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Forget Me Not, My Scottish Love (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 3)

Page 12

by Allie Palomino

  Rather than answer her immediately, he licked her neck. She laughed and brought her hands up to his head. Cameron popped his head up to look into her eyes. They were still hazed with passion.

  Abby was laughing carelessly now. It was a wild abandon of laughter erupting from her silken, sultry throat.

  Cameron studied her, surprised at the feeling of satisfaction he felt watching her. He smiled slowly in response. It was a slow, sexy smile that took her breath away.

  “Aye, Abby. ‘Tis how it will always be between us.” He touched his forehead to hers.

  She stretched her arms over her head and arched her back, yawning. “Ye have such a sensual smile, Cameron.” She stretched again, and he looked down at her beautiful, lush breasts.

  “I believe I like this activity, Cameron,” she said yawning again. “We’ve missed much excitement and I feel a need to compensate for the time we’ve been remiss.”

  He laughed as he saw her eyes close sleepily. He hated to do it, but he withdrew from her and looked down at his angel. She was so pure and innocent, and had brought him the most passionate night he’d ever experienced.

  “Abby, ye were amazing, sweetness. No one has made me feel as satisfied as ye have this night.”

  She was sleeping soundly already.

  Cameron lay on his back and pulled her into his arms, nuzzling the crown of her head. Damn, he was fortunate.

  “Cameron?” she asked sleepily.

  “Yes, my sweetness.”

  “Is it always like this?” she asked, groggily.

  “What do ye mean?”

  She wasn’t making sense because she was half asleep.

  “Is it always like this between a man and woman?” she asked, moving to snuggle closer to him.

  “It could be,” he said, stroking her smooth, silken back.

  “No,” she said sleepily.

  “No?” he questioned, his curiosity peaking.

  He smiled, experiencing pure male satisfaction at the state he had brought her to with his lovemaking. Then his smile faded as he heard her words.

  “It can only occur…when a wife…loves her husband.”

  His heart stopped. Was it possible? Did she love him?

  She nuzzled his neck in her sleep. He looked down at her peaceful face and knew that she spoke the truth.

  As he drifted off to sleep, keeping his precious wife in the safe enclosure of his strong arms, he wondered whether she would she remember in the morning what she had told him just now?

  He hoped so, but nevertheless, he knew the truth.

  His wife loved him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cameron awoke more rested than he had in a long, long while. He looked down and there his beauty was, sound asleep still. He stroked her glorious blond hair.

  She was so stunning.

  Cameron didn’t want to leave her; he wanted to spend the day in bed with her. He wanted to spend the day making love to her.

  Abby stirred awake when he moved to get off the bed. He turned back and saw that her eyes were slightly open.

  “Oh…is it late?” she asked groggily.

  Cameron stroked the tresses that fell on her forehead.

  “Shh, sleep, sweetness,” he said gently.

  “I’m so tired, Cameron.” A yawn interrupted her words. “My eyelids feel heavy,” she said and gave a small giggle.

  He smiled.

  “Maybe it was because of last night,” he said, his smile growing broader as her eyes opened in confusion. Her eyebrows bunched adorably. Did she remember what they had shared last night or what she had told him?

  He knew the exact moment she remembered- her cheeks were red flames.

  He laughed.

  “What, ye didna like it? Ye gave no complaints last night, Abby,” he said chuckling as the color of her cheeks deepened.

  She pulled the quilt over her head.

  “I’m glad you find my embarrassment amusing, Cameron,” she said with an angry twinge to her voice. Then she gasped loudly.

  “Dear Lord, I am naked!” she said and mumbled something under her breath.

  He laughed and pulled the covering down.

  “That’s a usual occurrence when ye make love, Abby,” His grin was adorably lopsided.

  Her hair was in her face and she quickly shoved it away.

  “Don’t mock me, Cameron,” she said, her green eyes like darts, but he saw amusement there.

  “I doona want to mock ye, Abby,” he said looking at her bare breasts. “I want to make love to ye.”

  She covered herself up. “Don’t look. ‘Tis not proper.”

  He grabbed her chin tilting her face up to his. “Everything is proper between a husband and wife,” he said huskily and kissed her rosy lips.

  As soon as his lips made love to hers, she dropped the quilt and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Her moan was soft.

  “Are ye sore, Abby?” he asked, his voice thick with need.

  “Sore?” she asked, looking puzzled. Looking into his eyes, she found her answer. She winced.

  “Ye blush so prettily. Ye’re a thief.” He stared at her intently.

  “I have not taken anything of yours.”

  “Aye, ye have. Every instance I lay my eyes upon ye, ye take my breath away.” His lips descended down on hers.

  Cameron’s need grew almost painful. He had woken up hard and after having felt her softness next to him, his need had visibly grown.

  “Ye’re too sore now for me to love ye fully, Abby, but I will give ye fulfillment,” he said looking into her gleaming eyes.

  “Fulfillment? How, if not by making love?”

  He kissed her lips. She was so special, so rare. He looked at her through new eyes, finding her more beautiful than he ever had before then. He wanted to give her anything and everything she wanted. He did not wish to see her want for anything.

  Cameron wanted to be with her forever.

  “There are many ways to love, sweetness. Lie back.” She gave him a doubtful look. “Trust me, Abby.”

  Her small hands cupped his face. She nudged his nose with hers, starring up at him. “I trust you, Cameron. I always have and always will. Completely.”

  Her intensity and earnestness filled him with emotion. Too much emotion. Dear God, she made him feel things he had never felt and had never wanted to feel.

  Cameron hardened himself against those foreign feelings. He did not want to be weak or viewed as such.

  He gently laid her back. He moved over her and kissed her fiercely, passionately. He trailed kisses down her neck to her breasts and she moaned softly as he suckled.

  “Cameron,” she sighed.

  He kissed her stomach. She gave a mixture of a soft laugh and moan. Her belly was so soft and lush. He kissed her there, on her belly button, and underneath her breasts. Her hands went straight to his hair. Her moans were loud as she gasped with pleasure.

  He was so hard he thought he would erupt.

  What if she was taken from him? What would he do without her? She was his sun, his air, and now his life. He could remember how dreary and empty his life had been before she came into it. That night so long ago, even the memory of her filled his empty life throughout the passing years. The time that she’s been here has been the best of his life. What would happen to him once the marriage was annulled?

  He felt a surge of frantic possessiveness overwhelm him. The feeling beat through his veins and pulsed through his body.

  She was his!

  All his.

  No one would take her from him.

  No one.

  He fought the urge to roar his possession of her like a primal animal as he continued to kiss a path down to her core. She gasped, pushing his head away.

  “That is private, Cameron. It’s a sin!” she said, looking down at him with pleading eyes.

  “It is not a sin. Nothing we do could ever be,” he kissed her mound and she groaned.

  “Ye’re mine, Abby. Everything I have is
yers and everything ye have is mine.”

  “Does that mean you’re mine, Cameron?” He was making her breathless, but he saw a clever light in her eye sparkle when he looked up at her.

  “Do ye want me to be yers, Abby?”

  He flicked the nub inside her core.

  “Yes!” Her hands grabbed fistfuls of his hair.

  “Ye doona want to share me?”

  He stuck his tongue in her moist channel.

  “Never! Cameron, never! You’re mine!” she yelled. She sobbed in pleasure as he licked her. He moved over her, taking her hands and holding them above her head.

  “And ye’re mine,” he said fiercely. “Say it, Abigail, say it. Ye’re mine!”

  Cameron strained against the possessive fingers clawing within him, overwhelming him. He wanted to claim her again in the most primitive way.

  “Yes!” she said in a strangled cry. “Yes, Cameron. I’m yours.” She was panting. “I’m yours,” she breathed.

  Their eyes locked and the intensity between them heightened.

  “Make love to me, Cameron,” she whispered urgently.

  “But ye’re sore.”

  The blood was roaring in his head. His control was slipping- his need to possess her was that strong. He wouldn’t hurt her no matter how painfully hard he was, however.

  “I don’t care,” she said breathlessly. “Make love to me, Cameron.”

  His blood pounded in his skull. The roaring in his ears was deafening. Her nails were scratching another pattern on his shoulders.

  He touched her core with his finger and she was wet. He groaned. Cameron heard her labored breathing, which mirrored his own. He positioned himself over her.

  She sighed when she felt his length against her.


  Her voice was sultry and breathless.

  Cameron surged within her. Her back arched and both of them groaned from the pleasure. He tenderly touched his forehead to hers, trying to calm his racing pulse. He withdrew, creating the most delicious friction within her tight sheath. She wouldn’t let him move slowly. Her hips lurched upwards to meet his thrusts.

  “Ohhh…” she breathed. “Don’t stop, Cameron.”

  “Abby,” he breathed. He was consumed by her. Her smell, her voice, her body. He was in another world now, where only he and she existed.

  He groaned at the pure pleasure he felt from her tightness squeezing his cock. He kissed her hard on the mouth. It was frenzied. He sucked her tongue and she did the same to him. They were beyond reason. Their primal instincts took over.

  Her nails scored his back over and over. He felt her tightening up.

  “Cameron!” Her gasp had her breath hitching.

  “Yes, Abby, let go. Let go,” he said through clenched teeth as he thrust forward quickly.

  Their moans blended until finally both culminated in an explosion of pleasure. Abby wrapped her arms around him lifting her top half off the bed. He pumped her, letting his seed pour into her. He kept thrusting until the throbbing in his manhood eased.

  He looked down into her eyes as their breathing evened.

  “That was amazing, Cameron. You’re amazing,” she said, and laughed. “The feeling! It’s so wondrous! I believe I may want this daily.”

  “You’re becoming a wanton,” he said with a large, satisfied smile.

  She looked at him and the smug smile on his face. “You’re making me into one.”

  “I’m not complaining.”

  He grinned when she yawned. She was tired again from his lovemaking. He brushed back a curly lock from her forehead.

  “Sleep, my love,” he said and was surprised at his endearment. He stood up so that he could put on his plaid.

  “I love you, Cameron,” she said in her sleep.

  He turned back to look at her from the door. His heart clenched at the sight of her beautiful face. He was scared that she echoed his feelings.

  Did he love her?

  Though that was uncertain, there was one thing that was very certain.

  She was finally his, and no one would take her from him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  As Cameron descended the stairs, he caught his family smirking at him from the great table.

  “Why are ye all smiling?”

  “Why are ye smiling?” Aidan asked, grinning.

  “I’m not,” he denied, now straight-faced.

  “Ye were when ye were coming down the stairs,” Alice said, beaming.

  “It’s a good day outside.”

  They all laughed.

  “Doona try to fool us, Cameron. Is it safe to assume we shall soon be seeing yer heir running through the halls?” Keith asked, nodding in approval.


  “Then, where is yer wife?” Amy asked.

  “What the hell is this, this morning? An inquisition? I am being questioned as if I was a traitor,” he said irritably. “As I’ve said before, my affairs with Abigail and our marriage are none of yer concern.”

  They laughed. Keith stood up and slapped his back in congratulations.

  “Finally completed the feat, huh, brother?” and the family laughed again in unison.

  “Didna need me lessons, did ye, laird?” Orfeld said, chewing his mouthful of food.

  “Doona ye have a cottage, old man?” Cameron said irritably.

  “Nay, I’m thinking the laird didna consummate the marriage. He’s too grumpy,” Orfeld said, biting the chunk of bread he held in his hand.

  “Nay, he consummated the marriage, Orfeld,” Keith said, smiling.

  “How would ye be knowing, young Keith?”

  “We all heard them last night,” Aidan responded for his brother.

  “Did ye stand outside our chamber door?” Cameron asked, his temper rising.

  “Good idea, lads, good idea! Excellent thinking,” Orfeld said, holding his cup up in a toast.

  “No, we didna,” Keith said.

  Orfeld lowered his cup. “Ye didna stand outside the door?”

  “Nay.” Keith said.

  “Ye must have good ears, lad. I wish me ears were such!” Orfeld said, lifting his cup again.

  “Nay, they were very loud last eve,” Aidan said. Orfeld lowered his cup again in frustration.

  “I say there’s a toast in order,” Orfeld said, lifting his cup up again.

  “My marriage doesna concern any of ye. Keep out!” Cameron grabbed a piece of fruit and left the hall.

  Orfeld lowered his cup.

  “Wonderful!” Alice clapped her hands in enthusiasm.

  “What’s wonderful? Ye heard the laird. He didna consummate the marriage. Besides, he wouldna be so sour if he had,” Orfeld said.

  “Nay. He did. He just gets upset because he believes we meddle,” Amy said, laughing.

  Orfeld raised his cup again. “A toast then?” he asked grumpily.

  “Aye, Orfeld, a toast!” Alice said, holding up her cup as everyone followed suit.

  Abby didn’t come down until late in the afternoon. She was embarrassed. Did they know?

  “Abby, I am so happy!” Alice said, when she saw her coming down the stairs.

  They did.

  “Alice, good morn- I mean good afternoon. How are you faring today?”

  “Excellent! Just splendid. How are ye dear?”

  Abby smiled shyly and blushed. “I’m very well, Alice, thank you.”

  Alice gave her a hug. “I will not mention a thing, for ye are young and deserve yer privacy. I just want to say that I am verra happy. I love ye as a daughter,” Alice said.

  Abby smiled and kissed Alice’s cheek. “Thank you, Alice. I am humbled.”

  Gillyanne moseyed in.

  “What’s transpiring this day in the lovely MacPherson clan?”

  “Why are you still here? Dear Lord, how long does it take to send a letter?” Abby said in pure frustration.

  “I am still here, mouse. I serve a function, ye know,” Gillyanne said, haughtily.

�What kind of function? The castle whore?” Abby said, looking straight at Gillyanne.

  The family smirked.

  Gillyanne’s smile grew more broadly. “How did ye guess, frumpy? I serve Cameron in every way that satisfies him. He’s unsurpassed in bed. Why is it that ye think he hadna slept with ye?” Gillyanne laughed.

  “Are you sure it was my husband? With your voracious appetite, I’m not certain you even have a moment to look at the face of the man you’re humping.”

  Keith, Aidan, and Patrick couldn’t contain their boisterous laughter. Keith slapped his knee.

  “Ye bitch!” Gillyanne cried out.

  “I’d rather be a bitch than a whore.”

  Gillyanne lunged. She was a foot away from Abby when Cameron hauled Gillyanne away.

  “Doona ye dare touch her!”

  Gillyanne growled and Abby responded with a wide smile. Cameron set her down hastily and walked towards Abby.

  “Leave, Gillyanne,” Cameron snapped.

  “But Cameron, please. My sister has not answered me,” she said pleadingly.

  “Out! Ye will no longer disrespect my wife. Gather yer belongings and leave. I’ll have my men escort ye.” He looked towards Patrick who nodded. Cameron left her and moved to stand in front of Abby.

  Cameron smiled down at her. “How are ye, sweetness?” He lifted his hand to caress her cheek.

  Smiling, she blushed but continued to hold his stare. “Good.”

  “Doona be shy with me, especially after those heated comments ye made at Gillyanne,” he said laughing. He leaned into her, whispering in her ear, “Especially after last night and this morn.”

  Cameron moved back after she swatted him, but he noticed the color of her cheeks deepened.

  “I apologize for making a spectacle of myself.”

  He snorted. “I’m not. I like that ye defend yerself. I respect and enjoy yer spirit, Abby. I especially love that fire in our bedchamber.” She covered his mouth and looked around. Cameron’s boisterous laugh echoed. Her face was fiery now. He leaned down and kissed her. It was a tender kiss. When he pulled back she nuzzled his nose with hers.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “For what?”

  “For it all.”

  She left him pondering her words when she saw Amy bring Owen.


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