Naked Empire tsot-8
Page 59
The hump-nosed Sister emerged from the tent. “Bring them in,” she snapped.
The four guards jumped into action, two seizing Adie, the other two taking Zedd. The men were big enough that Zedd’s weight was trivial to them.
The way they held him up by his arms prevented half his steps from touching the ground. They horsed him into the tent, advanced him around the table, spun him around, and dropped him into the chair with such force that it drove the wind from his lungs in a grunt.
Zedd closed his eyes as he grimaced in pain. He wished they would just kill him so that he wouldn’t ever have to open his eyes again. But when they killed him, they would send his head to Richard. Zedd hated to think of the anguish that would cause Richard.
“Well?” Sister Tahirah asked.
Zedd opened his eyes and peered at the object sitting before him in the center of the table.
His breath caught.
He blinked at what he saw, too astonished to let out the breath.
It was constructed magic called a sunset spell.
Zedd swallowed. Surely, none of the Sisters had opened it. No, they wouldn’t have opened it. He wouldn’t be sitting there if they had.
Before him on the table sat a small box, the size of half his palm. The box was shaped like the upper half of a stylized sun—a half disc with six pointed rays coming out from it, meant to represent the sun setting at the horizon. The box was lacquered a bright yellow. The rays were also yellow, but with lines of orange, green, and blue along their edges.
“Well?” Sister Tahirah repeated.
“Ahh . . .”
She was looking in her book, not at the small yellow box. “What is it?”
“I’m . . . not sure I remember,” he said, stalling.
The Sister wasn’t in a patient mood. “Do you want me to—”
“Oh, yes,” he said, trying to sound nonchalant, “I recall, now. It’s a box with a spell that produces a little tune.”
That much was true. The Sister was still reading in her book. Zedd glanced back over his shoulder at Adie sitting on the bench. He could see in her eyes that she knew by his demeanor that something was up. He hoped the Sister couldn’t detect the same thing.
“It’s a music box, then,” Sister Tahirah murmured, more interested in her catalog of magic.
“Yes, that’s right. A box that contains a spell for music. When you remove the lid, it produces a melody.” Sweat trickled down from his neck, down between his shoulder blades. Zedd swallowed and tried not to let his trembling carry in his voice. “Take the lid off—you’ll see.”
She peered suspiciously over the top of the book. “You take the lid off.”
“Well . . . I can’t. My hands are shackled behind my back.”
“Use your teeth.”
“My teeth?”
The Sister used the back end of her pen to push the yellow half-sun box closer to him. “Yes, your teeth.”
He had been counting on her suspicion, but he dared not overplay it. He worked his tongue in his mouth, desperately trying to work up some saliva.
Blood would be better, but he knew that if he bit the inside of his lip the Sister would get suspicious. Blood was too common a catalyst.
Before the Sister got leery, Zedd leaned forward and tried to stretch his lips around the box. He worked to get his bottom teeth at the bottom of the sun and his top teeth hooked over a pointed ray. The box was a hair too big. With a hand on the back of his head, Sister Tahirah pushed him down on it. That was all he needed and he captured the lid with his teeth.
He lifted the lid, but the whole box came up off the table. He shook his head and, at last, the top came free. He set the lid aside.
If not opened by a party to the theft of items preserved at the Keep, a sunset spell had to be activated by a wizard whom the spell would recognize.
Quickly, before she saw what he was doing, he let some saliva drop into the box in order to activate the spell.
Zedd felt giddy as the music started. It worked. It was still viable.
He glanced through the narrow slit of the tent flap. The sun would be down soon.
He wanted to jump up and dance to the merry tune. He wanted to let out a whoop. Even though he didn’t have long to live, he still felt exhilarated.
The ordeal was almost over. In a short time, all the things of magic that were stolen would be destroyed, and he would be dead. They would never get anything out of him. He would not betray their cause.
He felt bad that the captured families who were being used to help gain his cooperation would also die, but at least they would no longer have to suffer. He felt a sudden pang of sadness that Adie, too, would die. He hated the thought of that nearly as much as the thought of her suffering.
The Sister reached in and replaced the lid. “Very cute.”
The music stopped. It didn’t matter, though. The spell had been activated. The music was simply confirmation—and a warning to get out of range. No chance of that.
It didn’t matter.
Sister Tahirah scooped the yellow box off the table. “I’m going to put this back.” She leaned down toward Zedd. “While I’m gone, I’m going to have the guards bring in the next child and let you have a good look at her, let you think about what those men in the next tent are going to do to her—without hesitation—if you stall and waste our time like that again.”
“But I—”
His words were cut off as she used the Rada’Han around his neck to send a shock of searing pain from the base of his skull down to his nips. His back arched as he cried out, nearly losing consciousness. He slumped back in his chair, his head hanging back, unable to lift it for the moment.
“Come with me,” Sister Tahirah said to the guards. “I’ll need some help. The guard who brings in the next child can watch them for a few minutes.”
Panting from the lingering pain, tears filling his eyes, Zedd stared at the ceiling of the tent. He saw light as the flap was opened. Shadows moved across the canvas as the Sister and the four men left and she sent in the guard with the child. Zedd stared up at the ceiling, not wanting to look at the face of another child.
Finally, recovered from the bout of pain, he sat up.
One of the big elite guards, dressed in their leather, mail, and a broad belt holding an assortment of weapons, stood to the side with a blond-headed girl held before him. It was the girl who had smiled. Zedd closed his eyes a moment in the agony of what they would do to this poor child who reminded him so much of someone he knew.
When he opened his eyes, she smiled again. Then she winked.
Zedd blinked. She lifted up her flower print dress just enough so that Zedd could see two knives strapped to each of her thighs. He blinked again at what he was seeing. He looked up into her smiling face.
“Rachel . . . ?” he whispered.
Her smile widened into a beaming grin.
Zedd looked up at the face of the big man standing guard behind her.
“Dear spirits . . .” Zedd whispered.
It was the boundary warden.
“I hear you’ve gotten yourself into a bit of trouble,” Chase said.
For an instant, Zedd thought that for sure he must be seeing things.
Then he realized why Rachel looked so familiar, yet different; she was more than two and a half years older than the last time he’d seen her. Her blond hair, once chopped short, was now long. She had to be nearly a foot taller.
Chase hooked his thumbs behind the broad leather belt. “Adie, as levelheaded as you are, I imagine it had to be Zedd who got you into this fix.”
Zedd looked over his shoulder. Adie wore a beautiful, tearful smile. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen her smile.
“He be nothing but trouble,” she told the boundary warden.
It had been two and a half years since he’d seen Chase. The boundary warden was an old friend. He was the one who had taken them to meet Adie back then so she could show Richard the way through t
he boundary before Darken Rahl had brought it down. Chase was older than Richard, but one of his dearest and most trusted friends.
“An older boundary warden, Friedrich, came looking for me,” Chase explained. “He said that ‘Lord Rahl’ had sent him to the Keep to warn you about some trouble. He said that Richard had told him about me, and since you were gone and the Keep had been captured, he came to Westland looking for me. Boundary wardens can always count on one another.
“Rachel and I decided to come pull your scrawny hide out of the fire.”
Zedd glanced at the sunlight coming through the tent’s narrow opening.
“You have to get out of here. Before the sun sets—or you’ll be killed. Hurry, get out of here while you can.”
Chase lifted an eyebrow. “I’ve come all this way and I don’t intend to leave without you.”
“But you don’t understand—”
A knife poked through the side of the tent and ran a slit down through the canvas. One of the elite guards pushed his way in through the slit. Zedd stared in astonishment. The man looked familiar, but he didn’t look right.
“No!” Zedd called to Chase as the big man went for the axe hanging at his hip.
“Stay where you are,” the man who came in through the slit in the side of the tent said to Chase. “There’s a man right outside who will put a sword through you if you move.”
Zedd’s jaw dropped. “Captain Zimmer?”
“Of course. I’ve come to get you out of here.”
“But, but, you have black hair.”
The captain flashed one of his infectious smiles. “Soot. Not a good idea to have blond hair in the middle of Jagang’s camp. I’ve come to rescue you.”
Zedd was incredulous. “But you all have to get out of here. Hurry, before the sun sets. Get out!”
“Do you have any more men?” Chase asked the captain.
“A handful. Who are you?”
“An old friend,” Zedd told him. “Now, look here—”
At that, cries and shouts came from outside. Captain Zimmer rushed to the tent’s opening. A man poked his head in.
“It’s not us,” he said in answer to the captain’s unspoken question.
In the distance, Zedd could hear the shouts of “Assassin!”
Captain Zimmer rushed behind Zedd and worked a key in the manacles.
They broke open. Zedd’s arms were suddenly free. The captain hurried to undo Adie’s as she stood and turned her back to him.
“Sounds like our chance,” Rachel said. “Let’s use the commotion to get you out of here.”
“The brains of the group,” Chase said with a grin.
The first thing Zedd did when his arms were free was fall to his knees and hug the girl. He couldn’t bring forth words, but they weren’t needed. To feel her spindly arms around his neck was better than any words.
“I’ve missed you, Zedd,” she whispered in his ear.
Outside the tent, mayhem had broken out. Orders were being shouted, men were running, and in the distance the clash of steel rang out.
The Sister burst back into the tent. She saw Zedd free and immediately released a bolt of power through his collar. The shock sent him sprawling.
Just then, a second, young, blond Sister in a drab brown wool dress charged in behind Sister Tahirah. Sister Tahirah spun around. The second Sister smacked her so hard it nearly knocked the woman from her feet.
Without pause, Sister Tahirah unleashed a bolt of her power that lit the inside of the tent with a blinding flash. Instead of it blasting the second Sister back through the tent’s doorway, as Zedd had expected, Sister Tahirah cried out and crumpled to the ground.
“Got you!” the second Sister growled as she planted a boot on Sister Tahirah’s neck, keeping her on the ground.
Zedd blinked in astonishment. “Rikka?”
Rikka was already turning her Agiel in her fist. She held it toward Chase.
“Rikka?” Captain Zimmer asked from the other side of the tent, sounding startled, not just to see who it was, but perhaps to see the Mord-Sith with her blond hair undone from its single braid and flying free.
“Zimmer?” She frowned at his black hair. “What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here!” He gestured to her dress. “What are you wearing?”
Rikka grinned that wicked grin she had. “The dress of a Sister.”
“Sister?” Zedd asked. “What Sister?”
Rikka shrugged. “One who didn’t want to give up her dress. She lost her head over the whole affair.” With her finger and thumb Rikka pulled her lower lip out. “See? I borrowed her ring, too. I spread the split and hung it here, so I’d look like a real Sister.”
Rikka pulled Sister Tahirah up by her hair and shoved her toward Adie.
“Get that thing off her neck.”
“I will do no such—”
Rikka drove her Agiel up under the Sister’s chin. Blood gushed out over her lower lip. The Sister started choking on it as she gasped in agony.
“I said, get that thing off Adie’s neck. And don’t you ever question me again.”
Sister Tahirah scrambled to Adie to do as the Mord-Sith had commanded.
Chase planted his fists on his hips as he glared down at Zedd, still on the ground. “So what are we going to do now—draw straws to see who gets to rescue you?”
“Bags! Isn’t anyone listening? You people have to get out of here!”
Rachel shook a finger at Zedd. “Now, Zedd, you know you’re not supposed to say bad words in front of children.”
Sputtering in frustration, Zedd gaped up at Chase.
“I know,” the boundary warden said with a sigh. “She’s been a trial for me, too.”
“The sun’s about to set!” Zedd roared.
“It would be better if we could delay until it did,” Captain Zimmer said. “It would be easier to get out of camp in the dark.”
A humming noise filled the tent, making the very air vibrate, and then there was a sudden metallic pop. Adie cried out with relief as the collar fell away.
“Isn’t anyone listening?” Zedd scrambled to his feet and shook his fists. “I’ve ignited a sunset spell!”
“A what?” Chase asked.
“A sunset spell. It’s a protective device from the Keep. It’s a shield of sorts. When it recognizes that other shields are being violated and protected items are being taken, it insinuates itself among the stolen goods. When a thief opens it to see what it is, it activates the spell. At the first sunset the spell ignites and destroys everything that has been plundered.”
Sister Tahirah shook her fist at him. “You fool!”
Rikka seized his arm. “Then let’s get going.”
Chase grabbed Zedd’s other arm and pulled him back. “Now, hold on.”
Zedd yanked both arms free and pointed out through the slit in the side of the tent at the setting sun. “We’ve got mere moments until this place is a fireball.”
“How big a fireball?” Captain Zimmer asked.
Zedd threw up his hands. “It will kill thousands. It won’t destroy the camp by any means, but this whole area is going to be leveled.”
Everyone started talking, but Chase cut them all off with an angry command for silence. “Now listen to me. If we look like we’re escaping, we’ll be caught. Captain, you and your men come with me. We’ll pretend like Zedd and Adie are our prisoners. Rachel, too—that’s how I got in here; I found out they were holding children.” He flipped a hand toward Rikka and Sister Tahirah. “They will look like Sisters in charge of prisoners, along with us playing as the guards.”
“Do you want that thing off your neck, first?” Rikka asked Zedd.
“No time for that now. Let’s go.”
Adie grabbed Zedd’s arm. “No.”
“Listen to me, old man. There be those families and children in these tents around us. They will die. You go. Get to the Keep. I will get the inn
ocent people out of here.”
Zedd didn’t like the idea, but arguing with Adie was a fool’s task, and besides, there was no time.
“We split up, then,” Captain Zimmer said. “Me and my men will play the part of guards and get the men, women, and children out of here, back to our lines, along with Adie.”
Rikka nodded. “Tell Verna that I’m going to go with Zedd to help take back the Keep. He will need a Mord-Sith to keep him out of trouble.”
Everyone looked around to see if there would be any arguments. No one said anything. It suddenly seemed settled.
“Done,” Zedd said.
He threw his arms around Adie and kissed her cheek. “Be careful. Tell Verna I’m going to take the Keep back. Help her defend the passes.”
Adie nodded. “Be careful. Listen to Chase—he be a good man to come all this way for you.”
Zedd smiled and then gasped as Chase grabbed his robes and yanked him out of the tent. “The sun is setting—let’s get out of here. Remember, you’re our prisoner.”
“I know the part,” Zedd grumbled as he was dragged out of the tent like a sack of grain. He smiled as Adie, already rushing away, looked over her shoulder one last time. She smiled back, and then was gone.
“Wait!” Zedd called. He quickly reached into one of the wagons and retrieved something he didn’t want to be destroyed. He slipped it into a pocket. “All right, let’s go.”
Outside the tent, the camp was in pandemonium. Elite guards, in a state of high alert and with weapons drawn, raced past on their way toward the command tents. Other men ran to the ring of barricades. Trumpets blared alarms and coded messages that directed men to tasks. Zedd feared his small group might be set upon and held for questioning.
Instead of waiting for that to happen, Chase reached out and snatched a soldier running past. “What’s the matter with you? Get me some protection for these prisoners until I can get them to a safe place! The emperor will have our heads if we allow them to be recaptured!”