Blood Burdens (The Shadow World)

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Blood Burdens (The Shadow World) Page 24

by Brandy Nacole

  No one will ever know of the battle fought here today. All everyone will see is the landmark created for the gods. The land that’s marked for remembrance of their powerful reign.

  Chapter Nineteen

  We reach the beach of Mykonos to cheers from the ones who stayed behind. Reed rushes onto Addie’s boat and pulls her into a tight hug, followed by a deep kiss. Cadi does the same when she sees Filek. The happy couples are glad to be together again.

  As I’m getting off the boat, my foot gets caught on the anchor line and I go sailing through the air. You would think that someone with so much power and finesse could manage to get off a boat without falling on their face. Before I go crashing to the ground, I’m caught in the arms of someone I’ve been dreading to meet.

  Coy stands over me, gripping my shoulders. He pulls me upright then turns to walk away. I grab his arm to stop him.

  “Thank you.”

  After shaking my hand off his arm, he walks away, down the beach toward the guest house. My heart rips just a bit more as I watch his shoulders slump with defeat. This is not how I expected him to come back after saving his brother.

  With a sigh, I turn to go find Witten but come face-to-face with Micah. “Hey, I tried finding you before we left Delos but I was shuttled on a boat.”

  “I was with Addie. She’s having a hard time coping with everything.” I look over to Addie wrapped up in Reed’s arms. I smile at her happiness. “Although, I think she’s going to be just fine now.”

  Micah follows my gaze and smiles too. “I do too.” He turns back to me with fondness. “I know how much she means to you. I could feel it. I wish my bond with my brother was that strong.”

  I cringe. “Part of that’s my fault.” I hate how I have come between them. All they’ve ever wanted was to be together, to be a family. Now, they aren’t even speaking to one another.

  Micah reaches out and pulls me to him. “Don’t think that. Coy and I have a strained relationship because of Aldrick, not because of you. We may care for one another because we are brothers but we aren’t close like you and Addie. I’m just hoping that one day we will be.”

  “But because of me it’s going to be harder.”

  Micah rubs my back. “Coy will come around. He’ll see the truth one day.”

  I nod my head in agreement although I don’t feel it. I know Micah can hear my thoughts of doubt but he doesn’t say anything. I do hope that he’s right, that Coy will come around in his own time.

  As much as I want to stay wrapped up in Micah’s arms, there are a few things I need to go take care of, namely on finding out when we get to go home. Micah lets go of me after hearing my thoughts. “You go take care of business, my majestic princess. I’m going to go see if I can help with anything.” My heart starts hammering as he leans in toward me. Micah chuckles as he kisses my cheek. I blush in embarrassment. He just smiles and walks away. Tough having someone who knows everything you’re thinking.

  I regain my composure, then search for Witten. He’s standing off to the side with Alanis, Jobe, Zaire, and Natahala. I guess they’re having an Elder-Leader pow-wow. As I make my way over to them, I look back at Delos. The sun is just starting to rise, and the island is starting to become visible. It’s amazing how a place that saw so much bloodshed only hours ago, looks peaceful now.

  When I approach the leaders, their conversation stops as they bow their heads. I’m never going to get used to that.

  “You don’t have to bow to me. I’m not royalty or anything.”

  Dagna straightens, “Oh but you could be.”

  I ignore her comment and look to Witten. “When will we be going home?”

  “So eager to leave?” Alanis says.

  I bite down on my lip for being rude in front of my host. “I’m sorry, Alanis. This place is great, I’m just ready to go home. I haven’t been there much in the last year and half. After these last few months, I want nothing more than to relax at home with my family. I understand now the importance of what I didn’t before.”

  They all smile with admiration. “Such wise words.” Laveda says. I’m also ready to go home and get away from their uncomfortable praise. I don’t know why they admire me so much anyway. I’m the result of a forbidden love. If my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents hadn’t rebelled against their laws, I wouldn’t be here to admire.

  Meira walks over and puts an arm around me. “I hope I can be a part of that family as well.”

  What do I say to that? I have been asked twice how I have forgiven the Shadows. My answer has been that I haven’t. A part of me is still angry with everyone for shunning me and my family for so long. And Meira? Hearing that I had an aunt who embraced my sister but didn’t want anything to do with me had hurt. I’m not going to open my arms up and welcome every Shadow that crosses my door-step but what about Meira? She had apologized and has been trying hard to make up for what she did. Could I forgive her enough to be a permanent fixture in my life?

  “It will be good to sit down and talk, now that we finally have a chance,” I say. It’s the best I can do right now.

  Witten clears his throat, “To answer your question Racquel, we will be leaving within the hour. The pilots have already been notified and are preparing for our arrival. I am eager to return to the Covenant. There’s so much I have left to teach Lucas and I can feel my time is drawing near.”

  A gasp escapes my lips at Witten’s declaration. It amazes me once again how freely he talks about his life ending. I look around for Lucas. I haven’t had much of a run-in with him since we returned. He was usually stuck up Witten’s butt, ready to take over his spot as Magister.

  Lucas is leaned up against a palm tree talking to Danika. Their conversation doesn’t seem too friendly. Danika has her hands on her hips as she says something to Lucas in an angry tone. I’m sure they are having another argument over Ethan.

  Witten is regarding Lucas with a pleased smile. “I’m confident that he will be a great Magister.”

  Jobe seems distracted. He searches the grounds, then his eyes lock on something. I follow his gaze to see Ethan, who is perched on a rock watching Lucas and Danika. Jobe nudges Zaire and nods toward Ethan. Zaire nods in understanding and leaves to talk to Ethan. This brings my focus back to another subject I wanted to ask about.

  “How do you get an audience with the Ruling Council?” I ask the group.

  Witten looks at me with confusion. “Why do you want an audience with the Ruling Council? No charges will be brought forth for the deaths that were brought by Cerelia’s hand. There is nothing for you to worry about.”

  As is anyone would charge me for killing Cerelia. “It has nothing to do with that. There is another matter that needs to be discussed. One that I plan on fighting the council about.” If he only knew how hard I planned on fighting him and the others over the matter of who can love who.

  Witten answers me, suspicion laces his face. “To call an audience you must request the proper paperwork with your local sub-leader. They will then make the request known to the Ruling Council.”

  I nod my head and look at each of them. “Do be ready for my request.” They all regard me warily but nod in acknowledgement.

  Witten ends the council conversation as he turns to Dagna and asks, “Will you and the others go round up everyone who’s leaving? They need to get packed.” Dagna, Meira, and Laveda all nod and leave.

  When they’re out of ear-shot he steps closer to me. “I don’t know what you have planned but do know I will hold onto my life as long as I can to fight you. Our ways may seem strict to you but they are centuries’ old traditions, created for all our welfare. I don’t care if you are some powerful creature that everyone, including my goddess, respects. I will fight you on anything you try to change.”

  I look at Witten with a menacing stare for threatening me. “I’m sure you will, but do know that I will win.” We stare at each other for the longest before he walks away, telling the others that he must go pack.
r />   Alanis shakes her head with an amusing smile. “You are a little spit-fire, aren’t you?”

  “Only when I have to be.” The older woman chuckles before turning to walk to her house. I’m sure she’s eager to reassure the younger Witches that everything is okay.

  Natahala watches as Alanis leaves with an amused expression on her face, but Jobe looks at me with a calculating stare. “Alanis is right, you are full of fire. Just heed Witten’s warning. The ways run deep. I don’t know what could be so pressing that you would call the council but be prepared for a fight. Not everyone is open to change.” Jobe gives no clue as to where he stands when it comes to change.

  “Maybe they should be. Look how the human world has evolved because of change.” I remark.

  “Yes, but look how they have fallen apart as well. They try embracing the changes they think they want but there are some who still fight against them. That has caused a great rift in their society.” I didn’t like the truth in his words, although I could argue that they’ve always had some rift. Even before they became open to changes, there were wars over trying to keep things as they were. Whether we open up to changes or keep them the same, there will always be rifts and wars.

  I start to remind him of this but Natahala interrupts me. “Speaking of change, I meant what I said earlier, Jobe. I want an alliance with the Lycans so we don’t have to live so guarded from one another.”

  Jobe addresses Natahala with a tired tone. “That is another battle in itself, Natahala. We will have to convene our own group to discuss the matter.” I guess I’m not the only one who hopes one day everyone can co-exist without being so wary of one another.

  Jobe heads off to speak to Zaire, who is left standing alone after an angry Ethan walks away. I turn to see that Danika has done the same to Lucas. She’s stomping away to Alanis’s house, while Ethan heads in the opposite direction down the deserted beach. As I’m watching them go, Natahala steps up beside me.

  “I agree with what you want to do about the laws, Racquel. I’m just afraid the outcome will not be to your liking.”

  “Why is it everyone knows what I want to change?” I’ve only mentioned my thoughts about the race-mixing law being outdated to a few people.

  “It’s written all over your face. When you glanced at Lucas and Danika talking, your face became guarded and angry. Then when Jobe sent Zaire to talk to Ethan you became even angrier. As I say, I agree with you. But you need to learn to keep your face guarded, as you have seen most of us do. Politics demands we keep our plans and secrets hidden from those we don’t want to know.” Natahala has her hands crossed in front of her. Her posture is straight as she peers out over at the others. I admire her. She truly was meant to lead, not only is she wise but she carries herself well, showing no weakness or flaw.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” When she turns to leave, her fight with Aldrick comes to mind. “What happened with Aldrick?”

  Natahala stops, and for a brief moment I see her stiffen. She recovers herself quickly as she turns back toward me. “To be honest, I’m afraid of what the outcome would have been if Cerelia hadn’t fallen.” I look Natahala over closely and see bite marks along the collar of her shirt and under the edges of her sleeves. Bruises in the shape of hand prints are along the back of her neck. “He had the upper hand on me until he went up in flames.” A smile breaks across her face. “I guess his lust for power seared him in the ass.”

  I laugh as Natahala breaks her regal persona. I could see know why Brynn loved her so much. She was strong but also could have a sense of humor, not to mention she was gorgeous. All the great perks of having someone to your equal. “How is Brynn?”

  Natahala smiles fondly, “He fought like a real champion against the others. He’s over helping the others unload the boats.” A look of mourning passes over her face. “I’m afraid to say we lost Thad. He was a brave warrior.”

  I take a step back, shocked. We lost Thad? Why am I just now hearing this? He had showed us all how to fight against his kind and gave kind suggestions to others. He was a great person and I hadn’t even thought to check on him. I thought everyone I knew had survived. And I recall that the last thing Thad said to me was to give Coy a chance to save his brother. At least I had granted his last request to me.

  “I’m sorry.” I quietly say.

  “It is a great loss, though not the only one we suffered.” Natahala turns to leave, and this time I let her.

  As I turn back around to head for the boats to help with unloading, a familiar purple mist gathers in the air. Queen Kaya steps through the mist, looking as imposing as ever.

  “I have come to gather Nolan.”

  I bite my lip with worry as I look at the Fae Queen. I hadn’t been expecting her to show up and now she wants what is hers back. I haven’t seen Nolan since before the fight. I need to start doing a better job with keeping up with everyone, especially the ones with queens who hold vendettas.

  Before I can say anything, Nolan comes bounding down the beach. “Here I am queen.” He slows his pace before reaching her and gives a deep bow.

  A relieved look crosses the fairy queen’s face. “It’s nice to see you, Nolan.”

  Nolan bows again. “The pleasure is mine.” Nolan then steps up beside the queen as the purple mist starts gathering again.

  Queen Kaya addresses me, “I’m glad to see the outcome was in our favor.”

  “So am I.” I’m kind of shocked that Queen Kaya isn’t going to speak with Witten or any of the others but that’s how she is. She comes and goes only gathering or lending what she can without pleasantries.

  As her and Nolan disappear in the mist, the queen’s voice whispers on the wind. “Do not forget my warning, Racquel.”

  I’m left there watching as the mist disappears, wondering not for the first time exactly what she means.


  After saying our parting goodbyes to Alanis’s Coven, we ride back to the airport and go our separate ways. The airport is littered with Shadow cars and planes. Witten and Jobe have a chat with airport security, who are none too happy. They are aggravated to say the least because of all the plane traffic that wasn’t scheduled ahead of time. But with a few select spells, Euros in a few palms, and a ‘what else could they do’ argument, all is calm.

  Natahala has three planes of her own parked, then there are the two Coven planes. Jobe and the other Lycans arrived on the human planes, and were now in line trying to get enough tickets to fly everyone back home. Witten explained to Jobe that he would offer them a ride but that we didn’t have the room. Of course, Jobe understood.

  Before Natahala leaves, she comes to give me a hug. “Stay strong young one, you have a bright future ahead of you. But I also see many battles. Do know that I will be here to assist you when it is appropriate.” I want to ask her what she means by appropriate but I don’t. I’ll figure that one out at a later time. “I must be going now. Lynna is waiting for me in Sofia. We need to discuss the future of the Vampires and get started on some much needed change.” This is nice news to hear.

  After Natahala turns to join the others, Jared pops up. He gives me a deep bow, “My lady.”

  I roll my eyes and try tipping him over as he’s bowing, but don’t quite make it before he stands back up.

  “So, where you headed?” I ask him.

  Jared shrugs his shoulders, “I’m not sure. I’ll figure it out though.”

  “Jared, I never got the chance to apologize about Sofi.”

  Jared lowers his head. “I don’t know what I’m going to do without her. She was all I had left.”

  “That’s not true.” I gesture to Natahala. “Looks like you have a great new leader who will need your help and support.”

  Jared glances over at Natahala. “Yeah, I guess so.” He turns back to me. “I’ll see you around, Racquel. It’s been fun.”

  I chuckle, “Yeah, real fun.”

  Jared walks away to join the others. Of course, Natahala welcomes him with op
en arms. She is the best leader those vamps will ever have. I just hope her struggle with Aldrick’s remaining followers isn’t filled with bloodshed. Gods know we’ve had enough of that.

  Witten has us wait until we have confirmation that Jobe and the Lycans have transportation back home, in case we can do something else to help. I give Witten another notch of respect for his kindness toward Jobe and the others. He didn’t have to wait, but he did anyway. That still doesn’t get him of my crap list for threatening me, though.

  Evan, Eric, and Trent are sitting outside the airport under a tree, trading stories about their fights while we wait. Trent jumps up from his seat to emphasize the fight he had with one of the Vampires, slashing through the air and snapping his teeth before falling to the ground. The other boys watch him in awe then jump in to tell about their fights. I was glad to see they made it out alive.

  We did lose one from our group that had ventured over here with us besides Thad. Kaleb, one of the two Elders guards fell as well. Danika told me the story on the way over to the airport. Kaleb had jumped in front of Witten when one of Cerelia’s Vampires surprised the Elder with a knife. The Vampire had been aiming for Witten’s heart but plunged the blade into Kaleb’s chest instead. Gaige, the other guard, was mourning his brother’s death quietly, by the plane entrance. I hadn’t known they were brothers but either way, I could only imagine his sense of loss.

  Jobe eventually comes out to tell us that they acquired tickets for all the Lycans; they would just be traveling at different times. Witten apologizes once again to Jobe, who shrugs it off.

  After talking with Witten for a minute Jobe walks over to me as Witten instructs the others to get on the plane. Micah stays with me, ignoring Witten’s request for the moment.

  When Jobe approaches, I realize the crazy feelings I once got around Jobe and Zaire haven’t been present since they’ve been here. Before when I met with them, all I could feel was my attraction toward them. Ethan had said all female Lycans were attracted on some level to their Alpha and Beta. He wasn’t sure if I would be, but when I met with them in London, let me just say there was major attraction. Now, that feeling’s not there.


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