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Possessed by You

Page 5

by Jo-Anna Walker

  I looked over his shoulder and frowned. Everything was written in French. I hoped Brett knew—

  “Nous aimerions que votre meilleure bouteille de Vin rouge.”

  My eyes widened as the fluent French rolled off of Brett’s tongue like it was second nature.

  The waiter’s eyes widened. “Ah, vous parlez Française.”

  Brett smiled. “Juste un petit peu.”

  The waiter nodded.

  I looked back and forth between the two, not having any idea what they were talking about. Just listening to Brett communicate in another language made my stomach flip. Who knew it would be such a turn on? The way his deep voice rolled over the R’s and enunciated every word and syllable, set my heart fluttering wildly.

  “Suffisamment pour bien vous faire comprendre?”

  Brett nodded. “Oui.”

  My body warmed at the conversation going on in front of me between Brett and the waiter. He was a man of many surprises and I had a feeling that I was going to learn more as the night went on.

  “Elle est très jolie.”

  I looked up as the waiter glanced at me.

  Brett turned to me and squeezed my thigh. He winked. “Oui, elle l’est.”

  “What did he say?” I whispered.

  Brett pinched my chin. “He said that you’re beautiful and I agreed.”

  My heart gave a start at his compliment. He had said that I was beautiful before but hearing him say it again while on our date, speaking the language of love, made me hopeful for more dates with him. Oh shit.

  Brett’s eyes twinkled and turned back to the waiter.

  “C’est votre première sortie?”

  Brett nodded. “Oui.”

  “Je vous amère votre bouteille de vin rouge, monsieur.”

  “Merci.” Brett placed the menu in his hand.

  The waiter smiled and walked away.

  “Okay, really?”

  Brett looked down at me and raised an eyebrow. “What?”

  I shook my head. “You speak French?”

  He caressed his fingers down my cheek before pinching my chin. “I speak enough to get by.”


  He smiled, his eyes glancing down at my lips. “Did you like that, lover?”

  “It was sexy as hell,” I blurted, my cheeks heating at my admission.

  A cheesy grin spread on his face. It was so unnatural for him that it took my breath away. In that moment, he wasn’t the uptight controlling Brett that I had come to know but laid back and relaxed. Was it me that did that to him?

  He cleared his throat and looked away as the waiter approached the table, holding a bottle of wine.

  Something had shifted between us as the minutes ticked by. A strong current of lust and mutual attraction soared in the air, crackling the more we spent time together.

  The waiter poured a small amount of wine into a glass and handed it to him. “Votre Vin, monsieur.”

  Brett smiled and took a sip.

  I watched as his strong jaw worked the wine around in his mouth before swallowing.


  The waiter’s shoulders relaxed.

  Brett turned to me. “Are you allergic to anything, Evvie?”

  I shook my head.

  He smiled and ordered our dinner.

  I could listen to him speak for hours. His tongue rolling perfectly over the words. A tongue that had been in my mouth and on parts of my skin. More.

  I shifted in my seat as my pussy clenched. A couple of hours from now and we would be at his apartment. Spending the night together. A part of me couldn’t believe I had actually agreed. But a darker part of me wanted to experience Brett in every way possible. I wanted to find out what made him tick. What turned him on? I wanted him to teach me the ways of his body and my own. In the short amount of time together, I had already learned so much about myself, it was a little overwhelming.


  I met Brett’s gaze. “Hmm?”

  His eyes twinkled. “Thinking about me?”

  My stomach flipped at his smugness. I cleared my throat and shrugged. Needing to distract myself, I grabbed a roll and broke it into pieces.

  Brett poured some wine into my glass.

  I took a breath and grabbed the glass of red liquid and brought it to my lips when it was gently snatched from my hand.

  I frowned and watched him take a sip. His full lips turning up at the corners. I raised an eyebrow as he placed the glass back on the table and cupped my chin. His eyes darkened as he lowered his mouth to mine.

  His soft lips electrified my brain, and then the warm fruity liquid flowed into my mouth. Followed by his sweet tongue massaging mine. I moaned and deepened the kiss.

  His velvety tongue danced with mine as the taste of wine and man flooded my senses.

  I grabbed onto his suit jacket and pulled him closer to me, my fingers itching to touch his skin.

  The kiss ended all too soon when he pulled away, leaving me panting beside him.

  Brett ran his thumb over my swollen lips and leaned down, licking my neck. “If you fuck as good as you kiss, lover…” he covered my mouth again, igniting a groan from us both.

  The way he kissed, it was like he was making love to my mouth. No, Brett didn’t make love. He fucked and I couldn’t wait.

  The food was delicious, but not nearly as mouth-watering as Brett.

  This was it. Dinner was over and we were heading to his apartment.

  My heart fluttered as a large building came into view. I couldn’t believe the area of town that he lived in. Fancy boutiques lined the streets as the setting sun kissed the businesses before us.

  Brett had done quite well for himself since buying The Red Love. From what I heard, he had made a name for himself all on his own.

  After the very intense and hot kiss, we finished off our meal with friendly conversation. I had never seen that side of Brett. He wasn’t a man of many words but he listened to me. I rambled on and on about my family and not once did he look bored. I had never been out with a man where he actually looked interested in what I was saying.

  A cold shiver ran down my spine at the way my skin buzzed. Don’t get attached, Evvie.

  I sighed and wrapped his suit jacket tighter around myself. Brett’s thumb moved slowly back and forth on my thigh. Something tugged at my heart. He had kept his hand on my leg the whole evening, even when supper arrived.

  My stomach knotted. Maybe I was in over my head. Brett was a man who got what he wanted when he wanted it. Was I stupid that I gave in? It’s just sex, Evvie.

  The sound of the door opening and shutting made me jump. I looked around us and realized we were in a parking garage. I didn’t even notice that we had parked. I huffed, needing to get my act together.

  I turned and saw Brett walking around the car before casually leaning against it, waiting. For me. He crossed his arms under his chest, the white dress shirt stretching over a broad back. His black slacks hugged a perfect ass that I couldn’t wait to see bare. He was gorgeous and distracting. An air of confidence oozed off of him, taking my breath away.

  I swallowed. He was giving me an out. I wanted this. Just as bad as him, if not more.

  I stepped out of the vehicle.

  Brett shut the door and cupped the back of my neck, brushing his lips across my mouth. “After tonight, Evvie, you will beg me for more.”

  “You think so?” I teased.

  His eyes flashed, the corners of his lips turning up as he leaned down to my ear. “What’s your number?”

  I swallowed. “My number?”

  He kissed under my ear. “How many men have you had sex with?”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  He lifted his head and smirked. “Everything you think you know about sex, forget it.”

  My heart sped up, racing against my rib cage. “Okay…”

  “I’m going to show you how a real man pleases his woman.”

  “I’m not yours,” I mu

  In a quick move, he wrapped his hand around my neck and pushed me up against the car before leaning his face into mine. A hint of annoyance flashed in his gaze as they heated. “Tonight you are, lover.”

  My skin hummed and if we weren’t in a parking garage, I would rip off his clothes and wrap myself around him until we were sweaty and spent from exhaustion.

  I cleared my throat and stepped out of his embrace, needing some distance between us. The hairs on my body stood on end as Brett followed me to the elevator. Confusion coursed through me. I was his. For the night only.

  I leaned against the wall as Brett pushed the button, the doors closing behind him.

  He turned to me and mirrored my pose against the opposite wall. “How did you like the wine?” he asked with a smirk.

  My cheeks heated and I licked my lips.

  His eyes heated as they followed the movement.

  My throat went dry at the casual but dominating way he leaned against the wall. A gleam passed through his eyes as they bored into mine.

  We rode the elevator to the top floor in silence, little glances passing between us every so often.

  The doors dinged a moment later, opening out into a large foyer. Brett grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles before throwing an arm over my shoulder.

  The musky scent of man and cologne filled my nostrils, making my loins quiver. With shaky hands, I wrapped the jacket tighter around me as we walked down the hall to his apartment.

  By the time we reached the door at the end of the long hallway, my blood was ringing in my ears. Brett was a different level of man. Even when he was relaxed, he was controlling. Dominating.

  He unlocked the door and moved behind me. “After you, lover,” he whispered in my ear.

  I let out a breath as I stepped into the open space of his apartment. He lived at the top of one of the most prestigious high-rises in the city.

  A light flicked on, revealing black leather furniture circling a large dark wood coffee table that sat on a white shag rug. The place was modern but homey. A light cinnamon scent wafted into my nostrils, easing my tense body. Two orgasms from the sexiest man alive and I was addicted. Worse than a drug addict needing their fix.

  My heels clicked as I walked into the foyer. My footsteps being the only sound. I looked over my shoulder and saw Brett standing still, watching me take in his home.

  I pulled off my shoes, the ache in my feet seizing when I stepped onto the cool tiled floor.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as I made my way into the vast living room. The large patio windows revealed the twinkling lights from the city below. The shine of the moon spread over the expanse of the room, drawing me forth.

  A click sounded around me, making my heart jump. I took a deep breath and tugged off Brett’s jacket, placing it on a black high backed chair as I walked up to the window.

  My skin tingled as warm arms wrapped around my middle. My breath caught when a large bulge pressed against my ass.

  Brett brushed the hair off my nape and kissed my neck, slowly easing the strap of my dress off my shoulder. “I’ve wanted you since the first day I saw you, lover.”

  My heart raced at the low husk of arousal in his voice. “I thought you were an asshole.”

  He chuckled and brushed his fingers over the full mounds of my breasts, pushing the second strap off my other shoulder. “You’re so beautiful.”

  My heart caught in my throat and I pushed back against him. I could never get used to the feeling of him touching me, no matter how small the movement. He touched me like he was staking his claim. He didn’t own me but I wanted him to own my body for the night.

  Brett ran his hands down my arms and kissed my neck.

  My stomach fluttered, the sexual tension rolling off of them in waves. I had never wanted a man as bad as I wanted Brett.

  I took a deep breath and stepped out of his grasp, turning before him.

  His eyebrow rose, his gaze roaming over my body.

  My cheeks heated and before I could change my mind, I pushed the dress down to my hips, keeping my eyes locked with Brett’s.

  His nostrils flared as I pushed the dress down the rest of the way to my ankles, before kicking it to the side.

  A cold draft circled me while I stood naked in front of him. My nipples peaked, goose bumps rising on my flesh. The way he was looking me over like he wanted to devour every inch of me, made me feel like the only thing that mattered was me.

  Something flashed in his eyes and before I could even process what he was thinking, he was on me. Our mouths crashed, hands massaged and kneaded. Suddenly, I was pressed up against the cool glass window with Brett’s hips grinding against mine. He lifted me, wrapping my legs around his hips as he circled his pelvis over my core.

  Our tongues danced, dueled, fighting for control as I gripped his shirt. With a tug, I pulled it open, the buttons flying everywhere, pinging off the window before hitting the floor. He growled and pushed into me, making me gasp.

  It was highly erotic the way he was fully clothed when I didn’t have on an ounce.

  He squeezed my ass and released my mouth, panting. “I intended to go slow.”

  I shook my head and started unbuckling his belt. “I need you fast.”

  Brett snarled and wrapped a hand around my neck, plunging his tongue between my lips. “I’m gonna fuck you good, lover.”

  I moaned at the way he took possession of my mouth while I struggled with getting his pants undone. My core clenched, aching for him. The thought that he would be inside of me at any moment set my skin on fire.

  Brett reached between us and ripped open his fly, the sound of a tinfoil wrapper erupting around us.

  I wrapped my hands around his nape, pulling him towards me, deepening the kiss when he lowered me onto him in a smooth move. I gasped, panting at the full feeling deep in my womb. He was finally inside of me. After all of this time.

  Brett groaned before pulling out of me and slammed back into my waiting heat. “You’re so tight, lover.”

  I whimpered, his hard cock reaching a spot inside of me that no man had ever been able to reach. His long thick length filled me, stretching me to the max. God, he was huge. The sharp pain quickly turned into pleasure as his thrusts lengthened and picked up speed.

  “Brett…oh God.”

  He growled and licked into my mouth, the movements in tune with his hips. He reached under my knees, bringing them to my chest and pushed into me as deep as he could go.

  I gasped, my body humming with the need for release when he stopped. I released his mouth and looked up into his heated gaze.

  A wicked smile formed on his face.

  I swallowed hard and ran my hands inside his shirt. His chiselled torso flexed and tensed with every thrust, so tantalizing I couldn’t wait to nibble on his abs. “Please.”

  He licked my bottom lip. “Tell me.”

  Maybe it was the wine swirling around in my belly, making my mind fuzzy or the intoxicating way he was taking me. Either way I didn’t want him to hold back. No holds barred. I wanted to experience him.

  I grabbed his neck and pulled his head down, my mouth grazing his ear. “Fuck me hard, Brett. Don’t hold back.”

  His hips sped up, slamming into me in hard deep thrusts as his mouth crashed to mine.

  Whimpering and mewling sounds came from my lips as he fucked me against the patio doors.

  He said he had wanted to take it slow but the tension that had built over the past few days made us snap.

  Brett released my mouth, trailing kisses down my jaw. “I want to hear you come. To hear the sounds of passion escape your lips as I fuck an orgasm out of you.”

  “Oh. My. God.” I scratched my nails into his shoulders as his thrusts turned harder, deeper.

  He smirked. “Nah, it’s just me, lover.”

  I would have giggled if I could’ve caught my breath.

  He nibbled my neck, breathing hard against my skin as he drove deep between
my thighs. He groaned as I clenched around him, my breathing picking up.

  “That’s it, lover. Come for me.”

  “Brett,” I moaned.

  “Scream loud.” Brett pulled out and thrust back in hard at the same time as he bit my shoulder.

  I screamed, shaking around him as his hips picked up speed. “Oh God.”

  He covered my mouth, swallowing the rest of my cries as my body shattered.

  I looked up at him, my mouth parting with small bursts of air.

  He smirked, gripping my waist. “Watch me.”

  I followed his gaze, watching his thick length move in and out of me, the juices from my center coating him.

  “Watch my dick fuck your sweet pussy, lover.” His length slid in and out of me in smooth moves, sending shivers down my body.


  He pushed into me deep, making me gasp and slam my head back against the window.

  A smug smile formed on his face. “Feel me.”

  I panted. “Oh God, I do. I feel you all through me.”

  He smirked and pulled out, driving back into me hard. “I’ve been waiting for this.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. “You have?”

  He leaned down to my ear. “Yes, lover. The feel of your tight cunt wrapped around me has invaded my thoughts for weeks now.”

  My pussy pulsed. “Y-you thought of me?”

  “Yes, Evvie,” he responded as his hips sped up, driving slow and deep. He gripped my waist and brought us to the chaise, laying me gently on it.

  The cool leather caressed my skin. My hands curled around his neck as he covered my mouth. He pulled out and slammed back into my core making me gasp. “Oh…my…”

  “That’s it, lover.” His hips pumped faster, pushing me to the edge of the chaise.

  I planted my feet on either side of him and lifted my ass, meeting him thrust for thrust.

  Brett groaned, pushing into me deep.

  My eyes rolled back into my head, a small moan escaping my lips.

  He sat back on his heels and removed his shirt, throwing it on the floor.

  I looked up at him and licked my lips, my eyes roaming over his torso.

  He reached for my hands and pulled me to a sitting position, cupping the flesh of my ass in his hands.


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