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Liquid Assets (Liquid Regret #3)

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by MJ Carnal

  Chapter 18

  “When you walk out of here tonight, you are going to be followed everywhere. The daddy is a senator thing I could swing in our favor but I refuse to touch this.” Joshua looks at me with concern written all over his face. “Those were some pretty heavy accusations out there, Max. If it’s all true, we will stand behind you a thousand percent.”

  “Of course it’s all true, Seymour.” My anger is back. “Why the fuck would I lie about this?”

  “Calm down, Callum. I didn’t say you were lying. I just want to discuss what we are going to say when the press hounds us. Sit down.” He points at the empty couch and I growl at him as I take a seat and pull Rachel down into my lap.

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” Chance turns to me. “All those nightmares, man. We could have done something.”

  “What would you have wanted me to say? Hey guys, my step mom and her drunk, cigarette smelling man toys used me like a bounce house at a kid’s party? Is that what you want to hear? Because I don’t know how anyone could respect me after something like that.” I make eye contact with Rachel. “I don’t know how anyone could possibly want me after something like that.”

  Damien shakes his head. “That doesn’t define who you are.”

  “It defines everything that I am. It’s why my head is fucked up and I can’t sleep. It’s why I haven’t touched a woman in years. It’s why I’m still too fucked up to handle this like a man and I had to make an ass out of myself in front of the press the past few weeks.”

  “Dude, we all have bullshit in our past.”

  “Do we, Chance? Do we really? Because I don’t see you spewing your greatest hits in front of the press. Being a man whore and living on a diet that consists only of hamburgers doesn’t seem like bullshit from where I’m sitting.”

  Rachel touches my face and I’m instantly calmed. “Why don’t we all stop and take a deep breath. Joshua is over there about to have an aneurysm rupture so let’s give him a minute to figure all this out.”

  “Being seen with a bunch of women or being accused of drugs and alcohol go with the territory. You’re rock stars. You lost your right to privacy the first time you stepped on stage. You signed on for this life. But all that bullshit isn’t real life. This is. You are my priority and I need to protect you.” Joshua paces. “I think we need to lay low the next few weeks.”

  “No one is going to hide out because of my fuck ups.” This isn’t fair to the guys. “I’ll step down from the band before I let anyone else stop living their lives because of my fucked up childhood.”

  “No you won’t. Stop talking like that. We all need a break. This leg of the tour is over. Let’s take a few weeks and just have a life.” Harley puts his hand on my shoulder. “We’re a family. Let’s spend time together and enjoy being home. D’s wedding will be the next big thing so let’s just ride this out.”

  “Ok?” Rachel brushes my hair off my face. “Just take some time for you. Maybe you’ll be able to sleep a little better. You look like you haven’t slept in months.”

  “It’s the stress of all the women.” Chance laughs. “Bringing all those women back to the hotels for me. Getting his picture taken with all my toys. It takes a lot out of you.”

  “For you?” Rachel’s voice is quiet but her face has a new light.

  “Oh please. Did you see those women? They would have eaten Max alive.”

  “You ready to go home?” She looks a little confused but nods her head yes. If she thinks she’s ever going back to her little apartment, she’s wrong. She’s been out of reach for so long that there’s no way I’m letting her go.

  The flashbulbs blind us as we pull onto my road. This is going to be a circus and I have no one to blame but myself. I could have handled this better but fuck it. He deserves every bit of blow back that’s coming his way. My job now is to protect Rachel and make sure the rest of the band isn’t being followed.

  “Grab my jacket out of the back seat.” My voice sounds more like a bark but she reaches around and pulls it to the front seat. “Throw that on and pull the hood up. I don’t want you all over the press. You don’t deserve that.”

  “Max, it’s fine.”

  I pull into the driveway and take a deep breath. “Rach, my life is crazy and now I’ve poured gasoline all over the fire. I need to keep you safe and part of that is making sure your name isn’t everywhere. These assholes with the cameras have the power to ruin your life. Please, just do this for me.”

  Her hand finds my cheek and I lean into it. She has a way of calming me with a simple touch. I push her hair behind her ears and kiss her forehead before pulling the hood up. My jacket swallows her and my heart swells. She’s so beautiful and I just want to pull her to me and kiss her until morning.

  Something inside me shifts. I feel it like a shot-gun blast to the chest. I don’t want to be without her for one second. I have this primal instinct to protect her and make her mine. I don’t even want to look away from her for fear that I’ll miss her too much. I ache thinking about her walking out the door tomorrow to even go to work. Damien told me once that love is painful and makes you scared to even take a breath. In this moment, I know exactly what he means. I rub my hand across my chest. I’ve been empty for so long. My whole life has been dark and a piece of my soul has been missing.

  She tilts her head and smiles at me. “You ok?”

  I feel like I’m going to cry. What the hell is happening to me? Her eyes see past all the bullshit. They always have. She doesn’t see Max the rock star. She doesn’t see the torture of my past or the burdens on my shoulders. She sees me, the me underneath the layers of shit that have been my reality for so long.

  I pull her to me and kiss her. I hold her tightly, not wanting even an inch of space between us. The kiss is gentle but full of promise. I love this woman. I’m so in love with her that I can’t breathe. It’s way too early to tell her. I don’t want to scare her away but I don’t want her ever questioning my feelings.

  A flash catches my attention and I jump back. My road is one thing but my driveway is off limits. I’m out of the car before I know what I’m doing. I reach for the camera but I’m not fast enough. He takes off running but he’s already gotten the picture. I growl and turn toward my front door.

  “Katrina.” Her name is like poison on my lips. “Get the hell off my property before I call the cops.”

  She puts her hand up. “Wait. I just want to get the story right. I’m not like them. I don’t want to expose every skeleton in the closet. I just want the truth.”

  “If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that I can’t trust anyone in the press. Maybe you aren’t like the rest of them but I’m done talking and you need to get off my property.”

  “Max, I can tell the story you want me to tell.” She’s persistent and now I’m getting angry.

  “Go.” I point to the road.

  “Who is she? Is she the next in line or is this someone important?” She shoves her recorder in my face and I lose it.

  I hit her arm so hard that the recorder launches into the air. When it hits the pavement, it shatters and I smile. Screw the press and their inability to let anyone have a second of peace. I’m done and she needs to go.

  “She’s off limits. You will not mention her. Ever!”

  Katrina smiles at me. “So she’s important. Got it.”

  I pull my phone from my pocket and dial Maddox. He doesn’t even say hello. Just tells me he’s on his way and hangs up. He’s a man of few words but someone I trust completely and always will.

  “I’ve called security. I suggest you go before this gets ugly.”

  “This got ugly a couple hours ago when you announced to the world that their next vice president is a child molester. I’m pretty sure it’s beyond ugly by now.”

  I shake my head. Katrina King. I’ve never wanted to punch a reporter so hard in my life. She’s five foot nothing and soaking wet, she’d weigh about as much as my shoes. I stand six and a half fe
et, broad and full of muscles and she looks at me like we’re the same size. A strong wind could carry this woman away but the threat of my mammoth security guard does nothing to persuade her to leave my driveway.

  “Woman, you have some balls on you. I’m done. I don’t know how else to say it. You need to leave.”

  She sits down. She fucking sits down. In my driveway. My jaw has to be hanging open. Who the fuck does this woman think she is? I turn to look at Rachel and she’s laughing. I must look like a giant next to her but this tiny woman has handed me my balls on a silver platter and I can’t do anything. I’d walk around her and go inside but I don’t want Rachel to get out of the car while this crazy bitch is sitting in my driveway.

  I look at Rachel one more time. Despite the hood, I can see her giant smile. I’m glad I could amuse her tonight. Katrina clears her throat and my eyes meet hers.

  “What the fuck?” I sit down next to her, ass on the pavement, and wait. If Maddox doesn’t hurry up, I’m going to have to talk to this woman.

  Chapter 19

  I know I shouldn’t laugh. Today’s been hell on Max. But this tiny woman, who I’ve seen at nearly every press conference, is too much. Max towers over her, the muscles in his arms rippling in anger. His jaw is clenched and I’ve never seen him like this. But she refuses to give up and as Max gets angrier, she gets more comfortable.

  When she sits down at his feet, I lose it. I can’t help myself. I laugh so hard, I snort. Thank God Max is outside. It’s too early to witness the true crazy that is Rachel. Max looks at me and I can’t even hide the fact I’m laughing. A smile ghosts across his lips and is gone by the time he looks away.

  I want to go out and help him but I’m afraid this woman might become my new best friend. Max looks at me again and then sits down with her in the driveway. Defeat at its finest and I can’t help myself. I cry with laughter. I need to know who she is. I need pointers on putting Max in his place.

  Headlights draw my attention as the black SUV drives into the driveway like it’s on fire. Before it’s even in park, Chance is out of the passenger door. Maddox is right behind him. I pull on the door handle and decide it’s time to head inside.

  “Go inside, Max.” Chance is standing over the reporter, shielding Max. “And you, get up. This horse and pony show is over.”

  “Wow. I didn’t realize when you called security that you’d have such a scary bodyguard. You get to be in the band and be all bad and threatening. Multi tasker. I like it.” Katrina stands up and looks up at Chance. “Care to comment on the events of the day?”

  I laugh so loudly that everyone looks at me. “Sorry.”

  “Get inside.” Chance barks at me and I salute him, causing Katrina to laugh. “Rachel, I’m not playing. Get your ass inside.”

  “Rachel who?” Katrina tries to walk toward me but Chance grabs her arm. “Let go of me, Lennon. I’m not one of your play things you can manhandle.”

  Max grabs me and pulls me to his chest. “This is serious, Rach. Please get inside.”

  “Ok.” I walk to the front door and Max is at my heels. I know this is a part of their world but I’m not sure if I see the threat. I’ve seen the masses chase Damien and Harley but I don’t usually see the cameras pointed in Max’s direction. I can’t even pretend to know what that must be like but I’m not someone interesting enough to feel like they’d chase me down.

  Once we’re inside, Max pulls me into a hug. “I know this is all new to you. You can’t trust anyone in the press. They’ll come across as your best friend or play on your emotions and make you feel like to you can confide in them. You can’t. Ever, Rach. They’ll stab you in the back and destroy you without a second thought. You need to promise me you’ll stay away from them and if you’re ever without me and they approach you, walk away or call me. If it gets bad enough, I’ll get you security. Go sit and I’ll make us something to eat.”

  “Max, I’m sure I’ll be fine.” I appreciate his worry but I lead a really boring life.

  “You are exactly who they’ll want to get to. To hurt me, they’ll target you. I don’t plan on letting you out of my sight.”

  I giggle. My alpha male. “That might be a little difficult since I have to work.”

  He stops in the doorway of the kitchen and turns around. His smile melts my heart. “Woman, don’t be stubborn. I’ll sit in the waiting room and wait for you.”

  I laugh and his eyes widen. I laugh even harder. This giant of a man wants to protect me and I’ve never felt better. He’s gorgeous and the thought of him sitting in the waiting room all day makes me laugh.

  “You think it’s funny?” He stalks toward me, every step with a purpose. “You’re laughing at me?”

  I scream and turn to run but he grabs me and throws me onto the couch. Before I can catch my breath, he’s on top of me. I laugh and try to squirm out from under him but he’s too heavy.

  He rips my shirt over my head and pulls the cup of my bra down, exposing my breast. His bites my nipple and I yelp. It happens so fast and I’m not expecting it. He sucks the peak into his mouth and now I’m squirming for another reason. My entire body heats. I reach for his shirt but he pins my arms above my head.

  “The last time you were on this couch, I told you I wouldn’t stop again. I meant it. Now close your eyes. I want you to feel every single nerve ending in your body. I want you to scream. And when you can’t take anymore, you’re going to beg.” He pinches my nipple. “It’s not funny anymore is it?”

  I gasp for breath. Just hearing the words almost sends me over the edge. I close my eyes and hold still. I feel the button on my pants give way as he shoves my jeans down my legs. He wastes no time ripping my panties from my body.

  “Stop wearing those. They just get in my way.” He growls as he buries his head between my legs. He sucks hard and I buck my hips forward. His tongue is sweet torture against my clit. I’m already soaked and ready but he doesn’t stop. His finger slides into me and keeps in time with his tongue. When he finds that spot that only he’s been able to find, I moan. My legs start to shake as I feel my climax starting to build.

  I’ve been with men in my life but none of them like Max. He can read my body and listens to my cues. When my breathing changes, his pace picks up. I’m so close to shattering.

  “I can feel your body begging for it.” Max sucks my clit into his mouth and I scream. He adds a second finger and pushes against the place that is now my favorite place to be touched. “You love this. You’re so swollen. Just a few more strokes and you’ll come all over my hand. Is that what you want? You want this?” He rubs again and I see stars.

  “Yes.” I pant and bite my bottom lip. “Right there.”

  He picks up his pace and the friction is too much. I explode, my back bucking off the couch and my toes curling hard.

  “Jesus, baby. You’re soaked. I need to taste you.” He licks his fingers before he buries himself between my legs once more.

  My whole body shakes with the strength of the orgasm. His tongue circles my clit again and I cry out. It’s so sensitive but I want more. I thrash under him and he pins me to the couch.

  “You’ve got a few more in there and you’re going to give them to me.” He stands up and kicks his shoes off. His pants follow. His erection springs free and he’s rock hard. I want to wrap my mouth around it. “You want this?”

  I shake my head yes and blush. I’ve never heard him like this and I’m so turned on, I can’t think straight.

  He rubs his erection against my hardened nub. It’s heaven. Skin on skin. I know I should stop him but I can’t. I want him and I don’t want to wait. He slides across my skin effortlessly, his cock teasing me. He stops at my opening, pushing in just a little and then pulling away and circling my clit again.

  He hangs his head and takes a deep breath. “Jesus you feel good. I need a condom. I’ll be right back.”

  “Don’t you dare move.” I pull him back on top of me. “I want you just like this. Please, Max. Ple

  He pushes inside and it’s heaven. Every part of my body is on fire. He moves and I feel every inch of him. He’s big and thick and I can’t imagine how anyone will ever compare to him again. Sex with him is a game changer. It won’t ever be the same.

  Chapter 20

  Rachel’s body was made for me to fuck. We fit together perfectly. When I move, her body answers. Her body is soft in the right places and her ass. There are no words for that perfect ass. She’s curvy and I have places to grip.

  I love to tease her. I pull all the way out and she whimpers. I shove back in and the sound is heaven. She’s soaked. I want to beat my chest like a cave man and yell that I made her that way. This beautiful woman lying under me, eyes glazed and body sated, is mine and no one will touch her again. I need to claim her. Over and over again.

  “You want to come again?” I can feel her swelling against my cock and I know she’s close. I pump into her quickly, feeling my cock rub against her G spot. She cries out. “My baby likes that. Oh yeah.”

  “Max.” She shakes her head back and forth, ecstasy just seconds away. She bites her bottom lip and her legs tense.

  I slow my pace and lean in to whisper in her ear. “This pussy is mine forever. No one will make you come again. Only me.”

  With that, I slam into her, over and over again, hitting that spot that’s so swollen, her body almost pushes me out. She screams my name and her nails pierce my skin. The burn is intense and I almost lose it. She comes so hard that my couch is soaked. It’s the single hottest thing I have ever seen in my life.

  Her whole body trembles under me but I’m not done. I slide in and out slowly, each stroke going deeper than the last. Her pussy pulses and her walls pull at me to let go. I shift my weight so that my body is rubbing against her clit on each push. Her eyes roll back and I smile.

  I feel my balls tighten. I take a deep breath and try to will it away. I need to feel her come around me once more. I need to feel that rush of burning hot pleasure all over me and watch it drip onto my couch again.


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