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Forget Me Not, My Scottish Love (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 3)

Page 6

by Allie Palomino

  “She’s yer wife, Cameron. Doona be foolish.”

  “She’s beautiful, isna she, Patrick?” Cameron asked idly, staring down at her.

  “Aye, Cameron, she is. And ye’re stupid for nay keeping her in yer chamber.”

  “This marriage is in name only and for Alexander’s convenience, Patrick.” Cameron finally looked up at him.

  “Then ye’re even more dim-witted than I thought ye were, Cameron.”


  “Because this marriage doesna need to be for any other reason other than for ye two. Fate has seen ye two reunited despite the most unlikeliest of odds. Even while her mind was broken, she remembered ye. Take her, Cameron. She’s yers,” Patrick urged.

  Even though they were cousins, they behaved like brothers. The bond between them was strong, and Patrick hated seeing his cousin deprive himself of happiness for no good reason.

  Cameron shook his head. “This transition will be difficult, Patrick. I will nay make it more difficult for her or me.”

  “Forget yer damned pride, Cameron. Yer seed will take root. I’ve always had my suspicions about Gillyanne.”

  “It doesna matter, for even if Gillyanne was taking precautions against getting with child, there have been others,” Cameron said solemnly. This was a sore topic for him.

  “I willna hinder her future opportunities for a sound match with a respectable man for the sole purpose of using her as a broodmare when the efforts will certainly be unsuccessful.” When Patrick made to speak, Cameron shook his head.

  “Gather the servants tomorrow. I need to speak to them.” He gaze returned to Abby.

  “For what purpose?”

  “They need to be informed of her delicate condition. I’ll nay have her upset.”

  “Verra well. Goodnight Cameron,” Patrick said but made no move to leave. Cameron wasn’t listening, anyway.

  Cameron tried to extract his hand but in her sleep, she held on tight. He smiled as she slowly opened her eyes into thin slits.

  “I’m leaving now, but ye’ll be safe, Abby.” His voice was soft and gentle.

  Her eyes opened wide in alarm.

  “Ye’ll be safe. Nothing will happen to ye here.” He was getting lost in her green eyes. “I’ll stay here until ye fall asleep again.”

  Slowly her eyes closed and her grip lessened on his hand. Her breathing grew even and light again. He eased away from her and stood looking down at her.

  Patrick saw his cousin fight with himself. He knew that Cameron wanted her. He stepped away and headed for his own room.

  With one last glance at her and with some reluctance, Cameron left Abby sleeping. He needed to distance himself from her, because with every passing minute near her, he wanted her more and more.

  Chapter Seven

  Cameron met with the staff the next morning. He felt it was necessary. Being English was a strike against Abby. Being Haynsworth’s daughter would be the nail in the coffin even before they opened it to see who was inside.

  He explained his wife’s sensitive condition and requested that they be patient and show her respect. They’d already been made aware that he had gone to England to marry, for they had heard about Alexander’s request. The servants were eager to please their laird, and agreed to take extra precaution with her. Like many Scots, his servants especially disliked the English. Living on the border, they had seen many acts of violence.

  Cameron then set out to address his clan. After gathering as many of them as would fit in the courtyard, he announced to them that he had married. Like his servants, the clan also knew that the bride was English. Cameron knew that word spread like wildfire.

  “Where is she, laird?” one man yelled from within the crowd, in Gaelic.

  “She is-”

  Everyone hushed and their gazes were no longer fixed on him, but behind him. He looked back and saw Abby standing there with his mother and Amy.

  She looked beautiful, wearing a pale lavender dress. Her hair was loose around her with purple ribbons. The wind blew then and her hair flew behind her.

  He couldn’t stop staring at her.

  She looked at him all the while. Pure adoration came through from her green eyes. A smile touched her lips and he smiled back, nodding his head in acknowledgment. He beckoned her forward and turned towards his clan.

  Every clansman was staring at her, and he recognized the looks on some of the men’s faces. They wore licentious expressions like they did their plaid. Cameron felt his blood heat to a boil. He cleared his throat to get their attentions off her.

  Cameron sensed when she reached his side and felt her hand reach for his. It was a little shaky and he looked down at her. She was watchful of the crowd.

  They intimidated her.

  Cameron turned to his people and introduced her as his wife in Gaelic. He asked them to go back to their daily routines, although some looked a little longer at her before leaving. Once the crowd dispersed, he turned to Abby.

  “Ye slept well?” he asked softly.

  She just looked up at him, trustingly, not acknowledging his words. Alice and Amy came over.

  “I’ll take her now, Cameron.” Amy took Abby’s hand and led her back into the castle. Abby looked back at him as she was led away.

  “She’s gaining her mind back, Cameron. I believe that.”

  “How would ye know, Mother?” His gaze followed Abby’s form. After she entered into the castle, he centered his gaze on his mother.

  “I spoke with her mother before we left.”

  “How did ye manage that? There wasna sufficient time.”

  “I made time. Her mother told me to take caution because she often acted out and was unreachable, of mind, she meant. She would often stare into nothing, she explained. Her mother told me that when Abby said yer name at the wedding, it was the first time she’d heard her speak in six years. Ye have a good affect on her, Cameron,” Alice said smiling.

  “I doubt that, Mother.”

  “How do ye know her?” His mother stared at him pensively.

  “What do ye mean?”

  “Doona try to avoid my question, Cameron. Ye knew her before the wedding. How?”

  Cameron sighed, leading his mother back into the castle and into the great room.

  “Six years ago, we came across men dressed in our plaid attacking Abby’s entourage. We immediately came forward to put to a halt to the attack and a battle commenced. Abby witnessed the bloodshed.”

  “Good Lord, that is why she is in this condition. What was she doing there alone, Cameron?”

  “She wasna, Mother. She was in her wedding garb with her husband,” Cameron said tightly.

  “Husband? Oh, poor soul! She witnessed his death. That must have did her in,” she said shaking her head.

  “Nay, Mother, that was not the cause of her condition. She didna love her husband. Or at least, he didna care about her,” Cameron said, caught up in the idea that she may have loved him.

  “How do ye know that?”

  “He tried to kill her. I saved her,” he said, looking away, remembering.

  “That’s odd, Cameron. Her mother didna mention anything of the sort. She only said that there was an incident. She explained that Abby doesna remember anything from the incident. When she was reunited again with her family, she refused to speak. She told me that she stared into nothing and that she’s remained that same for years, until she saw ye yesterday,” Alice said looking at him expectantly.

  He turned his gaze quickly to Alice’s.

  She smiled and nodded her head. “Aye, ye heard correctly, Cameron. She hadna responded to anyone in the last six years the way she responded to ye yesterday. Her mother admitted that Abby was always screaming and crying in her father’s presence, but that was all.”

  He studied his mother for a serious moment.

  “Do ye know what that means?” Alice said smiling.

  “Mother, please refrain.”

  “There’s a connection, Cameron. She re
members ye, and nothing or no one else that night. Surely, this was fate’s hand,” Alice said hopeful.

  “If Father was alive hearing this, he would walk away now. She is Haynsworth’s daughter, Mother.”

  “Aye, that she is. But other than sharing blood, there is nay likeness, not even in appearance. There is something special between ye two, and I hope yer reluctance disappears soon. She is calm only with ye, Cameron. The way she looks at ye, as if ye’re a god.” Alice sighed, knowing how stubborn her son was, since he’d inherited that trait from his father. “She trusts ye, Cameron. Let this be a match. Go on and get Gillyanne out of here at long last. Cherish the wife ye now have.”

  “The marriage will end in a year’s time, Mother. Canna ye not understand that? I canna sire children,” Cameron said heatedly.

  “So ye’d rather keep yer distance from her because she’ll be gone in a year, nay matter if ye care for her, is that it?”

  “I doona care for her, Mother. I’ve barely been married a full day,” he said impatiently.

  “Ye’re foolish, Cameron. One day or one hundred days, it doesna matter. I see the way ye two look at one another. And doona keep arguing this point- ye can sire children, but how will ye know if ye distance yerself from yer wife?” Alice flashed her eldest son an angry look, and walked away.

  Cameron returned inside. He digested what his mother had told him. Abby hadn’t spoken since that night and yet she had spoken to him. Even Abby’s mother had been surprised. He rose in frustration and marched outside. These matters weren’t for him to ponder. His life had already been decided for him. He would have no sons or daughters. At one point, he did not believe he’d ever marry.

  He hadn’t want a wife, but he had one now.

  Cameron saw that his men were sparring and craved the physical exertion. Women were too complicated for him this morning.

  He strode towards them with his sword in his hand.

  “Where’s yer beautiful wife, laird?” a warrior asked, smiling in jest.

  “Come forward, and I’ll knock ye down so ye can see her in yer dreams,” Cameron said with a wide grin.

  Later that day, Cameron was climbing up the stairs to the keep when Keith stopped him.

  “Cameron, wait. Word arrived from the Campbell.” Keith held Cameron back with his hand on his arm.

  “Word? That only signifies bad developments.”

  “Ye think this still has to do with the revolts from when Alexander first aided England?” Aidan asked.

  “Without a doubt. The Stewarts were, and remain, problematic. Since the Campbells helped Alexander, trouble has been common along the Stewart-Campbell border. Lead the messenger to the great room,” Cameron said entering the castle.

  Cameron drank a long draw from his cup. The messenger would relay the information Cameron already knew. The doors opened and the man rushed in. He bowed before Cameron.

  “Tell me the message,” Cameron demanded.

  “Laird, ‘tis wot we feared. The Stewarts ar’ battlin’ now. The Campbell has requested that I come ‘ere for aid. They caught us off guard, Laird. They attacked at night. Many are dead, women and children alike,” the messenger said, out of breath.

  “That’s repulsive,” Aidan said.

  “Leave it to the Stewarts,” Patrick added dryly.

  “Gretta!” Cameron shouted.

  “Yes, milord,” Gretta came in and bowed.

  “Get this messenger some ale and food, please.”

  “Yes, milord.”

  “How many warriors have fallen?” Keith asked.

  “Many- too many to have counted before I rushed here. They first attacked those on post an’ the alarm sounded too late,” the messenger said, drinking deeply of the ale Gretta brought. He took a bite out of the hearty bread she gave him.

  “How many fight against ye?”

  “Over a hundred, Laird. This was meant as retaliation.”

  “Keith, ready a hundred to ride by sun down. There isna much time, so make it quick. Aidan, ye’re to stay here. Patrick ye ride.”

  The men rushed about, readying for battle. Alice and Abby walked in then. Alice’s face grew concerned when she saw the activity. She moved away from Abby.

  “What is the matter? What is going on?”

  “Doona worry, Mother. The Stewarts have attacked the Campbells. We ride now with a contingency to quash the retaliation.”

  “How long will ye be gone?”

  “I doona know, a week or longer.”

  Abby stood by, not understanding completely, but the look of alarm on Alice’s face was enough to make her nervous. She ran up to Alice’s side. She reached out to touch Cameron’s arm.

  “Cameron?” she said, her eyes wide with fright.

  He turned to her, regretting that he worried her. Maybe she couldn’t understand. It could be a hidden blessing.

  “I will be leaving, Abby. I doona know how long I’ll be gone, but Aidan is here. He willna let anything happen to ye,” Cameron told her, looking into her eyes. They were pale green and reflected fear.

  “No!” she implored him. She grabbed at his hands. Her eyes studied his.

  “Ye’ll be safe, Abby.”

  “Ye, Cameron,” she said throatily. Her mouth pronounced the words awkwardly. Her eyes were wide with concern. She gripped his hands tightly.

  “She’s concerned for yer safety, Cameron, nay hers,” Alice clarified.

  “I’ll be safe, Abby. I’m hearty and difficult to kill,” he smiled at his own remarks, “I’ll return soon.” Cameron offered her a reassuring smile.

  Alice and Cameron stood back as Abby slowly drew up her dress’ skirt. Alice tried to stop her.

  “Abby, nay. Doona do that here,” Alice said looking around, but Abby wouldn’t be deterred.

  Cameron saw the smooth porcelain skin of her long, shapely legs. They were gorgeous and he wondered how they would feel wrapped around him.

  He felt like a reprobate, thinking of her in that manner.

  Still, Abby continued raising her skirts, and he saw her sumptuous thighs. Then he saw it- what she wanted to give him. She quickly untied it from around her thigh and handed it to him, looking at his silver eyes.

  “What is that? Is that a piece of yer hunting plaid?” Alice’s eyebrows wrinkled.

  Aye, that it was.

  Cameron looked into Abby’s green eyes and saw determination there. He took the green fabric from her hands.

  “I gave this to her that night, Mother,” he said, not looking away from Abby. His throat became tight and constricted when he realized that she had kept it all these years. The significance of what it meant to her made him more emotional than he cared to admit at that moment.

  They stared at one another for what seemed like eternity. His hand came up to her face and cupped it. She moved into his touch, never taking her eyes off his face.

  Cameron wanted to kiss her as badly as he needed to take his next breath. Her cheeks were rosy and her lips were full and plump. They glistened when her tongue came out to moisten them.

  “Cameron, the men are ready,” Keith said, coming into the great room.

  Cameron combed his fingers through her hair and let go.

  “I’ll be back, Abby,” he said, somberly.

  Tears gathered in her eyes, but she nodded.

  Alice and Keith shared a look and smiled. The magnetism between Cameron and Abby caused the air to shift. It was palpable.

  “Bye, Abby,” he said and reluctantly turned away. He left the great room.

  Abby stared longingly at the door.

  “I’ll take care of him, Abby,” Keith said.

  Her gaze moved to his in confusion, as if she had just noticed that he was there. Her eyes traveled over his face, as if not understanding his words. Several seconds passed, and she nodded.

  “Be careful, Keith,” Alice said worriedly.

  Keith nodded and left. Alice turned to Abby, whose tears ran down her cheeks.

  “Oh, darlin
g, come here,” Alice said, hugging her. “He’ll be just fine. This is nothing new,” Alice said, steering Abby to sit in front of the hearth. “No worries for ye.”

  Chapter Eight

  It was a month before Cameron finally rode through the outer wall. He quickly washed the grime off his body before seeking his family out.

  Cameron rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He stretched his arms out and rolled his shoulders. His body was wound tighter than the end of a noose.

  They’d underestimated the battle. The Stewarts fought a hard battle and the Campbells had been low on men. The Stewarts had been smart to launch a night attack. After having defeated the Stewarts, Cameron stayed an additional week to make certain that the Campbells were stabilized.

  Once he donned a fresh new plaid, he entered into the great room. His muscles were slowly releasing their tension. He continued to roll his neck in an effort to relax his overworked muscles. Cameron wanted strong ale to relax the tension within him, and numb his mind a bit.

  He also wanted to see Abby.

  She had been on his mind throughout the long month. Cameron had looked forward to coming home, which was a new feeling for him. It wasn’t that he didn’t like being with his family. He enjoyed the physical exertion of battle. Cameron didn’t lie to himself, though. He wanted to be home because he was eager to see Abby.

  When he came into the great room, he looked towards the hearth. The site before him stopped his tongue.

  Abby sat on the floor on spread fabric. Her glorious hair was all around her. Amy and Alice were sitting in chairs around her. She was smiling at Owen. Drool was coming out of the baby’s mouth as he tried crawling to Abby. After many tries, Owen finally crawled to her and she picked him up, laughing in carefree abandon. She gingerly held him to her chest, her laughter resounding melodiously around them. She held him away from her and the baby erupted in a fit of bubbly giggles.

  “He has grown to love ye, Abby.” Amy smiled at her.

  “Ador-able,” Abby struggled to say.


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