Living With Syn

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Living With Syn Page 11

by A. C. Katt

  The secondary role of the government building was to dispense justice. It was here that the five WarriorPairs who made up the Elder Council acted as the Supreme Court of Sarran. Any case that could not be adjudicated at the local or clan level came to the Elder Council for final arbitration. Since everyone on Sarran was more than adequately fed, had shelter and medical care, property crimes, which clogged so many Earthen Courts, did not exist on Sarran. Divorce, or the Rite of Dissolution was so horrendous an undertaking that the only reason it was ever contemplated was when one of the Triad committed a crime expressly forbidden in the Codex—abuse of a fem or offspring, assault with intent to kill, rape, murder, or treason. Dissolution could result in the death of the other members of the Triad and it was said that the rite felt like someone ripped your living heart out of your chest and stomped on it with their boot. If a single Warrior or fem committed any of the acts forbidden by the Codex, they were put to death.

  “We have lesser crimes and the penalties vary from time in the brig to a mind wipe,” Bron told Syn as they made their way to the council room.

  TeBron and TeZaron were contemplating the Codex and its stance on crime and punishment as they used the teleporting pad to reach the anteroom of the council chambers. A WarriorPair on the Elder Council were traitors and from Syn’s profile it looked like it might be TeAngle and TeZuff.

  As they stepped off the teleportation pad, Syn admonished Duchess to behave herself while meeting with the Elders. ::You must conduct yourself with dignity. Along with bringing cats from Earth the Sarrans are going to want any cat that is willing to have kittens to bond. This meeting will determine if more cats can be brought to Sarran and if they can fix both you and Tigger to have kittens,:: Syn told Duchess as she held her in her arms.

  The Princes of Fire and Light arrived with their Earthen Princess Anya and Tigger almost as soon as Syn’s party moved off the teleporting discs.

  Anya came and made a beeline for Syn as Bron and Zaron went to the council chambers. “Are you as nervous about this meeting as I am?”

  Syn gave Anya a hug. “I’m not nervous about meeting people of high rank. We were taught at boarding school how to behave in this type of situation. What’s bothering me is my past as an addict and a hooker.”

  “You have no call to be nervous about that. You are now the bonded of a WarriorPair who not only sit on the council; but ran the entire Zyptz war. That is the highest position of authority on this planet. Remember that and fuck your past. Umm, that word is so freeing.” Anya smiled and squeezed Syn tighter. The council clerk came and asked their party to join the council in chambers.

  The meeting chamber for the Elder Council was as plain as a municipal courtroom in the United States. There was a raised dais where the council sat and a seating area for those reporting to the council on Sarran affairs. Bron and Zaron left Syn and Duchess with Anya as soon as they arrived. Only eight of the ten seats were filled.

  Bron sent a quick thought to Syn. ::TeAngle is absent. TeZuff died from his war wounds last moontine. They waited until this morning to notify the citizens. This complicates matters and leaves an opening on the council. I usually leave the politics to Zaron, but we are agreed that we should push for Jonal and Tonas to take the seats now that they are in Triad.::

  All of the council stood up as one and bowed to the admirals and their fems sitting in the seats. ::They don’t know what to make of the cats,:: Bron told Syn.

  One WarriorPair stood. “Let us introduce ourselves, I am TeAllen and my bonded is TeWell; my confederates on my right are TeAwer and TeZen. Each Warrior executed a bow to the two fem. Those on my left are TeAxit and TeZuron. You are already acquainted with TeBron and TeZaron. Unfortunately we lost one of our number today. TeZuff succumbed to wounds he received during the Zyptz war. TeAngle is in official mourning. As TeAngle is no longer a part of a WarriorPair; he is no longer eligible for council status. He goes to Castle Fire to contemplate his loss.

  “We gather today to hear the report of the activities on the Brightstar. We have seen and discussed the ships log, the Admiral’s logs, and that of all of the officers. All reports speak of the valor of the admirals, Jonal Prince of Fire and Tonas Prince of Light. We congratulate them on finding their fem, Her Highness, Princess Anya; as we also congratulate TeBron and TeZaron for their bonding with TaCynthia of EarthClan. We are pleased that the trip turned into such a triumph when the probability of success was so low. I give over to my beloved, TeWell.” TeAllen sat down and TeWell rose and faced the group.

  “From the logs I see that we are doubly blessed. Along with the fem our admirals have brought us another sentient species, felines. The two felines are in the chamber today. We are told that they jump very far. Would Duchess and Tigger jump up to the table to be examined?

  ::I’ll jump up on the table, but I refused to be examined like a banc. You can examine the twelve banc I had for breakfast. They are animals,:: Tigger announced to all and sundry.

  “I apologize for any disrespect, Tigger. We are used to humanoid sentients, and of course, the Zyptz.”

  ::We’ll let you look at us closely; but mind your manners,:: Duchess said,as if speaking to Naffie. TeWell recovered quickly. Tigger and Duchess leaped onto the table.

  TeZaron and TeBron began to pet Duchess in the manner she preferred, and TeAllen attempted to pet Tigger behind the ears.

  ::You are a quick study,:: Tigger said as he leaned into the ear rub.

  TeAxit stood. “I speak for both myself and my beloved, TeZuron. We would like to know how these magnificent creatures were included on the journey home.”

  Jonal and Tonas stood in front of the council. “Dr. Stern told us that our bonded Princess Anya would be tortured with worry over her beloved feline, Tigger, if he was left on Earth. We found that TaCynthia, who prefers to be called TaSyn; also had a feline—a fem. Dr. Stern told us that the felines were fixed; that is, they could not reproduce. We were reluctant to cause any pain to any fem; especially our own. Since we were taking the fems so far from their home, we agreed to take the felines with us to lessen the distress of the journey,” Jonal answered.

  “It was on Brightstar that we found that Tigger and Duchess were sentient. TeZaron, while posing as the Chief Kassan, discovered it first. We only found out during our bonding.” Jonal kept his shields tight.

  “On the Brightstar, Tigger battled the Zyptz. He knew what chemical Princess Anya had in her household goods that would hurt the combatants. Since we landed on Sarran, Tigger and Duchess discovered the line of fire designed to obliterate the new fems and have systematically hunted and killed the banc in the gardens and house of both Palace Light and Castle Air,” Tonas continued.

  “Primary Trade Application again, eh Tonas?”

  TeZuron stood. “Please excuse the interruption. Admirals Jonal and Tonas served under us before the Zyptz war.” TeZuron laughed.

  “They were captains at the time and used those three words to take alarming liberties; yet always managed to find a trade application that landed them on their feet. It seems as if they have struck again. We can unfix the fixing and in the meantime, import more of these sentient cats from Earth.” TeZuron sat down, still chuckling.

  TeAwer stood. “How did Dr. Stern come to be among us?”

  Jonal looked at Tonas, ::This might be a harder sell.::

  Juraens rose. “To my utter surprise I was BondStruck on Earth. Dr. Mark Stern was present when we evacuated the fems from one of the Eastern Evacuation Points, Manhattan General Hospital. He was the head of the hospital, Chief of Staff. He also served as a covert Warrior for his government. His skill as a trauma surgeon saved many Warriors from death or permanent debilitating injury during the attack of the Zyptz on the Brightstar. He has been given the same serum as the fem, although not by my hand, so he can reproduce. The events are fully described in both the admirals and TeZaron’s logs.”

  TeAwer considered this and said, “And so Sarran gains a Warrior with medical experience in
combat situations. I must say, Dr. Stern, you are an unexpected gift. As so aptly said by my bonded, the admirals have once more taken Primary Trade Application to dizzying heights.”

  TeAwer sat and TeAllen stood, “Because of the Brightstar expedition, we have gained a foothold to a treaty with Earth; a planet which we understand has an overabundance of fem, a new sentient species that also kills the hated banc, and a medical officer with combat experience. Did I sum this up succinctly, TeBron?”

  “Yes, I believe that sums this up, nicely,” Bron answered.

  “As spokesperson for the council,” said TeAllen, “I now have the honor of telling the admirals and the assembled company of the results of our deliberations. I’m sorry we did not include TeBron and TeZaron in our conference; but as they were intimately involved in the activities and the result of the said actions on Brightstar, we felt that they would not be able to give an unbiased opinion.”

  TeAllen picked up a scroll, “First, admirals Jonal and Tonas, you are being appointed to the now vacant seats on the council despite your rather creative use now and in the past of the Primary Trade Application.” The council broke out in laughter.

  “Your agile minds will be welcome on the council.”

  TeAllen smiled at the fem, “TaAnya and TaSyn, on behalf of my beloved and the whole council we welcome you and your fellow fems to Sarran and we hope to find among you our own bonded.”

  The cats left the dais to stand with Syn and Anya.

  TeAllen continued. “Tigger and Duchess, you and others of your delightful species are welcome. We intend to treat you as sentients and as such you are free to roam Sarran as long as you observe the laws of property and privacy, although after the word gets out that you kill banc; I doubt there will be a property on the planet closed to you.”

  The council as a whole looked to Juraens and Mark. “As for Juraens and Dr. Stern, you are recognized as a Sarran WarriorPair and entitled to all the rights and responsibilities that this entails.” The room broke out in applause.

  “We are also giving Dr. Stern and Juraens the titles Prince of Earth and Prince of Fire. All and all, admirals and our new council members, I would say this was a very successful trip; one that we intend to repeat with a new crew for Brightstar of PairBonded Warriors in search of fem.

  TeJonal and TeTonas, please join us on the dais. Is there any further business to discuss?” TeAllen asked as he regained his seat.

  TeZaron stood up and addressed the council. “You all know how we have suffered an increase in suicides, assaults, and unexplained withdrawals from society since the Zyptz war. Our fem TaSyn is a practitioner of a science unknown on Sarran called psychology. It is the study of the human mind rather than the brain. On Earth there are, unfortunately, many wars because of the division of the planet into nation states. This caused us some alarm when it came up in the study of possible compatible fems, but the objections were overruled,” said Zaron. “And for this I am grateful to the Goddess.

  “Zaron, get on with it,” prodded Bron.

  “Yes, Dearest,” Zaron said as he rubbed Bron’s shoulders.

  “The Earthens have discovered a mental disorder called Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome and both she and Prince of Earth Dr. Stern feel that this disorder explains these problems now found on Sarran.” A murmur ran through the council.

  TeBron took up the narrative. “It is caused by witnessing combat, death of loved ones, abuse and violence either witnessed or done to one’s person. TaSyn says that there are medications on Earth that can help with this condition but she doesn’t know if they would work on the Sarran physiology. I suggest that we arrange for TaSyn to get together with our neuroscientists and chemists to develop these medications to suit Sarrans. TaSyn says that we should also look among the women for any that are psychiatrists who are also proficient in treating this disorder and pharmacists who can research the medications based on what they know from Earth.”

  TeBron sat down. TeAllen stood, “So it shall be done. The council shall meet again next week to discuss the new fem and how to best ensure our WarriorPairs get to look among them to find their bonded in addition to this Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.”

  “PTSD,” Mark offered.

  ::We agree,:: was heard from the entire council.

  * * * *

  The formalities over; the council came down from the dais to mix with the cats, the latest princes, and the new council members.

  TeAllen came over to Syn and asked, “There was such a clamor about how bad Earthen food tasted, so this morning I tried it for myself. I had some coffee, the thing that caused the most complaints. It was delightful. Why the fuss?”

  “In my country, the United States, we have a thing called fast food. We don’t have fabricators. Most of our fems work outside of the home and must take care of the offspring, cooking, and other household duties as well.”

  TeAllen shook his head. “What is wrong with Earthen Warriors; don’t they help?”

  Anya said, “Depends on the Warrior.”

  Syn smiled and jabbed Anya in the ribs. She continued. “There are only twenty-four tines in a rising and with eight tines spent working and a minimum amount of tines spent sleeping there are only so many tines left to clean, do laundry, and supervise the offspring.” Anya stepped closer to TeAllen and whispered, “And there are some fem like me who don’t know how to prepare a meal.”

  “So,” Syn said, “the society developed what is called take-out food. It is food made quickly and not very well in eateries scattered around our towns and cities and the cafeterias at workplaces. Fast take-out food is inexpensive, although not very nutritious; and fem use it to save some time. Fast food, especially to a culture that values natural, fresh food, tastes very bad.”

  Jonal came over and put his arm around Anya. TeAllen said, “Why did they program the fabricators with bad food?”

  Anya answered, “The government wanted us all off planet before anyone could find out what happened, so they took take-out menus—does that word translate?”

  “Yes,” TeAllen said, “a bill of fare.”

  “Exactly, anyway, they took menus from the worst take-out places in Washington D.C. and that is what was replicated on the Brightstar.”

  “Anya alerted Jonal and me to this problem just after she awoke from her illness and went to the mess hall. We didn’t have time to correct the problem before the Zyptz attack,” Tonas said, coming up behind Jonal and loosely putting his arm around both members of his Triad.

  “Last night our chefs took the initiative and programmed the fabricators with all of the recipes and their ingredients that were in my cookbooks and magazines, hence this morning, good coffee,” Syn explained.

  “Well, that explains that mystery. You can be sure that on Sarran no fem is ever overworked to the point that they have to resort to take-out.” TeAllen said.

  “To be fair to our men, some of the fems are single mothers and have no one to help out,” Anya said.

  “Do that many Warriors die in combat?” TeAllen asked askance.

  “Some do, but in the United States there is a high rate of divorce,” Syn answered.

  “That is unheard of here…the Rite of Dissolution…”

  Anya interrupted, “On Earth there is no bond. There is only something called love and fem and men often make mistakes in who they think they love; and the marriage doesn’t last too long. Yet others, who find a true bond, can have a marriage that lasts fifty years or longer.”

  TeZuron wandered over to listen to the conversation and said, “They leave an important rite like the Triad to chance?”

  “Unfortunately, we don’t have a Goddess like Ulna to guide us. We have many competing religions all of who claim to know the right path. Wars are sometimes fought by crazies who believe that everyone else should follow their rules,” Syn explained to the Elder.

  “That’s outrageous. On Sarran the Goddess Ulna guides our choice in mates, but in all other respects except for those whic
h are mentioned in the Codex, we guide ourselves according to our honor,” TeZuron snapped back.

  “When there are many religions, honor is a relative term.”

  TeZuron stood with his mouth hanging open.

  “There are many honorable men, Warriors as you call them, like Mark Stern, but unfortunately there are many fems and men who have no honor,” Syn clarified.

  TeAllen stood silent, as if considering the information he just received. “Then it could be said that the Sarrans did not take the Earthen fem, rather that they rescued them.”

  “In certain cases that would be true. It would be a good thing for the next voyage to consider single mothers raising femspring; especially those where the father neglects to support his femspring monetarily or emotionally,” Syn stated.

  “Yes,” said Anya, some of these women live with their femspring on the streets because they have no labor skills and no one to help them.” Anya’s voice was strident.

  “Doesn’t the Earthen governments help these fems?” TeAllen asked, looking more and more upset.

  “Depends on who is in power,” Syn answered simply.

  “I set the council agenda; this will be brought up at the next session. As I see it, this is an emergency. We will take any fem with the smallest amount of psy power and truthfully, all of the Earthen fems have it, even if it is latent. You were all sick with the plague; we took only the sickest. But whoever was sick, had some psy potential, no matter how diluted.”

  Thinking of the girls she left behind at the shelter, Syn gave TeAllen a heartfelt hug. Bron and Zaron looked on in approval.

  * * * *

  As the meeting broke up, Mark and Juraens left the council chambers to inspect the castle they were given. “How come there are so many empty castles and palaces,” Mark asked as they were transported to the quadrant that used to belong to WaterClan.


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