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Take A Bite Of My Heart Tonight

Page 4

by Laura Edwards

  "Do I look like I'm kidding Drew? "

  I groan as I see my top on the floor, now split in half and completely ruined. I pick it up, wrap it around my top half like a towel and try not to stare at Drew as he lays topless on the bed, still a bit breathless and sweaty, with the bulge in his tight jeans still clear to see.

  I head towards the door not sure whether to run or walk out gracefully. Not sure whether to laugh or cry. Everything was a confusing blur of nothingness right now. I wanted him so badly, I still felt the damp ache between my legs, yearning for him to be inside me. But I also knew that he was not worth it.

  "Stop being a tease Louise. Come back so we can finish the job off. You can't leave me half seen to."

  I reach for the door handle, my other hand still clutching my top around me as if my life depended on it.

  I turn to face him, shrugging my shoulders in a dismissive way.

  "Phone one of your many lady friends up. Use your hand. Suck your own dick. I don't care. Just do me a favour. Never, and I mean never, come near me again."

  With that, I yank the door open hard, run down the corridor, back up the flight of stairs and knock on the first The Never Notes club members door I see, hoping that someone, anyone , will be upstairs by now. Samantha answers after a few moments, looking flustered and rosy-cheeked and very annoyed at someone disturbing her peace. I remember her and Becky leaving the lobby early and thank my lucky stars that they are out of the pool already. When Samantha sees the state I am in, she ushers me into the room.

  I put my head in my hands, letting my broken top fall to the floor, but not caring.

  "Uh… are you OK ? What's wrong?"

  I start sobbing, tears falling freely down my face. I don't know why I am so embarrassed and upset, I had a lucky escape after all.

  Samantha moves me over to the couch in the room, ordering me to sit . She roots in her overnight bag, then chucks a top at me. I smile at her gratefully between the tears, aware of Becky staring at me in confusion from the bed.

  "I've … I've been so…so fucking stupid." I say as I pull the red sweater over my head.

  Samantha glances at Becky, worry etched into her face. It makes me feel a little better, maybe she really does like me after all.

  "Wow shorty, I have known you for years now and this is the first time you have dropped the f bomb. You must have screwed up big time. You can stay here and sleep it off, we will go to Beckys room. Stupid Mr Saunders banned us from sharing because he didn't want any sex going on under his watch. They were his exact words. What a tool."

  I smile at Samantha sadly, wiping my tears away with the sleeve of the sweater.

  "Thanks Samantha. I appreciate it."

  She pats my shoulder.

  "Sure, don't worry about it. We will come and get you for breakfast tomorrow OK ?"

  I nod, waving bye to Becky as they walk towards the door.

  "Oh, and one more thing. If you ruin my sweater, you are dead. I will feed you to a giant where you can join all your other dwarf friends in his belly."

  I try not to laugh; I had never realised before how funny her insults could be. But I nod seriously.

  "Right. Got it."

  When they leave, I curl up into a ball on the bed and cry myself to sleep.

  Chapter Four - Drew

  Drew Evans stares at himself in the dressing room mirror. This was his last night with The Singing Academy Harmonies where he had the chance to shine. His huge hazel brown eyes showed no fear for the performance that lay ahead. He was ready for it. He had been chosen for pretty much every solo in the last two years. If anything, he was bored. Bored of being the front man. There were other guys in the group, why couldn't some of them pick up the hard work for once?

  He patted his black hair down, making sure it was smooth and slicked back. He didn't really like wearing the gel, but his hair was very unruly and the head of the Harmonies had demanded he slick it back for any show or performance. That would be something he wouldn't miss, although it did seem to drive the girls wild.

  They really seemed to fall for the polished look with the school boy blazer. He would keep the blazer after school finished in a few weeks. He didn't need any help with girls, but it would come in handy anyway.

  He jumped as Joe, one of his fellow Harmonies, ran in the door gasping for breath.

  "Drew, get in the arena now. The Never Notes are about to take the stage. We need to see how good they are."

  Drew sighed. He had heard rumours that they were a bunch of misfits from all walks of life, that had come together and could give a stunning show. They were the ones who could potentially steal the FSC trophy tonight. But no, he wouldn't let that happen. He knew he could win this. He had already sweet talked the judges before the show had started. Luckily, all three were females in their fifties, and they screamed cougar. All he had to do was bat his eyes at them, tell them all how lovely they looked and they were practically drooling. It was a shame none of them were younger, he could do with a good fuck after winning tonight. But they were staying at the nearest hotel for the night after the show like they usually did, and of course, he could bed one of the workers. There was always some dopey eyed girl, bored with her job and life. All it took was a smile from him, and they were his. He hated all the issues after, what with all the texts and phone calls and emails, but they got the hint eventually. None of the girls he had bedded had meant anything to him.

  His first time had only happened just last year, she was some college chick with a great ass and fake blonde extensions in her dried out hair. She used him for the night, then never spoke to him again. For the first week, he was devastated. He thought the first time was meant to be special. But then he learnt not to care. He took inspiration from that night, and had done the same as what was done to him to every girl since.

  "Uh… Earth to Drew. Come on, Lets go. "

  He jumped again at the sound of Joes voice, he had forgot he was still here. He followed him out to the arena. They made it to their seats just in time as a member of The Never Notes stepped out on to the stage. He squinted, trying to make out the tiny figure in the red dress. Suddenly, the strobe light beamed in her face and everybody could see her clearly. He knew who it was. Louise Hart. Everybody at his school knew who she was. She had a rep for being a diva, not many people seemed to like her. In fact, from what he could make out, most people couldn't stand to be near her for longer than five minutes at a time. But the one thing they all said, was that she was talented. OK, maybe that was understating it a bit, she was amazing, according to legend. Drew looked down the row, giving his team mates a wink as the music started playing. They had all been talking about her the other day in practice. All of the gay guys adored her, and wanted to be her best friend. The straight guys all agreed they would like to give her a good fuck. Maybe it would loosen her up a bit?

  He listened to the song with interest. The rumours were right, she was amazing. The song was emotional. She looked nervous throughout and kept glancing at somebody in the front row. As she sung, Drew found himself staring at her legs. I mean, it wasn't his fault that her legs were so great, if she didn't want people staring then she should have worn tights or something. Despite her small stature, her legs were long and toned.

  He started clapping with the crowd automatically, not even realising the song had finished. He had been too busy thinking about ripping her dress off to see what the rest of her body was like. It would be interesting to have sex with someone who was as talented as him. They would make a good match.

  The next song flew by as the rest of The Never Notes joined her, dancing around and singing their hearts out. He had to hand it to them, they were brilliant. Probably the most talented they had ever competed against. But The Harmonies would be better.

  Just five minutes later, it was his turn. They filed on to the stage, launching into the routine they had been practicing every day for the last month. It went perfect, they couldn't have done it any better. The audience wer
e roaring loudly, and by the end of that first song, they had it in the bag.

  He caught Louise Hart sitting in the audience, her face looking like she was at a funeral. She even stopped her team-mate clapping for them. It pissed him off, they all had the decency to clap for their little club, but as we were on stage, we had to be charm personified. He walked to the middle, giving her a huge wink before launching into the next song. He watched as Louise ran off soon after that, probably not wanting to watch The Harmonies because she knew there was a chance her club might lose.

  As The Harmonies headed back on to the stage a little while later to get the results, he caught Louise staring at him. Full on staring. Her eyes were glued to his mouth. He couldn't help but smirk. He knew the deal with these girls by now. They all wanted him, and she was giving him that look. She was probably thinking about him fucking her right now, her cheeks had been getting redder by the second. Ha! She was definitely thinking about it. He starts laughing. Girls could never hide it, most of them liked to pretend they were innocent and didn't even know what sex was, but in reality, they had probably been sucking somebody off a few hours ago. They were all the same. Now that wasn't a bad thought, Louise on her knees with his cock in her mouth…

  Suddenly, he was being pulled and slapped on the back while all the guys erupted in cheers. He hadn't even been listening. They must have won! What a great way of finishing off the year. He jumped up and down with the rest of the gang, punching the air with glee. A huge sob pierced the air, we all looked in alarm to see Hart running away, her team-mates all sadly looking after her.

  He made his way over to the downtrodden looking group, shaking everyone by the hand. The Harmonies were well known for their manners and charm, it was one of the reasons they were so popular. The one in The Never Notes who though he was a badass….Lucas or something…..started asking the group if they should go back to the hotel. A few of them argued, saying they couldn't just leave Louise, but the tall awkward football player guy with the pretty blonde girlfriend suggested they should leave her to it. He said that she had a worse night than all of them and he knew she would want to be alone for a bit. Drew wondered briefly what he meant by that, but then the thought left his head as he realised this could be a great chance for a quickie with Louise. The others wouldn't be hanging around her like a bad smell, and he could brag to everyone at the academy about his latest conquest. He told The Harmonies to go back to the hotel and that he would be along shortly, then started heading in the direction of the dressing rooms.

  Luckily, he didn't have to go banging on the doors to find her, she had just came out of one of the rooms, clutching a brown envelope. She looked like she had only just stopped crying, which was great news to him because girls were easy when they were emotional. He knew he sounded like a dick, but it was a cruel world out there sometimes, and you had to take chances when you could. It wasn't his fault that girls were extra clingy and needy when they were upset. It was his job to make them have a little fun, that's all.

  She stopped walking as they came level with one another in the corridor, eyeing him up suspiciously. He thought she was going to start yelling at him for crushing her dreams and winning or something, but she congratulated him instead. He couldn't stand two-faced people though, so he put her in her place by informing her that he knew she ran off while they were singing. He couldn't help asking if it was because his good looks were too hard to handle. She came back with a retort, something about him being repulsive and cocky which just made him grin. He loved it when they played hard to get!

  As they talked, he edges in closer to her, knowing that it would only be a matter of time before he fucked her. This game was too easy for him now, after years of being told how talented and good-looking he was, he was starting to believe his own hype. There was nothing wrong with being sure of yourself. Most girls found it a turn on.

  As he is explaining how the academy knows who she is, she backs into the wall, trying to keep a distance between them. He edges closer again, letting her know exactly what The Harmonies wanted to do to her. Well, what he wanted to do to her. Her long wavy hair tumbled over her breasts, making him stare at them for just a minute. He would take her right now, right here if she let him.

  She pushes him away, which just makes him hotter for her. Her hand is still clutching that brown envelope like her life depends on it, and after another game of cat and mouse, pushing her up against the wall and teasing her a bit more, he snatches the letter away.

  His eyes widen as he reads the letter. She had got an acceptance letter for NYSSA. Why did she have it tonight? Ah, maybe she was trying to impress somebody tonight, that was why she kept looking at someone during her performance. Holy shit, you had to be talented to get into NYSSA. It had impressed him, he had to admit.

  After a few more minutes of conversation, she grudgingly agrees to walk back to the hotel with him. He knew he treated women badly sometimes, but there was no way in hell he would let a girl walk the dark streets alone, especially someone as beautiful as Louise. Wait? What the fuck? Did he seriously just call someone beautiful? Last time he called a girl beautiful, she fucked his virgin brains out and broke his heart. Well, he was heart-broken for a few days anyway.

  The walk to the hotel was much the same as our conversation in the corridor. He puts his blazer over her shoulders, she was clearly freezing. She tried to argue about it, he could see why people found her a bit annoying, but at the moment, he didn't care as long as he got to nail her tonight. She makes some remark about him being a shark in the ocean, he had lost interest in the conversation really, but some of her remarks did make him laugh. He had to hand it to her, she was quite witty.

  As they get to the hotel, her cheeks start turning pink about some comment he made. God, she was cute when she acted like that. He could tell she was thinking about what it would be like to have him thrusting in and out of her, but she tried to hide it. She was dirty cute.

  She runs off into the hotel, pretending to be completely offended by his continuous offers of having a little fun. He laughs as he walks to his room, bumping into the red-headed waitress he had spent the night with last time he was here. He didn't even remember her name.

  "Hey sexy. Heard you won again tonight?"

  Her voice sounded husky, like she either smoked fifty a day or had a really bad cold. She strutted up to him, her lips making a duck face (did girls really think they looked good doing that?) and her ass wiggling way too much behind her. She was like a cartoon character.

  "Hey. Yeah, That's right."

  She laughs, a loud piercing cackle. He stands there and scratches his head in confusion. Why did he sleep with her the first time round? There was nothing remotely appealing about her. Her blouse was nearly half way undone, her too small bra not managing to contain her fake tits, even if he had wanted her tonight, he had already seen what she had to offer. Everyone had, which made her instantly less attractive. He was tempted to throw his blazer over her as well, just to give her some self-respect back. What is she laughing at? He didn't even say anything funny.

  "So…" She tugs on his tie, now she was close she reeked of smoke. "Are we going to … you know? Have a repeat of last time?"

  He pushes her hand away, laughing and shaking his head.

  "Not tonight. I have made other arrangements."

  He walks off, leaving the duck faced waitress glaring at him in anger. It was true, he did have other arrangements. Louise Hart.

  He chills out in his room for a bit, Louise still filling his thoughts. He takes a shower to wash that awful gel out of his hair, then changes into a white tee and jeans. He makes his way downstairs to the lobby, there was some kind of get together happening, the lads wanted to see if they could hook up with any of The Never Notes lot. He received a heroes welcome as he entered the lobby, a welcome he was well used to by now.

  As two dorky girls from The Never Notes speak to him, he catches a glimpse of Louise eyeballing him from the other side of the room. Fuc
king hell. He gulps, not quite sure what to make of the way his brain and balls just reacted. She looked incredible. And the worst thing was, she didn't have a clue just how hot she was. Her hair was in a chunky braid dangling over her shoulder and she had a tight black top on, emphasising what a great figure she has. The black and white checked shorts she was wearing confirmed what he had suspected earlier, her legs were stunning. The knee-high boots and socks combo added to the cute but sexy look, and he knew in that instant, there was no other choice but to get her alone. He wanted her. He breaks off the conversation with the two girls, and starts heading for Louises direction. To his surprise, she starts running. What the …? This was new to him, having to chase girls (literally chase them, but it made things more exciting. He ran after her, only managing to suss out where she was heading by the sound of her footsteps. Wow, this girl was fast.

  He hoped he would catch her before she disappeared into a room. He didn't know which one she was in, and he knew if he knocked on every door, she wouldn't let him in. He stopped in surprise as he found her slumped on the floor, leaning against a door, her head in her hands. He starts clapping.

  "Wow. You can really run. I could hardly keep up. Am I really that scary Louise?"

  She stands up at his intrusion, looking at him warily.

  He walks towards her, not deliberately trying to intimidate her…but just because he feels drawn to her. She was his magnet tonight. He felt himself smiling as he reached out to touch her face. He wanted to touch her, her skin looked soft and welcoming.

  "Well, well, well, we meet again."

  He thought she was going to let him kiss her, but he should have realised by now that she really didn't make things easy. She pushed him away, leaving him feeling a bit gutted. He wasn't used to rejection.

  After a few minutes of trying to persuade her to have sex with him, she caved in. Or so he thought. She suggested we go back to his room because she was locked out. He felt heat spreading in his jeans at the thought of finally getting to rip her clothes off. He hurried to the room, leaving her running to catch up with him. He felt like being nice once outside the room by offering her the choice of screwing up against the wall or on the bed. See, he could be a gentleman when he really wanted.


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