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QI: The Book of General Ignorance - The Noticeably Stouter Edition

Page 36

by John Lloyd

  Frenchmen and mosquitoes 1

  guillotine in 1

  and La Marseillaise 1

  as largest living thing 1

  quatorzièmes 1

  sign language 1

  troops at Culloden 1

  and white flags 1

  Francis, duke of Lorraine 1

  Francis of Assisi, Saint 1

  francium 1

  František, Josef 1

  Franz, Duke of Bavaria 1

  Fraser, Antonia 1

  Fresh Kills landfill 1

  Freud, Sigmund 1

  Friedrich, Caspar David 1

  Frobisher, Martin 1

  frogs 1

  fruit flies 1

  Fuller, Thomas 1

  Furious, HMS 1

  Gagarin, Yuri 1

  Galapagos Islands 1

  galaxies, visible 1

  Galen 1, 2

  Galileo Galilei 1, 2

  gallium 1

  Gallivan, Britney 1

  Gandhi, Mahatma 1

  Garber, Peter 1, 2

  Garfield, James 1

  Garin, Maurice 1

  Garrett, Pat 1

  Gaskill, Malcolm 1

  geese and barnacles 1

  bonding with Wellington boots 1

  George, Saint 1

  George I, King of the Hellenes 1

  George IV, King 1

  George V, King 1

  Gere, Richard Tiffany 1

  Germany 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

  army of, and champagne 1

  and concentration camps 1, 2

  cuckoo clock invented in 1

  and end of World War II 1

  guillotine in 1

  hailstorm in 1

  and La Marseillaise 1

  torture equipment from 1

  uniforms from nettles 1

  Gérôme, Jean-Léon 1

  Geronimo 1

  Gessner, Konrad 1

  Giant Sequoias 1

  giant tortoises 1

  Giblin, Alfred 1

  Gilbert, Alfred 1, 2

  giraffes 1, 2, 3, 4

  gladiators 1


  invention of 1

  state of 1

  transparent 1

  glia 1, 2

  Gobbler’s Knob 1

  Godwin, William 1

  Godwinson, Harold 1

  Goethe, J. W. von 1

  goldcrests 1, 2

  goldfish, memory of 1

  Gomeran Whistle 1, 2

  Goodyear, Charles 1


  and the appendix 1

  beds of 1

  Gorringe 1, 2

  Gorringes, distinguished 1

  Gould, Stephen Jay 1

  Grant, Alexander 1

  graphite, in pencils 1

  Great Britain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  accidents in 1

  baseball invented in 1

  cannibalism in 1

  cave paintings in 1

  celluloid first manufactured in 1

  Celts in 1, 2

  champagne invented in 1

  chicken eaten in 1

  dental hygiene in 1

  depression in 1

  earthquakes in 1

  first modern Olympics held in 1

  first Prime Minister 1

  guillotine invented in 1

  hokey-cokey, as dance 1

  hottest chili from 1

  invention of concentration

  camp by 1, 2

  lightning in 1, 2

  love of Marmite 1

  most deadly war for 1

  nettle eating in 1

  obesity in 1

  Panama hats in 1

  Penny Post 1

  popularity of CTM in 1

  royal telemessages 1

  rugby invented in 1

  sleep clinics in 1

  smallest bird from 1, 2, 3

  smallest dog from 1, 2

  turkeys in 1

  VAT on chocolate biscuits 1

  witches in 1

  Great Fire of London 1

  Great Pyramid 1

  Great St Bernard Pass 1

  Great Wall of China 1,

  Greater Rheas 1

  Greece, ancient and modern

  carrots as aphrodisiacs 1

  Haggis in 1

  log cabins in 1

  meaning of panthera 1

  modern Olympics 1

  naked wrestling 1

  as our necessary precondition 1

  perception of colours in 1

  Periander’s Diolkos 1

  Pheidippides’ run 1

  protective effigies in 1

  running-with-a-ball game 1

  sound of dogs in 1

  virgin-birth myths 1

  Greenland 1, 2

  Greenwood, John 1

  grey matter 1

  grey wolves 1

  Grimm, Brothers 1

  Guanches people 1

  guano, as commodity 1

  Guess, Nathaniel 1

  Guillotin, Joseph Ignace 1

  guillotine 1, 2

  guinea pigs, uses for 1

  Gutenberg, Beno 1

  Guthrum 1

  gypsum, uses for 1

  Haakon VII, King of Norway 1

  haggis, origins of 1

  Hagiwara, Makato 1

  hailstorms 1

  hair, post-mortem growth of 1

  and ruefulness 1

  Haiti 1, 2, 3, 4

  Hamilton, Emma 1, 2

  Hancock, John 1

  Hancock, Thomas 1

  Hancock, Tony 1

  hands (human)

  engineering of 1

  fingers, and muscles 1

  Hanks, Tom (seismologist) 1

  Hardmuth, Josef 1

  Hardy, Thomas (naval officer) 1

  hares 1

  Harington, John 1

  Harris, Joel Chandler 1

  Harteswood, Richard 1

  Haselbacher, René 1

  hashish 1

  Hassan-i Sabbah 1

  Hawaii 1, 2, 3

  Hawker Hurricane 1

  hawthorn, associations of 1

  heliocentric orbit of earth, first claim of 1

  helium 1


  as expression of surprise 1

  first use of, on delegates’ badges 1

  first written use of 1

  Hendrix, Jimi 1

  Henry II, King 1

  Henry IV, King 1

  Henry V, King 1

  Henry VII, King 1

  Henry VIII, King 1, 2

  commitment problems 1

  number of wives of 1

  Henry the Black 1

  Henry of Trastamara 1

  Herero people 1

  Herodotus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Heron (Hero) 1, 2

  Heywood, John 1

  Hibbler, Winston 1

  Hicks, Charles 1

  Hill, Rowland 1, 2

  Himalaya 1, 2

  hippopotamuses 1

  colour-blindness of 1

  Washington’s false teeth 1, 2, 3

  Hitler, Adolf, vegetarianism of 1

  Hobson, Mary 1

  hokey-cokey, origin of 1

  Homer 1

  Horsefield’s tortoise 1

  horses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

  Horseshoe Bend, Battle of 1

  Horus, virgin birth of 1

  Houghton, Joel 1

  Howard, Catherine 1

  Howard, Luke 1

  Hubble Space Telescope 1

  Hubert, Robert 1

  Hulagu Khan 1

  human beings

  appendix, evolution of 1

  bonding process in 1

  brain colour of 1

  constipation 1

  dissection of 1

  dolphins as smarter than 1

  evolved from 1

  hands, engineering of 1

  lacking baculi 1

  longevity in 1, 2

  muscles of 1, 2r />
  number of nostrils of 1

  penisrelationship 1

  percentage of brain used by 1

  post-mortem hair growth 1

  resembling running ostriches 1

  senses of 1

  see also diseases; man-made objects

  Hungary 1, 2

  Hurricane Katrina 1

  Huxley, Aldous 1

  Ice Age, most recent 1, 2

  ice cream, inventor of 1

  Iceland 1, 2, 3, 4

  igloos 1

  iguanas 1

  Immaculate Conception 1

  India 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

  bubonic plague in 1

  concentration of tigers in 1

  lucky numbers in 1

  sound of frogs in 1

  suicide rate in 1

  Indonesia 1

  infrared vision 1

  Innocent III, Pope 1


  ants 1

  bees 1

  bugs 1

  centipede’s legs 1

  cockcroaches 1

  fruit flies 1

  and Giant Sequoia bark 1

  navigation of 1

  in space 1

  total number of 1

  Inuit 1

  Ionian Sea 1

  Iranaeus of Lyon, Saint 1

  Iraq 1, 2, 3


  caid 1

  Celts in 1, 2

  Cromwell’s expedition to 1

  goose eating 1

  kilts invented in 1

  Marco O’Polo from 1

  saints from 1, 2

  troops at Culloden 1

  Wellington’s origins 1

  whisky distilled in 1

  iridium 1, 2

  Irving, Washington 1

  Isle of Man, curry in 1

  Israel 1

  Italy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

  Izumi, Shigechiyo 1

  Jackson, Andrew 1

  Jaffa Cakes 1

  jaguars 1

  James I, King 1, 2

  James II, King 1

  Japan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

  invention of rickshaw 1

  sound of frogs in 1

  Java, tigers in 1

  Jayden, as popular name 1

  Jesus Christ 1, 2, 3

  jobs, most dangerous 1

  Johnson, Charles K. 1

  Johnson, Samuel 1, 2

  Jordemaine, Margery 1

  Joyce, James 1

  Judaism 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Jupiter 1, 2

  Kagan, Lord 1

  Kanamori, Hiroo 1

  kangaroo, Aboriginal meaning of 1

  Keller, Helen 1

  Kennedy, Jimmy 1

  Kenya 1

  Western Highlands of 1

  William Wallace from 1

  Ketterle, Wolfgang 1

  Kevin, Saint 1

  Khan, Arif 1

  killer, biggest 1

  kilts, origins of 1

  kings of England 1

  Kirchoff, Gustav 1, 2

  kiwi (bird) 1

  Knight-Bruce, Rory 1

  knighting, practice of 1

  Knox (anatomist) 1

  Koch, Robert 1

  Korea 1

  Korean War 1

  Kouros, Yannis 1

  krill 1

  Kripke, Daniel 1

  Krung Thep 1

  Kuwait 1

  Kyeser, Konrad 1

  Laika (dog) 1

  lakes, largest in Canada 1

  Landseer, Edwin 1

  Landy, John 1

  Lapland 1, 2, 3

  Laprise, Larry 1

  Large and Small Magellanic Clouds 1

  lateral line 1, 2

  Lawrence, D. H. 1, 2

  Le Carré, John 1

  Leasor, James 1

  Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van 1

  lemmings, death of 1

  Lennie, Peter 1

  Lennon, John 1

  Lennon, Julian 1

  Leonardo da Vinci 1

  leopards 1

  Lesotho 1

  Lesser Rheas 1

  ‘let them eat cake’, said by 1

  Lichfield, Lord 1

  light, speed of 1


  and Giant Sequoias 1

  vs asteroid, most likely to be killed by 1

  lily of the valley 1

  Lincoln, Abraham 1

  Lind, James 1

  Lindon, Richard 1

  Linnaeus, Carl 1, 2

  lion’s mane jellyfish 1

  lions 1, 2, 3

  Lisle, Claude Rouget de 1

  Lithuania, suicide rate in 1, 2

  Little Ice Age 1

  Live Oak 1

  Lloyd George, David 1

  Lluyd, Edward 1

  Locusta 1

  log cabin, invention of 1

  loofahs, origins of 1

  Lorenz, Conrad 1

  Loud, John J. 1

  Louis, Antoine 1

  Louis XIII, King of France 1

  Louis XIV, King of France 1, 2

  Louis XVI, King of France 1, 2

  Lowell, Paul 1

  Luckner, Count Nikolaus Graf von 1

  lumberjacks 1

  Lutyens, Mary 1

  Lyly, John 1

  McCarty, Catherine 1

  Macintosh, Charles 1

  Mackay, Charles 1

  McVitie’s 1

  Madagascar 1

  Magellan, Ferdinand 1, 2

  magnetoception 1

  Malachy, Saint 1

  malaria 1, 2, 3

  Malaya 1

  Malaysia 1

  Malheur National Forest 1

  Mandeville, Sir John 1

  Manhattan Project 1

  man-made objects

  largest 1

  visibility from the moon of 1

  Manson, Patrick 1

  Maori 1, 2

  marathons, reason for length of 1

  Marie Antoinette, Queen of

  France 1, 2, 3, 4

  Marie-Thérèse, Queen of France 1

  Mark II computer 1

  Markham, Gervase 1

  Marmite 1

  Marmontel, Jean François 1


  as killers 1

  Vancouver Island 1

  Mars 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  colour of 1

  Marseillaise, La 1

  Marshall, Barry 1

  Martens, Conrad 1

  Marx, Karl 1

  Mary I, Queen 1

  Mary, Virgin 1

  Mason, Francis K. 1

  materials, most common 1


  equals sign 1

  and neck ties 1

  matter, states of 1

  Maughan, Ron 1

  Mauna Kea 1

  Mauritius 1

  May, gathering nuts in 1

  May, Robert 1

  Mayan civilization 1

  Mee, Arthur 1

  Mediterranean spur-thighed

  tortoise 1

  Melville, Herman 1

  Mendeleev, Dmitri 1, 2

  Menzies, Gavin 1

  Mercator, Gerard 1

  mercury 1

  Mesopotamia 1


  best conductor 1

  Bunsen’s isolation of 1

  detectors 1

  liquid state of 1

  Methuselah 1, 2

  Meucci, Antonio 1

  Mexico 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Michaud, Joy and Michael 1

  Midgely, Thomas 1, 2

  Milky Way 1, 2, 3

  Millais, John Everett 1

  Miranda, Carmen 1

  Mitchell, Francis 1

  Mithra, virgin birth of 1

  Moment Magnitude Scale (MMS) 1

  Mongolia 1

  Mongols 1

  Mons Olympus (Mars) 1

  Montalembert, Count de 1


  artefacts visible from 1

  cheese and 1

  orbit of 1
/>   size of 1

  smell of 1

  Moore, Clement Clarke 1

  Morgan, T. H. 1

  Morris, Desmond 1

  Mortensen, Christian 1

  mosquitoes 1, 2, 3


  flames and 1

  stimulating 1


  highest 1

  tallest 1

  Mount Augustus 1

  Mount Chimborazo 1

  Mount Conner 1

  Mount Everest 1

  and asthmatics 1

  Mount Kilimanjaro 1

  Mount Olga 1

  Mozart, middle name of 1

  Mumford, Louis 1

  Murray, George 1


  strongest in human beings 1

  use of, in smiling and

  frowning 1

  mushroom, as largest organism 1


  La Marseillaise 1

  Nero’s instruments 1

  ‘ring-a-ring o’ roses’ 1

  and snake charming 1


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