Minor Glitches (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 1)

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Minor Glitches (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 1) Page 1

by Arden, Dana

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Minor Glitches (Southern Chaotic’s MC #1)


  Dana Arden

  Minor Glitches

  Copyright © 2017 by Dana Arden. All rights reserved.

  No parts of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons – living or dead – is entirely coincidental.

  Photographer: Stock_colors

  Cover Design: Vikki @ Fiverr

  Watermeloan Skit in Chapter 14: Courtesy of Marlon Webb; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymcULJDE4Ho


  Thank you to my kids for most of the funny inserts that I’m able to use in my writing. I appreciate them keeping me on my toes and up-to-date on what is in, because apparently I’m not the cool mom I once thought I was.


  8 years ago (September)


  “Pregnant!” I lift my head and stare into the eyes of Dr. Ryan. “Pregnant with twins, not one but two babies!”

  “Yes, dear. Your urine test came back positive and then we did the ultrasound, which puts you at about seven weeks along with twins.” Dr. Ryan grabbed my hand. “You can do this Dani. You are going to be fine. The babies look healthy and I will get you started on some prenatal vitamins. If you start cramping or not feeling right, you call the office or you go straight to the emergency room. But at this moment, everything and everyone is doing great.”

  I give Dr. Ryan a hug and take the ultrasound photos with me as I leave his office. Pregnant and not at all the flu I thought I had been suffering for the last week. God what is Ryker going to say about this. Definitely unexpected. Hopefully I will be able to get in touch with him. He hasn’t answered his phone or responded to my text in the last week. At first, I thought I had done something wrong, but that’s impossible because the last time I saw him we were laying in my bed talking about our future plans.

  Getting in my car, I call Ryker again except this time instead of going to voicemail I receive the disturbing this number has been disconnected message. What the fuck is going on with Ryker? So what else is there to do then to drive to Ryker’s house.

  When I arrive at the two-story white rancher, I get out of the car and start walking to the front door. I’m getting ready to knock when the front door swings open and a bottle blonde with her face caked with makeup, Ryker’s ex, is standing there grinning. What does she have to grin about?

  “Is Ryker here, Sammy?” No response, just a bigger smile. Oh my god, I am not in the mood for this shit. I would much rather have her lips kiss my fist, hard. “Is he here or not?”

  “Dani, well isn’t this a surprise!” Now she is rubbing her chin with her left hand that happens to have a shiny diamond ring on her ring finger. Hmmm…who is stupid enough to marry this bitch? “Ryker isn’t here. Actually he left last week for boot camp.”

  What the fuck is she talking about? Ryker never said anything about joining the military. He was going to continue to work at the seed plant and we were going to save up money for a place of our own.

  “Okay, well are Doris and Todd home?” I say as calmly as I can, since my tolerance with this skank is limited.

  “Yeah, let me go get them for you.” Sammy responds in a saccharin sweet tone.

  This just seems to be getting stranger. Doris and Todd come to the front door all but blocking it like they think I’m going to barge in. Doris looks pissed and Todd just looks bored. These two have never treated me like this. They are always smiles and jokes, but apparently not today.

  “Hey Doris. Todd. Can you tell me how to get in touch with Ryker and when did he decide to join the military?”

  “We are not giving you anything, Dani.” Doris replies with a huff. “It would be best if you just leave him alone. He doesn’t need the stress of dealing with a whore on top of getting ready to start his own family.”

  Now I’m pissed. How am I a whore when the only person I have ever slept with is their son and Ryker knows that. If anyone is a whore it is Sammy who spreads her legs for anyone even when she was in a relationship with Ryker and that is why he ended it with her in the spring.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way Doris. I would’ve never expected to be treated this way by you all especially when I have done nothing wrong. Please explain how I am a whore and the tramp that is in your house isn’t.”

  Doris’ eyes bug out and if anything she seems to get even more pissed off. “We live in a small town, Dani. I can’t go to the grocery store without hearing about how you are prancing around with the Langston boy or the Jones boy down the street. I hear everything, but thankfully Ryker has cut ties with you and is marrying the woman who is having his child. Sammy is going to be having my grandchild and I will not put up with you calling her names. All you are doing is disrespecting my family. It is time for you to leave and don’t come back trying to get to Ryker or Sammy.”

  Before I can open my mouth, the door is slammed in my face.


  37 weeks pregnant

  After that glorious day in September when I found out the man I loved had left without a word or even anyway to contact him, I packed up and moved to Cumming, Georgia where my mom and dad live. They welcomed me with open arms and here I am now in the middle of the Southern Chaotic’s MC for my baby shower.

  Oops…did I forget to mention my Uncle Rudy, my mom’s brother, is the President of a motorcycle club. Yeah, my arrival didn’t bring with it a lot of heartfelt love for Ryker and his family, but I told them that this is the way it was going to be. I am going to raise my babies as if I hadn’t been stabbed in the heart. They are going to be loved regardless of whether they have a father or not and they’ll have plenty of people around to show them the attention they deserve.

  I have been surrounded by people since I arrived. I don’t think I have taken a shit without someone outside the door asking if I was alright. It has been a definite test of patience even if I know it is all done out of love. Just like right now I am walking out of the bathroom and almost run into my cousin, Trigger. He has been a godsend, but at the same time I want to kick him in the face. If I am on the move, so is Trigger.

  “Angel, you doing okay. Everything come out alright?” Trigger coos. Fucker really wants to be punch in the junk.

  “Trigger, I’m fine. Jesus, go find someone else to follow around. I can’t even pee without you standing at the door with a glass to it to hear if I am peeing okay. I mean I can go and get some Depends and you can change me every time I go to the potty.” Trigger scrunches his nose, and then puts his finger to his chin. “Nope, Trigger. It is not happening. Of course, you of all people would think that is a good idea. It was a JOKE!”

  “Dani, are you okay?” Now my mother is concerned. Can’t a girl have a minute of

  “Yeah, momma. Trigger was just contemplating buying me Depends so he can change them so he doesn’t have to follow me to the bathroom so much,” I say on a sigh.

  “Oh that is a fantastic idea!” I turn to look at my mother who is all excited about having her eighteen year old daughter in Depends. Great!

  “Ma, it was a joke. Would you two please stopppppp…..” And just like that my water breaks and you would think I’m dying.

  I end up being chaperoned to the hospital in the back of an SUV with Trigger and ten motorcycles following behind. Hope people in town aren’t disappointed that the Queen of England hasn’t arrived, but the Princess of the local MC is finally going into labor with her twins.


  6 hours later

  “I can’t believe they came out of your twat. That was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. Oh my god, Dani! You were wide open I could have stuck my arm up there.” Trigger decided he would be my birthing coach along with my mom, but he didn’t make it too long. He deemed it’d be a good idea to look when the doctor said he could see a head and then preceeded to pass out.

  “Shut it, Trigger! You weren’t supposed to look at my goodies. You were supposed to hold my hand, but whatever, it’s over now and I look at these two beauties.”

  Tatum Ryker Hale was born at seven pounds two ounces with a head full of brown hair and six minutes later Rory Grace Hale was born at six pounds five ounces with the same head full of brown hair. Thank god they were a couple of weeks early or Trigger would have been able to fit both his arms and possibly a foot up my hoo-hah.

  Chapter 1

  Present Day (April)


  “Hey Dani, I need a Jack and Coke, two Bud Lights and 3 shots of tequila.” Sadie shouts over the music.

  “Gotcha!” I retort without turning around and start making her drinks.

  There have been a lot of changes over the last seven plus years. You’re looking at the owner of Dani’s and it is not just a bar, it is a strip club too. What! You didn’t think little old me would have twins with no aspirations. Well, believe it. I wanted just a bar, but when you get to thinking about money I changed my mind with the help of the MC and figured a little skin showing wouldn’t hurt. I keep it as classy as I can.

  I am behind the bar most nights, but sometimes you can catch me up on stage twirling around the silver pole. I may have had twins, but I definitely worked hard to get my body back in shape and possibly even better than before. Just think J. Lo bubble butt, yeah that is me with a splash of tattoos and some hidden piercings. My uncle’s club helps when they can with security and bartending when I’m shorthanded.

  I place Sadie’s drinks on her tray and give her wink. She is my right hand wo-man. She’s here as much as me. She came to me for a job six years ago in the same predicament I was in myself eight years ago. You can say we are two peas in a pod. She lives with me along with her little girl, Lyla. She has been a cocktail waitress/bartender going on five and half years after she gave birth to Lyla. The Southern Chaotic’s have become her family too.

  “Go make that money honey!” She giggles and struts off.

  She is my complete opposite in looks. She is about my height at five eight, but she is blonde and blue-eyed while I am a brunette with green eyes.

  It is a Monday night, but still busy. If it isn’t packed with locals, the bar is packed with club brothers, old ladies or the lovely clubwhore. I don’t mind the whores as long as the bitches know their place.

  Jolene is one of the only whores I can deal with, and I even gave her a job as a stripper and that woman brings in the bacon. Currently, she has her legs wrapped around the pole sliding up and down to “Na Na” by Trey Songz. I guess being acquainted with a dick helps her slide her legs up and down the poles as well as dry humping the fuck out of it.

  Once Jolene is done with her set, she goes behind the curtain. Next up is Ginger, she is fairly new and it still shows, but men love the innocent looking ones. Ginger is a petite thing at barely five foot with dark auburn hair. She keeps trying out new songs to mix it up, but I’ve told her to keep to the innocent school girl routine because it fits her. She is currently dancing to “Do I Wanna Know” by Arctic Monkeys, not very stripperish, but whatever works for her.

  I am just filling another order for another waitress, Razz when Jolene plops down on the stool in front of me.

  “Dani, a bunch of the boys are requesting you get your ass on that stage tonight.”

  “Not tonight, Jo. I haven’t been up there in a few months. I might fall flat on my face.” I try to give her the innocent doe-eyed look but that shit doesn’t work with her.

  “Bitch you can lie to someone else, but I know your ass is wrapped around that pole at least every other day practicing or whatever the fuck you want to call it.”

  “I’ll think about it. The lineup tonight is full anyway and I’m not taking away from my girls pockets. You should know that.”

  “Yeah, chica. Your good to us, very good, but those boys are restless and you always give them something new everytime. New music, new moves. The rest don’t do that for them. You can have my next spot at ten and I’ll cover Sadie’s tables so she can take over the bar.”

  “Alright, you’re on, but don’t get jealous!” I tell her with a smirk.

  She gets off the stool and walks away with an I love you middle finger wave. I love my life. I may have been broken and lost at one point, but I have had so much love placed in my life.

  Guess it is time to get my ass ready for the stage since I will be gyrating in about fifteen minutes. I don’t go fully nude but don’t mind showing off the girls.

  I walk over to Diablo at the DJ booth and give him my music. He knows the routine by now especially since this is the first time I’ve been on stage in months. Dancing on that stage is a great stress reliever especially since getting a good fuck has been off the table for a few years and the good ole’ vibrator just doesn’t do it everytime.

  What to wear?

  Chapter 2


  Here I am in front of a strip club with my friend Tanner. The cherry on the top, it is named Dani’s, named after a girl that hasn’t left my mind in eight years. Man I miss the bubbly brunette. She definitely had a way with her and I really wish I had chose a different way of leaving her behind, but at the time I couldn’t handle breaking her heart by disregarding all the plans we had.

  “Come on man! I ain’t standing out here all night when I could be inside watching tits and ass.” Typical Tanner, he has no filter. “My cousin isn’t expecting me and I want to surprise her. She’s going to flip her shit. Man, I’ve missed this place,” he yells over his shoulder.

  “I’m right behind you. Isn’t your dad gonna be here?”

  “Not tonight, but some of his boys will probably be here. The club makes sure everything runs smoothly in here, especially since Angel is here most of the time and if not her then Sadie is here and they’re family.”

  Angel is Tanner’s nickname for his cousin and I’ve heard him talk a lot about Sadie as well. Not sure what is going on with those two, but I hope he figures it out before it is too late. Something I wish I had figured out before I let Dani go without a backwards glance. Instead I got stuck with Sammy, who I finally got to leave me the fuck alone a few years back.

  We walk into the club and are greeted by a rough looking man in leather. Of course Tanner goes right up to him and gives him a man hug. He isn’t afraid of anything.

  “Ryker, this is Spook. He’s the Sergeant at Arms for the Southern Chaotic’s. Spook, this is Ryker. We were in the Marines together.”

  “How’s it going?” I shake his hand and he grunts back. Man of few words I guess.

  We walk further in and the music is blasting like we were in a nightclub. The place is set up like a bar not a strip club. The walls are painted a deep purple. The bar is over at the right. It is long and deep oak colored. It could probably seat about thi
rty people. The bar stools look like they are made out of pieces of motorcycles with teal cushions. There is a little blonde behind the bar serving drinks. The stage is in the center with the infamous pole in the center, but there is also what looks like pull-up bars swinging in the background. High-top tables line the walls with the same stools as the bar and in the far left corner is a congregation of men clad in leather. Tanner bounds up to the bar talking to the blonde.

  “Ryker, this is Sadie. Sadie this is Ryker.” Tanner introduces us. I nod at her and she gives me a small smile.

  “What can I getcha, Ryker?” Sadie practically purrs.

  “I’ll have a Beam and Coke.”

  She makes my drink completely bypassing Tanner. Hmmm…guess he already pissed her off.

  “Here ya go! It’s on the house!” I nod and wait to see if she is going to get Tanner anything, but nope she walks right past him to take care of someone else.

  “What did you do to her?” I say to Tanner underneath my breath.

  “I opened my mouth. I don’t have to say anything. I just have to make a sound and she just ignores me. I’m used to it. Let’s go sit down with the boys. I think the next dancer is up in a few.”

  We go to the table full of leather and take a seat at the end. Tanner makes introductions just as the DJ makes an announcement.

  “Alright everyone, you’ve been asking for her all night and you can think Jo Jo for convincing her to shake her ass on the stage, but we need a volunteer from the audience. You know how Angel rolls she is all about participation.”

  It doesn’t take long for one of the bikers to stand up and head for the stage.

  “Oh shit!” Tanner bellows or should I say Trigger since that is all he has been called since we got here. “Fucking Angel is dancing. Shit. Ryker you ain’t seen shit until you have seen Angel dance.”

  “Dude, isn’t she your cousin?”

  “Yeah, but I have seen her naked before. I’ve even seen her twat when she was having her twins. That was a big mistake. Word of advice when the doctor says I can see the head, don’t look. It isn’t pretty.” He gags.


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