Book Read Free

Inventing Ireland

Page 88

by Declan Kiberd

  on Land Acts

  predicts neocolonial future

  on 'liberal' imperialism

  a Celticist critique of Celticism

  on imperial mindset

  magic realism as alternative

  as social visionary

  self-cancelling prescriptions

  on Wilde

  on Yeatsian revivalism

  on British

  on English censorship of Wilde

  on Easter Rising

  on Yeats's rejection of Silver Tassie

  criticism of English

  criticised by de Valera

  on Ireland and India

  on Trinity College Dublin

  as jester

  and fatherhood


  on education

  on Protestantism

  on northern Protestants

  and Burke

  and religion

  art as biography

  childhood and religion

  Joan of Arc


  against specialist priesthood

  and saintliness

  on republicanism

  on disobedience as progress

  on prisons

  on heretics

  Protestant-nationalist connection

  on peasant proprietors

  Synge confirms Shaw's diagnosis of rural Ireland

  effects of Land Acts

  on Irish Question

  and Friel's Translations

  on Home Rule for England

  Arms and the Man

  Mrs Warren's Profession

  John Bull's Other Island

  Saint Joan

  Shaw, George Carr

  Sheehy, Father

  Sheehy-Skeffington, Francis

  Sheehy-Skeffington, Hanna

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe

  The Cenci

  Sheridan, Jim

  My Left Foot (film)

  Sheridan, Richard Brinsley

  shoneens (seoinini)


  Sidney, Sir Philip

  Silone, Ignazio

  Sinn Féin

  Sinn Féin courts

  Provisional Sinn Féin

  see also

  Simpson, Alan

  Skinnider, Margaret



  Smith, Adam

  Smyllie, R. M.

  Smyth, Revd Martin

  Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP)

  'Soldier's Song'


  Somerville, Edith

  compared with Elizabeth Bowen

  on her suitor Hubert Greene

  her mother's verdict on Real Charlotte

  on marginalization of women

  as ironist

  novelistic technique

  on destiny of Ireland

  on role of women

  ill-fated love affair

  on female friendship

  President of Munster Women's Franchise League

  on contemporary writers

  The Real Charlotte

  see also Martin, Violet


  Southey, Robert

  spalpeen (spailpín)

  Special Powers Act (Northern Ireland)

  Spender, Stephen

  Spenser, Edmund

  View of the Present State of Ireland

  stage Englishman

  stage Irishman

  stage Gael

  stage writer

  Stalker, John

  Stanley, explorer

  Stanyhurst, Richard

  Steiner, George

  After Babel

  Stephens, James


  Stern, Erich

  Stevens, Wallace

  Stoker, Bram

  Stormont, parliamentary house of Northern Ireland

  Stratford Theatre, London

  Stuart, Francis

  Black List Section H



  Sunday People, newspaper

  Supreme Court (Irish Republic)


  Swedish language

  Sweeney, king

  Swift, Jonathan

  Drapier's Letters

  A Modest Proposal

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles

  Synge, John Millington



  on educational reforms

  on colonial culture

  on violence

  on scapegoating

  Pearse on

  and religion

  influence on Yeats

  on Aran islands

  distinguished from Lady Gregory

  on island modernization

  death of Gaelic culture

  on Hiberno-English

  as radical

  as ascendancy eavesdropper

  gender reversals

  and Gaelic poetic tradition

  use of Hyde's Love Songs

  frustration of liberationist aims


  on androgyny and integration

  stage Irishry criticised

  O'Casey as heir to

  later productions of Playboy

  on Elizabethan English

  cynical about revivalism

  'reality and joy'

  and islanders


  tradition and modernity

  art as collaboration

  influence of Wilde

  parodied by Joyce

  and anti-Oedipus

  on Catholic philistines

  handling of religious themes

  Yeats's praise of

  on big house decline

  on peasant penury

  Synge-song influences O'Casey

  as island Utopian

  attitude to capital punishment

  and Behan's idiom

  and tramp figure

  compared to Heaney

  influence on Friel

  translation and art

  and Céitinn

  and Gaelic syntax

  on Ireland as exceptional case

  on lack of readers in Ireland

  The Shadow of the Glen

  Riders to the Sea

  The Well of the Saints

  The Tinker's Wedding

  The Playboy of the Western World

  riots at

  compared with Plough riots

  Deirdre of the Sorrows

  Collected Poems

  'The Curse'


  'Passing of the Shee'

  The Aran Islands

  Tagore, Rabindranath

  The Post Office




  tax-holiday for artists


  Tenniel, Sir John

  Thackeray, William Makepeace

  Thatcher, Margaret



  Thomas, Dylan

  Thomas Aquinas, Saint

  Thompson, Francis

  Thomson, George (Seoirse MacThomáis)

  Thoreau, Henry David


  Thornton, Weldon

  Tilak, Lokmanya

  Time (magazine)

  Times, The (London)

  Tír na nÓg (Land of Young)


  Titley, Alan

  Tone, Theobald Wolfe





  Trevelyan, Charles

  Trevor, William

  Trilling, Lionel

  Sincerity and Authenticity

  Beyond Culture

  Trinity College Dublin

  Trollope, Anthony


  Twain, Mark

  Tynan, Kenneth


  Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF)




  Loyal Orange Association

  unionists on Easter Rising

  future of unionism

  Unionist Party

  United Irishman

  United Irishmen

  United Nations

  United States

  University College Dublin





  Second Vatican Council

  vers libre

  Victoria, Queen


  on Gaelic Victorianism


  Viking power


  Virgin Maty

  Viswanathan, Gauri

  Vogelweide, Walter Von der

  Vorster, B. J., south African minister

  Walkley, A. B.

  War of Independence

  Warner, Marina

  Washington, George

  Weber, Max

  The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

  Weil, Simone

  Weimar culture

  Wells, H. G.

  Welsh language

  'west Britons'

  West Indies

  Westminster (House of Commons)

  (House of Lords)

  Whitaker, T. K

  Whitaker, Thomas R.

  White, William Hale

  The Autobiography of Mark Rutherford

  Whitelaw, Billie

  Whitman, Walt

  Wild Geese

  Wilde, Oscar

  parents of




  Anglo-Irish strains

  Irish Question

  as critic of imperial psychology

  as republican

  and Irish Renaissance

  against literary realism

  love of English culture

  as decolonizing artist

  trial of

  on Celt in art

  on upper-class attitudes

  on dissenters

  on Shakespeare and romantics

  on failures of modern education

  and mask

  and revisionism

  art as the future

  as jester

  and dandyism

  on property

  on pose

  on respect for youth

  on self-invention

  and anti-Oedipus

  use of religious themes

  on faith versus good works

  compared to early Beckett

  and prison

  duo as basis of a society

  on national consciousness

  desire to make England a republic

  The Importance of Being Earnest


  The Picture of Dorian Gray

  Lady Windermere's Fan


  'Ballad of Reading Gaol'

  De Profundis

  The Soul of Man Under Socialism

  Wilde, Lady ('Speranza')

  Wilde, Sir William

  Windisch (Celtic scholar)

  Wohl, Robert

  Wollstonecraft, Mary

  Woman's World, The

  Women's Irish Education League

  Woolf, Virginia

  Wordsworth, William

  The Prelude

  Workers' Education Movement

  World Peace Conference

  World War Two

  Wyndham's Land Act (1903)

  Yeats, Mrs George

  Yeats, Jack (painter)

  Yeats, John Butler

  Yeats, Lily

  Yeats, Mrs Susan

  Yeats, William Butler


  early London career

  and English Romantics

  Land of Heart's Desire

  on romantic image of child


  on Pollexfen inheritance

  imaginative capacity

  on landscape and identity

  philosophy of marriage

  on expression

  on education


  on cultural colonialism

  on genre

  romantic quest

  on style as redemption

  on magic realism

  art as process, not product


  on literary affectation

  against bookishness

  unity of Being

  unity of Culture

  on gathering an audience

  on self-criticism

  Whitman's influence

  as late Romantic

  on English literary forms

  folk origins of art

  Gaelic League and educational reform

  and Hyde

  on deAngucizing literature

  on nationality versus cosmopolitanism

  Eglinton on his flaws

  against provincialism

  collaboration with Moore

  on Hiberno-English

  on hybridity

  on national culture

  on violence

  Synge's influence on

  and Playboy riots


  eloquence and terseness

  on Easter Rising

  influence on O'Casey

  repeats Pearse's words

  compared to O'Casey

  break with nationalism

  on rhetoric

  on Silver Tassie

  on war as theatre

  Oxford Book of Modern Verse edited

  and decolonization

  on Ireland and Asia

  studies mysticism

  Nobel Prize

  Irish coinage

  self-defeating heroism

  on Shakespeare

  on Dowden

  on American writing


  in US

  on nation

  on tradition and modernity

  Wildean mask

  in search of a lyric style

  on form

  and Dancer

  and feminists


  Arnold and Celticism

  A Vision as Celtic Constitution

  accused of fascism

  on Georgian Ireland

  on self-becoming

  rote memory


  on prim versus orality

  songs for Blueshirts

  opposes ban on divorce

  and Catholic education

  influence on Bowen

  on dandy

  on youth and fatherhood

  on Irish leaders

  on Sinn Féin and English law

  on 'hysterical' women

  on women's rights

  Crazy Jane

  and Free State

  diary in 1930

  and Protestant identity

  folk spirituality

  distrust of mimesis


  on Coole Park

  Synge and Ireland

  need for fusion of Irish traditions

  and Northern poets

  MacNeice on

  and pastoralism

  on free-thinking in art

  on coinage

  and tramp

  and hunger strikes

  Montague's parody of

  Hartnett on his use of Gaelic tradition

  and aestheticization of violence

  Boland's revision of 'Wandering Aengus'

  and successors

  and translation

  and forgetfulness of past

  on cultural fusion

  reading of history challenged by Foster

  'Song of the Happy Shepherd'

  'Song of the Sad Shepherd'

  'Indian upon God'

  'Indian to His Love'

  'Stolen Child'

  'Lake Isle of Innisfree'

  'To Ireland in the Coming Times'

/>   'Moods'

  'Song of Wandering Aengus'

  'Cap and Bells'

  'Valley of the Black Pig'

  Wind Among the Reeds

  In the Seven Woods

  'Never Give All the Heart'

  'Adam's Curse'


  'At the Abbey Theatre'

  'Cold Heaven'



  'In Memory of Major Robert Gregory'

  'Irish Airman Foresees his Death'


  'Easter 1916'

  'Sixteen Dead Men'

  'Second Coming'

  The Tower

  'Sailing to Byzantium'

  'Meditations in Time of Civil War'

  'Leda and the Swan'

  'Among School Children'

  The Winding Stair and Other Poems

  'Dialogue of Self and Soul'



  'Mother of God'


  'Remorse for Intemperate Speech'


  'What Then?'

  'Long-legged Fly'

  'Circus Animals' Desertion

  Land of Hearts Desire

  Cathleen ní Houlihan

  On Baile's Strand


  Dreaming of the Bones


  A Vision



  'Anima Mundi'

  Young Ireland movement



  Zimmer, Heinrich

  Zola, Émile




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