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Hot Toddy [Frostbite Falls Christmas 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 7

by Willa Edwards

  “You’re more than enough.” She kissed his neck as she grabbed a condom from the nightstand and ripped it open, feeling at ease for the first time in hours. Kyle needed comfort, he needed support, which she could offer. This was where her strengths were. Being the giver had always been where she felt most comfortable. And in this instance more than any others, she was more than happy to offer him such comfort. It didn’t hurt that she’d enjoy it, too.

  She reached between them, rolling the latex over his cock. He moaned as her fingers made their way down his shaft. She flicked her tongue across his ear, loving how his breathing picked up against her throat. “All I want is the two of you. We have plenty of time for the rest later.” She wasn’t sure exactly how long they had together, but they had more time. She was sure of that. Right now, that was enough.

  He growled against her skin. And her heart pounded a little harder. “You’re too sweet for us.” He settled back into the cradle of her thighs. He surged inside her, and she gasped as her body stretched around him. “So much sweeter than I deserve.”

  Pleasure shivered through her. She’d never had multiple orgasms in one night. Before tonight she hadn’t thought it was possible. But before tonight, she’d never been with two men either. With Chase and Kyle, anything seemed possible.

  She arched her hips up, aiding him in his slow slid. She clasped her legs around his waist, crossing her ankles behind his back, holding him close. There was no such thing as too close when it came to them.

  He leaned his head against her shoulder, moaning into her skin. His whole body tensed, as if he used every ounce of his control to hold himself back. But he didn’t have to. She wanted him wild and crazy, slamming into her so hard she couldn’t breathe.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ve been waiting nine long months for this. I don’t think I can hold back, no matter how much I want to.”

  She didn’t have a second to process his words before he dragged out and thrust back into her, stealing every rational thought from her mind. He continued the determined rhythm, thrusting into her, fast and hard. All she could do was hold on. She grabbed his shoulders, clutching on for dear life as she enjoyed each drive and retreat of his body against hers.

  He hadn’t been lying about needed her or how desperate he was. And she loved every second of it. The primal grunts and groans he made. The desperate way he held her, holding her close as if he didn’t want to ever let her go.

  The ferocious look on his face did something to her insides, twisting them up into tangled knots. She still couldn’t believe they’d been wanting her this whole time. The idea of anyone waiting for her seemed almost laughable, yet she was so damn grateful she didn’t have space for any other emotion.

  She glanced to where Chase lay back. His eyes were hot yet satisfied as he stared down her body, watching his brother fuck her into oblivion. Yet he didn’t seem upset. He just smiled, winking when he noticed her gaze on him.

  Maybe they could make this work. Probably not forever, but for a little while. Long enough to satisfy all their desires and give her the boost she needed to get back on her feet. That was more than she could ask for. But if that’s all they could manage, she’d take it and walk away a happy woman.

  Kyle slammed into her, thrusting deep, and at the same time he swirled his hips. His pubic bone pressed against her clit, sending a flash of pleasure out to every inch of her body.

  She screamed, clawing at his back as heat swirled through her. Everything inside her shattered into a million tiny pieces. Somewhere deep inside she knew the pieces wouldn’t fit back into the same order again. Not after how they’d touched her, how they’d talked to her, the way they’d kissed her.

  She couldn’t go back to being the same woman who just took what she was given. That was happy with any slight ray of affection someone sent her way. She needed more. Only time would tell whether she’d curse them for it, or be eternally grateful. Either way, she was changed.

  Kyle slammed into her again, releasing a deep husky growl as he came. His body shook against hers. His limbs trembled as he held her, and she automatically wrapped herself around him. Her arms tightened around his back, her legs encircling his waist, holding on through each quiver and shake.

  Then he stilled, his body going slack in her arms. He buried his face in her neck. His hot breath shivered across her skin, adding a pleasant buzz to the bliss already coursing through her. She relaxed into the mattress beneath him, replete and satisfied in a way she’d never felt before. She might just melt into the mattress and stay here for the rest of her life.

  When Kyle picked up his head, the happy satisfied look in his eyes had her heart skipping a beat. After the angry scowl and tight control of before, the smile he gave her was beautiful. The satisfied look in his eyes coiled through her blood, making her feel special precious. Like she was the one who put that grin on his face. She wasn’t the only one responsible—she hadn’t been the only one in the bed—but she rather liked the idea that it had been all her doing.

  Kyle rolled over, dragging her along with him and settling her between himself and his brother. It was a tight fit, but not impossible. She liked the way their bodies lay against hers. “That was amazing, sweetheart. The furthest thing from cold I can think of.”

  Chase nodded along with his brother. “Damn right. You’re hot, honey. Smoking hot.”

  Their words settled around her like a soft blanket, warming places deep inside her she hadn’t known were frozen. Though if she was being honest, she’d been frozen solid for a long time. Even before Jason had walked away with his parting insults, she’d been frozen in place.

  That was over now. There was no going back. And it felt good. Right.

  “I’ve…I’ve never…I mean, I never thought…” She couldn’t find the words to describe it. She doubted she ever would.

  Kyle combed his fingers through her hair, the sensation calming and comforting. She lay her head on his chest, nuzzling deeper into his hold. “We know, sweetheart.”

  And she didn’t doubt it. No one else had ever understood her like they did.

  “Get some sleep, honey. We’ll be happy to do it all over again.” Chase wrapped his arm around her waist, shifting close to her side so his full body pressed against hers.

  She settled between them. Happy and content for the first time in longer than she could remember.

  Chapter Five

  Lydia curled a little deeper in the heat surrounding her. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this good. Sun beamed across her eyelids, but she fought to ignore it. She didn’t want to get up. Maybe if she pretended it wasn’t day they could stay here a few more hours. All warm and snuggled up together. Then she wouldn’t have to face reality and whatever all this meant.

  “Are you awake, honey?” A chuckle echoed through his voice, settling deep in her stomach. The corner of her lips turned up before she could stop it. Damn smile was going to give her away. But as much as she wanted to be angry about it, she just couldn’t. She felt way too good to even be angry at herself.

  She shook her head as she burrowed a little deeper into their warm, happy nest. “Nope, I’m not.” They both laughed. Their warm bodies pressed up against her. Their solid heartbeats pounded in time with hers.

  “I think we can fix that.” Kyle skimmed a hand over her stomach, sending little tingles across her skin. “I know just how to wake you up, sweetheart.”

  His fingers found her clit and strummed it. Pleasure sizzled through her, and she sucked in a deep breath. Another hand, Chase’s, traced across her ass, slipping between her legs to push inside. She gasped at the sudden invasion, still a little sore from the night before, but not enough to deny the bliss their touch brought her. She held on to Kyle’s shoulders, digging her nails into his flesh as pleasure burst through her.

  Between the two of them, they had her gasping in less than a minute. Her hips undulated, moving into Chase’s thrusts, lengthening the brush of Kyle’s fingers across her clit.r />
  They must be aroused. Most men were in the morning, even when they didn’t have a woman moaning between them. But they didn’t push for anything more, almost as if her pleasure was enough. She doubted it was. That was too much to ask for from anyone. But she’d give back what they gave her. Later.

  Kyle pressed on her clit, sending a rush of need through her. Chase slammed his fingers inside her, hard and deep. She screamed out, squirming between them as pleasure somersaulted through her. Like a torrid storm, it turned her inside out and left her flopping back on the bed.

  A giddy lightness filled her at the two big masculine smiles that met her gaze, like she had drunk three gallons of those Mistletoe Mimosas. She hadn’t felt this good in a long time. Maybe she’d never felt this good. It was possible. It would fall in line with all the other firsts they’d given her.

  “I could wake up that way every day.” Lydia stretched, unable to stop the large goofy grin from spreading across her face. And even worse, she didn’t want to.

  Every part of her felt good. She’d even slept well. Pinned between them, she hadn’t thought it was possible, but she had. She never slept well with Jason. He snored and kicked her shins. Chase and Kyle hadn’t done that. She hadn’t even felt too hot, which she’d been sure she would with two warm male bodies curled around her. Being naked probably helped.

  “I bet you could, honey.” Chase pinched her ass lightly. She giggled and slapped his hand away.

  “So could we, sweetheart.” Kyle kissed her cheek, his fingers dancing a line up her side. “I’d love to stay in bed with you all day, but I have to go into the station in a few hours.”

  She stuck out her bottom lip in a fake pout that brought a smile to his face. She’d been hoping for more time with them, but she understood. His job was important, not just to him but the whole town. She wouldn’t keep him from it, no matter how much she might want to.

  “Don’t act like that, sweetheart. I have to relieve my poor deputy. He’s been on call since nine last night.” It didn’t go unnoticed by her that was the same time the party started. He’d worked out the schedule to have as much time as possible after the ball. The most time for her.

  It was a crazy thought. They probably hadn’t known that they would approach her when he was making the schedule. But it still felt good to think it might be true. It gave her more hope than she’d had in a long time.

  “I guess if you have, too.”

  He leaned up on his arm to stare at her with that masculine glower that set her whole body alight. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll be back here as soon as I can. And I’ll have you back in this bed before you can even miss me.”

  That wasn’t possible. She’d miss him a minute after he left. But she still jittered beneath the demand in his eyes. The promise of more written in their chocolate depth.

  “And I’ll keep you company until then.” Chase pressed further into her backside. The prominent bulge of his cock against her ass sent a wash of heat through her, settling deep in her stomach.

  “Is that okay?” She glanced over at Kyle, her stomach taking on that nervous quiver of uncertainty that was all too familiar. She had no doubt Chase’s plans for the day involved little clothing or sleep, but she had no clue what that would mean to Kyle. The rules of this relationship—or whatever it was—were still so new and scary to her, she didn’t quite know how to navigate them.

  “Of course.” Kyle pressed a kiss to her lips. It wasn’t as deep or drugging as the kisses he offered her last night, yet it was so achingly sweet her heart skipped a beat. “You belong to both of us. We’re both here for you. Whatever you need.” He wiggled his eyebrows and she giggled.

  It couldn’t be that easy. She was sure of it. But there was only one way to know for sure.

  Chase kissed her cheek before easing out of bed. She fought back the urge to whimper at the loss of his heat against her skin. “Cup of coffee?”

  “That sounds fantastic.” At least, it gave her a reason to leave this bed. Though even a good cup of coffee didn’t sound like enough to get her moving today.

  “Two sugars and light on the cream, right?”

  It took her a full minute to process his words as he stood naked before her. Every thick muscle stood out along his body. A man in his purest form, every inch of him was rugged and gorgeous. And at least for now, hers to enjoy.

  She nodded, trying to ignore how her stomach twisted at her remembered order. And how the wetness between her legs increased at the sight of all the naked male flesh before her.

  “Coming right up.” He offered her another quick smile before heading out of the room toward the kitchen to start the coffee.

  Without their warmth around her, the bed didn’t feel as comfortable. It was weird to even think, but she missed them. They’d barely been in her life before last night, but that one night had made an impression. One she didn’t see herself shaking for a long time.

  Though she understood better now how much they’d been there for her. The thousand and one small ways they’d stayed around her, offering her quiet support while they waited for her to heal.

  The many times Kyle had stopped by at the county clerk’s office to drop off a form or turn in an expense report he could have emailed to the controller. Or when Chase had shown up at the Two Step while she and Victoria were out for a girls’ night, or the many times he’d come into the town hall to pay off a parking ticket he could have paid online.

  Over the last few months they’d always been there. Waiting in the background, waiting for her to be ready for them. To be ready for all of this.

  A small part of her regretted the time they’d wasted. Time they could have been together. But most of her knew they were right to hold back. She’d needed the time.

  Wrapping the sheet around her naked body, she shifted to the edge of the bed and prepared to follow them. As much as she was tempted to try and coerce them back into bed—and she was fairly sure she could—that wasn’t fair to them. Kyle had a job to do. And no doubt Chase had some work to do around the ranch. Ranch work never ended completely.

  Maybe she could help. If she was going to be around here often—and she hoped she was—she should make herself useful. She didn’t know much about ranching, but she’d been an okay girl scout. She could learn to do something, she was sure of it.

  She looked mournfully over at the dress she’d worn last night, folded over the dresser. The dress was beautiful. Victoria had picked it out, and Lydia loved it. But the idea of donning the constricting bodice again—especially this morning, when she felt freer than she had in a long time—had her wanting to bury back under the sheets and hide for the rest of the day.

  As if reading her mind—which he was getting way too good at—Kyle retrieved a shirt from a dresser drawer and held it out to her. “Wear this.”

  She grabbed the plaid shirt and pulled it over her head. The fabric was soft against her skin, well-worn, and still smelled vaguely of her men. Of mountain air and earthy masculinity. She decided to forego underwear. It would only slow down getting to her coffee.

  “Very nice.” The way Kyle looked at her, predatory and possessive, she knew the shirt was his. She liked the way he stared at her. Slightly dangerous, like he wanted to tie her to the bed and have his wicked way with her. And how she wanted to let him.

  “Let’s get some food before you distract me too much.” Kyle waggled her eyebrows at her, and her whole body took notice. They were going to be the death of her. Thank god the county office was closed for the next few days. She wasn’t sure how long they planned to keep her, but she was staying for every minute they’d have her.

  “And coffee.” She definitely needed coffee. Lots of coffee. With these two, she’d need all the energy she could get.

  Kyle made a face and she giggled. How many people ever got to see this funny side of the sheriff? Around town he was the hard-ass lawman. He had to be strict when it came to the law. Frostbite Falls was a safe town. It was his job to keep
it that way. But that was his profession, not the man.

  The man behind the badge was playful, loving, and so damn hot she wanted to eat him alive. And she was grateful no one else saw this side of him. This Kyle was all for her. A secret only the three of them shared, among many others.

  He held out his hand and she accepted gladly, loving the feel of his skin on hers. They were only walking to the kitchen. She doubted she needed his assistance to get there. But the gesture still had her heart thumping against her breastbone. The tender way he held her hand tingled through her to settle deep in her stomach like a gentle glow.

  She glanced around as they walked through the living room. For a bachelor pad it was pretty warm and comfortable. It just needed a woman’s touch. A few pillows, some blankets, maybe a picture or two. Maybe she could offer a few suggestions. She didn’t want to step too far out of line, but they couldn’t be upset by her asking.

  It was just one more thing she could do to repay them for all they’d given her. And they’d given her a lot. More than just pleasure—though that was high on the list. But also freedom, confidence, and affection. Nothing she could think of would compare to what they offered her, but she had to try.

  “If you’d like, I can make pancakes for breakfast or maybe some eggs.”

  He shook his head, “You don’t need to do that.”

  “I don’t mind. I’m a pretty good cook.” She actually liked to cook. At least for an audience. It wasn’t as much fun making meals for one, which is why she’d become familiar with takeout and TV dinners since her split with Jason. She couldn’t think of anyone she’d rather cook for. Her heart beat faster at the image of their happy smiles as they ate her food. She imagined they were the type of men that would clean their plates, needing every scrape of energy for their demanding days.

  Kyle stopped short, turning her toward him with a jerk of her arm. His eyes were fierce, pulling her up short. And that anxious ball in her stomach returned, unsure what she had done to upset him. “We don’t want some slave in the kitchen or some woman to take care of us. We’re grown men and we can clean and cook for ourselves. That’s not what we want from you.”


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