

  “Hey,” he said, pulling the piece out of my reach. “I think this is mine.”

  Grinning, I shrugged. “It was right there.”

  He held my gaze for a beat, and my pulse kicked up a notch. Leaning over, he pressed a lingering kiss on the side of my neck, sending my belly into flips and heat blooming through me.

  “I always loved that you loved pizza,” he murmured as he drew away and took a bite of his pizza.

  “Yeah?” My pulse galloped along, and I picked up another piece of pizza.

  “Yeah,” he said gruffly. “I loved a lot of things about you, Grace. I never stopped.”

  When I looked over, my eyes snagged on his, and my heartbeat stuttered before lunging forcefully again.

  “Sirloin tips! Rare,” one of the line cooks called as I burst through the swinging door at the restaurant.

  I had a tray full of dirty dishes propped on my shoulder and hurried back toward the dishwasher area. Lowering the tray onto the stainless steel table beside the industrial dishwasher, I cast a quick smile at the newest hire. He was a teenager still in high school named Bradley. “Thanks, Bradley.”

  I felt my ponytail swing as I turned and raced toward the pick-up counter across from the line cooks, who were moving at lightning speed. “Anything else with the sirloin tips yet?” I asked as I glanced across.

  One of the guys nodded. “I’ve got the rainbow trout ready right here.” He deftly turned and slid it out of the oven, putting the trout on a plate and adding a garnish of kale and lemon.

  “Thanks, guys,” I called over my shoulder as I grabbed a clean tray from the rack and situated more plates on it.

  The evening flew by. I was relieved to be so busy because I was feeling so rattled inside by Boone and what was unfolding between us. He’d spent the night with me after our pizza and intense encounter in the kitchen.

  Because it was us, the chemistry just wouldn’t quit. I’d woken during the night with him curled up behind me, the hard, velvet length of his cock nestled against my bottom. When I’d shifted my hips, he’d pressed a soft kiss against the back of my neck.

  “Hey, baby.” His whispered greeting had made me bite my lip.

  “How long have you been awake?” I’d asked in the darkness.

  “You woke me up.”


  “I don’t think so.” Reaching between us, I nudged my hips suggestively against his arousal, feeling the slick heat between my thighs.

  “Baby, I don’t have to be awake to want you.”

  Then, his hands mapped my body, skillfully teasing between my thighs. Somehow he got my panties off and lifted my thigh. His cock slid between my folds, my juices making him slide easily back and forth. The crown of his cock rubbing over my clit had nearly driven me mad.

  “Boone,” I pleaded. “You’re teasing me.”

  “I want to go slow.” The feel of his lips moving against that sensitive skin right where my shoulder joined my neck had me arching and letting out a soft cry when he rocked again.

  “I don’t want you to go slow.”

  “Okay. Whatever you want.”

  Then, I felt the sweet, delicious slide of him inside me, the fit tight and the stretch intoxicating.

  We found our release together with him nudging inside of me as I rocked against him. My climax came slow and deep, shattering me inside and out.


  Evie’s voice broke through the haze of recollection. I realized I was just standing there by the station where we refilled salt and pepper shakers and so on.

  Giving my head an actual shake, I turned to look at her. “Hey. What’s up?”

  “Hey, yourself. You’re kind of zoning out. You’re not getting another headache, are you?”

  “Oh, no. I swear, I’m not.”

  “Okay. There’s one last table to serve. Dani’s closed up the front. Want to go to Lost Deer after we’re done?” she asked, referring to pretty much the only place we hung out after hours other than here at the lodge restaurant.

  For a split second, I hesitated, wondering if Boone would be home. That hesitation galvanized me to say yes. I did not need to be letting him change the course of my social life.

  “Sure. I’m guessing more people are going.”

  “Of course. Shay and Jackson’ll be there and some of the guys from the crew. Maybe even Boone,” Evie teased, a gleam in her bright blue eyes.

  My cheeks heated as I rolled my eyes. “Maybe so. Who’s up for the last table?”

  “Well, if you’d been paying attention, you’d know it was you,” she said with a pointed look. “But, I’ll take it.”

  “I got it,” I said, nudging her with my elbow and hurrying back out front.

  Chapter Twenty


  I leaned my elbow against the table as I lifted my beer to take a long drag, setting it down with a sigh. “Damn, that’s some good beer.”

  Walker, usually rather quiet, nodded firmly. “Damn straight. There are so many breweries,” he began, using air quotes with his fingers around breweries, “that you never know which ones are actually any good. This place is good.”

  “I even like their wine,” Dawson offered with a slow grin.

  “Agreed. I had some of their wine at the fundraiser they did for the rescue program a few months back. All they served was wine. I guess they think rich people only drink wine,” I commented.

  Jackson threw his head back with a laugh. “I wouldn’t know. I didn’t decide on the drink menu.”

  “Me neither,” his girlfriend, Shay, chimed in. “When they offered us the space at no charge, we just went for it.”

  My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I slipped it out to see a voice mail banner. My mother had called twice today, but I hadn’t had time to call her back, nor had time to even listen to her messages. I made a mental note to call her on my way home.

  After a busy day of training, including helping the local firefighter crew handle a practice burn, most of the crew headed to Lost Deer Bar for burgers and beer. I was hoping with Shay there that I might luck out and see Grace. Just then, I decided the stars were shining down on me when I heard her voice.

  Looking over my shoulder, I saw her approaching our table with Evie. Evie was one of Grace’s closest friends from high school. When it came to friends, it had been a tad awkward for me when I first moved back. Our social worlds overlapped, and it appeared most of the women were aligned with Grace even though not a one of them knew the details of what had happened.

  Dawson stood to greet Evie. “Hey, girl,” he said, pulling her close to his side. He dropped a lingering kiss on her lips.

  I looked away, wishing Grace and I were in a place where I could be that open with her. She stopped right beside my chair, and I glanced at her. “Have a seat.” I nudged my chin toward the seat beside me, almost letting out a sigh of relief when she sat down.

  “Want a drink?” I asked.

  Her teeth sank into her bottom lip, her cheeks tinged with pink as her lashes fell, brushing against her cheeks before she opened them again. “I’ll take some wine. You don
’t have to get it for me,” she said as I lifted my hand to catch the attention of our waitress who was delivering drinks at a table nearby.

  Looking back at Grace, I said, “Either let me get a drink for you, or give me a kiss.”

  Grace’s cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink as her eyes shifted to scan the table. She murmured, “Okay, you can get me a drink.” There was a hint of warning in her tone.

  “Are we a secret then?” I asked, knowing I was pushing my luck here.

  The waitress arrived, stopping beside me. “What can I get for you?”

  “She’ll take a glass of wine. What kind?” I looked at Grace.

  “Just the house red, please.”

  “Got it.” The waitress stepped past us, immediately checking in with the rest of the new arrivals, including Evie, Valentina, and Lucas.

  “Well?” I asked as I leaned my other elbow on the table and angled my head to the side. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, and she had her glasses on, which I fucking loved.

  “I don’t know,” she finally said. “Do we have to have this conversation now?”

  I relented and shrugged, just so happy Grace wasn’t treating me like I didn’t even exist. Our group settled into an easy banter, and I almost thanked Lucas when he snagged an extra chair so he could sit down with us, creating the need for Grace to scoot her chair even closer to mine.

  When I slid my hand on her thigh and she didn’t swat it away, I took that for the win that it was. Evie caught my eyes and gave me a small smile. Although she hadn’t said a word to me about Grace, I sensed she might be rooting for me.

  Grace sipped her wine, picking up the thread of a conversation interrupted several times now. “Didn’t you say Mack was moving back?” she asked Evie, referring to Evie’s older brother.

  Evie nodded. “So he says. Although he said the same thing last fall.”


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