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Jobe: Alvarez Security Series

Page 9

by Maryann Jordan

  “Family atmosphere?” Gabe asked incredulously.

  “Yes, family,” she replied. “Not the sort of family that we associate with the word. But group. A community. A sense of belonging. Even ownership can feel good to someone who hasn’t had that.”

  “But…” Vinny started but found himself unable to speak his thought in mixed company.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” she said, a sad expression crossing her face. “Most girls are still beat-in as an initiation. And where the males have to rob or even kill to get in all the way to prove their obedience, the females have to have sex with multiple gang members. And again, it’s not our way of thinking about family, but for most of the girls…it’s what they know.”

  Matt questioned her more. “So tell us about the center.”

  “With my research, I found that the only way to get women to break out of that lifestyle is to be more independent. So localities who offer GED assistance, career training, etc. in a safe environment have a better chance of getting some of these girls out of gangs and working independently. So my grant does that. The city leases the center and the grant pays for the teacher, the night watchman, the food, and then I get donations for everything else.”

  “And the girls there? How do the gangs feel about them being there?”

  “Honestly, it hasn’t been a problem. Several of the girls had not joined a gang completely, so I guess it was no big deal when they left.” She hesitated, then looked at the men around the table. “You also have to understand their world. Women aren’t valued as human beings. They’re drug runners or prostitutes. The gang members may not have realized the other girls were gone until it was too late and no one ever came looking for them.”

  “Until now,” Shane stated.

  She sat quietly, thinking about the situation and how it had gotten so far out of hand. Leaning back, she let out a heavy sigh, rubbing her temples as a headache was forming.

  “You want some water?” Jobe asked. “You need a break?”

  She offered him a small smile but shook her head. “No, I’m just frustrated.”

  “So, now?” Shane prodded.

  “The last girl we took in about a week ago, is pregnant. I was excited to get her because she’d contacted her former school counselor to let her know that she’d like to get away. This was exactly what I’d wanted. And she’s great. Smart, motivated, doesn’t want her child to be born into the gang life. But suddenly she would get afraid and I’d see a car with dark windows drive by slowly. I wasn’t scared; I just thought maybe someone was trying to see what we were about, but there was nothing threatening at first.”

  Mackenna hated to admit the next part, but knew that the police and Tony’s group needed all the information. She was looking down when she felt Jobe lay his hand across her shoulders. Instead of feeling awkward, it felt comforting. Right. Normal. She found herself wanting to lean into his strength, but held herself back.

  “What’s going on in that mind of yours, doll?” he asked softly.

  This time, even he calling her doll did not make her angry. What’s happening to me?

  Jobe had not meant to let the endearment slip out in front of everyone and steeled himself for her rebuke. It never came. Instead, she just sighed as she glanced up into his face for a moment before turning back to the group.

  “This is where I have to show my stupidity,” she admitted.

  Tony smiled, saying, “Don’t worry about it. Everyone in this room has had moments when they didn’t act in the smartest way.”

  She peered at him carefully, measuring his words. “I very much doubt that, Tony. I have a feeling that when you all were in the Army, your missions were well planned out and executed. And you two,” looking at Matt and Shane, “if you screw up then people die, so I doubt you make many dumb mistakes. My dumb mistake could have gotten my mom killed!” Her eyes filled with tears and no matter how hard she battled them back, they slid down her face anyway.

  Jobe immediately wrapped his arms around her, shooting a look at the others. They all stood to take a break as he held her carefully, letting her cry as she clung to his shirt. “Go ahead and cry, doll. Get it out,” he murmured into her hair, stroking her back. As much as he hated her hurting, the feel of her in his arms meant everything to him. He would take whatever this woman would give him, but what he really wanted was her in his arms every day.

  After a few minutes, the men returned. She pulled herself together and glanced around in embarrassment at the spectacle she had made of herself.

  “No one’s looking. You’re fine,” Jobe whispered, giving her a tissue.

  After a minute, she nodded that she was ready to continue. The men would not let her apologize, instead quickly letting her know how much they admired what she was doing.

  Grateful, she continued, “Even though I’ve studied the women and what they need, I have only researched gangs peripherally. I know how they use women, and I know the basics of how they function. I certainly know they aren’t to be trifled with, but there are so many and so varied that I haven’t studied them in depth.”

  Taking another deep breath and letting it out slowly, she said, “And that was where I screwed up. When the car drove by the other day, I acted foolishly. I grabbed the baseball bat and charged out onto the stoop in a threatening manner. If it hadn’t been for Jobe and the others showing up right then, things could have gotten ugly. And now, not only have I put the center at risk, but I’ve put my mom at risk. All because I didn’t spend enough time learning about the different gangs that the girls come from.”

  “Do you know about the Sixers?” Matt asked.

  She shook her head and admitted, “Not really.”

  “There’s a local gang run by Tito Montalvo. He’s an especially nasty piece of work but, he’s making a name for himself and the gang, and word on the street is that he’s looking to join with one of the major international gangs. From what our informants have told us, the girl you took in? Gabrielle? She’s pregnant by him.”

  Mackenna’s mouth made an “O” but no words came out. She turned to look at Jobe, but his face was hard and she could see the tick in his jaw.

  Finally finding her voice, she said, “But Gabby just said that the baby’s father was in a gang and he’d fathered so many bastards, one more wouldn’t make a difference. Since he would never be paying child support, she wanted to get out and start a new life for herself.”

  “I’m not knocking what she said and maybe in her mind it’s the truth, but she may also be running scared and just didn’t want to say anything,” Shane surmised. “So you can let go of some of the guilt, Mackenna. You disrespecting them was part of it, but to be honest, I would assume that Tito’s stepping up his show by trying to get this girl back by threatening you.”

  Running her tongue over her dry lips, she said, “I can’t put my mom at risk, but I can’t shut down the center. Can’t let him win! Can’t let him get his hands on her again.”

  “We can’t get to Tito at this point, but your neighbor was out walking his dog and had stepped behind a tree to let his dog take care of its business when the car pulled up. He saw the member who jumped out and spray-painted your sidewalk with the Sixers’ name. The kid then got back in the car when the shots were being fired. There’s a streetlight right there and your neighbor got a decent look at the kid, so we’re working on an ID now.”

  “But there’s nothing that can be done about this Tito guy?” she asked, frustration pouring out in her words.

  Shane shook his head. “Right now, we’ve got nothing positive on him.”

  “I…I don’t know what to do,” she said, turning her gaze back to Jobe. “I have to work with those girls, but mom…”

  “We just needed all this information to make sure that we know what we’re up against. And best how to protect you,” Matt said, closing his notebook.

  Before anyone else could speak, Tony added, “She falls under Alvarez protection as well.”

nbsp; Jobe smiled at his boss and accepted the smiles of the others. She’s mine to protect and mine to care for.

  Mackenna sat, shocked, not saying anything, not knowing what that meant. She looked up at the others, noting the men around the table. Gabe, Vinny, and Tony had served with Jobe overseas. They knew him back when…when we were still a couple. Whatever had happened had not lessened their obvious care and respect for him.

  Jobe watched her face as she moved her eyes around the room. Tony and the others were discussing the security needs for her and the center. He could see her mind working furiously, trying to analyze the problem and what needed to be done.

  “Mackenna?” he interrupted her thoughts. She turned silently toward him. “You’re going to be safe. You and your mom…I promise.” Seeing the expression of doubt that flew across her face, he continued quickly, “I know that you don’t have a reason to believe my word right now. But you will. I can’t change the past, but I can change the future.” With that he leaned forward, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

  Chapter 9

  Arriving back at Jobe’s apartment building, she followed him inside. Nervous, she walked over to the living room and stared out of the huge picture windows. Dark clouds were forming in the background and she wondered if they were going to have a thunderstorm. She could hear him move to the kitchen and open the refrigerator. Other noises came from the area and curiosity got the best of her.

  She headed toward the sounds, sliding up on a bar stool. Jobe was standing at the stove, deftly turning the crisp bread in the frying pan. He glanced over his shoulder at her and grinned. That panty-dropping grin that used to make her melt. His dark hair swept back, tanned skin, muscular arms straining at the short sleeves of his t-shirt. Afraid to allow her eyes to drop lower she realized that she did not need to. The vision of his body was burned into her memory forever.

  “Grilled cheese?” he asked.

  She could not help but grin back. “Yeah, that’d be great.” Moving to the refrigerator, she grabbed two water bottles and set them on the table. In a few minutes, he slid the toasted sandwiches onto two plates and tossed a bag of chips onto the table between them.

  Jobe noticed her eating with relish. He had always liked that about Mackenna – no pretense, no whining about her weight, just a real woman. His dick twitched, but he willed it back down. Who knows if I’ll ever have her like that again, but I sure as hell can keep her safe. But if he was honest…he wanted her…and not just for sex.

  “When do you think I can go home?” she asked, interrupting his musings.

  “I’ll find out from the police when they have finished processing the scene and then Tony’ll get your security installed. It’s safer for you here right now.”

  She nodded absentmindedly, then looked up quickly. “And the center? I took today off but need to get to my office at DSS and then to the center tomorrow.”

  He would love to forbid her from continuing the work at the center just because he was afraid for her, but knew that she would never do that. “We have security people there tonight to make sure the women are safe and then we’ll finish tomorrow getting the security system in place.”

  He watched her carefully while she ate. Her mind seemed elsewhere, but at least she was no longer protesting staying at his home.

  “Do you think your mother would be insulted if I called to check on mom?” she asked.

  Smiling, he said, “Not at all. Mom knows you’re worried.”

  While he cleared away the few items on the table she made the call, which seemed to ease her mind. By the time she and her mom had chatted Mackenna was smiling again, the worry lines on her face erased.

  She piled up on one of the overstuffed chairs while Jobe made himself comfortable on the sofa as they watched baseball for a while, cheering for the same team. Numerous times he glanced over thinking how familiar the scene was. When they had been together years before, it was always the simple times that he loved. And remembered. And regretted losing. Turning his attention back to the TV he noticed her occasionally looking over at him, and he wondered if she remembered the same thing.

  Mackenna tried not to stare at the man sitting on the sofa, his long legs stretched out in front of him as he watched the screen. I worked so hard to put him out of my mind. Erase the memories. Forget the happiness. But they came slamming back. The fun times, the moments of shared enjoyment, the sex. Nope, not going there. He could destroy me once again if I let him.

  By the time the game was over, the hour was late. She headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed, her body strung as tight as a bow. Quickly finishing, she stepped into the hall toward the guest room, almost running into him coming from the front.

  He reached out to steady her shoulders then dropped his hands, the touch of her almost burning his skin. His eyes slowly moved down her body, perusing every inch, memorizing it once again. Her long hair, thick and wavy, fell across her shoulders. The colors of red and blonde shimmered under the lights. Her porcelain skin, pink cheeks and clear, light, brown eyes were as familiar to him as his own reflection. The soft swells of her breasts above the pink camisole hinted at the covered treasure, her nipples showing through the material. A hint of peach skin showed from her middle above the matching sleeping shorts. Her hips curved enticingly, leading down to toned legs that seemed amazingly long considering her short stature.

  As his eyes made their way back up to her face, he noted with pleasure that she seemed to be doing the same thing. Her gaze had dropped to his naked chest and he saw the long, slow perusal as it continued down to his boxers. He knew the evidence of his desire was present, but refused to move as her eyes jumped back up to his, a delightful blush coloring her cheeks.

  As much as he wanted her, he knew the time was not right. Sucking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he stepped forward, leaned over and kissed her forehead. Holding his lips there longer than he should, he whispered against her skin, “Goodnight, doll. I hope you can sleep.” Stepping around her, he made his way into his bedroom, partially shutting the door.

  Mackenna stood where she was for a moment, trying to still her rapid heartbeat. What just happened? The attraction was obviously still there. For both of them. Was there more? Could there be more? Could I trust him with my heart…or maybe with just my body? The dark hall gave no answers, so she turned and went into the guest room.

  Lying in bed, her mind swirling, she found herself restless. Memories of the lovemaking between the two of them heated her body, and the thoughts had her squirming as she tried to still the need building between her legs. Pressing them together tightly, she finally slipped her hand down into her shorts, moving her finger around her drenched folds. Sliding a finger inside, she moaned as she imagined it was him. Her body humming, she slid her other hand to her breasts, tweaking each nipple until she thought she would explode. Wishing it was him. Wanting it to be him.

  Finally, she pinched her clit at the same time as the other hand tugged hard on a nipple, rolling it as she pulled, and that was all it took to throw her over the edge. Her orgasm ripped through her, sending spasms from her core outward. What just happened? She had not come that fiercely with any other lover. The reality sunk in. It was him. Just the thought of him makes my body react.

  Rolling over to her side, only partially sated, she finally fell asleep.

  In the room across the hall, Jobe smiled although his cock ached with need. Hearing the sounds of the beautiful woman in the throes of an orgasm, it took all of his willpower to stay in his bed and not charge over to show her how it could be between them again. But not tonight. She has to come to me. It has to be her choice. Now, if only his dick would understand.

  Getting out of bed, he made his way into the master bathroom, turning on the shower. A few minutes later with the water pounding his back, he jerked off to the memory of their past lovemaking. And what he hoped would be their future again.


  Tito waited in the basement of the old st
ore his uncle owned, drinking beer. It had been his secret meeting place and only the top members of his gang knew its whereabouts. The entrance from the grocery store above was blocked and well hidden. A passageway from the building next door allowed freer movement in case the police were watching.

  He waited with Jazzie, who knew his boss wanted quiet. The police had been sniffing around all day, making them on edge. A noise from the secret entrance drew Jazzie’s gaze as Tank opened the door and allowed Waldo and a few others to come in.

  Tito sat stoically, acknowledging their hand-signs as they entered. They quickly found chairs around the table looking to their leader for a call-to-order. He wasted no time getting down to business. As Tank started to close the door, Tito stopped him.

  “You got another man out there?” Tito asked.

  Tank nodded. “Dez.”

  “Leave him out and you can come in. Might learn something, big man,” Tito ordered. Tank nodded again, words not being necessary when an order is given. He moved to the corner of the room, showing respect and staying alert.

  Tito turned to the ones sitting and growled, “I wanna know what the fuck the police know about the fuckin’ bitch.”

  No one looked anywhere but at him, not wanting to disrespect him in any way. Waldo spoke first. “They been lookin’ into us all day knowin’ we put the hit on the bitch’s house. They ain’t got who did it.”

  “They came by the store, but my uncle told ’em I was here working last night. Since that was exactly where I was and there were witnesses, I got to give them a fuck off.” A slow smile curved the corners of Tito’s mouth, the gold outlining his front teeth glistening between his lips. “Where’s the bitch now?”

  At this, Waldo hesitated a second. “Not sure. Got a feeling those security people took her.”

  “And Gabby?”

  “Still at the bitch’s place. But they got cops swirling all around.”

  Tito was silent, thinking the situation over. “It’s all good,” he finally said. “We made the bitch scared. She’ll know not to fuck with us anymore. And Gabby’ll know what we can do. Ain’t nowhere I can’t get to her.”


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