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Dallas Fire & Rescue: Tempting Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 3

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  He crouched down beside the tub and handed her the cold glass of water. “Drink it all, then I’m bringing in another glass.”

  He watched as she considered arguing, but then she must have realized she was thirsty. As soon as she took the first sip she started gulping.

  “Easy,” he cautioned.

  She finished the glass and then handed it back to him. He grinned. “Want more?” She nodded, her chin covered in bubbles.

  “Food’s going to take a bit longer to rustle up.”

  “Ketchup flavored oatmeal doesn’t sound good Zarek.”

  He laughed. How in the hell did depressed Chloe managed to make him laugh?

  “It’ll be something better than that, I promise. So this is your fifteen minute warning. If you take longer than that to come out, I’m coming in,” he teased.

  “You don’t need to do this,” she said softly.

  “For God’s sake, you’re my best friend. If I was hurting this badly, what would you do?”

  Her head jerked, her eyes stared at him. Bulls-eye.

  “Good. You think about that Cupcake. I’ll be back with another glass of water.”


  Chloe waited until Zarek left the second time before trying to get out of the bathtub. If she had more brains then pride, maybe she would have asked for help, but that wasn’t her M.O. Instead she told him she was fine getting out of the tub.

  Trying to push up on her too weak arms, it finally occurred to her to get up on her knees and get out of the tub that way. She needed to get out and covered before Zarek barged in. She needed to prove to him that she was fine. She bit her lip as her legs trembled.

  Before grabbing a towel, Chloe closed the bathroom door. She started to dry herself off when she realized how much her foot hurt, what was more, she was avoiding looking in the mirror, even though it was fogged up. Was there anything that was going right in her life?

  “Can I come in?”

  That answered her question, at least Zarek knocked. Score one for team Avery.

  “Hold on.” She wrapped the towel around herself. “Now you can come in.”

  “I come bearing gifts.” He held out another glass. She took it from him, and sniffed. It smelled of pineapple.

  “I found protein powder and canned fruit. It was the best I could do. I tasted it, it shouldn’t kill you,” he grinned.

  She took a sip. It was cold, and the sweet and tart flavor exploded in her mouth. She swallowed greedily.

  “Take it easy,” he warned. She ignored him. She hadn’t realized how good food could taste, or how hungry she was. He pulled the glass from her before she was halfway finished.

  “I wasn’t done,” she protested.

  “Yes you were. I don’t think your tummy could handle much more. When was the last time you ate?”

  She gave him a blank stare.

  “Exactly. I really don’t need you throwing up in my truck.”

  She continued to stare at him.

  “Come on, let’s get you dressed.”

  “For what?” She yawned, shivered, and pulled the towel closer. “I want to go back to bed.”

  “You’re coming with me. There’s nothing in the house to eat, and it’s a pit in here. Not to be too frank, but your room needs freshening up. I’ve booked us in a hotel, and not the LeeHy.”

  Chloe winced at his words. Her house smelled? “I didn’t ask you to come,” she said softly.

  She jerked away when he tried to touch her face. She didn’t need gentle touches from him. She didn’t want his kindness. She knew she wasn’t worthy. His eyes darkened.

  “Move your ass into your bedroom and get dressed. I’ve already packed an overnight bag. We’re leaving.”

  Her eyes widened. “You can’t make me.”

  “In the shape you’re in, I can do a lot of things. Don’t push me, Cupcake. Now march.”

  This wasn’t Zarek. His eyes were hard. “You’re being mean.”

  “You aren’t allowing me to be anything else,” he sighed.


  It was August in Tennessee, that meant that it was hot and humid. But even in her jeans jacket, Chloe was shivering so Zarek turned on the heat in his truck. He was sweating. Hell, soon he was going to be smelling. He’d have to grab a shower as soon as they got to the lodge.

  “Where are we going?” Chloe finally asked as he headed along Hwy 321 out of Jasper Creek.

  “One of the ski lodges.”

  She didn’t ask any more questions. It was odd for Chloe to be silent. It wasn’t that she needed to fill the silence, but she usually had funny stories to relate, or questions to ask. This Chloe scared the shit out of him. She’d shut down. He turned on the radio.

  When they got to the ski lodge, there weren’t many cars in the parking lot, but still they were doing a pretty good business for off season.

  “Kind of expensive, isn’t it?” she finally said.

  “I told you we weren’t staying at the LeeHy.” The LeeHy motel was built in the forties and was in the middle of Jasper Creek. Zarek doubted that it had ever seen a good day.

  “Isn’t this kind of fancy for a woman who smells?” she asked as she started to unbuckle her seat belt.

  He put his hand over hers and got nose to nose with her. “You stop this shit now,” he bit out. “Seriously Chloe. You stop it.”

  Brown eyes with a bottomless pit of hurt stared up at him. “It’s true isn’t it?”

  “For fuck’s sake. If you put yourself down again, I’m going to turn you over my knee and spank your ass.”

  Her eyes widened.

  Had those words just come out of his mouth? Zarek sucked in a deep breath. If it were physically possible, he’d kick his own ass.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry, Chloe.” He wrapped his arms around her, and tucked her head close to his heart. “I’m so sorry. The last thing you need is some man threatening violence.”

  She shook in his hold.

  “Oh God Cupcake. Here I thought I was doing the right thing, and you managed to push my buttons. I’m so fucking sorry.”

  He stroked her shiny black curls, breathing in the citrus scent of her shampoo, wanting to kill the man who had hurt this beautiful woman.

  “Let me call Zoe. Trenda. Drake. Evie. Maddie. Anyone. God, I’m so sorry.”

  That’s when he heard it. It was quiet. But for just a quick moment, he heard Chloe Rose Avery’s laughter. His head shot up.

  “Are you laughing?”

  “No.” she laughed.

  “Are you laughing at me?”

  She stilled. He pushed back so he could look at her. For just a fleeting moment he saw a little bit of the old Chloe.

  “You were. You were laughing at me.”

  She sighed. “This is a bad idea Zarek. You really should have just left me at my house.” The smile turned upside down.

  “Fuck no. You were wallowing. When was the last time you laughed at something? Even if it had to be my dumbassedness, I’m for it. Tell me, did I scare you?”

  She looked at him in confusion. “When?”

  “When I threatened to hit you.” He raked his hand through his hair.

  “When did you do that?”

  “I said I was going to spank you,” he said in exasperation.

  “That isn’t hitting me. You always threaten to spank me.” Her hand fluttered above his chest, then fell back into her lap. “I told you this was a bad idea, now you’re going to walk on eggshells, when this is how you always talked to me.” She sounded tired. The sparkle that had been in her eye was gone. She was shivering despite the heat.

  “Let’s get you inside. I want to get you some food.”

  “I just want to sleep. I want to block everything out.”

  “No!” It was a visceral response on his part. He wanted her laughter, he didn’t want her going back to the zombie Chloe.

  “Please Zarek, you don’t understand. Feeling anything will ultimately result in…” she drifted off and started stari
ng out the window. He recognized that stare. It was the hundred-yard stare that Luke sometimes had.

  “Talk to me.”

  She didn’t say anything. Just stared.

  “All right, don’t say anything. You don’t have to talk. But let’s get you something to eat.” He unbuckled her belt. “Wait in the truck, I’m coming around to help you out.” It said a lot that she just sat there until he came around to her side. She damn near fell into his arms. He held her close to his side as they made their way up the steps to the lodge lobby.

  “Chloe or Zoe?” The older woman behind the reception desk asked. Then her gaze narrowed. “Oh you must be Chloe, you’re looking pretty run down.” The woman came around from behind the desk and made a move to embrace Chloe. Zarek got between the two and the woman scowled.

  “Who are you? Chloe and I go way back. She needs a hug from an old friend, now don’t you dear?”

  “Hi Judy,” Chloe mumbled as she kept the tips of her fingers on Zarek’s arm, standing behind him.

  “We all heard about what happened. Is it true that man put a gun in your mouth?”

  He heard Chloe’s low whimper.

  “Lady, I don’t know who the fuck you are, but you need to back the fuck off now!” Zarek thought the vein in his forehead might burst.

  “Judy, it’s time for your break,” a man said as he came out a door near the back of the lobby. The woman gave the man a guilty look as she turned to him.

  “I was just saying hi to Chloe.”

  “Judy, I’m going to check her and her friend in.”

  The older woman eyed Zarek warily, then nodded at her boss and scurried towards the back door.

  “I’m sorry about that Mr. Post. Chloe, how’s Evie doing? Tell her I miss her.”

  “O-Okay,” Chloe stammered. “I will.”

  Zarek appreciated how the older man didn’t ask any intrusive questions about Chloe. He just got them checked in and a room key. “Our kitchen is limited to soup, salads and hot and cold sandwiches during the day. Do you want to put in your order now so that it can be ready sooner?” he asked.

  Chloe was staring at the empty hearth in the lobby, so Zarek placed an order for both of them.

  “The food should be in your room in a half hour or less,” Jim said.

  When Zarek handed over his credit card Jim leaned in. “If there is anything I can do to help, you just holler. Judy’s a bitch, but a lot of us care deeply about those girls, and I’m one of them. You say the word, and I’ll jump.”

  He looked into the blue eyes and saw a man who was sincere.

  “Thanks, I will. Trenda and Zoe will be here later to load up my truck. Here are the keys. Can you just coordinate with them?”

  “I’ll call Trenda as soon as you leave and tell her I have them. I take it you don’t want Chloe to know?”

  Zarek nodded. He’d worked out a plan with the sisters. They were going to pack up a few weeks of Chloe’s belongings so that he could take her to Dallas with him. It was up to him to convince her to go.

  She wandered up to the reception desk. “We’re all set,” Zarek said.

  “Food will be in your room soon. I hope you like club sandwiches, they’re Evie’s favorite,” Jim smiled.

  Chloe stared at him, and his smile faltered.

  Zarek wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Let’s get you into the room.” He ushered her outside and down the steps. Jim had explained where their guest room was. Apparently, it was more like a condo. It had two bedrooms and two bathrooms, and he was being charged a rate that was comparable to the LeeHy motel. He suspected he was getting the friend rate, and Chloe pretty much confirmed it with her next words.

  “Evie used to work here sometimes.” Chloe said absently.

  “It’s pretty.” He said as he opened the door to their accommodations.

  “I really don’t need you playing mother hen,” she said as she moved towards the living room.

  “I thought we settled that in the truck. You would be doing the same for me.” She was limping. He needed to check her foot. “Take off your shoes.”

  She sat down on the couch and slipped off her sneakers. Despite the small protests she made verbally, she was still more of a depressed robot, just doing what she was told. It scared the hell out of him. He knelt at her feet, and pulled of her sock. Blood oozed through her bandage.

  “Rest on the couch. I brought the first aid kit. I’m going to get a wash cloth to clean this up.”


  Chapter Four

  Judy’s words were still reverberating through her head. Nobody had put a gun in her mouth. He wouldn’t have done that because it would have blocked out her screams. That’s what he’d wanted. He’d wanted her to cry, and moan, and scream so that Evie would hear her and do anything he asked. If she had been stronger, she would never have done that. She should have stayed strong. But the pain…

  “Chloe? Cupcake? Can you hear me?”

  Zarek was sitting on the sofa, and her foot was in his lap. When had that happened?

  Absently she noted that her heel was bandaged, and now she saw that he was stroking her foot, caressing it. Shouldn’t that feel good? Shouldn’t she feel something?

  “Ah Baby, you’re out of it, aren’t you?”

  “I guess so,” she admitted softly. She’d been gone a long time. When she’d woken up in the hospital, it had been like there was some kind of barrier all around her. She’d liked it. She didn’t feel pain, she didn’t cry and she certainly didn’t scream. Those few times when she felt some emotion start to come close to the surface, like when she spoke to Evie, she would grab the bedsheet and wrap it tight around her, like a cocoon, and it would block out reality. By the time she left the hospital, it was like the sheet was inside her head, blocking everything out, but right now she was having trouble blocking out Zarek.

  He continued to rub her foot, when she looked at him, she saw concern, but he was smiling too. That was odd.

  “Do you have a question?”

  He’d always been able to read her, but she was surprised that there was any expression for him to take note of.

  “You’re smiling,” she noted.

  “Of course I am. I get a chance to be up and personal with your pretty feet.”

  What was he talking about?

  “Hasn’t any man told you that you have sexy feet?”

  She tried to pull away from him, but he did something with his thumb to the arch of her foot. Her toes curled, and a sharp sensation knifed through her body. She didn’t want to feel anything! Certainly not something that felt good. Numb. She wanted numb. Numb was safe. She jerked her feet out of his lap.

  Zarek sighed. Her eyes darted up to his then back down to her lap. He was watching her, as if she was some bug under a microscope to analyze.

  “Stop looking at me.” Was that her voice sounding so desperate? She swallowed, and tried again. “Don’t you have something else to do?” she asked in a monotone.

  “I’ll start a fire. You’re cold.” He got up from the couch. She could have sworn he muttered something about having to go naked.

  “Did you say something?”

  He looked over his shoulder and gave her a bland look. “Nothing.” He crouched before the hearth and started the fire.

  It seemed odd that a firefighter would actually be setting a fire. She remembered back to when he’d been twelve and he’d first said that was what he wanted to be when he grew up. She never doubted that he would do it. She hadn’t known what she wanted to be, but one teacher convinced her to believe in herself. Mrs. Pearsall had taken her aside in fourth grade and told her that she was special. Back then, she was the only person who had ever believed in her. Her. Just her. Not her and Zoe. Not one of the Avery twins.

  Just me.

  She’d be pretty disappointed in her now.

  “You’re thinking pretty hard over there.”

  She saw that the fire was going. She kept losing time. “I’m not think

  “Whatever.” Eyes too knowing roved over her face. She turned away to look at the back of the couch, then flinched when she heard a knock. She twisted around to look at the door. Zarek saw the look on her face, and came down and sat next to her on the couch. He whispered his finger down the side of her face.

  “What’s wrong Cupcake?”

  He started calling her that when he was twenty and she was fifteen. He’d seen her steal Zoe’s cupcake and eat it. She’d liked the nickname then. Now it was making her uncomfortable. A second knock on the door made her whole body jerk.

  “Chloe, what is it? What’s wrong?”

  Chloe wanted to cry. To die. How humiliating that a simple knock on the door was so horrifying. The bad men at the cabin had knocked on the door. They’d said they were lost. Lacy had answered the door.

  “Make the knocking stop,” she pleaded.

  When Zarek made a move to get up off the couch she grabbed his arm. “Be careful.”

  “Are you scared?”

  She shook her head.

  “It’s just the people delivering the food. But I’ll make sure it’s them. I won’t open the door until I check, okay?”

  She gripped his forearm, the muscle was like steel. He could protect her. Couldn’t he? Slowly she nodded her head. He brushed a kiss across her hair.

  She watched every step he took and shuddered in relief when he looked through the peephole. He looked over his shoulder and gave her a thumbs-up. Even better, he didn’t let the man into the room, Zarek just signed something and took the tray from him, then closed and locked the door. Chloe knew the door was locked, because she watched him do it.

  “Honey, I cooked!” he said in a sing-song voice. Zarek walked over and kneed the ottoman over in front of her so he could set down the tray of food.

  Zarek saw Chloe staring at it.

  “You liked the pineapple smoothie. You’ll like this too,” Zarek smiled.

  She felt overwhelmed at the sight of all the food. He was asking too much of her.

  “You need to eat.”

  “I’m really not that hungry,” Chloe told him as she looked at the food then back at Zarek who was now sitting ctoss-legged on the other side of the ottoman.


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