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Jobe: Alvarez Security Series

Page 4

by Maryann Jordan

  Smiling, Mackenna helped her mother to bed and then headed to her own bedroom after checking the house one more time. With her thoughts filled with the past, sleep did not come. Oh, mom. Why did you have to bring him up?

  After tossing and turning for almost an hour, she got out of bed and crossed over to her dresser. Squatting down, she pulled open the bottom drawer and felt toward the back underneath her out-of-season sweaters. Her fingers reached the packet of letters and she plopped down on the floor with the papers in her lap.

  She smoothed her hands over the envelopes reverently, fingering the addresses in his handwriting. The familiar ache began in her chest. The ache of love. Long-ago love. Lost love. A single tear slid down her cheek and fell on the top envelope. It was not the first tear that had ever landed there.

  She shuffled them around until the bottom one was on top. The one that ripped her world apart, never to be whole again. A surge of anger rushed through her as she thought of the words inside. Memorized from having read them over and over and over. A thousand times over.

  And just as quickly as the anger came, it was replaced with a dull pain residing in her heart. Wiping her tears away, she put the letters back into the drawer and closed it. She sat on the floor for a long time, her hands as empty as her heart.

  As much as she wanted to hate him, she could not. But when she had realized the door to that relationship had finally closed, she never looked for him again. The idea of seeing his smile on Facebook, probably with a new girl, or even wife would kill her.

  Oh, to hell with him, she thought as she pushed herself up off of the floor and padded over to the bed. Crawling underneath the covers, she began thinking of what needed to be done the next day. Staff meeting at ten a.m. at DSS. Talk to the boss about more grant money. Go over to a few high schools to talk to the counselors about seeing if they can identify girls that might be at risk for joining gangs. Get back to New Beginnings to check on Gabby.

  As she recited her day a restless sleep finally claimed her.

  Chapter 4

  The next morning at the Alvarez staff meeting, Tony talked about the contract with the Richland Police to add some security cameras in a few of the areas known to be gang havens.

  Jobe admitted to thinking about the gangs when he visited his parent’s home the night before. “After talking to Shane and Matt yesterday, I found myself looking around for signs of gang graffiti. The neighborhood where I was raised is kind of run down now, but it still seems like the families there are working hard to keep it nice.”

  “Let’s hope it stays that way,” Vinny added. “I went home last night and did some searching on the internet. I feel like a dumb shit not knowing this, but we’ve got the Bloods and the Crips right here in Richland, along with MS-13. I mean, what the fuck, man? And some of these kids are only about ten years old.”

  Gabe looked over sharply, “Goddamn, that’s Ross’ age. I can’t even imagine a kid his age belonging to one of these gangs.”

  Nodding to his twin, Vinny continued, “And what he’d have to do to get in. Many of these gangs have either beat-ins, where they get the shit kicked out of them by a bunch of others for three minutes or they have to commit a crime. Anything from stealing to murder.”

  Tony said, “I’ve got BJ and Jobe working on figuring out which street cameras can be used and where we need to add some more. We’ll also look at using existing cameras for feed for the police department.”

  “Guys, Jennifer talked to me last night and Tony, I was going to talk to you about it first, but it ties into what we’re discussing so I’d like to bring it up now if that’s okay,” Gabe said.

  Gaining the nod of approval from Tony, Gabe continued, “Jennifer’s got a social worker friend that’s running a small center for reclaiming women and girls from gangs. It’s been open for about eight months and is run on grant money, so you know what that means. A shoestring budget and lots of hard work for the ones that are trying to make a difference.”

  “What’s it do?” Jobe asked.

  “It houses a few women who have voluntarily left or escaped the gang life and gives them basic job skills and helps them find work. It’s called New Beginnings and according to Jennifer, it’s doing just that. So far, she said that almost fifteen women have graduated from the program and have found jobs and apartments to live in.”

  Gabe had captured the attention of the rest of the group. Tony asked, “Does Jennifer think they need our help?”

  “Yeah. The center currently has seven women there, and they’re hoping to expand to more. The social worker, Mac, who’s running the place, is a real dynamo, according to Jennifer.” This statement brought chuckles from the men around the table, knowing that to a tiny powerhouse like Jennifer, this was high praise indeed.

  “They’re in an old house, not a great area of town, but of course where they can afford it. Jennifer said that there’s a night watchman, who checks to make sure the doors are locked and,” he shook his head, “she said Mac claims there are deadbolts on the doors.”

  “Hell, that’s about as safe as you can get,” Vinny stated sarcastically, knowing that the typical deadbolt is nothing to someone who really wants entrance.

  “So, Jennifer wanted to know if there was anything we could do to make the place more secure. But if we do cameras, I know she would want them to be like at her Elder Center. Something that could be monitored from here and then have security systems in place that would alert the police department.”

  Tony nodded thoughtfully. “Are these girls still in danger from the gangs?”

  “Probably,” Jobe added. “From what we’ve heard, you don’t leave gangs…at least not without a cost.”

  “There’s more,” Gabe said. “Jennifer told me that the director said there had been some drive-bys. Non-violent, but was pissed nonetheless. They’ve called the cops but according to Jennifer, Mac’s not afraid to run out of the door with a baseball bat.”

  “Fuck,” said the group collectively.

  “Jesus, that’ll get his head smashed in real quick,” Vinny growled.

  “If not fucking shot,” added Jobe.

  “Looks like we’ve got a job to do,” Tony stated.

  “Boss, you need to know that there won’t be any money from the center. It’s run non-profit by a grant.”

  “We’ve done pro-bono work before and this is no different,” Tony said. Looking around the table, he asked, “Everyone agree?”

  With unanimous nods and “hell yeahs,” the group began organizing the new mission.

  “BJ, I want you to take Terrance and Doug with you as you scope the placement of the camera systems for the city lights. Jobe, I’m moving you to this assignment until it’s up and running. Gabe, you call Jennifer and have her get in contact with Mac. We’ll meet ’em this afternoon if possible at the center and do our initial consultation. You, Vinny, Jobe and I will meet there when you have a specific time.”


  Mackenna walked out of the morning staff meeting, her head aching with all of the negatives. No more grant money for this year. It’ll be tight, but if Jennifer can point me in the direction of some fundraising activities, then maybe we can make it and even have enough for another part-time teacher.

  With these thoughts swirling in her mind, she headed down the hall.

  “Mac,” came the shout from behind. Recognizing Jennifer’s voice, she turned smiling.

  “I’ve talked to Gabe, who’s already talked to Tony, who’s already decided to help out your center.”

  Before Mackenna could react to that news, Jennifer rushed on. “And, they want to meet this afternoon to see the center and assess the needs.”

  “Wow, they move fast,” Mackenna said, stunned at the quick events.

  With a wink, Jennifer agreed. “Oh yeah, all the Alvarez men move fast.”

  Rolling her eyes, Mackenna gave Jennifer a shoulder nudge as they walked down the hall together. “You know what I mean. So when do they want to meet?�

  “Yes, I do know what you mean and I just wish you’d let someone move fast on you! But as far as this afternoon, Gabe said to give them a time and they’ll be there.”

  Mackenna pondered what all she needed to accomplish and replied, “Is three o’clock okay?” She waited as Jennifer pulled out her cell phone and confirmed with Gabe. Receiving her nod, Mackenna continued walking down the hall, grateful to Jennifer, but not wanting to intrude on what was becoming a lovey, personal phone call. I’m glad for her, but I wish… Shaking her head, she stepped into the elevators, knowing she needed to rush to get her list of things to complete so that she could be at the center by three o’clock.


  Arriving an hour early, Mackenna was pleased that she had been able to fly through her appointments. She only went to one high school, but set up a time to talk to all of the high school counselors and social workers at one of their meetings next month to discuss identifying young girls that might be lured into the gang life.

  Armed with three bags of groceries, she made her way into the kitchen. Carla and Jenita took them from her and began putting them away.

  “Ladies, I’ve got an agreement with one of the churches down the street that we can have some of their food that does not get eaten after they have their Wednesday night meals. That would provide supper for you all for at least a couple of days and stretch our food budget.”

  “Perfect,” Carla said, putting away the vegetables that were brought in. “And before you ask, Gabby is doing great. She settled in last night and this morning was eager to start the Microsoft Certification program, so Rose already has her in the education room with the others.”

  Sighing in relief, Mackenna smiled. “So how’s the job hunting going for you, Jenita?”

  The young woman grinned her reply. She had been at the center for over two months and was ready to graduate out into the world, standing on her own. “Well, this morning the doctor’s office where I interviewed for the receptionist position called back…and they offered me the job!”

  With a whoop of joy, Mackenna hugged her. “That’s fabulous! When do you start?”

  “I begin next Monday and I’ve been looking into the roommate sharing program you were telling me about. I figure that I will need at least a month of working and then I can transition to a shared apartment. I’ve found one that will be available next month and it’s a three bedroom apartment that I’ll be sharing with three other women. Two are sisters and they share the large master bedroom with its own bath, so I’ll have my own bedroom that will share the hall bath with just one other person.”

  The three women continued to hug as Mackenna realized what a monumental moment she was experiencing. She felt it every single time. When someone who three months ago left a gang in the middle of the night determined to change the course of their lives and was now doing just that…amazing. Absolutely, fucking amazing!

  Smiling as she stepped back, she remembered the afternoon’s appointment. “Ladies, in about an hour we’ll have some visitors. There will be someone here from a security agency to assess what we need to make sure our building and its occupants are as safe as they can be.”

  Carla nodded, admitting, “I’m glad. That car has been by again this morning. I’m worried that it may be here for Gabby.”

  A flash of anger flew through Mackenna’s eyes. “I was afraid that because she’s pregnant, it might be a problem. Those goddamn fuckers come back, I swear I’ll kick their asses!”

  “Um, I hate to bust your badass bubble, but girl? You’re not big enough to take them on and you’d be foolish to do so,” Jenita said, knowing that Mackenna had a penchant for acting on instinct at times.

  “Yeah, well, I just refuse to let them hurt her,” was the only reply. “Let’s go upstairs and make sure the rooms are ready in case the visitors need access to the whole building.” With that, the three women headed out of the kitchen.


  The Alvarez Security men drove down the street toward their destination in two of the company SUVs. Eyes peeled, they each expertly surveyed the area. It was in an older section of town with a mixed community of stores and brick buildings. Several old churches dotted some of the corners and while there was a hum of daily activity, it was not difficult to imagine that it would be easy pickings for someone with nefarious intent.

  The New Beginning’s building was unassuming, located in the middle of the block and set back slightly from the street. A small placard was on the door, but other than that there were no other distinguishing features. Jennifer was just pulling up in her car at the same time and walked over to greet the men, moving straight into Gabe’s embrace.

  Jobe’s gaze immediately took note of the problem areas. Little front lighting. No peephole in the door. Unlit walkway from the street to the front stoop. No security bars on bottom floor windows. As he stepped out of the vehicle, he saw Tony shaking his head. Yep, he sees it too. A fucking security nightmare for these women.

  “We’re a little early,” Jennifer said, “so let’s go around the back and you can see the whole outside of the building.”

  The men made their way around the perimeter, noting the narrow space between the center and the buildings on the sides. There, a small courtyard held a picnic table and umbrella, an old grill, and off to the back were the trash cans that were next to the fence leading to the alley. Again, Jobe’s eyes quickly assessed.

  No lights on the back. A simple padlock on the fence gate leading to the alley.

  Jennifer led them through the back door into the kitchen. The area was large, but seemed immediately dwarfed by the four huge men. A woman entered the room from the hall and gave a start. Jennifer jumped in, “I’m sorry. We’re here to see Mac. She’s meeting us to talk about some security.”

  “Oh yes, of course. I’m Rose. I teach computer classes to the women in the classroom upfront. I think that—”

  Just then, a scream coming from the front of the building startled the group. Jobe, closest to the hallway, sprinted forward as he heard a woman’s voice yell, “Call the police, Rose!” He caught a glimpse of a slender woman’s back, hair pulled up on her head, as she raced down the stairs and made it to the door ahead of him, grabbing a baseball bat next to the door.

  Throwing it open, Mackenna charged out onto the stoop, wielding the bat in the air. “I’m calling the police you fuckers. Get outta here,” she screamed at the same low-riding car, this time with the passenger side windows rolled down and several guys hanging out giving her the finger.

  “You can’t hide forever, bitch!” one yelled.

  “Bring it, you bast—umph,” she grunted as she was grabbed around the waist from behind and lifted off of the ground, her back slammed against a tall, hard body. Her reddish-gold hair fell out of the makeshift twist and tumbled down her back.

  “Are you fucking crazy?” asked the enraged voice of the man who had picked her up easily, his arm binding her tightly. “You provoke those bastards and you’re just asking for trouble,” he growled.

  Realizing that the front stoop had become crowded with whom she could only assume was Tony Alvarez and more of his men than she knew was coming, she saw Jennifer, wide-eyed looking at her.

  “Mac? Are you okay?” Jennifer asked, glancing at Jobe holding on to Mackenna, a strange expression on his face.

  “Let go of me, you big oaf,” Mackenna said, struggling against the unforgiving vise grip of the man holding her.

  She found herself immediately released but instead of freedom, she was whirled around to face her would-be rescuer. And stared into the face of the man who had haunted her memories. His face, older and harder than she remembered. His build…heavier, even more muscular. And his expression? Shock. Pure shock.

  Her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath, she pushed against him almost tumbling backward down the front stoop stairs. His hands automatically reached out and grabbed her upper arms, saving her from falling. Not wanting him to touch her, she push
ed again.

  “Settle,” he growled. “You’re gonna fucking fall if you keep this up.”

  Righting herself, she straightened up trying to regain her dignity. Don’t let him see you stare. Don’t give him that. Steeling herself, she turned toward the man matching the internet picture of Tony Alvarez and held out her hand.

  “You must be Mr. Alvarez. I’m Mackenna Dunn, director of New Beginnings.”

  Tony, Gabe, and Vinny stared at her as though she had sprouted three heads. The woman who one minute ago was wielding a baseball bat threatening street thugs was now attempting a composed and serene expression. And for some reason had rocked Jobe’s world by the stunned expression on his face. Then it hit all three of them at the same instance. Mackenna Dunn. The name they had heard over and over when stationed in Afghanistan. At least before…

  Tony, quickly recovering, took her hand and shook it gently. “You’re right, Ms. Dunn. I’m Tony Alvarez, but please call me Tony.”

  Mackenna nodded, replying, “Mackenna. Although some just call me Mac.” She gave Jennifer an evil eye, but Jennifer only laughed.

  Tony introduced the twins, Gabe and Vinny, and then nodded behind her and said, “And this is Jobe. Jobe Delaro.”

  She knew she had to glance behind her but for all the world, she could not bring herself to do it. Maybe he’ll just disappear. Be gone. Maybe he was just an illusion.

  “Hello Mackenna,” came the very real voice behind her. His simple words moved over her like lava. Smooth, flowing. And fucking will burn me if I let them!

  Taking a fortifying breath, she turned back around avoiding his gaze. Show him I don’t care. She lifted her eyes to his penetrating stare and her mind stumbled as much as the words trying to come out of her mouth.

  “H…Hi…um…hello, Jobe.”

  He stared back into the face of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her red-blonde hair still appeared to be a lion’s mane. She’d put on a couple of pounds since college but from where he was standing they looked great on her. Light, brown eyes that tried to focus anywhere but at him. Fuck! Of course, they would want to look anywhere but at him. His mind locked up, wondering what he could possibly say to her.


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