Book Read Free

The Diversity Delusion

Page 30

by Heather Mac Donald

  minorities in

  politics of

  protests for

  racism for

  rape and

  social justice in

  for students

  Sulkowicz in

  Medical schools. See science; STEM fields

  Mémoires (Berlioz)


  #MeToo movement

  economics of

  in higher education

  ideology of

  for labor markets

  for law enforcement

  in media

  politics of


  for administration

  in critical race theory

  for feminism

  ideology of

  policy for

  politics of

  psychology of

  as victimology

  Middlebury College

  A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare)

  Miller, Ted


  admissions for

  in California

  diversity for

  goals for

  in labor markets

  in media

  policy for

  politics for

  at Pomona College

  protests by

  safe spaces for

  SAT scores for

  science for

  Trump impact on


  victimology for

  violence for

  writing for

  Mitchell, Gregory

  Mollerstrom, Johanna

  Montero, Janina

  Moores, John, Sr.


  Moran, Rachel

  Morrison, Toni

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

  Ms. (magazine)


  goals of

  in higher education

  ideology of

  politics of

  at Yale University

  Murray, Charles

  Muti, Riccardo

  NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

  Napolitano, Janet

  Nasir, Na’ilah Suad

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  National Institutes of Health (NIH)

  National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

  National Science Foundation (NSF)

  Naughton, Eileen

  Nelsons, Andris


  New York Life

  New York University

  NIH. See National Institutes of Health

  Nixon, Jay

  NLRB. See National Labor Relations Board

  Nosek, Brian

  NSF. See National Science Foundation

  Oakland (California)

  Obama, Barack

  Occidental College

  Ohio State University

  Open Society Foundation

  oppression. See systematic oppression

  Oswald, Fred

  Oxford University

  Oxtoby, David

  Pacific Legal Foundation

  Palmer, Erin

  Peraza, Jonathan

  Perkins, Djuna

  Petrarch, Francesco

  Pichai, Sundar

  Pinker, Steven

  Pitt, William


  police. See law enforcement


  in California

  at Claremont McKenna College

  at Columbia University

  comprehensive review as

  consent policy

  for discrimination

  diversity as

  for feminism

  at Harvard University

  in higher education

  in law school

  for microaggressions

  for minorities

  morality and

  for NIH

  at Occidental College

  for rape

  of UC system

  at UCLA

  political correctness. See free speech

  politics. See also identity politics

  of achievement gaps

  for administration

  of Black Lives Matter

  at Brown University

  in California

  on campus

  of discrimination

  of diversity

  for faculty

  of feminism

  of free speech

  of gender

  at Google

  of Great Courses

  at Harvard University

  in higher education

  of Hollywood

  of humanities

  of ideology

  of lectures

  of LGBTQ community

  of media

  of merit

  of #MeToo movement

  of microaggressions

  for minorities

  of morality

  of multiculturalism

  in New York

  at Occidental College

  psychology in

  of race theory

  of racism

  of rape

  Silencing the Past (book)

  of social justice

  of STEM fields

  of stereotypes

  of students

  at UC

  of UC system

  at UCLA

  at UCSB

  at UCSD

  in US

  at Yale University

  Pomona College

  Portman, Natalie



  Princeton University

  Proctor & Gamble

  Proposition 209

  in higher education

  for law school


  anarchy in

  on campus

  Day of Action Statements as

  on Facebook

  free speech as

  at Harvard University

  ideology of

  against law enforcement

  media covering

  by minorities

  on social media

  Take Back the Night (rally) as

  totalitarianism in

  at UCLA

  victimology in

  at Yale University

  on YouTube


  of achievement gaps

  of administration

  of behavioral realism

  at Claremont McKenna College

  “The Coddling of the American Mind” (Lukianoff/Haidt)

  of critical thinking

  of discrimination

  of false narratives

  of feminism

  of goals

  IAT for

  of implicit bias

  of merit

  of microaggressions

  of morality

  in politics

  of racism

  of safe spaces

  science of

  of social justice

  of students

  of US

  of victimology

  of violence


  Quayle, Dan

  Rabelais, François

  Raby, Rosalind

  race theory


  in admissions

  Asians and

  on campus

  discrimination and

  in higher education

  ideology of

  in law enforcement

  for media

  politics of

  poverty and

  psychology of

  in US

  as victimology


  consent policy and

  at Duke University

  economics of

  in higher education

  media covering

  policy for

  politics of

  rape culture

  Saturday Night: Untold Stories of
Sexual Assault at Harvard (magazine)

  among students

  Take Back the Night (rally) for

  in US

  victimology and

  Rashid, Mark

  Reagan, Nancy

  Reagan, Ronald

  Reiter, Eric

  Renaissance. See Great Courses; humanities

  risk management

  Robb, Lucinda

  Robinson, Jacoby

  Robinson, Labrente

  Robinson, Nina

  Roderick, Rick

  Rolling Stone (magazine)

  Rollins, Tom. See Great Courses

  Rose, Charlie

  Rose Institute for State and Local Government

  Rosemund, Sabriya

  Ross, Alex

  Ross, Howard

  Rubio, Marco

  Ruckh, Veronica

  Ruger, Ted

  Rust, Val

  Rutgers University

  Ryan, Garrett

  safe spaces

  administration for

  in companies

  in higher education

  ideology of

  for minorities

  psychology of

  for students

  Sakaki, Judy

  Salovey, Peter

  San Diego State University

  Sander, Richard

  SAT scores

  gender in

  goals for

  for minorities

  in science

  Saturday Night: Untold Stories of Sexual Assault at Harvard (magazine)

  Saussure, Ferdinand de

  Schmidt, Eric

  Schoenfeld, Michael

  Schrag, Peter

  Schumann, Robert


  discrimination and

  feminism in

  gender in

  in higher education

  humanities compared to

  identity politics in


  for minorities

  NSF for

  of psychology

  SAT scores in

  stereotypes in

  Sessions, Laura

  Shakespeare, William

  Shannon, Aaron, Jr.

  The Shape of the River (Bowen/Bok)

  Sheridan, Richard

  Silencing the Past (book)

  Singal, Jesse

  SLUT: A Play and Guidebook for Combating Sexism (book)

  Sobek, Maria Herrera

  social justice. See also politics

  economics of

  for faculty

  for feminism

  in higher education

  identity politics as

  ideology of

  in media

  politics of

  psychology of

  in TED Talks

  social media


  higher education and

  Above the Law (blog)

  lectures on

  protests on

  webinars for


  Society of Comparative and International Education

  Sokolow, Brett

  Solórzano, Daniel

  Solovey, Peter

  Sonoma State University

  Sophir, Jayme

  Soros, George

  The Souls of Black Folk (Du Bois)

  Spenner, Ken

  Spenser, Edmund


  Stanford University

  Steele, Claude

  Steinem, Gloria

  STEM fields. See also science


  Stokes, Sy


  achievement gaps for

  administration and

  alumni and

  at Brown University

  at Columbia University

  critical thinking for

  economics for

  at Evergreen State College

  free speech for

  Go Ask Alice! for

  goals for

  at Harvard University

  leadership for

  media for

  at Middlebury College

  politics of

  psychology of

  rape among

  safe spaces for

  stereotypes of

  at UCSD

  victimology for

  Suárez-Orozco, Marcelo

  Sugrue, Michael

  Sulkowicz, Emma (“mattress girl”)

  systematic oppression

  Take Back the Night (rally)

  Taylor, Stuart

  The Teaching Company. See Great Courses

  TED Talks

  Tenured Radicals (Kimball)

  Testino, Mario

  Tetlock, Philip

  Texas State International Piano Festival

  Title IX

  Torre, Adela de la

  Toscanini, Arturo


  triggering. See microaggressions

  Trump, Donald

  Twain, Mark

  Tyson, Tim

  UC. See University of California, Berkeley

  UC Davis. See University of California, Davis

  UC system. See also specific schools

  administration for

  admissions for

  African Americans in

  economics of

  goals of

  policy of

  politics of

  UCLA. See University of California, Los Angeles

  UCSB. See University of California, Santa Barbara

  UCSD. See University of California, San Diego

  UN. See United Nations

  underrepresented minorities (URMs)

  Unhooked (Sessions)

  United Nations (UN)

  United States (US)

  bourgeois class in

  Civil Rights Commission for

  Clery Act in

  “The Coddling of the American Mind” (Lukianoff/Haidt)

  Department of Education in

  gender in

  humanities in

  identity politics in

  immigrants in

  Labor and Human Services Committee in

  Labor Department of

  NLRB in

  politics in

  psychology of

  racism in

  rape in

  violence in

  universities. See higher education

  University of California, Berkeley (UC)


  affirmative action at

  discrimination at

  diversity at

  economics for

  faculty at

  free speech at

  law school

  politics at

  victimology at

  University of California, Davis (UC Davis)

  University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)


  Black Law Students Association

  critical race theory at

  discrimination at

  diversity at

  law school

  policy at

  politics at

  protests at

  STEM fields at

  University of California, San Diego (UCSD)

  University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)

  University of Chicago

  University of Missouri

  University of Pennsylvania

  University of San Diego

  University of Virginia

  Until Proven Innocent (Taylor/Johnson, K. C.)

  URMs. See underrepresented minorities

  US. See United States

  Uvin, Peter

  Vandiver, Elizabeth

  Velasco, David


  on campus

  at Emory University

  in higher education

  ideology of

  microaggressions as

  for minorities

  in protests

  psychology of


  rape and

  for students

  systematic oppression as

  at UC

  The Victims’ Revolution (Bawer)

  violence. See also rape

  in Berkeley (California)

  on campus

  Clery Act and

  law enforcement and

  for minorities

  psychology of

  Saturday Night: Untold Stories of Sexual Assault at Harvard (magazine)

  in US

  Wagner, James

  Wai, Jonathan


  The War on Cops (Mac Donald)

  Warren, Elizabeth

  Washington and Lee University

  Watson, Kenjus

  Wax, Amy

  Weber, Bruce


  Wehrheim, Katrin

  Weiner, Steve

  Weinstein, Bret

  Weinstein, Harvey

  Welle, Brian

  Wellesley College

  Wertheim, Bonnie

  White, Miles

  Whitman College

  Wilkins, David

  Williams, Gabrielle

  Winfrey, Oprah

  Wing-Richards, Hillary

  Wolfe, Timothy

  Wong, Scott

  Wright, Richard

  Yagan, Danny

  Yale University


  consent policy at

  curriculum at

  diversity at

  multiculturalism at

  politics at

  protests at

  Yang, Henry

  Yiannopoulos, Milo


  Yudof, Mark

  Zachariah, Abdul-Razak Mohammed


  The War on Cops:

  How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe

  Are Cops Racist?

  How the War Against the Police Harms Black Americans

  The Burden of Bad Ideas:

  How Modern Intellectuals Misshape Our Society

  The Immigration Solution:

  A Better Plan Than Today’s

  (with Victor Davis Hanson and Steven Malanga)


  Heather Mac Donald is the national bestselling author of The War on Cops, a Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and a contributing editor of City Journal. A former aspiring academic with roots in deconstruction and postmodernism, she has been the target of violent student protest for her work on policing. She received the 2005 Bradley Prize for Outstanding Intellectual Achievement. Her writings have also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, The New York Times, The New Republic, and Partisan Review, among others. She lives in New York. You can sign up for email updates here.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice



  Part I: Race

    1.  The Hysterical Campus

    2.  Elites to Affirmative Action Voters: Drop Dead

    3.  Affirmative Disaster

    4.  The Microaggression Farce

    5.  Are We All Unconscious Racists?


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