Living With Syn

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Living With Syn Page 10

by A. C. Katt

  ::Duchess, did you hear that?:: Syn called out psychically to her cat.

  ::Yes…there might be something to this Goddess stuff. Go and join your Warriors. I’m going to have a go at mine.::

  Syn continued down the corridor to the master suite.

  * * * *

  “How do we get her to trust us when her trust has been so sorely tried?” Zaron asked Bron as they readied the suite for the ritual bonding.

  “The Goddess will help us and our fem. We all need the complete love and trust the bond provides. We thought we would never experience the ecstasy a bond brings again. She never thought she could trust enough to love. We are all in need and the Goddess has provided.” Bron picked up the three glasses for the Asta brandy.

  Zaron looked up. Syn stood in the doorway, clearly at a loss as to whether she wanted to come in or run. He slowly walked to her side. ::Pa Chette would you join us?::

  Zaron watched as Syn entered the room. He poured some brandy into each glass.

  “Syn, have a sip of Asta.” She took the glass the swallowed it whole rather than savor the flavor. Bron and Zaron looked at her askance.

  ::I may be crazy, but I think your Goddess spoke to me on the stairs.:: Syn came and sat on the bed.

  ::You are blessed, she chooses to speak to few except when we enter Triad,: Bron replied.

  ::What do we do next?:: Syn twirled her hair. She hadn’t done that since she was a kid.

  ::We begin the Ritual.::

  “I just took a bath,” Syn said with a bit of complaint.

  ::We must go to the Goddess cleansed together,:: her Warriors replied in unison.

  Syn turned to look at the room. The walls were papered with a velvet flocked fabric. There was a six-sided mirror encased in a silver frame over the top of the bed. The furniture all looked like mahogany and the linens were a fine woven fabric, overstuffed like a comforter, in lavender with silver sheers that felt like silk acting as sheets.

  Syn didn’t have much time to look before Zaron led her to the bath. Bron undid the amethyst broach at the top of the dress and it fell at her feet. Bron undid the strapless bra and Syn was alone with her Warriors in her briefs.

  The water in the bathing pool was peppered with bath salts that smelled like the purple fantasies that decorated the dinner table. Zaron rolled the briefs down her legs.

  Syn was glad she shaved her legs and groomed her private area that morning before disembarkation. She had also replicated a few razors. There was surely a Sarran equivalent that worked better, but she didn’t know who to ask. Some esthetician would make a fortune here opening up a salon that did nails and waxing.

  Her thoughts were scattered. Despite the incident on the stairs, she was frightened. Zaron lifted her into the bath. The two Warriors undressed. Syn looked at their naked bodies in shock; their cocks were huge—in direct proportion to their six foot seven and six foot nine inch frames. Near each man’s perineum was a guiche piercing with small, stylized platinum rings. Syn was a small woman, she wondered if it would fit.

  ::It will fit Pa Chette,:: Zaron said as he descended down the built-in steps to the bathing pool. The water circled like a whirlpool; but Syn could see no jets.

  Bron stepped into the pool behind her and got into one of the three lounge seats. ::We saw you look at our promise rings. We have a cuff for you, if you would do us the honor of wearing it after the bonding.:: But Syn was too distracted to pay attention to what they said.

  Zaron now occupied the other seat with Syn in the middle. Zaron knelt at her feet and began to worship her body, beginning with her toes and working his way up her leg.

  On the other side, Bron kissed her eyes, cheeks, and mouth. His tongue ran around the shell of her ear and licked down to the hot spot on her neck. Syn lifted her hips in pleasure. Each man put their mouths on her breasts, laving the nipples and giving small bites to her shoulders and neck. Bron produced a delicate sponge and dipped it in a jar of a cream-like substance.

  “This is made from Pinner sap from the Pinner trees that grow here at high altitude. They resemble your conifer trees with needle-like leaves. Pinner cream cleanses the body, calms the soul, and heightens the senses.” Bron gave the sponge to Zaron who began to rub the substance into her skin.

  Bron spoke, “Concierge record ritual.”

  Syn’s body immediately responded to the cream. Each circular motion of the sponge made her vagina produce more lubrication until her essence dripped from between her legs. Bron carried her out of the tub and Zaron dried her body, planting kisses wherever he touched the towel to her skin. They led her to the huge bed in the center of the slumber chamber of the master suite. The sheets were turned down. Zaron placed her on the left side of the bed and climbed in next to her while Bron followed. Bron began to make love to Zaron while Zaron’s touch brought her nearer and nearer to orgasm. Just when she thought she could go no further her Warriors spoke to her mind.

  ::Syn, our Pa Chette, our Pa Syn, we cherish you, we envelop you in our love. Yield to us your soul, your love, your trust to our keeping, as we give ours to you to love, to honor, and cherish from this moment until all the stars go black and we go forth into the afterlife still together, still bonded to one another, a Triad true to the Sacred Three and the Goddess who oversees us all.::

  Zaron’s penetration was deep and she felt it from her toes to the top of her head. Her clitoris popped its head from underneath its small hood and burned with the friction. She felt Bron slide into Zaron. They established a rhythm and climbed to the peak together in mind and body. Three globes appeared in her mind, hers was a regal purple, Bron was as yellow and bright as the sun, and Zaron was the deep blue of a summer sky. She watched as they merged at the moment of orgasm. She heard a voice, the same one from the stairs. ::You three are now one in the sacred Triad, Bron is the strength and guardian of the union, Syn is the heart, Zaron is the soul. May you live in joy.::

  She felt a connection to her two Warriors that she never felt to anyone in her lifetime, even her beloved grandmother. She was carried on a wave of love so strong she floundered in its depths. Arms appeared and brought her to the surface; one facing her front the other at her back. ::We will always be there to save you, Pa Chette.::

  ::Your soul is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. You are grace, beauty and love, Pa Syn, and your Warriors adore you.::

  “I feel things I’ve never felt before. It is like I have been reborn and all of the misery I endured happened to someone else. The Goddess is real,” said Syn in amazement, “and she watches over her people. I see both the spiritual and the sexual currents that flow all around us. How can I serve you? What can I do to pay for what you just gave me?”

  “There is no payment necessary. We three are one. Whatever we give each other is shared among the Triad. You will feel what we feel. All barriers are broken. There is nothing left but truths,” Zaron spoke aloud.

  Bron got up and went to the large armoire. He opened the door. On the lower right hand side was a small drawer from which he withdrew a velvet box and presented it to Syn. ‘‘This box contains the matching labia cuff to our guiche rings. Like the earrings you wore tonight, you cuff it around the lip of you labia and it stays in place without a piercing. For the Sarrans it is like a wedding ring symbolizing your tie to us. Would you wear it?’’

  ::Of course, my darlings. For all that you are and for what you make me feel, I will proudly wear the cuff.::

  Zaron took the box from Bron and removed the small ring and handed it to Syn. On the outside of the ring was the tiniest cloud, so small that it could barely be seen. She pointed it out to Bron.

  “That is the emblem of Castle Air. Bron and I became Elders at an early age. With our status came the castle. We bought these for our Triad to celebrate our new status. Nara never wore it. She died before we could give it to her.”

  Syn began to cry.

  “I’ll try to deserve this great gift of trust and live up to Nara’s standards,” sh
e sniffled.

  ::Pa Chette, you have already exceeded them. Sleep now, it was a long day and tomorrow will be more difficult as we face the Elder Council.:: He kissed the top of her head as Bron kissed her breast. They fell asleep, arms and legs intermingled as one; just as the Goddess Ulna had prophesied.

  * * * *

  Dawn broke, and Syn woke with the sun in her eyes. She tried to get up, forgetting that her linebackers were holding her down. She looked at them, watching as they slept. The peacefulness of sleep took years off both of their faces. Then, golden eyes met hers, followed by bright blue ones.

  Zaron spoke first, ::Good dawntine, Pa Chette. You look beautiful with those purple fantasy eyes half open. We should get up. The other Elders will want to see us at nine tines and we should not be late. Bron you lazy laptard, get up so poor Syn can have her coffee. Garlance and Stoker should have it brewed.::

  ::Uh oh, I hope they didn’t replicate the coffee from the ship,:: Syn said her mouth in a moue of distaste.

  ::No, we looked in the catalog from a place called Macy’s and found this Keurig coffee machine. One of the other fem had this Keurig in her household goods and on Mark’s advice we replicated it and the little packets. Of course, yours is better; but this is for when you don’t have the time,:: Bron said after kissing her soundly.

  Someone knocked on the door. “Concierge, who is at the door?” Zaron spoke aloud to the ever present computer.

  “Good dawntine to you, TeZaron. Garlance stands at the door with a tray of coffee and the little furry beauty who is spitting because the door is locked.”

  “Unlock door,” Bron said as he rose. He brought a beautiful robe to Syn and a pair of what Syn thought could be sleep pants to Zaron.

  “Good dawntine Elders and your Highness. I brought the coffee, and the chef is making dawntine cake. He used some chocolate frosting, I think he said. If you don’t mind me saying so, Elders, chocolate should be second on the export list right after cats. There are no banc in the garden this morning.”

  Duchess sat regally at the door, washing her paws. ::Tasty little things. I’ve already had my breakfast, but I wouldn’t say no to a saucer of milk. And you really must speak to the Hulks about installing cat doors. Both Tigger and I dislike having to wait until someone opens the door for us. On the ship the doors opened automatically.::

  ::That’s because as Chief; I gave you access, little Beauty. I will instruct the Concierge accordingly.::

  “Where is Naffie?” Syn asked, worried about her new son.

  “Don’t worry, Highness, he is downstairs with the chef helping to make the dawntine cake which will be served in the informal dining room in thirty mots.”

  Duchess jumped onto the huge bed, making sure her claws didn’t pull at the delicate material of the bed linens.

  Bron opened one of the closets overflowing with clothing. “Pa Syn, do you wish to wear Earthen clothing today or Sarran?”

  “Which would you recommend?” Syn walked over and stood beside Bron and looked into the closet. “None of the standard Earthen sizes fit me because of my large bust and the small waist. I believe the Sarran styles suit me better. What does a Sarran fem wear in the suntine?”

  Zaron walked over to the closet and took out a long top with a Mandarin collar and a pair of full trousers that almost looked like a skirt. “Try this, the violet color matches your eyes.”

  “This is beautiful.” Syn touched the fabric which reminded her of the fabrics used in Indian saris. “I’ll try it on.”

  She went into the dressing room and put on the special bra and briefs then the pants and top. She stood on the circle surrounded by mirrors. Her Warriors watched as the circle turned. “It looks like Sarran clothing suits my figure perfectly. I think I may abandon Earthen styles almost altogether except for jeans, shorts, and T-shirts.’’

  Zaron and Bron dressed in their vests, trews and boots.

  “If shorts and a T-shirt are what you had on yesterday, my vote is that they stay,” Zaron leered, teasing Syn.

  “You know, when I met you on the ship, you were so uptight that I thought you were a complete snob. I was afraid of you.” Syn smiled as she gave Zaron a hug. “Now I find out you are on your way to becoming a dirty old man.”

  “What is this dirty old man?” Zaron said as he patted Syn’s rear end.

  “An older Warrior who chases young fem…”

  “Bron, she has no respect…” Zaron laughed

  “That’s because the Goddess chose wisely,” Bron said as he pulled both of his mates into his muscled arms.

  “Let’s go eat,” Syn said with some energy. “I think I need something in my stomach before I get grilled by Elders.”

  Naffie was in the small dining room waiting for his Zadda, Poppie, and Mommie while playing with Duchess and Tigger.

  Syn looked down. “How did Tigger get here?”

  Naffie shrugged, “He teleported. They both have been back and forth from the Palace of Light all morning.

  Syn was in shock. ::Teleport? Duchess you never could do that before.::

  ::You’re going to find you can do a lot of things on Sarran that you couldn’t do before now that your psy is released.::

  Syn sat down, “Fuck.”

  * * * *

  Anya was still in awe of her surroundings in the Palace of Light. There were windows with grand vistas everywhere she looked. Temperatures in this quadrant of Sarran were temperate all year round, resulting in park-like surrounds. She had a hard time believing that they teleported halfway across Sarran to attend a dinner party last night at Syn’s new home.

  Tigger was settled in and she was surprised to see his psy blossom on Sarran. He went back and forth to meet Duchess on almost an hourly basis as if the two felines were plotting something. Anya was in the dining room having a cup of coffee when Jonal wandered down the stairs. Jonal gave Anya a light kiss.

  “Is that the sludge from the ship or did Syn program the fabricator to make that nectar we drank last moontine?”

  Anya put down her cup and greeted her bonded. “TeBron and TeZaron’s chefs spent the night uploading all of the recipes in Syn’s cookbooks into the fabricator. Duchess told me they were promised extra time off in exchange for staying the three tines it took to do the downloads. We sent out a universal message to all of the Earthen fem on the com to ask them to program the fabricators with any cookbooks and food stuffs that were sent to Sarran as part of their household goods.’’

  Tonas came up behind Jonal and gave him a hug. “We have to negotiate for the coffee and chocolate import contracts; once this gets on the fabricator; everyone on Sarran is going to bid.”

  “Never mind the chocolate and coffee, I want the contract on cats,” Jonal said. Coffee and chocolate will always have to be imported, but cats will breed. Think of a Sarran without the plague of banc.”

  “When is the meeting of the Elder Council?” Anya asked, nibbling on her dawncake.

  ::At nine tines, Pa Channa. We have to hurry to get ready. Sarran or Earthen clothing today?:: Tonas absently stirred some sugar into his coffee.

  “Take some half and half, honey, you won’t like it black.”

  “Honey?” asked Tonas smiling at Anya.

  “I’ll see if Syn has any. It’s a sweet nectar made by bees and on Earth it is a healthy alternative to processed sugar.”

  “The doctor speaks…”

  Anya elbowed Jonal in the ribs.

  “You don’t have to worry about being overweight on Sarran, so long as you drink your Tierest juice. The juice metabolizes all of the calories your body needs to stay healthy and then converts the rest into waste,” Tonas said.

  “You talk about the cat contract, get the export contract for Tierest juice, it will be worth millions of credits,” Anya said.

  “We can’t export Tierest juice. It is a gift of the Goddess and must remain on Sarran. We have technology to export, but any product made from the Tierest tree must remain on Saran,” Jonal explained.<
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  “Well, eating all you want without getting fat is going to be a big draw for any Earthen fem. You’ll have them signing up for the trip in droves. Six months ago, I would have been one of them. The plague took about fifty pounds off my frame,” Anya said with some asperity as she opened the stasis unit to get a large glass of juice.

  “We would have loved you no matter what, Pa Mici,” Jonal said. “It’s what you are inside that attracts a Sarran WarriorPair to their mate.”

  “You are both, as ever, sweethearts. Let’s have the dawntine meal then I’ll get dressed. Tigger is going to show up soon looking for his breakfast.” Anya peered outside to the yard. “Although from the looks of the number of bancs he dispatched last night I wonder if he needs any. I hope they are not harmful to eat.”

  Tigger appeared in the kitchen. ::Haven’t you learned by now that a sentient feline will not eat anything that harms them? Although,:: he looked meaningfully at Tonas, ::I still prefer my tuna.::

  ::Pa Channa, we must get ready to go or we’ll be late.::

  * * * *

  Chapter 8

  “Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

  —Albert Einstein

  The Elder Council met in the government building on the grounds of the spaceport. It was a functional workplace because none of the Elders lived on the property and it was employed only for government business. It had a large dining hall for the use of any of the guilds on Sarran or the crews of both the exploratory and warships that the Sarran sent out to space. It held some offices where there were clerks, although most of the work of the Sarran Elders was done from home. Its main purpose was storage of the archives. The Sarran archives went back for ten thousand years to a time even before the Clan Wars.

  It was because the archives held the knowledge of how the genetic modification to the Sarran was made that the Sarrans knew how to make the fem and the one Earthen male that accompanied the Brightstar home genetically compatible to reproduce. The archives also held some of the basic knowledge used to create and manufacture the anti-viral compound that saved all of the Earthen fem from the Zyptz plague.


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