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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn- Task Force One: Dani's Got a Gun [The Men of Five-0 #4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 16

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He released her lips.

  “I want to make love to you. I need to feel you. Take off your clothes.” He knew he sounded demanding and bossy, but he was doing everything he could to maintain control and not roll her to her back, rip her clothes from her body, and plow into her pussy.

  She opened her eyes and began to move around, removing her clothing like he was removing his own. They were naked moments later as he pulled her to him and hugged her tight. Miele needed to feel that skin-to-skin contact with his mate. Dani provided comfort and security, and he hoped he provided her with the same.

  He rolled her to her back and shifted his body so he was between her legs, kneeling on all fours above her with his cock at her entrance ready to make love to her.

  He stared at her a moment.

  Miele thought about the night’s events and about Dani.

  “I could have died tonight. The thought of never seeing you again hurts so badly inside.”

  Dani reached up and placed her hand against his cheek. He turned slowly and kissed her palm.

  “I love you, Miele, please make love to me now. I need you, too.”

  He bowed his head and took a deep breath. As he released it, he pressed his cock forward, penetrating her in one smooth stroke. They moaned together, tilting their heads back as her body adjusted to his girth.

  “I’m so hard and so needy, Dani. I need so much.”

  “Take from me, Miele. I want you to take what you need from me, now.”

  He leaned down so his mouth was inches from her own as he thrust his hips against her. With every stroke, he gained the feelings of safety and control back. Dani did that for him. She provided a safe haven, a place where he could be free from danger or harm and relish in the gift of love the gods had granted to him.

  He kissed her mouth and nibbled on her bottom lip then rose above her and increased his speed.

  She caressed his forearms and raised her thighs so he could penetrate deeper at an even better angle.

  “So beautiful. Fuck, baby, I want to stay like this inside of you forever.”

  He caressed her breasts as he tilted his hips pressing in and out of her.

  He pinched her nipples, making her moan and wiggle beneath his body.

  “So sexy.” He caressed her arms and clasped her fingers with his own, holding them above her head.

  Her breasts pushed upward and her pelvis counterthrust against him as they stared into one another’s eyes.

  He liked making love to her like this, with her arms above her head in such a submissive position.

  “Mine,” he growled as he increased his speed. The bed creaked and moaned. Her thighs tightened against his hips as he pushed deeper. He could feel her insides tighten and grasp his cock.

  “I’m almost there, baby. Come with me, Dani. Come with me now.” He pumped his hips a few more times before he exploded inside of her. He poured himself into her, and he bit her shoulder, marking her his woman. She bit into his shoulder as well. The deep emotions and feelings consumed him as he lay atop her, panting for air before rolling to his side with her against his chest.

  Chapter 15

  “If I’m going to be staying here a while longer, I’ll need some things from my apartment.” Dani took a bite from a piece of carrot. She, Van, Vanderlan, Bently, and Baher were in the kitchen. Randolph was hanging out with Miele in the living room, and the Fennigan Pack was out hunting.

  “Write down what you need, and Randolph and I can go get the stuff,” Bently stated.

  “No. That is not going to work. I have things there I need. It’s my home.” Dani stepped away from the counter.

  “This will be your home. We can have some associates move your things in a matter of hours,” Van stated.

  “I want to go to my apartment and move my own things. I know what to take and what not to take. I have a gun closet that needs to be moved here and secured. Anyone could break in there and steal my stuff.”

  Vanderlan pulled her to him as he sat on the stool. She was now between his open thighs, and he cupped her face between his hands.

  He stared into her eyes.

  “You belong here. It is too dangerous.”

  “You take me, then. You and Van take me there so I can grab what I need. Or bring everyone. I really don’t care, but I need stuff.” She raised her voice, and he gave her that look of his that warned her to behave.

  She took a deep breath and tried to relax. They loved her. She knew that.

  “Please. You can come with me.”

  “Van and I will discuss it and let you know.”

  She felt her heart drop into her belly. At least it felt that way. Was this how her life was going to be forever? Was she a prisoner in more ways than they could understand?

  “No, you are not a prisoner. You are our mate and we protect what is ours.” Vanderlin kissed her softly on the lips.

  He turned her around and wrapped one arm around her waist so she leaned against his front.

  Van stared at her in warning.

  “We will give you a decision shortly.”

  * * * *

  He knew who she was now, the one with that unique smell that had gotten away. His wolf craved her. It wanted to be close to her, touch her, cut her, suck from her blood. He needed it more and more every day. Just a hint of her scent sent his wolf into turmoil and desperation. But now he’d found her again. She was guarded by Alpha wolves. The same wolves whose pack he was sent to destroy. The same group of wolves about to be killed, ambushed by another rogue wolf created by Dr. Evans. Well, not before he had a chance at her. Detrix wanted her blood. Just a taste, just to hold her and know that she was his for a few moments. He was obsessed. He knew it and he knew that she would be the death of him, and he didn’t care. He needed her, and tonight he would have her.

  * * * *

  Vanderlan, Van, Baher, and Randolph accompanied Dani to her apartment complex. Miele and Bently remained behind.

  She climbed the staircase along with Vanderlan and Van while Randolph kept the SUV running out front. Baher led the way, being sure to check the hallway and then her door and apartment.

  “Shit,” he exclaimed, and Dani shoved between Van and Vanderlan, two massive figures, in order to see what had gotten Baher upset.

  “Oh man, are you kidding me!” she exclaimed as she walked into a major mess. Her place had been ransacked and destroyed.

  “I can smell the wolves. Numerous ones have been here. We need to go.” Van reached for her hand.

  “No. Wait a minute. I have things here. I hid stuff and there’s the gun case. If guns are missing, I’ll have to report them.”

  “Where are they? I’ll look first,” Baher asked, and she told him where to search in her bedroom. The growling sound filled the walls and penetrated through them. She jumped back just as two wolves shoved through the room from the hallway.

  Vanderlan shoved her farther into the room and straight into what appeared to be the same wolf that attacked her.

  The beast reached for her and she kicked at his sharp claws. The men growled and half shifted. She no longer knew who was who as she circled the room trying to maintain distance from the monster.

  It leaped for her and grabbed her as it half shifted back. There were bodies flying around the room and more terrifying roars, but those were drowned out as her own fear gripped her every thought.

  “Mine.” It snarled. Then she felt its tongue lick across her neck and shoulder. It did that twice and on the third time, she felt its teeth scrape her skin.

  “No. Leave me alone,” she told it and the arm squeezed against her rib cage, making her lose her breath.

  “Mine,” it repeated.

  “Let her go. She doesn’t belong to you,” Van stated firmly as he and Vanderlan stood in front of her. Vanderlan’s eyes glowed red, and she could sense the force within him. He was trying to control the monster holding her.

  “Please, I don’t know what you want. What is it you need?” she asked.

  “You. Mine,” it repeated then began to step backward and farther away from Van and Vanderlan. The floor creaked and immediately the monster turned just as Baher approached. He was attempting to sneak up on them and failed.

  She could sense her men’s anger and fear for her life. She needed to do something. They couldn’t move without him hurting her further.

  “I can help you if you need it,” she told the beast as it moved around the room and near the doorway.

  “Come with me.” He squeezed tight. “I taste you now.” He licked across her neck making her sick with disgust. She felt his teeth against her skin then the pinch as her blood appeared.

  “No! Let her go,” Vanderlan commanded, and the beast stopped licking from her bite and instead stared straight at Vanderlan.

  “Let her come to me. Release her now.” Dani felt the monster ease his hold. If she got the chance, she was going to kill it. She knew that it wanted her. It squeezed her so tight she lost her breath and began gasping for air.

  “I can’t breathe.”

  “No!” Baher roared from the side of her, making the wolf restraining her turn toward Baher. Baher shifted into a large brown wolf and swung a huge paw at the wolf’s head. The wolf lowered, causing Baher to miss. He eased up his hold, and she bent down, pulled the gun from her ankle, and held on tight. The wolf twisted the other way, causing her other arm to slam down against the ground. She screamed in pain as a series of growls echoed through the room. She sensed the large shadows around her, the beast threw her to the ground, causing her back and shoulders to slam against the floor. She was stunned a moment and then saw the teeth and the beast about to rip her throat out. Pointing her gun straight at its head, she pulled the trigger. One, two, three shots, and she closed her eyes as the beast landed on top of her, its claws scratching her torso.

  * * * *

  It was complete chaos. The Fennigan Pack arrived to secure the area and intercept the human police. They cleared the room of the numerous dead bodies now in human form. Daniella looked stunned and hadn’t said a word to them. She was drenched in blood from the rogue wolf. They each saw her get slashed by the beast. They saw her body slam down onto the floor. Van wasn’t certain she would survive it until he saw her injuries heal before his own eyes.

  “Daniella. Daniella, baby, look at me. He’s gone, honey. You shot him and he’s dead,” Van stated. Vanderlan gently touched her hands where she still held the gun. He caressed her fingers. “Release the weapon, mate. We have you now.” She stared at him a moment.

  “I may need it,” she replied, and they chuckled.

  “Not now you don’t. There are more of us than there are of them. It’s over, Daniella,” Van said as Vanderlan gently tugged the gun from her fingers.

  “Talk to me. What hurts?” Van asked.

  She looked down at her clothing. It was torn and covered in blood.

  “Oh God, did it get me?” she asked.

  Van placed his palm against her cheek.

  “No, honey. You fought it off and shot it. You did awesome.”

  She stared at him and crunched her eyes.

  “Help me up,” she stated, and they each took an arm and assisted her.

  “Whoa.” Her body swayed. “I feel dizzy.”

  “She hit her head pretty damn hard when he slammed her to the floor,” Vanderlan stated, and she looked at him.

  “How the hell am I not dead?” she asked as more voices filled the room. They looked up and saw Eagan and Quinn Fennigan.

  “We need to move. Zespian is keeping the regulars at bay,” Quinn informed them.

  “I need clothes,” she stated and Baher approached.

  “I grabbed a bunch of stuff that wasn’t ripped to shreds. That thing had been stalking the place,” Baher stated.

  “Take off your shirt and take my shirt.” Van removed his shirt. Vanderlan helped Dani lift her shirt off of her and toss it to Quinn.

  “Nice,” Eagan whispered as he stared at Daniella. Van, Vanderlan, and Baher growled low.

  Eagan put his hands up and stepped away chuckling.

  “Lucky bastards,” Quinn added as Van placed his shirt over Daniella’s head and covered her up.

  Van lifted Dani up into his arms.

  “Everything good in here?” Zespian asked as he entered the room.

  All eyes were upon him.

  “We’re good and heading out now. Meet us at the estate,” Van told his uncle.

  “Will do.” Zespian stared at Vanderlan a moment. Van got a funny feeling in his gut but ignored it as Danielle snuggled against his chest.

  * * * *

  The men surrounded her when she arrived home. Her need to be close to them, to be touched and caressed by them, was overwhelming, but she knew she needed to shower. Blood stains covered her skin, and her head still felt fuzzy. Her shoulders and back ached, and she was wiped out.

  “You’re exhausted. Let Baher take you upstairs and help you shower and change. The Fennigan Pack and Zespian will be arriving soon to discuss the case and what happened. After tonight this should be over.” Van kissed her softly on the lips. He passed her to Baher, and she snuggled up to his shoulder. He carried her away from the living room and upstairs.

  * * * *

  “Will she be okay, Van?” Miele asked as they all gathered around the kitchen.

  He ran his fingers through his hair and stared at Vanderlan a moment. “It was a close fucking call.”

  “Too fucking close,” Randolph chimed in as he stared at Van. Van wondered if Randolph blamed him. He had given in to Dani’s demand to go home and get stuff.

  “She’s tough. And she’s really good with guns. If she had hesitated a moment, she would have been killed by that thing,” Vanderlan stated and all eyes fell upon him. He looked at them.

  “She was something else. I swear I thought the worse, too, and then the way that thing shifted and licked her.” Van shook his head.

  “He definitely had my tainted blood in him. I smelled it, sensed it, and when it bit Daniella to take a taste of her, I felt it.” Vanderlan banged his fist on the table.

  Randolph placed his hand on Vanderlan’s shoulder.

  “It wasn’t your fault. These people who did this stole from you, and because Dani’s so tough and street smart, she survived.”

  Van grew a little angry.

  “You blame me for this don’t you?” Van asked Randolph, and Randolph stepped away from Vanderlan and gave Van a dirty look.

  “She is our mate and we are her Alphas. She’s to obey us, not play us. You should have denied her going there. We could have taken her shopping and a few of us could have gone to her apartment and gotten those guns of hers.” Randolph ran his fingers through his hair and exhaled.

  “I did what I felt was right. We’ve taken her away from everything she knows. She’s a homicide detective and a strong woman, I gave in a little, thinking that we had her covered. In the end, she saved herself because of her skills,” Van admitted then turned away from them.

  “This all doesn’t matter now. The rogue is dead. Let’s wait for Zespian to arrive and go over the situation. The Fennigan Pack covered up the mess and Quinn has information, too. Clear our heads and get back to business. Daniella is safe and right upstairs with Baher,” Bently added, and they were all silent.

  * * * *

  Baher gently undressed Daniella as the shower water heated up.

  She looked tired and her eyes were glazed over, but her pupils weren’t dilated. He had wondered if she suffered a concussion from the attack after hearing about the incident at her apartment.

  “You sure you can stand up okay? You still feel dizzy?”

  “I’m feeling better, Baher. I just want to get this blood off of me,” she told him, and he smiled.

  He stripped his clothes off and walked her toward the walk-in shower.

  He watched as she maneuvered under the spray of water and moaned as the heat hit her skin.

  “Too hot?” he a
sked with concern.

  “No, just right,” she stated in a gurgling sound as she spoke under the spray of water.

  She ran her hands through her hair, and he grabbed the soap, lathering it up to help wash away the blood.

  It took a little while to remove any signs of the attack, and he got sidetracked more than a few times as he caressed some parts more than others.

  “You’re beautiful, Dani.” He leaned down to kiss her lips.

  Dani reached up and embraced him, pulling him against her hard, and making her back hit the wall behind her. She moaned and he tried to pull away, but she apparently had a different idea.

  “I need you, Baher. I need you inside of me, please.”

  “I need you, too. I was worried.”

  He lifted her up, and she spread her legs, straddling his waist as he maneuvered against her.

  His cock was hard, his beast still uneasy about how close she came to death tonight.

  She grabbed his shoulders and tilted her pelvis up so he could align his cock with her entrance.

  “Easy, baby, I don’t want to cause more bruises.”

  “You won’t. I need this. I need you.” She held his gaze. Her light-green eyes lit up his heart as he pressed his cock up into her pussy. Wet strands of her long brown hair clung to her shoulders. Her vaginal muscles clung tight to his shaft, taking his breath away. Once fully inside of her, she held him tight, making it difficult for him to move. She kissed his neck and inhaled deeply against his skin.

  He pulled his hips back then pressed forward slowly into her. She continued to cling to him and hold him tight. Tonight had scared her. It was obvious, but she was a tough one. Dani and her guns. She would have died without it tonight. Thank God she was insistent on bringing it with her.

  She eased up her hold enough for him to increase his thrusts. She leaned back against the shower wall and he caressed down her breasts to her hips. He squeezed her hip bones and watched her large breasts bounce with every thrust into her.


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