Minor Glitches (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 1)

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Minor Glitches (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 1) Page 2

by Arden, Dana

  I turn to the stage and the guy who volunteered is handcuffed to a chair behind the pole with a smug smile on his face and above him is the hanging pull-up bar. Man I can’t wait to see what the fuck is done on a pull-up bar in a strip club.

  The music starts and it definitely isn’t what you would call stripper music. “Say It” by Flume pumps through the speakers. A tan, long legged brunette with a black lace masquerade mask on wearing a black lace wrap dress and no shoes strides out on the stage. Fuck. This woman is stunning. She slowly bends in front of the guy like she is telling him a secret, ass in the air, but all you can see is the bottom of her ass cheeks hanging out and it is an ass I wouldn’t mind grabbing a hold of. She slowly straddles him with her legs on either side of his hips, grinding slowly. She stands and takes off her dress as her hips swing and rotate gracefully from side to side. Once it is off, she stands there with her back to us facing the man who has the look of a man ready to lose control as she runs her hands all over the front of her. Please turn the fuck around. She puts one foot in front of his crouch on the chair and lifts one arm up to the pull-up bar pulling herself up.

  I have a good view of her back and the tattoos are marvelous. She has little foot prints running up her spine with little hand prints along the outside that are pulled together with vines making it look like a flower.

  She’s managed to turn facing the crowd with both knees squeezing on to the pull-up bar and her head is down between the guy’s legs along with her hands gripping his thighs. The position makes her look like she is sucking him off. She is only in a black thong and her tits dangle. Fuck my jeans just got tighter.

  She gradually lets one leg down and then the other, little by little lowering her bottom half to the man’s lap. Her upper body strength is remarkable. She rises and walks towards the pole, long enough for me to get a good look at her tits, which I must say are a perfect handful and her nipples are pierced. Can this woman get anymore attractive? I feel like a teenage boy getting ready to cum in his pants and I haven’t even been touched.

  She is nothing but a swirl on the pole. How the fuck is she staying on it and spinning so much? She finally stops mid-pole and spreads her legs. Shit, women talk about their panties getting wet well I’m here to tell you my boxer briefs might be collecting a little wetness. She glides down the pole with her legs still spread and comes to a halt at the floor doing a split. She does a back handspring and her pussy lands in the guys lap. She leans back with her back to his chest and slowly grinds on him. Her arms are lifted and are holding on to the back of the chair, which pushes out her tits.

  The guy is trying so hard to get out of those handcuffs. I feel his pain. I would’ve been trying to escape the minute she was in front of me. The song slowly comes to an end and the little vixen leaves the stage as her hand glides against the guy’s chest and his head turns as he watches her leave.

  Once she is gone, there is nothing but cat calls and hoots. I feel like I should be giving her a standing ovation. My cock is probably going to have a permanent zipper imprint from that performance and it’ll definitely be put in the spank bank for later.

  I finally come out of my trance and look at Trigger who has a shit-eating grin on his face.

  “I told you, fucker. She put you under her spell and you weren’t even close to her,” he chuckles.

  “You got that right. Man, she is phenomenal,” I say a little out of breath like I just ran a 5K.

  “She gets everyone rung up.” A blonde says as she is picking up empty bottles from the table.

  “I can believe it,” I retort with a smirk.

  “Hey Trigger, do you mind taking these and undoing Chase. I am sure he wants to stay there but I don’t think the other girls would appreciate it.” She says with a giggle.

  “Yeah, I’ll get that shithead down.” Trigger takes the keys and heads to the stage.

  The blonde turns to me and throws out her hand. “I’m Jolene. You can think me personally for that great performance in person later if you like since I was the one to get her ass up there.” She looks familiar, but I can’t place where I’ve seen her before.

  “Nice to meet you, Jolene, but I’m going to have to pass on the invite. I think I might want an introduction to Angel.”

  Jolene smiles. “Good luck with that one.” She turns and heads back to the bar to unload her tray.

  Trigger returns to the table with one happy Chase. I feel ya man. I would be too. The men around the table give him cheers of approval and fist bumps.

  As I look around the bar, I see that Sadie has been switched out with a brunette and if I’m not mistaken it would be by Angel. God I wish I knew her real name. Turning to Trigger I see him with his eyes strictly on Sadie.

  “Trigger, what is your cousin’s name.” He looks at me like I am stupid.

  “Dani. This is her place.” Well then.

  “How long has she been here?” I ask.

  “She moved here about eight years ago and after she had the twins she started getting everything drawn up for the bar. Originally, it was just going to be a bar, but we convinced her that she would make more money if she had dancers. With the backing from the Chaotic’s, she was able to get this built and it blew up from there.”

  “What’s her full name?” Just staring at her she looks so much like my Dani, but that can’t be because my Dani wouldn’t be caught dead in a strip club and definitely not stripping.

  “Dani Angeline Hale. My dad is her mother’s brother.”

  “You have got to be shitting me!!” I turn to see a very confused Trigger.


  “I dated a girl named Dani Hale in Roanoke, Virginia.” Trigger is going from confused to utterly pissed off.

  “Motherfucker!!!!!” He slams his hand on the table and gets up making a beeline to the bar.

  The men at our table turn to me and then watch Trigger charge the bar. What the fuck is wrong with him? I don’t even attempt to go after him. He is in a heated conversation with his cousin.

  She finally makes eye contact with me and my heart stops. The same green eyes that have been in my dreams for the passed eight years are staring back at me. She motions for Sadie to take over the bar and then she comes around in a pair of short white shorts, a tight purple tank top with Dani’s across her chest in teal and a pair of pink Chucks. She doesn’t look very happy to see me, but I guess I wouldn’t be either if roles were reversed and she had left me without a word.

  Finally she is standing in front of me with a fake smile on her face.

  “Ryker Marks, long time no see. I hope you are enjoying yourself.”

  “It is good to see you, Dani.”

  “Same to you. How are Sammy and the baby?” How the hell does she know about that? Fuck, I should’ve known she would have found out straight from the viper’s mouth. Fucking Sammy.

  “I wouldn’t know since the baby wasn’t mine and I haven’t seen Sammy in a few years.” Her color drains from her face and looks like she is about to be sick.

  “Well I hope you enjoy your night.” Before I can comment, she is turning around and walking back to the bar as though I never existed.

  Trigger comes back to the table after Dani returns to the bar and plops down with a huff. “Man, I cannot believe you are her Ryker. Fuck, there goes a fun visit for you, buddy. I hope you like getting your ass kicked.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about? I haven’t seen Dani in years. I know I left her in a shitty way, but other than that I haven’t done a fucking thing to her to get my ass whipped.”

  “You sure about that, because I know otherwise and I know that your ex and family gave her plenty of reasons to be pissed off with you.”

  I guess it is time to have a sit down with one angry Dani and figure out what the hell is wrong with her.

  Chapter 3


  Once I’m back behind the bar, I release a deep breathe. Sadie is looking at me with sympathy. I don’t want it and I don’t n
eed it. I’m a survivor! I have battled enough uncertainty in my life that I take each beautiful thing as a shining star. My babies are my life and why I work myself to death, so they never feel like they are missing out on anything. So far, they haven’t. They are surrounded by family everyday. But right now, I feel like I am drowning in emotions that I have suppressed for years.

  Ryker hasn’t changed much. He is still the tall, brown-haired god I thought he was eight years ago, but with more bulk.

  When Trigger came to the bar bitching about me not telling him that he knew my Ryker, I was so dumbfounded. Then when I was met with the sparkling blue-eyes that matched both my kids, I felt sick to my stomach. Who would have thought that Trigger would have met my Ryker in the military and then brought his ass home with him when he decided not to re-enlist.

  Life just got a little more interesting since most of the people in this bar know or have heard about Ryker and have no clue they are sitting at a table with my kids’ father.

  By the confused expression on his face everytime I glance over at the table, his parents must’ve failed to show him the pictures of his kids that I’ve sent to their house every year on the twin’s birthday. I sent the first one a week after they were born and of course I didn’t hear anything back.

  “Dani, do you want to take off and I can close up?” Poor Sadie has no clue how to approach me right now. Shit, I don’t know how to handle the thoughts swimming in my head.

  “No, babe. I wore my big girl panties to work and plan to continue to wear them regardless. This is just another minor glitch in my life, but you know that you and I have a date with a bottle Beam when we get home.” I try to laugh, but fail completely.

  “You got it, girly. You and me against the world and a house full of heathens.” Sadie says this like we are superwomen and pumps her fist in the air.

  This time I do actually laugh because she couldn’t be further from the truth since we have three kids under the age of 8 that are full of energy from the time they wake up to the time they hit their pillows at night. My laugh is cut off when Ryker takes a seat across from me at the bar.

  “So Dani, I guess we should catch up, huh?” Ryker’s deep gravely voice sends a shiver down my spine. Just remember he left you, not the other way around and he gave you two beautiful babies you wouldn’t have without him.

  “I guess we do. How are your parents?” Yeah, I am being a bitch but they were the ones who decided that I wasn’t worth their son’s time.

  “They are good. I’m going home in a few days to see them and check things out at home. I’m supposed to be staying with Trigger’s cousin, but I’m going to guess that you’re that cousin and I need to make other arrangements.” Fucking Trigger.

  “No, you can stay with Trigger, but I think you should call your parents or maybe even Skype with them before you go to my house.”

  “Why would I do that?” He asks confused.

  “Ryker, I suggest you ask them about the pictures they receive on April 18 th of every year since you enlisted.”

  “Damn it, Dani. What the fuck are you talking about? You are confusing the hell out of me, so just spit it out!”

  “Let me just say that eight years ago you left me with two very special presents and for that I’ll say thank you, but as far as spitting the rest out, you need to talk to your parents and maybe even Sammy.”

  “Fine. Whatever you want, Dani.” He gets up and goes to where Trigger is still sitting at the table with the rest of the brothers, who are still trying to figure out what Ryker and my deal is, but I’m not opening my mouth.

  Trigger looks at me with a nod and I nod back. He knows the story, but he also knows I am not one to hold a grudge unless it has hurt me deeply and he knows what it was like with me when I moved here to be closer to my family.

  Trigger gets up and leads Ryker out the door.

  My phone buzzes in my back pocket and I pull it out to see a text from Trigger.

  Trigger: I’ll keep him in the basement.

  Me: Much appreciated.

  The rest of the night goes smoothly. Sadie and I are piling into my Mustang exhausted and ready to get home. I start my girl up and none other than “Meant to Be” by Bebe Rexha and Florida Georgia Line is blaring from the car speakers. I look over at Sadie who snorts. I just shake my head. Ironic, huh?

  We pull up to my two-story dream house. It is just like the house that Ryker and I planned out in our heads for when we had a family. I’ve been blessed with my business at the bar that I was able to design my five bedroom home with a full basement that is basically like having another house. The basement has two bedrooms, full bathroom, kitchen and game room equipped with a big screen, Xbox, and pool table.

  We get out of the car and trudge up the steps and enter as quietly as possible. The kids have school tomorrow and I don’t need them up at two in the morning ready to go. Apparently Trigger released his mom, Aunt Queenie, from babysitting duty.

  Sadie sits at the table in the kitchen and I go straight for the liquor cabinet above the fridge, pulling out my best friend, Jim Beam and two shot glasses. I head to the table and pour the shots, sucking it back like it doesn’t burn the shit out my throat and sigh.

  “Who would’ve thought the day would come when I’d come face to face with Ryker Marks and in my bar of all places.” I look at Sadie as she pours two more shots.

  “What are you going to do? He’s here and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere since he is downstairs right now.” I think she is just as frustrated as I am.

  “What else is there to do? I told him to talk to his parents. They created this mess between us and I don’t know how much he was involved.” I shut my mouth as I hear heavy footsteps on the downstairs’ steps.

  Sadie and I are sitting like statues trying to figure out who is coming upstairs. We only have two options, Trigger or Ryker. About three seconds later, we have Trigger walking in the kitchen with only boxer briefs on. Jesus, can the man at least put on some shorts. Ugh.

  “Good evening, lovely ladies! Just came up to have a few words with Angel and then I’ll go back downstairs.” He sits in the chair next to me with a petulant look on his face. If he keeps looking at me like this he is going to get a karate chop in the throat.

  “Just say what you got to say, Trigger. I am all ears.”

  “Well, just wanted to let you know that baby daddy is in bed for the night and he is totally stupid to whatever you told him. He keeps asking me about presents that he left you and that he didn’t leave you anything behind. He says he doesn’t know why his parents would know about the presents.” He wipes a hand down his face. “I don’t know what to tell him because this is the Dani show not mine, but he’s going out of his mind trying to figure it all out.”

  “I told him to call his parents. They’ve known about the presents since they were born. Is it my fault that they didn’t tell him?”

  “No it isn’t your fault. God, I wish I had put two and two together and got six.” Sadie giggles at Triggers analogy.

  “Trigger, two plus two is four not six, dumbass.” Sadie whispers the last word. Trigger just stares at her like she’s going to disappear the more he looks at her.

  “Trigger, it is not your responsibility to figure shit out that involves me. His parents turned their back on me and sided with skankalicious. They knew I was trying to contact Ryker. They have known about Rory and Tate from the very first letter with pictures attached about them after they were born. They have had every opportunity over the last eight years to tell him or contact me to make things right, but they didn’t. Don’t worry about anything. All we need to worry about is being there for Rory and Tate, because once they figure out Ryker is their dad they are going to need us.”

  “I gotcha, Angel and we got them. Those kids have never been alone and they never will be.” On that note, he gets up from the chair and goes back downstairs.

  “Jesus, Dani. I feel like I am in a soap opera. When did all the drama come rainin
g down on our La-La land.” Sadie laughs.

  “One Life to Live just turned into Days of Our Lives.” I tell her after taking another shot. “I am heading off to bed before the monsters wake up.”

  We both get up and head up the stairs to the second floor. She goes to her room and I go to mine crashing on top of my bed fully dressed.

  Chapter 4


  I wake with a start. It sounds like a herd of elephants are running around upstairs. Jesus, what is going on up there? I get out of bed and put on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.

  The downstairs is empty, so I’m going to go out on a limb and say Trigger is upstairs. I make my way upstairs hoping that Dani is in a better mood this morning and I can get some answers.

  As I open the door, I hear children giggling. The basement door opens up to a spacious living room with plush light beige carpet. The living room is exactly like the one that Dani and I talked about all those years ago. The walls are a soft blue color. Against one wall is a brown leather sectional with a big ottoman in the middle of the floor facing a big screen TV hanging over a stone fireplace. The living room opens to what I am guessing is the kitchen/dining room, so I head in that direction since that is where all the noise is, but before I’m able to round the corner, there is a big picture of two kids and Dani.

  I am speechless and my hands are shaking as I move my finger over the little boy and then the little girl. What had Dani said about presents, “ you left me with two very special presents and for that I will say thank you.” I guess I know what those presents were, but why the hell didn’t she tell me about them herself.

  My eyes begin to water, because the little boy looks just like me. He has my smile with dimples and same blue eyes. The little girl is the spitting image of Dani except she has my eyes too. I’ve missed so much of them growing up and I am so confused as to why she kept them from me.


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