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Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)

Page 21

by Wilson, A. C.

  Matt took the papers the doctor handed him on exercises that she needed to do to keep from getting pneumonia or worse. She didn't feel like a million bucks, but she couldn't stand this place one more day. A nurse came in to take out her IV line and Andy bit down hard at the sting as the needle left her vein. Ouch! She fought the urge to rub the offending spot.

  "Nora is here. She brought some of your clothes so that you could change. Is it okay if she comes in?" Matt asked, gauging Andy's reaction by watching her eyes. Andy smiled and nodded, trying not to rub the still smarting IV site. Matt opened his phone and sent off a text. A couple of minutes later, Nora came through the door with a bag of clothes and toiletries. The wide eyed look on Nora's face spoke of apprehension and uncertainty. Andy felt her stomach tightening at the thought of what Nora and Harper had seen. That fear was a clawing animal that never stayed quiet or still for long.

  "Hey Andy! You look so much better." Nora said softly as she drew closer to the bed. Being a nurse at the veteran's hospital in Hot Springs didn't seem to set her at ease here. Her face was rather pale and her blue eyes were wide and watchful. Matt stood to kiss his sister on the cheek and relieve her of the garment bag.

  "Thank you. I'm starting to feel better. I get to go home this afternoon." Andy tried to sound hopeful and upbeat. A minute ago she was going to do a jig down the hallway, but now she felt emotions gather like lead in her heart. She hurt for what Nora had gone through and she prayed Harper was too little for it to make a lasting impression. Harper. "How is Harper? She isn't giving you too much grief?" Andy pulled her blanket up higher on her chest and used it somewhat like a shield. Why, she wasn't entirely certain.

  "She's wonderful. A bit cranky at not being able to see her mama, but Margaret is spoiling her rotten. I think they have adopted each other." Nora whispered the last like it was a secret. Andy chuckled and Nora smiled brilliantly. Matt sat in his chair, watching the exchange with interest.

  "I can't wait to see my girl! I am sick to death of it here!" Andy winced at the words that tumbled out of her mouth. She really hadn't thought before she spoke. Shit! "I'm sorry. I didn't think." Andy mumbled, staring at her hands in her lap. Matt shifted in his chair uncomfortably. Nora stayed silent. Andy couldn't look at either of them. It was too soon for the pain of the situation to be joked at. Not a moment too soon, the nurse bustled back into the room.

  "Oh, I see you have clothes now. Do you need any help getting showered and changed?" The nurse, Anna, was sweet and friendly. Her offer had impeccable timing. Andy leapt at the chance to push this awkwardness back away from them.

  "I'd love some." Andy held her hand out for the bag of clothes and Matt handed them over. The nurse opened the door to the bathroom with a shower. Nora took the cue to leave the room and Matt quietly stepped out with her. The nurse closed the door behind them. Andy mentally sighed before sliding her feet over the edge of the hospital bed.


  Nora turned to him as they exited Andy's room while she took a shower and dressed with the aid of her nurse. Matt stuffed his hands into his jean pockets. He felt exhausted, both physically and mentally. Leaning up against the wall out of the way of other guests and nurses making their way down the hall, Matt met his sister's questioning gaze.

  "What is it, Nora?" Matt asked, leaning his head against the wall. He was so tired.

  "Does she know?" Nora asked as she pulled her purse straps up over her shoulder. Uh-oh.

  "We haven't talked about anything specific. I think she knows it was Monica who was driving that car. She hasn't asked me outright though." He wiped a hand over his face, grimacing behind it. Nora huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  "You haven't told her that you contacted her parents." There was no question there. Matt groaned, shaking his head. How did I know she was going to ask about that? Garrett could never keep quiet. He could feel Nora fuming from beside him. He shook his head again.

  "What is the point of telling her, Nora? As far as I'm concerned, she doesn't need to know that they have pretty much written her off. She doesn't need to feel rejected and unloved all over again! I'm pissed enough over what they said to me; let alone what they would say to her!" Matt hissed, anger giving him a jolt of energy. He had tried to forget that conversation two days ago.

  "Matt, it might hurt her to know that they still haven't relented, but it would do her good to know that you stood up for her. She needs to know that you are in love with her and that you went to bat for her!" Nora shook his shoulder lightly, staring into his face. He looked down at his boots, crossing one over the other and anchoring himself further to the wall. Is there a right answer here?

  "She knows I love her. I'm just not sure that any time would be good to hear your parents want nothing to do with you, but it certainly can't be good to hear it now." He wanted to be right. He wanted to protect her from all the things that would cause her pain and that included laying in a goddamn hospital bed! He felt partly responsible for bringing that psycho bitch into her life. It gnawed at him in the worst way.

  "Mom called me on the way here. She was wondering if you need her to come up and help out. I told her I wasn't sure. I need to be getting back to work and Randy is probably fidgeting over a missing fiancé." Nora gave him a shove and smiled. Matt rolled his eyes and nudged his sister back.

  "I don't think I can take Mom at our house with everything going on. Can you stay one more night? I need to get some sleep and Andy can't take care of Harper yet. God knows Garrett is useless." Matt pleaded with her, even offering a pouty lip when she looked like she wanted to say no. Nora growled and finally, reluctantly nodded her head. She never could say no to him.

  "Fine, but you owe me." Nora pulled a face at her youngest brother.

  "Yeah, yeah, I know. My first born child, right?" He chuckled when Nora widened her eyes in mock horror. The tenseness between siblings melted away, for now at least.

  A couple of hours later, Matt gingerly loaded Andy up in his truck. She gasped and groaned with each little jostle. Matt was so careful to stop long before each light that he had more than one vehicle honking and its outraged driver flipping him off. Andy stared straight ahead, seeming not to notice the drive, just the bumps. The half hour it took to get them to the house felt like eternity to Matt. His conscience was so bogged down with the rights and wrongs of everything that had happened. He prided himself on being in control and protecting the people that he loved. He had wanted to protect Andy since the first time he set eyes on her and in retrospect, he wondered if he hadn't loved her from that moment as well. If only it were that easy! Why did everything have to be so damned confusing!

  He turned the truck into the driveway and coming to a halt closest to the door. Andy reached to undo her seatbelt, but her hand stopped on the clasp. Matt paused, hand on the door latch.

  "I didn't ask, because I think I know, but was it her?" Andy's voice sounded so small. His heart pounded. He knew this would come up at some point.

  "Yes, it was." Matt turned sideways in his seat, facing her and looked her in the eye. "The police have her in custody and she is being charged. At some point in the future you will have to testify in court, but the way our judicial system works, well, that could be months." Matt wanted her to know that she was safe. With all the paperwork on his ex-girlfriend, she wouldn't get away with trying to kill Andy. His stomach churned. Monica had intended to kill Andy. It was a hard thing to admit to oneself.

  "Okay." Andy pressed her lips together, tucked an errant strand behind her ear, and unlatched her seatbelt. Discussion over. Matt got out, opened her door and slowly helped her down. Good thing she still had a dose of the prescription pain meds in her system. Once those wore off, she was going to be extremely sore.

  Matt supported her arm as he walked beside her. Gingerly she took each step as if it were a walk to the gallows. He gritted his teeth. He would have felt better picking her up in his arms and carrying her inside. According to the doctor and his sister, doing jus
t that would put unnecessary pressure on Andy's bruised ribs. Thank God they weren't broken!

  "Good, you are home. Your daughter is about to go on strike without her mommy!" Margaret called from the doorway. She held the door open and Garret came outside followed by Nora holding Harper. He heard Andy try to hold in a sob. It had to have hurt like a bugger! Tears slid unchecked down her pale cheeks and her hand trembled on his arm.

  "Hey baby girl! I've missed you too." Andy crooned through her tears. She stopped at the top of the stairs, trying to catch her breath. Margaret kissed her cheek and brushed a tear away. Garrett looked uncomfortable with the crying, but he smiled warmly anyway. Nora stepped closer with a reaching and screeching Harper.

  "Let's get you into the spare room and Harper can lay with you on the bed." Nora said as they followed Andy inside.

  "I would argue that I have a perfectly wonderful room upstairs, but as I hurt like the very devil, I will agree. I don't think I can do stairs just yet." Andy continued down the hallway and turned into the first spare room off of the den. The bed had been made up and a flat screen television had been moved to sit on top of the dresser. Matt grimaced. If he had to stay in bed for a couple of days and not do anything, he would go crazy! No doubt Andy was going to see it the same way.

  "I made up some meals. They are in the fridge. All you have to do is reheat." Margaret said as she gathered up her purse and jacket. Matt kissed her cheek.

  "What? Delivery pizza is not good enough?" He asked, feigning annoyance. Margaret tisked.

  "Spare her the fast food." Margaret said goodbye to them and left. Andy grinned after they got her settled on the bed. Matt leaned over her to pluck another pillow for her use. She looked up into his face.

  "I like pizza." She made him chuckle. Pausing a moment, he kissed her lips and held the connection for a lengthy moment. He felt the shiver that passed from her into him. He moaned in his throat.

  "Hmm...hungry?" He grinned when she laughed softly. She taunted him with her lips.

  "Starving." She whispered, touching his face gently; running her hand over his stubble. He throbbed with desire. What wouldn't he give to be hilt deep inside her? Taking in one last look, he growled.

  "I'm ordering pizza. What do you guys want?" Matt asked as he left the room with Garrett right behind him. Nora laughed as the two brothers argued down the hall. Harper squealed for her mother.

  "Okay, little one, I know." Nora cocooned Harper in pillows next to Andy. Harper could feel her mother's body heat, but wasn't pressed against her sore ribs. Andy played with Harper's blonde hair and spoke soft nothings to her daughter. Nora pulled a folded fleece throw from the bottom of the bed and spread it out over Andy and Harper. Silently she backed out of the room to give them some bonding time.

  "Pizza will be here in half an hour. I'm going to go upstairs. I could use a shower and a shave." Matt said as he passed his sister to go up to his room. She reached up and plugged her nose.

  "Geez! So that was the smell!" She laughed and Matt playfully pushed her to the side. "Go on! I will keep an ear out for trouble."

  "Yeah, yeah! It takes one to know one." Matt responded in his cheeky banter. It felt good to let some of the darkness and heavy weight go. Even if only for the moment.

  The shower and shave flew by in record time. He was super careful not to knick himself with the razor. His mind still strayed to Andy and Harper. Thinking of them, wanting to be with them, and loving them seemed to come so naturally. They were his little family. A family he needed. His heart lifted thinking of them and he quickly threw a pair of shorts on and slipped a t-shirt over his head as he went down the stairs. He could hear Nora and Garrett talking in the kitchen. He could smell the pizza. His stomach rumbled. Hospital food had done very little for his appetite.

  Stopping at the spare room door, Matt stuck his head in to tell Andy the food was here. He clipped the words off before they came out. Blue eyes widened as they took in a moment he would remember forever. His heart thumped in a steady, dominating thud. Coming closer to the bed, he took a deep breath and smiled softly. Both of his girls were asleep; Andy with her fingers in Harper's hair, and Harper with her arms outstretched. He leaned over the bed to place a gentle kiss on Harper's forehead and then on Andy's.

  "Sweet dreams." It was a heartfelt whisper that seared his soul. Matt turned with a smile and left the room.


  Five days after the accident and two days since being released from the hospital, Andy was about ready to climb the walls! She prided herself on being a fairly even tempered person, but it took all of her self-control to lay in the bed. Yet another talk show was on! If it wasn't a talk show, it was one of the many soap operas that played out in much the same fashion as her own life had. It shocked her! Girl falls for man. Guy is still attached to former lover. Former lover tries to kill Girl. Girl gets hurt. Guy suddenly realizes he loves Girl. Guy and Girl never live happily ever after. Andy frowned. If she didn't know better, she might think even the cable company was out to drive her insane.

  She growled. A caged, wild tiger might be less unhinged than she was right at this moment. She huffed again, rocketing a small throw pillow across the room. Grimacing at the tender twinges that surrounded her chest, Andy swung her legs off of the mattress and planted her feet on the floor. Ouch! Deep breathing was not quite up to par. Bruised ribs! Her crabby conscience reminded her repeatedly that things would not right themselves over night.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?" A male voice groaned from the doorway. Andy daggered him with her eyes as she pulled herself up straight. Garrett shook his head in exasperation.

  "I can't stand this! This is driving me insane. I can literally feel my brain cells dying, Garrett!" Her expressive green eyes pleaded for him to understand. Sad thing was he probably did understand. Matt had left Garrett to babysit Andy while he took Harper with him to the grocery store. Matt's older brother was a good guy, but he was at a loss as to how to object to Andy moving around.

  "You need rest; that is what the doctor stressed. Just lay down and take a nap. You will feel better after you do." Garrett waved his hand at the bed, trying to shoo her back into her temporary prison! She narrowed her eyes and growled at him. She fought the urge to giggle as Garrett's dark brows disappeared into his hair line. They stared at each other for a minute. Stand down and no one gets hurt.

  "I can't go back in there." Andy braced a hand against the door jamb; half blocking and half holding herself upright. She cradled her left side with her right hand. Remember to take more ibuprofen. Garrett glanced at her hand on the door and the other on her side. He huffed and finally tilted his head to the side.

  "Fine. Do you feel like taking a short walk?" He turned towards the front door. "I need to grab the mail." Garrett didn't look to see if she was following him, which of course, she was. Pausing by the front door to help her slip her bare feet into her flip flops, Andy was grateful for his thoughtfulness. Garrett's tall six foot-three stature made him appear almost a giant. He was much broader than Matt and that too made him look menacing. He wasn't, she thought. He was the proverbial teddy bear and a bear with a temper if he were provoked.

  Sandals on her feet, Andy walked slowly through the front door that Garrett held open for her.

  "Thank you." She smiled at him when he only shook his head again. He stayed right beside her. He could have lengthened his stride and left her struggling to keep up, but he measured out his steps to match her own. The silence might have been uncomfortable had it been so. Garrett was a quiet man, who spoke volumes in his own way. She didn't feel the need to fill the air with endless chatter and she didn't feel the need to buffer against him. It was nice to know he was there.

  Turning her attention to the bright afternoon sunshine, Andy registered the chill that hung in the air. Almost the end of September, South Dakota experienced an autumn quickly and then it fully immersed its landscape and inhabitants in winter. When the exact date was no one knew for sure, bu
t even the squirrels were amping up their efforts to store food for the colder months. One such busy squirrel bolted from the yard and Garrett grumbled something about finding a pellet gun. Andy grinned.

  "They are so cute." Andy threw him a sly smile and Garrett shook his head, rolling his eyes.

  "They are a pain in the ass. Stupid rodents make a mess of the backyard trees." Garrett gestured over the six foot tall privacy fence. She giggled at his candor and felt relaxed for the first time in the last five days. She needed a friend; preferably one who didn't need to analyze everything. Nora was wonderful and caring, but she had to know how Andy felt all the time. Sometimes you just need the quiet. Apparently, Garrett was her go-to man. It was only a couple more feet to the large black steel mailbox at the curb. Andy reached out and pulled the curved handle open. A jumble of letters and a large manila envelope was crammed inside.

  "For you." Andy gave Garrett the heavy envelope and he busied himself with tearing it open. "Anything good?" She asked him as he shuffled through the papers. Garrett shrugged his broad shoulders.

  "Just new requests and plans from the golf course job. I swear these guys are going to change their minds every chance they get." He grumbled as he shoved the papers back inside the envelope. The newest golf course build had been a singular focus for Garrett and Matt's company. It meant a huge upgrade of clientele and it also meant more flighty investors.

  "It will be amazing when it's done and then you can brag that you built it!" Andy tried to put some positivity back into the universe. She wasn't the most positive, forward thinking person, but she believed in karma. Hopefully if she tried to put good things out into the world, good things might actually start coming back to her. Preferably before I am too old to remember them! Andy grimaced. It might be better said than done in her case.

  "Anything good in there?" Garrett gestured to the pile of envelopes in her hands. It jolted her from her day dreams and she shuffled through them, handing Garrett his mail as she sorted. Bill. Bill. Sweepstakes. Bill. Garrett was opening each letter as she handed them to him so his attention was elsewhere when she ran across a soft pink envelope with very familiar cursive writing. Her heart skipped, dangerously on the edge of stopping. Mom. She knew that writing anywhere. Her hand trembled as she slid her fingertips along the seam. Almost afraid to touch it, let alone believe it was real had Andy at a standstill. Sweet and merciful saints! How could they know where she was?


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