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Claiming the Dragon King: The Elite Guards Book Two

Page 32

by Amelia Hutchins

  He turned, finding a black-haired beauty watching him curiously.

  “Mórrígan,” he whispered breathlessly as she stared back at him. She had blue eyes, the color of the ocean tropics, exactly like his mother’s used to be.

  “You wish her healed, even though she is your sworn enemy?” she questioned.

  Had he prayed to her? He’d prayed to the Gods to save his wife, the mother of his child. So why was she here?

  “Because I am the Goddess of war, and the creator of dragons, child,” she said softly to his unanswered question. “You are of my blood, and she is not. You created a child and mixed the races. It was forbidden, and yet you allowed it to happen. Why would you bed down with the enemy?”

  “She isn’t my enemy,” he shocked himself as he answered. “She’s my world, and I adore her.”

  “You more than adore her, sweet boy,” she purred as she moved to Synthia, who turned her eyes in Mórrígan’s direction and nodded. “Danu’s daughter,” she mused barely above a whispered breath. “Quite beautiful and powerful,” she smirked as her hand came out to trace Synthia’s cheekbone. “She’s so much like her mother, and yet you only hold my eyes. Your son is both of both races. He’s a perfect mix of this world in a tiny being of great strength.” She moved to the child and placed her finger over his head, drawing his eyes to hers with a glow that made Blane’s heart thunder in his chest.

  “He is protected by Destiny and beyond your touch,” Synthia announced, showing them that she was privy to their conversation and aware of Mórrígan’s presence in the room. “He’s strong and yet vulnerable at this time. You are welcome in this world, Goddess, but know that I will protect him with my life. He is the perfect mix of Fae and dragon, both creatures you and my mother fought to create and the daughter you fought to keep alive. Bless him, for he will know many battles in his life and having you at his side will be the greatest advantage an offspring of a God can ever know. Bilé should not have whispered in Alazander’s ear to attack the dragons, but so many wrongs cannot make a right. Neither of them—he or my mother—were perfect, but neither are you, Mórrígan. But this world is in trouble, and both of your grandchildren will save it together as the Fates have decreed. Our destiny is merely to keep it alive until they come of age to save it. Atum will not interfere unless we war, so tell me, how far will you go to seek revenge? Danu is gone, and I am what replaced her. I’ve done you no wrongs and do not intend to. I will protect your grandchild and your great-grandchildren if you will vow to stand beside mine as they battle what is coming for them. Together, we can stand against anything the worlds throw at them.”

  “Your mother stood by and watched as Bilé whispered into the ear of that monster, making him come for my child,” she uttered fiercely as her tattoos began to glow. She had Celtic symbols everywhere on her exposed flesh, even her face. “The dragons were not the target that day. They were sent to murder my daughter. Tell me why I shouldn’t murder you to avenge my own child?”

  “Because I did not send him to harm your daughter,” Synthia pointed out gently. “And I am not my mother, just as you are not your parents. We only control our destiny when we choose the path to take. I choose to save the children; mine and your grandchild’s son, and the daughter Ciara now carries in her womb. By the way, dragon, don’t make me buy you a sticker that says Get off of Her, because I will.”

  Mórrígan laughed as she stole a glance in Blane’s direction. “He cannot help it; as Danu created the Fae to fuck to feed and recreate life in the process, I created the dragons to mate with the sole intention to multiply rapidly. They are rutting beasts, and together they will breed like no couple before them.”

  “Still, she should have had some time to heal between her children are born,” Synthia argued as she waved her hand. “I pray that her daughter lives through the iron poisoning, which is why my beast is taking so long. He senses her condition.”

  “She’s pregnant?” he demanded.

  “One week along,” Mórrígan pointed out delicately. “She is very strong; she will give you powerful children.”

  “It’s a girl?” he asked as he started to move towards her, only to remember he wasn’t corporeal yet.

  “Do you agree to help me?” Synthia asked, changing the conversation back to the former issue.

  “Goddesses were made for trickery,” she mused. “What assurance do I have that you will keep up your end of the bargain?”

  Synthia brought her perfectly painted fingernail to her heart and crossed it, leaving a golden line that crossed over her heart in a perfect X. Mórrígan nodded and followed with her own, sealing the promise.

  “Then we are bound to protect these new babies together you and me, Synthia. Destiny will be pleased.”

  “I am pleased,” a disembodied laugh filled the room. Synthia groaned as she watched Destiny materialize. “I see I am needed. The beast cannot save them both, and yet he refuses to admit defeat. If you were still Blood Fae, Synthia, it would be an easy task for you, right? Too bad he wasn’t willing to expose his secret long ago when you saved the Fae who were all filled with iron,” she hummed with a tight smile. Destiny waved her hand at Synthia’s lifted brow. “Of course I was there; you were coming into your powers, and you saved them. He could have as well, in this form, but he couldn’t reveal who he truly was, now could he?”

  “Save Ciara,” Synthia mumbled as she frowned deeply at Destiny’s words.

  Blane watched the newest Goddess as she moved to Ryder and then bent over Ciara, touching her belly before golden veins covered her flesh. Black lines moved up Destiny’s fingertips and entered her body before disappearing.

  “Tell your beast to let her sleep, Syn,” she murmured. “I’m glad you two have met and chosen to work together, because the Mages are beginning to march on Faery, and they’re not alone. The damage they will do to this world will be great, and every child born anew will have a part to play in healing it, I’ve made sure of it. Blane, I expect you to give Ciara a wedding with her family present. The things that girl endured to get to you were unfathomable. Somehow she made it through it even when I didn’t expect her to with my help. She deserves the world for thinking your stubborn ass was even worth saving.”

  “Agreed,” Synthia groaned. “I hate weddings, but she has earned one to remember. Getting her drunk to marry her was low, dragon. She deserves one surrounded by her family so that she knows she is not alone.”

  “I did what I thought was right at the time,” he uttered.

  “So you did, but then I didn’t give you a choice when I planted the thought, either,” Destiny laughed. When his eyes scanned her, she snorted. “Don’t look at me like that. You were born to be together, but you’re a stubborn one. I simply gave you a push; you just took it a step further. Ciara was born because you were. She was created for you, which is why she is every fantasy you have ever had, or ever will. Your destiny was formed before you were born, as was hers. You were both born to endure pain, and so you have. Only you can heal her broken pieces, and her, yours. So stop being a stubborn asshole and let the poor girl do what she was born to do. Your dragon wanted her even without knowing she was your destined mate. I wrote your name on her ribs. Didn’t you think it was strange she held your mark, or that she had the nightmare which showed you she carried it? Do I need to spell it out for you?” Her hands landed on her hips, and she scoffed. “I gave her that nightmare knowing you would invade her space. I literally showed you exactly who she was and who she was created for and you blatantly ignored it. I couldn’t give you more of a sign if I slapped it upside your head, boy.”

  “It was written in the language of the Gods, not my language,” he argued. “It held dragons on it, but the language was unreadable.”

  “You are filled with the blood of Gods,” she pointed out crossly. “It should come naturally to you.”

“It didn’t,” he argued.

  Mórrígan nodded and interrupted them before they could continue bickering. “I would be pleased to see you married and happy as well. She is a good mate, my grandchild. One worthy of carrying our blood.” She wiped at her eyes and frowned as she brought her hand away from her face. “I wasn’t allowed at your mother’s because I feared she would be discovered. I expect one worthy of both the Fae and dragons.”

  “Blane,” Ciara’s voice was groggy but steady as she called out for him.

  “Tell her how you feel first. Women need to hear it, and if you love her, tell her before she decides you are not worth the trouble, blood of mine,” Mórrígan stated before she vanished. He turned to look at Destiny, but she too had disappeared. His eyes landed on Synthia next.

  “I don’t do that poof thing yet,” Synthia said with a shrug. “I’m new at this shit.”

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Ciara awoke to Fury’s hungry cries, opening her eyes to find Blane and Ryder off in the corner, talking. She blinked to be sure she wasn’t still dreaming as she sat up and reached for the screaming infant who stopped as she touched him. Her breasts ached, and nausea swirled through her as she brought him to her breast.

  “How are you feeling?” both men asked at the same time.

  “Like I’m going to throw up,” she admitted.

  “It’s probably the new babe,” Ryder pointed out.

  “I was going to tell her, remember?” Blane grumbled.

  “Do it faster next time.”

  “Excuse me, but I’m not pregnant, you idiots,” she muttered as she rolled her eyes. They both stared at her. “You have got to be joking. I just had a baby!”

  Blane scratched his head uncomfortably as he sat beside her. “Dragons breed often, as in, even if you’re still feeding one, you can carry the next. I think I knocked you up again during the rite.”

  “I’m pregnant?” she mumbled with a sigh. “Gods help me.”

  “They did; three of them were at your bedside when you were sick. Destiny saved you and our daughter because, no matter how much he tried, your brother wasn’t going to be able to save you both.”

  “I really am pregnant? You are not getting sex again for years!” she complained. “You do know the last time hurt, right?”

  “We will take precautions,” he laughed. “Because I’m not staying off of you,” he admitted huskily. “Synthia is already having stickers made, I’m sure of it.”

  “That say what?” she asked.

  “Stay off of her,” he chuckled.

  “Oh, she’s one to speak.”

  “I don’t stay off of her either,” Ryder admitted. “Warrior women have that effect on me as well. Something about badass women makes us need to dominate them, and often.”

  “Eww,” Ciara complained as Fury slurped greedily, making noises as he stared up at her. “Hey little mister,” she said lovingly.

  “I’m going to go find my Goddess and a room,” Ryder smirked. “I’ve got a new child to create with her to make up for the one we lost recently.”

  “You lost a child?” Blane asked.

  “Wait, you lost a baby?” Ciara cried as her mouth opened and closed as she tried to think of what to say.

  “Synthia killed a human to save me. She meddled in the lives of those she is forbidden to, so she had to pay the price. They demanded the life of the child she carried.”

  “I didn’t even know she was pregnant again. And yet she helped me anyway and didn’t say anything to me about her loss?” Ciara asked sadly.

  “She wasn’t ready to, she isn’t ready to. She doesn’t speak of it yet. I think she is holding it in, unable to process it after what occurred on the day we were supposed to marry. She killed her brother, and she doesn’t speak of it either yet. Women heal differently.”

  “She needs time.”

  “Indeed, but with war looming and what happened last time, she doesn’t want to create life just yet. She wants to be in the thick of it, but that doesn’t mean we can’t practice.”

  “Okay, that’s way too much information to hear from you.”

  “It’s just sex, even animals fuck to mate. Besides, Blane has something he wants to discuss, and his people need help building a wall with stronger wards to protect my sister and her children, and I have a master of wards on hand. I’ll leave you to it, dragon.”

  “Thanks, and thank you for helping us. I should have asked you for help when I first became aware that it was not safe for them here. I didn’t know how to ask without appearing weak, or unable to defend my own home.”

  “Pride is our worst enemy. We don’t know when to ask for help because we’re not used to having it. You’re a lot like I am, or so she tells me. Pigheaded, stubborn, and prideful is what she called us, if I’m not mistaken. They’re not bad qualities, but know that we are here to help you whenever you need it, dragon. The past is in the past; we have to learn to leave it there and move forward. It’s not the easiest thing to do, I know, but it will start the healing process for those who were wronged by it. Our flag flies on your battlements now and always will. You are my family, and I protect those who are, no matter the cost.”

  “Ryder, can we have the room?” she asked, wondering what Blane had to speak to her about.

  “Of course,” he said, leaning over to kiss her head before he sifted out of the room.

  “You scared me, again,” he growled once they were alone.

  “You locked me in iron cuffs,” she pointed out.

  “I did, but only because Kerrigan was watching us. You should have allowed me to feed you so I could have removed them and replaced them with the wrought iron chains that sat in the blankets I’d brought to you.”

  Fury slurped loudly, drawing their gazes to him as he yawned against her breast. “I cannot believe you knocked me up again already, dragon. If you keep doing it, we’ll have an army of children and need even more nannies to help us with them.”

  “It was during the rite, in which a dragon chooses his maiden. She then becomes his mate, and they breed. I guess he didn’t think you’d mind since you already agreed to be his mate.”

  “Sometime between being fat and pregnant would be nice,” she muttered.

  “Give me this greedy little monster,” he laughed as he waited for her to detach Fury from her breast. She winced as she unhooked his greedy little lips that continued to suck, even though he was no longer attached. “Are you in pain? Sore?” he asked as he placed Fury in the crib.

  “No, I feel fine, actually. Great even, like I slept for days,” she admitted.

  “Good,” he growled as he turned, staring at her with a heated look. “Marry me, Ciara,” he uttered huskily.

  “I did marry you, remember?” she scoffed as her eyes narrowed at him.

  “In front of your family, a real one,” he mumbled. “A big wedding, here where I should have married you in the first place,” he smirked when her frown deepened. “I fear you will say no with that look on your face.”

  “I’ll marry you, but I get to choose where and how. You just show up, and be ready, alright?” she answered.

  “Is that a yes?” He smiled as he pushed her down and settled between her legs, kissing her neck as she laughed huskily, running her hands through his hair.

  “Yes, a thousand times, yes.”

  “I love you, woman. I’ve loved you for a while and didn’t know how to say it or even admit it to myself. I’ve felt this since you let me show you what it meant to be a woman was. The moment I entered your body and you held on tighter, you claimed my heart.”

  “I love you too, dragon whelp. You’re my soul too. Embedded in the depths and written on my ribs and heart. You’re my world, and I am glad your dragon chose me. I’m happy for what I endured to get to you bec
ause it made me your perfect mate. And I kinda like riding you. It was terrifying but exhilarating at the same time. Kind of like when we have sex, you scare me, but I want it so much that I don’t even care what happens as long as we are together.”

  “I fucking love you, little dragon rider, and you can ride me anytime you want,” he laughed as he dropped his mouth against hers, kissing her deeply until she moaned and shed her clothes with a single thought from her mind. Next, she removed his and wrapped her legs around him, crying out as he entered her slowly. “You are my perfect everything. There’s no other woman I’d want to be with. You’re my soul, Ciara.”

  Her hips rocked against him as his mouth hungrily claimed hers, stealing her breath away as her body moved against his in perfect harmony. He pushed her legs up to her chest, driving his cock in deeper as she threw her head back and screamed his name, needing him as deep as she could get him. He uttered her name, she cried his until he rolled them over, staring up at her as she rode his cock. She hovered above him, clasping her hands through his as she rocked her body to their own music.

  The sound of it was erotic as her flesh hit against his, creating continuous noise inside the room. She felt the orgasm building, rocking through her as he pulled his hands from hers, using her hips to take her harder. He lifted her body and drove his cock in deeper each time, growing until he filled her and hit every erogenous zone inside her pussy. His eyes locked with hers as she began to glow, coming undone for him. As her orgasm abated, he turned her over, entering her from behind.

  “Now scream for me, because this dragon is going to take you for a ride, little queen,” he laughed throatily. His hands gripped her hips, using her body against her as he took her with force, without stopping as she whimpered and trembled as he took them to the stars and over the moon. She begged and screamed, and he laughed as he reached for her hair, yanking it back until her mouth was angled for his to reach it. “You are everything that is beautiful in my world,” he growled before turning her over and hooking her legs over his shoulders.


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