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Jobe: Alvarez Security Series

Page 14

by Maryann Jordan

  She watched the trail of water as it made it way over his pecs and abs, licking her lips as she thought of running her tongue along the same path.

  “Baby?” he said with a growl, moving closer, eyeing her bikini clad body. The scraps of material barely covered her tits as the hankie-sized bottoms covered the treasure he intended to explore later.

  Her eyes jumped to his, a guilty blush moving from her chest up her face.

  “You keep looking at me like that, and I’ll be obliged to fuck you right here in the water.”

  Her mouth formed an “O”, but no words came out. He chuckled as her light blush darkened to a deeper red.

  “I don’t think the management would like that very much,” she finally said with a grin.

  “Vinny taught Annalissa how to swim in this pool. Somehow I can’t see him not giving her some business right here.”

  Mackenna gave him a push, just enough to off-balance him, saying, “But I can swim and you’d have to catch me first.” Then she quickly dove under the water and kicked off, swimming with all of her strength.

  Laughing, he gave her a short head-start, then dove under after her. Just when she thought she had made it to the other end, a firm hand grasped her ankle and pulled her under against a strong, hard body. Twisting, she was lifted under her arms as her head broke the surface and pushed against the side of the pool. As he moved closer, with each arm on either side of her, she was trapped. And loving the feel of him pressed against her once more.

  He looked down, seeing her eyes staring back at his, her chest heaving with the combination of exertion and lust. He took her mouth, hard and fast. His tongue immediately delving into her warmth as her tongue vied for equal access. Claiming her with his kiss, he devoured her as he explored every crevice, swallowing her moans as his hands moved to the ties on her bikini top. With a quick pull, the material fell away, freeing the rosy-tipped mounds he had been eyeing. Palming one with his hand, he then shifted her higher and kissed a trail from her lips to her nipples, sucking one in deeply.

  She lifted her legs around his waist, allowing his hard cock to nestle into her core, aching with need. Leaning back as he ravished her breasts, she luxuriated in the feelings of weightlessness and excitement. She could not help but glance around, having never had public sex. The realization that her breasts were bared for anyone to see had her moving her hand up to cover the one he was not latched onto.

  He noticed the motion and stilled, lifting his head. “Doll, if I’m giving you a chance to be concerned about where we are, then I’m not doing enough to take your mind off of everything except me fucking you.”

  Giggling, she replied, “I can’t help it. What if someone comes in?”

  “They won’t,” he promised, moving back to feast on her breast.

  “B…but…” she started, before becoming lost in the feelings as his hand untied the scrap of bikini at her hips and tossed it up on the side of the pool. She heard the slap of wet cloth hit the concrete but could not seem to care.

  “It’s after hours, doll. I locked the door from the inside. No one’s around.” He slid his fingers into her waiting body, eliciting more moans. “Just you. Me. And this,” he said, guiding her hand down to his engorged cock.

  With one more effortless heft, he lifted her out of the water and onto the side, moving quickly between her legs. With one hand on her stomach to hold her, he dove in tongue first. Licking her folds before nipping on her clit, he felt her writhe under his ministration. Chuckling, he moved in again, this time with his tongue buried inside.

  She felt his pleasure as the waves deep inside had her throwing her head back in ecstasy. With this man pleasuring her between her legs, she opened her eyes and glanced around. She had never had daring sex with any partner, but she quickly loved the feeling of danger and excitement. Knowing he had locked the door did not dampen the thrill. Just then, a finger was reinserted deep into her pussy as he latched onto her clit with his lips and that was the last coherent thought she had.

  As her orgasm rushed over her, she felt her inner walls pulsate against his fingers. With her legs over his shoulders as he floated in front of her, she watched him as he watched her. Screaming his name, she tried to grind her hips closer to his mouth as the ripples moved from her core outwards.

  Before she could come back to earth, she was lifted once more and pulled back into the water. Directly on his straining cock. How he managed to get his swim trunks off without her noticing was a tribute to her level of distraction.

  Jobe guided her body to his, holding her gaze and gaining her approval before he moved up inside of her. She grabbed his shoulders as he pumped in and out, her pussy still grabbing at his cock. He watched her tits bounce in the water as he kept one hand behind her back to keep it from getting scraped on the side of the pool. He found his rhythm and as she became more accustomed to the movement, she joined him by pushing up against his shoulder to increase the friction. God, this woman is beautiful. Knowing that she was giving herself to him after all that he had put her through was humbling. And vowing to take care of her in all ways, he watched as her pleasure once again filled her expression.

  With her body balanced against his protective hand, he slid the other hand down to her clit knowing he was close. With her tits right at his face, he latched onto one extended nipple and sucked it deeply. At the same time as giving her clit at a pinch, he felt her pussy grabbing his cock. His balls tightening, he felt the rush as he poured himself deep into her, thrusting until the last drop was emptied.

  She dropped her head onto his shoulders, keeping her legs around his waist, as her sated body crashed in post-orgasmic bliss. He wrapped one arm around her as he propelled them through the water toward the shallow end. As soon as his feet touched the bottom of the pool, he enveloped her in his arms, pressing her naked form against his. Perfect fit. She’s a perfect fit. But then, she always was.

  Climbing up the steps, with her body still latched onto his, he now felt her slight weight as they rose from the water. He bent, with her still in his arms, and grabbed their towels. Not wanting to let her go, he also did not want her to cool. He slowly let her slide down his front, holding her until her shaky legs were steady underneath her. He wrapped a large towel around her body, tucking it tightly at her breasts.

  Peering down at her, he saw the light in her eyes staring back. Tender. Full of… He so wanted it to be love but knew that still had to come. “Let’s get you upstairs and into a warm shower, doll,” he said, kissing the end of her nose.

  Grinning mischievously, she nodded toward the locker rooms. “They’ve got showers in there,” she said seductively.

  Turning her toward the deep end where their bathing suits still lay on the side of the pool, he gave her ass a swat. “Not this time, baby. I’ve got things I want to do to you tonight, and squeezing both of us in a tight, metal shower stall when I’ve got a huge, multi-head shower with a seat upstairs, where I’ve got room to do all the things I want to do…no contest.”

  At those words, she glanced over her shoulder up at him as he propelled them to pick up their suits. “Ummm,” she purred. “And I won’t even make you chase me,” she promised.

  Tucking her into his side as they entered the back elevator, he said, “I’m not ever letting you go again, Mackenna.” With that promise, they headed into the shower in his apartment. And he proceeded to show her just how creative he could be with a large, multi-head shower with a seat. And she loved it.

  Chapter 14

  Jazzie watched the night watchman enter the center, noting the huge size of the man known as Little John. His eyes moved to the cameras installed over the front door and the new bars on the first-floor windows. Knowing the back alleyway was just as covered, he sat for a minute pondering his choices. Gotta get the bitches out of the center at a time when they aren’t expecting anything. Determined to think on that, he drove back to their meeting house.

  Walking through the front room, he saw a naked girl
, bent over the couch with one of the brothers pounding into her ass. As she turned, he saw her bruised face and knew she had already had her beat-in by the girls around, now cheering the newbie probably getting her ass fucked for the first time. The next man in line, his cock already out and being palmed, nodded to Jazzie indicating that he knew he was to give up his place to the man with the higher rank.

  Jazzie looked at the girl whose face was turned toward his. A flash of steel moved through her eyes, quickly replaced by subservience. So fast that he could not swear he saw it. He palmed his cock for a few seconds but decided her tiny tits just were not going to do it for him, so he gave a quick shake and continued on into the room where Tito sat.

  Tito glanced up as the signals were exchanged. “You’re late,” he clipped, irritation in his voice.

  “Sorry. Got detained in traffic.”

  Tito just nodded, then turned back to the others. “Got a new shipment coming in tomorrow night. I want you and Waldo on it,” he ordered to Jazzie. “Then got some guns coming in three days. That gives you the next two nights to get the stash in, get it cut up and out to the girls. I want it in the buyer’s hands before you gotta deal with the guns.”

  Jazzie nodded, pleased to see Tito back into the business end of things.

  “Now for other business,” Tito announced. “I was willing to let things rest, but got some inside news. Some bitch at that center is ratting out the Kings. She wasn’t a Sixer, but no one wants that to get out. And I sure as fuck don’t want Gabby to get any ideas.”

  “Gabby didn’t know our shit, did she?” Jazzie asked, concern in his expression. Tito did not answer and that gave Jazzie a bad feeling…and solidified his desire to take care of the problem.

  “We been courting the Kings,” Tito continued. “Gonna sell some guns to them at the end of this week. Like to hand them something else on a platter if we can.”

  That peaked Waldo’s interest, as he leaned forward eagerly. “What’s on the table?”

  “Kings got another girl there. Thought we give her back to them. In a way that sends a message.”

  Waldo grinned. He liked the sound of that. Jazzie’s interest was sharp as well.

  Pushing a scrap of paper at them with a computer image and a name on it, Tito simply said, “Get her. Take Poco and one other you choose and get her. Then make her pay. All the way. Then deliver her to the Kings with a note that they can thank us for the gift.”

  The men laughed, anxious to do Tito’s bidding. Jazzie watched him carefully. Getting this King’s girl out would give him a good chance to see how best to get to Gabby.

  The next morning, Jazzie could not believe how easy it was. The young woman left the center, walking to the bus stop to go downtown. He watched her in her clean, job-hunting clothes, knowing she was trying to shake the image of the River’s off of her. Glancing to the side, he saw Waldo’s eyes glued to the girl’s ass.

  “That all you think about? Fucking?”

  Waldo grunted as his eyes never left the girl. “Hell, yeah. Nothin’ like sinkin’ my dick in some sweet pussy.”

  “Who cares if it’s sweet as long as it’s pussy?” Poco called out from the back seat.

  A bus pulled up, taking the others in line while the girl looked down at her watch. She was now the only one waiting for the downtown bus. As she stood, her hands nervously smoothing down her new skirt, she never heard the sound of soft footsteps behind her. Until it was too late.


  “So where did she go?” Mackenna asked Carla.

  “I don’t know. Teresa was dressed and out of here in time to make it to the bus stop for her interview. But they called and said that she did not show up.”

  Rubbing her temples, Mackenna shook her head. She had just gotten into her office when Carla gave her the news. “I’ve spent two weeks lining up that job interview for her.” Looking up at Rose, who had joined them, Mackenna said, “I’m going to have to let Teresa go if she doesn’t have a good reason for missing that interview. I’ve got two more girls who want into New Beginnings and I already have room for two of them since Selena left.”

  “Well, I’ve got more news,” Rose said sitting down. “A couple of the other girls are nervous hearing that Teresa missed her interview this morning. They swear she was excited about it and they think something happened to her. I think Selena’s situation has them afraid of gang retaliation.”

  Mackenna sighed heavily. “A week ago, I’d have told them that that was ridiculous. Now I don’t know what to think.”

  The three ladies were quiet a moment before Mackenna looked up, shaking her head. “All right, enough about this. Let’s get to work. I’m calling the social worker and telling her to let the two new girls know that they can come on over.”


  Two days later, Mackenna was sitting in her DSS cubicle in the downtown office, having just finished a staff meeting. Calling her mom to check on her, she was glad to hear the happiness in her mother’s voice.

  “Mom, I was thinking that we need to get back to our house,” she said tentatively. “I talked to the detectives this morning and they said that the house is no longer being processed as a crime scene, so I am heading over there now to check it out. I think we’ll just need to patch the holes and do a little touch-up painting. I made a call to our landlord so that he could make sure a window company came to measure the windows for replacement.”

  She noticed the quietness of her mom. Biting her lip, she said, “Are you still there?”

  “I heah. I know we nee ta ge back.”

  Mackenna could hear the hesitation in her mom’s voice and knew that she was enjoying her time with the Delaros. “Well, we can’t move back until the windows are replaced and I’m sure it’s all secure. So if you’re happy, then there’s no reason to not stay with Joseph and Rachel for a little bit longer.”

  “Oh, tha wou be lov-ly,” Penny said, the excitement in her voice evident.

  After a few more minutes, they hung up and Mackenna sighed, knowing she needed to head to the house. She did not tell her mother that when she talked to the landlord, he was not happy that her job had ended up having the ramifications of a drive-by. In fact, he had indicated that he would prefer them not to move back in. Now I may have to find another place to live that can accommodate mom.

  Several hours later, waving to Jennifer, who was still in her cubicle talking to some friends, she walked to the elevators when her cell phone rang. Seeing Jobe’s name, she smiled as she answered.

  “Hey, sweetie.”

  “Where are you, doll?” came the clipped response.

  “Well, hello to you too,” she joked.

  “Sorry, but I need to come pick you up and need to know where you are,” he explained.

  “What’s wrong? Is it mom?” she asked worriedly.

  “No babe, but I need to get you now.”

  Realizing that he would tell her when the time was right, she said, “I’m just heading out of the DSS building.”

  “Stay there and I’ll pick you up out front in about ten minutes.”

  “Okay,” she agreed, the uncertainty evident in her voice, as he hung up.

  Hurrying to the elevators, she took one down and then waited until she saw the Alvarez black SUV pulling up. Without giving him a chance to double park and open the door for her, she rushed over and hopped into the front seat.

  Jobe pulled into traffic, glancing at her, silent but knowing she had a million questions. “I appreciate you cooperating. This needed to be done in person and not over the phone.”

  Licking her lips nervously, she twisted her body so that she was facing him. Silently waiting, but not patiently.

  “Got a call from Shane. A girl’s been found and they think it may be one of yours. You missing someone and didn’t tell me?”

  She blinked slowly, digesting what he was saying. Picked up? Picked up for what? Is he talking about Teresa?


  Her eyes jerked back to

  “Did you forget to tell me something? About one of your girls going missing?”

  “Forget? I…I do have one of the girls who left, but sometimes they do that, Jobe. They don’t all stay, although most of them do and finish the program. But a few get some skills, some new clothes and walk out the door. I…and what do you mean forget?” she said, angrily. “I don’t report to you!”

  His lips tightened into a thin line as he maneuvered them through the end-of-day traffic. “I’m trying to protect you, Mackenna. You have someone go rogue, I need to know that.”

  “Why? That doesn’t involve you. Or Tony. Or the police. It just happens sometimes,” she retorted, pushing her hair back in frustration.

  “When you’ve got yourself and your center in the sights of some gangs, then yes—it does involve us.”

  She sat for a moment sulking, then realized how childish that was. Sighing heavily, she said, “Three days ago, I had set up an interview for Teresa Yanez. She had been with us for about two months. Fast learner, smart. She left us with a full breakfast in her, new business clothes on her, and she did not get to the interview.”

  “Did you call the police?”

  “No, because they won’t do anything,” she said in a huff. Seeing him cut his eyes over to her, she continued, “I tried that before, Jobe. These girls are over eighteen years old. They do not have to stay at the center or in the program. Most that do stay in are successful when they get out. Others leave and go back to the life.”

  They sat in silence for a few more minutes when she looked around at the buildings. “Where are we going?”

  He pulled to the back of a brick building and she saw the words over the doors. City Morgue. Her gaze snapped back to his as she silently begged for his denial.


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