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Minor Glitches (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 1)

Page 4

by Arden, Dana

  “That’s good to know. Think twice about tea parties. Gotcha.” He says on a chuckle.

  He thinks I am playing with him. He will be dolled up in party dresses and makeup before he knows it and I am going to remind him of that Gotcha.

  “Tate is all boy. He will play any sport and is very good at almost everything. He’s playing baseball right now, so you will have practices and games to go to if you want.” He nods. “He plays Xbox all the time and I have to limit it or he will be on it all day. He is laid back. I don’t have many problems with either of them. They mind their p’s and q’s, and have manners better than most adults. I have been really lucky.”

  I look up to see that he has moved closer to me and my breath hitches. He pulls me to him in a hug and I instantly relax into him. His scent hasn’t changed in eight years.

  “You have done great with them, baby girl. I couldn’t have asked for a better mother for my children.” He murmurs in my ear and I feel the tears start to slide down my face.

  I don’t know why I am crying. I know I have done well with them. I don’t need him to justify that for me. But instead of starting on a rampage, I just step back and give him a smile and a nod.

  “I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He wipes the tears from my cheek.

  “I’m good. Don’t worry about it,” I croak.

  The front door opens and closes. Trigger walks in followed by my dad and mom. Trigger takes a seat on the couch watching to see how my parents react to Ryker.

  “Hey Momma and Dad.” I walk over and hug both of them. “What are you two doing over?” They both are looking right past me and to the man of the hour, Ryker.

  “We heard you had another glitch and we would make sure our little girl is doing okay.” Anytime something has not gone as expected, we have always called them glitches not problems. My father pats my cheek, but is still staring at Ryker.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Hale, it is good to see you again. You look as you are doing well.” Ryker plainly states while continuing the stare down with my dad. What is with the alpha-male bullshit, just say hi and be done with it. There is no need for all this posturing.

  My mom is the one to speak up first. “We are doing well, Ryker. I came to talk about the twins’ birthday party. Jobe just decided he would ride along since his phone has been buzzing since last night with messages about Dani and some man named Ryker at the bar having a little spat. I am guessing you are that Ryker.”

  “Yes ma’am I guess I am. I was definitely thrown for a loop last night, but I think after this morning we are trying to move past everything as best we can.” Ryker responds looking from me to my mom as if confirming what he is saying.

  “Well, let’s hope so. Dani has been through enough and I am hoping your family isn’t on their way down here to start anymore bullshit.”

  “Mother!” My mom is not one to cuss at all, so I’m shocked.

  “Dani, it isn’t a lie. You moved down here distraught and hurt, because two people you respected treated you like shit.” She looks at Ryker with her eyebrows raised. “I will tell you this once, Ryker Marks, and I won’t say it again, if those two babies and my daughter ever have to deal with the bullshit that came out of your mother’s mouth or even that nasty hussy of a fiance, wife or whatever the hell she is to you now, I will have the Southern Chaotic’s boot their asses out of Cumming and send your ass packing right along with them. You hear what I am saying to you?” She points her finger at Ryker. Momma is rung up tight and finally daddy stops his staring contest and wraps an arm around her trying to calm her down.

  “I hear you Mrs. Hale completely. I am not here to make their lives difficult. I want to help with them and I will not let anyone hurt them again.” He says this with so much devotion that it is hard not to believe him.

  I turn to my mom, so I can get her out of this room before she breaks down because she is just like me once the anger is gone the tears follow.

  “Come on, momma. Let’s go get some coffee and we can finish the plans for the party. Daddy, why don’t you and Ryker go out on the back deck. I’ll bring ya’ll some tea.”

  “That sounds like a plan, doll baby. Ryker let’s go check out the backyard.” My dad heads for the sliding glass door while Ryker turns to me and winks. Of course my mom catches that and eyes me with one eyebrow raised this time. Thanks a lot, Ryker.

  Chapter 6


  I’ve been sitting out on the back porch with Dani’s father for the past ten minutes with no words spoken between each other. The backyard is a couple acres and has a playground, along with an in-ground pool. Dani has definitely made an awesome home for her and the kids.

  Her dad clears his throat and I look at him but he is still staring off towards the woods at the back of the yard. “Dani has done all this on her own. When she got here, we weren’t sure what we were going to do with her. She was lost and broken hearted. It took her almost a month to tell us what happen back in Virginia and we didn’t know she was pregnant with the twins until she took her mother to a doctor’s appointment three months after she moved here. My girl has paved her own way and I hope you know that even though those babies are yours, Dani doesn’t need you so if you can’t handle all that is her and the kids then let them be.”

  “Mr. Hale, I respect what you’re saying but I have no intentions of leaving my kids or Dani for that matter. I loved her with all I was, but I was young and stupid when I left. When my parents told me she moved, I figured it was because she was moving on since I left her without a word. There hasn’t been a day that I haven’t thought about her and regretted my actions, but in my mind I was finding stability so when I came home I would be able to make the life with her that we had planned. I figured if I told her I was going into the Marines, she would have left anyway.”

  “I guess you didn’t know her as much as you thought, huh. She didn’t need you to figure out her life. Look at what she has accomplished in eight years. She is a single-mother, owns her business and home, and she did it all without you. Just imagine what you two could have had if you hadn’t left.” He has a point, but we can’t change the past. It is done and over with.

  “She has done really well. She isn’t the same shy girl I knew back then, but I’m proud of her. And the kids are awesome. They are so full of life. I can’t wait to spend time with them. Just seeing them at breakfast wasn’t enough.” He finally turns and has a smile on his face.

  “Those babies are going to be heartbreakers and Lord help us when Rory gets older when boys aren’t stinky and have cooties.” He laughs and I try to smile but it quickly turns in to a frown.

  “I don’t think I want to think about that right now.” I mumble and all he does is laugh louder. I am glad he finds this funny. If Rory still looks like her momma when she is a teenager, I might need to have a full arsenal of guns and grenades.

  Dani sticks her head out the sliding glass door and tells us to come in for lunch. Her father and I get up and go into the kitchen and instead of sandwiches already made there is lunchmeat, bread and all the fixings on the island. She has set out plates and a few cans of Pringles. Well, I guess it is fend for yourself.

  Dani and her mom are at the table eating and have their heads together over a notebook. When I sit down at the head of the table next her, she doesn’t even acknowledge me. I squeeze her knee and she jumps with a small shiver taking over her body. I’m glad to know I still affect her.

  “Dani, what are ya’ll plotting?” She looks over at me and swallows a piece of sandwich.

  “We are planning out the rest of the party for the kids. They want all this stuff, but isn’t warm enough for a water slide so we are trying to figure out substitutions. We think a bounce house and a blow up slide would be good. What do you think?”

  I take a sip of my tea contemplating what I would want if I was turning seven. “Sounds fun for the kids. What about Nerf guns for the boys? I mean you are having a party at the clubhouse and from what Trigger says most
of the brothers are veterans. They could all participate in a little Nerf battle.” Dani giggles and her mom, Hope, is biting on her pen.

  “What a great idea? We can make it old versus young. Daddy you can be on the old man team, say from 40 and up and then have the youngins’ from 30 and under.” Jobe gives his daughter what I guess his supposed to be the stink eye but it doesn’t work because she is laughing her ass off and Hope is trying her hardest not to laugh, but a small chuckle leaves her mouth.

  “Fine doll baby, but when the old men kick the youngins’ asses you owe me a day of riding.” What the hell is a day of riding?

  “I can do that since we haven’t been in a while. I should probably take my bike to Uncle Rudy’s shop to get checked out. I haven’t ridden her since early fall.” Dani rides a fucking bike. What the hell?

  “Baby girl, you have a motorcycle?” I say gruffly. She just stares at me and nods.

  “Yep. I’ve been riding with the club since the kids were a year old. It is a way to clear my head. It gives me a sense of freedom when all of my responsibilities get too much. Sadie rides too.”

  “Well, fuck.” I mutter and Jobe laughs. “I guess I need to bring my Harley down here.” She just smiles at me while Jobe grunts.

  “Seems we have something else in common, Ry.” Ry, I haven’t been called that since I left her and I want to hear that more often. “Rory and Tate love riding, but they usually fight over who rides with me so it is a rock-paper-scissors battle and then I have to get someone to ride with me so the one who lost is on the back of a bike.”

  “Then I guess it’s good that I don’t plan on going anywhere, huh.” She smiles and nods her head.

  Hope clears her throat. “So do you want us to pick up the Nerf guns?”

  “Nah, Momma. We can take the kids including Trigger to the store and pick them up tonight.” Of course, Trigger walks in at that moment like he was waiting for his name to be mentioned.

  “What am I doing tonight? Because I was planning to go see some big ole titties bounce tonight?” Hope shoots him a dirty look and Jobe just shakes his head.

  “We are going gun shopping and probably dinner out? I’ll feed you if you shut your face and you can go watch the boobies later. Sound good?” Dani huffs out.

  “I love guns, so I’m kosher.” Trigger gets a drink and goes back to the living room to do whatever he was doing before.

  “Dani, I don’t know how you put up with his ass. I would have tied him in the basement with a gag.” Jobe tells her while she laughs and I can tell she is probably picturing Trigger tied up downstairs in his tighty whities with a ball gag in his mouth.

  “I put up with his shit because I know when shit hits the fan he’s got my back.” She sobers and glances at me.

  Jobe laughs. “Man I wish ya’ll had recorded him the day you had the kids. All I know is he was laid up in the corner when you were allowed to have visitors.”

  “What am I missing?” I look at Dani and Hope who have lost themselves in a fit of giggles.

  “Trigger thought it would be a good idea to look between Dani’s legs when the doctor told them he could see Tate’s head. Dumbass passed the fuck out and then woke up babbling about how it was the worst idea he has ever had. Let’s just say he couldn’t think about pussy for quite awhile without shuddering.” Jobe smirks.

  “Well, I’ll keep that bit of information in the vault.” I say tapping my temple.

  “Well, doll baby we are going to hit the road. Call us if you need anything.” He goes to Dani and kisses her on the head. Hope gets up and they both head for the front door.

  The rest of the afternoon is filled with Dani and me dancing around each other. Few words are said, but I can tell she is avoiding me so she doesn’t have to worry about getting too close, but I got news for you baby girl, I am not backing down when I finally have you in my sights once again.

  Chapter 7


  At around two thirty, Dani, Trigger and I pack up in Dani’s Excursion. Why am I not surprised that she has a Stang and Excursion? Because this girl always talked about her dream cars, the only one that wasn’t on that list was the Harley. I guess that is a part of being around the Chaotic’s.

  We get to the kids’ school and walk into the office area and are greeted by a short and plump lady with glasses.

  “Good afternoon, Dani. Are you here to get all three kids today?” She glances from Dani to me and Trigger with a little hesitation. I guess having two men that are over six feet tall hovering can make some people a little nervous.

  “Hello, Ms. Danver. Yes, I need to pickup Tate, Rory and Lyla. I also need to add a name on Tate and Rory’s emergency contact list and pickup sheet if that is possible now.” Dani turns to me with her hand out palm up. “Ryker, I need your ID and then you’ll have to fill out the forms so if they can’t get in touch with me for the kids, they’ll call you and you’ll be able to pick them up from school.”

  I pull my wallet out of my back pocket and hand it over. Ms. Danver is holding a sheet of paper out for me to fill out, so I take the time and do that. I’m a little overwhelmed that Dani is letting me have this access to the kids this soon, but I should’ve known. Dani doesn’t resent me, just the events that occurred.

  We finish in the office and walk out in the foyer and wait for the kids. There is a long hallway in front of the school doors where we are. I see Rory first and then she is followed by Tate who takes her hand and then they go to another door and wait. A couple minutes later Lyla walks out and grabs Tate’s other hand. They head down the hall and I’m impressed with my son. Dani has raised a little boy who looks after his sister and Lyla.

  They finally get to us and Tate lets their hands go. All the kids hug on Dani as she bends down and they are steady chatting about their day, except Tate who is staring at me.

  “What’s up little man? You doing okay?” I bend down and he comes up to me.

  “You’re my dad aren’t you?” He whispers close to my face and I turn towards Dani, but she hasn’t heard what he has asked. I just nod my head and he does the same thing and I grab his hand and we walk out the door with Trigger by my side and the girls behind us heading to the Excursion.

  Once we get the kids buckled into the back of the truck, I stop Dani at the back of the truck. “Baby girl, Tate just asked if I was his dad and I confirmed it.” She nods with tears in her eyes. “We need to fill Rory in if she hasn’t figured it out herself.”

  “We will go sit down and eat at Moe’s Diner and tell her. Then all we can do is wait for it to sank in and see how she reacts.” She gives me a hug and heads to the driver’s side as I make my way to the passenger seat.

  Once we are in the truck, Dani starts it up and turns to the kids. “Are you guys hungry? We can go to Moe’s and then go to the store to pick up stuff for your birthday party.” The kids scream with yeah’s and I’m starving. I laugh at them, because I would’ve never expected my life to be like this.

  We pull into Moe’s a few minutes later and it’s like walking into a 50’s diner. Dani, Trigger and the kids get plenty of hellos. As for me, I’m getting the proverbial stare down as the customers and some of the staff are trying to figure out where I fit into this situation. We sit at a six-top table in the back and place our drink order with our waitress. The kids are on one side and the adults are on the other with Dani in the middle of me and Trigger.

  The waitress brings back our drinks and Dani orders for herself and the kids. Trigger and I order last. Then Dani straightens her shoulders and looks back and forth between Tate and Rory who are coloring on their menu with Lyla.

  “Rory. Tate. Look at me for a minute.” The kids raised their heads and look at Dani. “I want to talk to you about Ryker. Okay?” Tate nods is head, but Rory just puts her head back down and starts coloring.

  “Momma, I know who Ryker is. We don’t need to talk about it.” Rory mumbles. “He is Tate and my dad who went away to the military and Trigger brought him back h
ome to us. Right, Ryker.” What can you say to that, so I just nod.

  Dani clears her throat. “Okay baby girl, but if you have questions all you have to do is ask.”

  Rory looks at me and studies me for a minute. “When can we call you daddy, Ryker?”

  “Baby you two can call me daddy whenever you want. It is totally up to you. I know I’ve missed a lot but I don’t plan to go anywhere anytime soon.”

  She nods. “Okay, Daddy.” And my breathe hitches.

  I have never thought about having kids, but being called Daddy has knocked the wind out of me. Dani pulls me out of thoughts by squeezing my thigh and asking if I am okay and I nod.

  We finish our meal and then spend about an hour in Walmart picking up a shitload of Nerf guns. Tate and Trigger haven’t stopped talking about how they are going to take on the old crones on Sunday. We finally get back to the house around seven and it is homework, which isn’t a lot, and bath time.

  The girls are taking a bath in the downstairs tub and Tate is in the bath room on the second floor doing his thing. I check on Tate first and he is laid back in a bubble bath, chilling. He must get that from his mother. I am more of a ten minute shower kind of man.

  I go downstairs to check on the girls and before I can reach the door, I can hear them giggling and splashing. I open the door to pop my head in and both girls start screaming. What the fuck!

  “Rory what’s wrong, baby?”

  “Get out, Daddy. Boys aren’t supposed to see girls’ goodies. Momma said so and you can’t come in here because you are a boy and you’ll see our goodies.” Rory is still screeching so I just turn around.

  “Okay, I’ll get out of here so I don’t see any goodies.” I walk out the door still chuckling about my little girl screaming so I can’t see her goodies. Dani sure is making sure our little girl keeps her virtue. Good to know.


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