Living With Syn

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Living With Syn Page 12

by A. C. Katt

  “We lost half our population to the ClanWars and the birth rate of fems was still low. Castles and Palaces are earned because all of them are manmade and crafted. There are only so many WarriorPairs who have done enough good to earn them. You and I sacrificed our bond for the greater good. On Sarran, this is considered heroism of the highest order. You also tended the wounded and fought the Zyptz for a people not your own; this makes you a hero, thus the reward.”

  “This castle will need a lot of work to make it suitable for a fem. But with the credits that are coming to us upon our elevation to rank, plus what I saved, we can make this into a good home for our fem. We can hire in the village for craftsmen to help us. I only want the best for our Triad.”

  “I agree.” Mark kissed Juraens passionately as they entered their front door for the first time.

  * * * *

  The two Triads said their goodbyes and made their way home via the teleporter. Syn was greeted at the door by a very happy Naffie who fussed over his Mommie and Duchess. “See Mommie, the bitch didn’t even come up. Zadda and Poppie told you it wouldn’t matter and everyone goes as the council goes. Madeline Dixon-Howard will have no one who listens to her nasty words.”

  Syn grinned. “From your mouth to the Goddess’ ears. Now I need to go and make a list of things for your sires to bring up to the council. Take Duchess up to play.” ::Duchess, do you mind?::

  ::No, of course not, my TaSyn. You so deserved what you received; now you are in the position to help others. So go to the study with your WarriorPair and get started, I will be fine with the offspring.::

  ::Thank you, Duchess, for this and all you have done for me since our paths crossed in the pet shop on Broad Street.::

  ::Don’t worry about it, my Syn. I picked you, not the other way around, just as Tigger picked Anya and we weren’t wrong. Go, the young one is getting impatient.::

  ::I’ve got to watch my language around that young one.::

  ::Yes, my Syn, you need to clean up your act.::

  * * * *

  “That was a very interesting council meeting, Dragon. It went the way we wanted without any input from us.” Bron rang for Garlance. “Would you bring coffee for five and join us with Stoker?”

  “Yes, TeBron, immediately.” Garlance scurried off to do their bidding.

  “We have to help him find his bonded. Stoker also needs a bond. I’m afraid we have been very selfish, keeping them by our sides and leaving them unable to look. We have to remedy that,” Bron told Zaron as he cuddled up next to him on the couch.

  “I agree.”

  Syn came into the study. “To what are we agreeing?”

  ::To the need to find bonds for Garlance and Stoker,:: her Warriors answered.

  “Yes, they are such nice boys. What are they? Twenty-one?” Syn asked.

  “Good guess. Garlance is twenty-one and Stoker is twenty-three,” Bron said as he pulled Syn down to cuddle against them.

  “Is the room warded?” Syn looked around.

  “It will be as soon as Garlance brings the coffee.” Zaron took hold of Syn’s hand. “We knew you would be in need as soon as we returned to the castle. You didn’t tell us that there was a substance in coffee that is mildly addictive.”

  “I didn’t think to mention it. Everyone on Earth takes coffee for granted. You can always drink decaf. That is coffee without caffeine, the addictive substance.” Syn moved in closer to cuddle.

  ::I’ll bet it doesn’t taste half as good,:: Bron said as he stroked her hair.

  ::That’s a bet you would win.:: Syn laughed. ::Seriously, both coffee and chocolate are grown in the poorer countries on Earth. Contracts for export would be a blessing. Especially since I know Sarran will give them a fair price.::

  ::They take advantage of the poor? I’m beginning to think that the sooner we rescue the Earthen fem, the better,:: Zaron said.

  ::We are so glad we found you. After coffee, let’s go to the slumber chamber and make love.::

  ::Yes, but after that, we need to talk.:: Syn said, her nimble fingers belying her words.

  * * * *

  Chapter 9

  “Music is like making love: either all or nothing.”

  —Isaac Stern

  The Triad went up the stairs and locked the slumber chamber’s door. Syn couldn’t wait for her Warriors to undress her so she undressed herself. She noticed the linens were changed to a sumptuous shade of violet, again trimmed with silver piping and sheer silver sheets with lavender pillowcases. Syn folded the bed back and jumped under the covers.

  ::So eager, Pa Syn.:: Zarron slipped Bron’s vest off his shoulders.

  ::Of course, I’m eager. We were all tired last night and I was anxious about the meeting with the Elder Council. Today I’m awake and carefree.:: She fluffed up her pillow and sat up as she watched Zaron relieve Bron of his boots.

  ::Dearest, I love those boots on you.:: Zaron caressed Bron’s leg. Syn began to drip between her thighs.

  Zaron removed his own boots and Bron took off Zaron’s vest and began to slide his trews down his legs. He stopped at Zaron’s cock and took it in his mouth.

  ::Stop or this will be over before it’s begun,:: Zaron said, quite alarmed.

  Bron chuckled and let Zaron remove the rest of his clothing. Bron undressed himself and both of her Warriors joined Syn in the huge bed.

  Zaron rubbed Syn’s belly in concentric circles, traveling ever closer to the juncture of her thighs while Bron sucked on his cock. Syn shimmied down to Zaron’s face and began to give him butterfly kisses. She moved her tongue across the seam of his lip and they opened to her invasion.

  Bron swallowed Zaron whole. Syn was surprised that Bron had no gag reflex. Syn went down Zaron’s body and began peppering his chest with tiny bites and kisses. She moved her mouth to the flat brown coins with the hard nubs on his chest. She bit and then licked the right nipple while pinching the left. Zaron moaned and near jumped off the bed and his eyes turned dark blue.

  ::Oh, Pa Chette, do that again. I knew you would be fiery in the slumber chamber.::

  Syn came down and became engrossed with Zaron’s cock. She helped Bron lick up one side and down the other, while Bron palmed Zaron’s sac with his big hand.

  Zaron pulled Syn up from her ministrations to his cock and sat her on his chest where he began to lick and lightly bite her clit. The cuff on her labia began to heat up, making Syn squirm with desire.

  Bron left Zaron’s cock. He came up and sat behind Syn, cupping her large breasts in his hands, pulling her nipples until they became long and tight. Zaron pushed her down from his mouth and began to suck on her nipples, following her lead by licking and lightly biting each one.

  ::It’s Bron’s turn,:: Syn exclaimed as she pulled away from the willing mouth that dripped with her juices. Syn traveled down his body to Bron’s cock. She couldn’t take all of it in her mouth so she placed her hand at its base and began to suck it almost in slow motion. While she did this, she put her finger in her vagina, gathering up her own juices and used them to lubricate Bron’s ass.

  She fingered him, looking for the walnut of nerves that would indicate his prostate. She found, that as everything else in a Sarran male; it was large and easy to find. She curled her finger and massaged her prize. Bron groaned.

  ::Stop, Pa Syn, or I will come in your mouth.::

  Syn spoke aloud. “That’s the idea, for me to make you feel good.”

  ::No, Pa Syn, we must spill our juices inside you so the seed can take root.::

  The thought of a child of her own made tears of joy slide down her cheeks; this was something she never thought she could have because before her Warriors she avoided men.

  Zaron came down to kiss Syn’s lips, giving himself a taste of Bron’s pre-cum mixing with Syn’s secretions. The two Warriors acted in perfect coordination as the stood up on their knees and lifted Syn up between them. Zaron moved his hands up and down her chest and thighs and fingered her canal while moving his thumb over her c
lit. Syn screamed as she came in his hand.

  “Our treasure is so responsive to our touch. We are so lucky to have you, Pa Chette.” Zaron moved to Bron’s back.

  “Our fem has stretched you and made you ready for me. I am overjoyed to take you like this again.”

  Zaron turned Syn on her back. “Are you ready for penetration, Pa Chette?”

  “Yes, my loves, please come to me.”

  Bron entered Syn while Zaron penetrated him. They moved in a gentle rhythm as if the three of them were long time lovers; Bron and Zaron looking to stretch out the time until completion. Zaron kissed Syn’s face and neck. He bit the hot spot where her neck joined her shoulders and mouthed his way to the nape of her neck. Getting back around to her face, he gave her a life-altering kiss; that felt as if he pulled her soul out of her mouth and into his.

  Bron took his mouth and they exchanged tongues. Syn began to buck.

  Bron told Zaron, “Now my Dragon, let’s spill our seed into our fem and see if it takes root.” Syn screamed her completion while her Warriors shouted their own.

  They moved to the side so as not to crush her. Syn, replete, was too boneless to move a muscle. Bron got up from the bed and went into the bathing chamber where he turned on the water for a bath. After giving their seed some time to take root, Zaron carried Syn to the tub where they took soft cloths and proceeded to remove the evidence of their lovemaking. Syn fell asleep in his arms. The two Warriors dried their fem; anointed her with the oil that smelled of purple fantasy, and carried her back to bed where she slept soundly.

  * * * *

  Syn awoke later that afternoon and wandered down to the study where she found Bron, Zaron, and Naffie. Bron was at a desk covered in tools, tinkering with her grinder. Zaron was hunched over his com unit while Naffie played with what looked like jacks on the floor.

  Naffie ran up to her and gave her a tight hug. “Mommie, Mommie, you carry a fempring, like TaAnya.”

  The prospective sires dropped what they were doing and came over to Syn.

  ::While we prayed this might happen, we never dreamed it would happen so soon,:: Zaron spoke to her mind.

  “Do you have birthing medical personnel? I know of only two doctors on the ship, Anya and Mark. If all of us are this fertile, we need to start to train Warriors to act as midwives and only use Mark when there is danger to the fem or the offspring.”

  “We never thought of this. Although Warriors did everything for their fem this is one area that their dams or fem relations handled. We must bring this up to TeAllen in council next week. The Sarran gestation period is only one hundred and fifty risings and the Earthen is two hundred seventy. With the mixing of the genome; I don’t know when to expect the births.” Zaron face showed his concern.

  “How do I call Anya?” Syn asked sitting down and digesting Naffie’s pronouncement.

  “You ask the Concierge?” Naffie answered, “Like this, Concierge, is TaAnya available to speak to TaSyn?”

  The Concierge answered, “I have TaAnya for TaSyn.”

  “Anya, I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.” Syn said as she paced. “I think we are going to have a problem. I’m pregnant.”

  “Congratulations! Why is that a problem?” Anya asked, confused.

  “If all of the fem are as fertile to Sarran sperm as we seem to be, we will all be giving birth at the same time. We need to train the WarriorPairs in midwifery.” Syn sat down. “The guys told me the Sarran gestation period is only one hundred fifty risings. Since ours is two hundred seventy risings we can’t know when to expect the fem to give birth.”

  “I suppose development in the womb is faster because Sarran males are so big, the babies would hurt the fem if the gestation period was two hundred seventy risings. I expect with the insertion of the Sarran genes into our genome, any Earthen fem who mates with Sarran Warriors will have a gestation of only one hundred fifty risings or fifteen tides; while if the women left on Earth mate with their husbands, it will be the full two hundred seventy risings or twenty-seven tides. The difference would be coded into the Sarran sperm. We have to talk to Mark about setting up classes and see if we had any OB/GYNs on board. We also have to ask the council about pediatricians.” Anya was lost in thought.

  Syn shook her head. “I didn’t even think of that. Tell Jonal and Tonas to be prepared to broach this subject with the Elder Council along with Bron and Zaron.”

  “Yes, I will immediately. We need to get together again, but this time I’ll host. The fabricator, our chefs, and your recipes make me giving a dinner party possible. Goddess, I love this place. Talk to you soon.”

  The Concierge spoke, “Communication ended.”

  Syn turned to her Warriors. “It looks like the WarriorPairs are going to have to do something else for their fem, help them give birth.”

  Bron and Zaron looked at her in shock. Duchess opened the door of the study.

  ::Congratulations, Syn. It seems the Hulks do some things very well. I was waiting to get all of you together. Please ward the room and send Naffie for lunch.::

  “Naffie, why don’t you go get yourself the midtine meal. Zadda, Poppie, and Mommie have to talk,” Syn said as she gave her new son a hug.

  ::Can I have some cookies afterward?::

  “Yes dear, I’m sure we have some left.”

  Naffie raced out of the room.

  Bron and Zaron stood up and warded the room.

  Duchess began to speak, ::Syn, did you sense any wrongness in the Elder Council today?::

  Syn thought for a moment, ::No, I didn’t.::

  Duchess jumped up on Bron’s lap and nudged his hand for a pet. ::That means that the traitor was not in the room. Syn was right, the traitors are the WarriorPair TeAngle and TeZuff. I seriously doubt TeZuff is dead. Did anyone actually see the body?::

  Bron absently petted Duchess, “TeAllen didn’t say.”

  ::If no one did, you have your answer; Syn’s profile was right on target.::

  ::We need to get TeAllen on the com and see what he thinks, of all of the council members we trust TeAllen and TeWell the most,:: Bron and Zaron said simultaneously.

  * * * *

  “Concierge, please see if TeAllen is available for a com.”

  “TeBron, TeZaron, I did not expect to hear from you so soon.”

  “We have uncovered two problems that require the attention of the full council, but we would like to discuss them with you first.” Bron stared straight into the holo. “First we have good news, but it comes with a caveat.”

  “I’m always happy to hear good news.” TeAllen smiled.

  “Both our Triad and that of TeJonal and TeTonas are expecting femprings.”

  “What marvelous news! How do you know so soon?”

  Bron said with pride, “Our offspring, Naffie has the talent to hear life.” He smiled. “It seems the fem of Earth are very fertile to Sarran sperm. We spoke to TaAnya and she said that all of the fem who bonded may get pregnant at once. The Earthen gestation period is twenty-seven tides; ours is fifteen tides, as you know. TaAnya said that we should expect the births anytime from fifteen to twenty-seven tides.”

  TeAllen face screwed up in concern.

  “We no longer have fem with the knowledge of how to deliver offspring,” he replied. Worry was apparent in his stance.

  “TaSyn has a suggestion. There are at least two medical professionals that were on board the Brightstar, The Earthen Prince, Dr. Stern and TaAnya. There may be more—nurses, midwives, or physician’s assistants. We need to search the manifest. She thinks that the medical personnel from aboard the ship, using visual aids brought in the libraries from Earth, can teach the WarriorPairs how to help their fem give birth.”

  TeAllen said, “That might work; the birth of offspring is, after all, a natural process. The Warriors may be nervous, but they have faced worse.” TeWell chuckled and joined TeAllen on the com.

  TeWell asked, “You said there was more…” You could see on the holo that there was a har
d line to TeWell’s countenance as if he expected bad news.

  “You know?” Zaron asked.

  “About the traitor? Yes we know, but we don’t know who it is.”

  “TaSyn has an idea.” Zaron put his arm around his bonded.

  “I’m open to suggestions. We have tried in council to ferret out this Warrior but he eludes us at every turn. This meeting would best be had in person,” TeWell said. “Should I call a full meeting of the council? As the heads of the council, TeZaron and TeBron, it is within your rights to call a meeting out of session.” Syn gave her Warriors a look that said they had some explaining to do.

  “Not at this time, not a full session. Can you come to us this moontine? We will host, if our fem permits.”

  “Of course,” Syn answered. “If you don’t mind spaghetti and meatballs.”

  “Spaghetti and meatballs?” Zaron asked.

  “You’ll find out. Shall we say nineteen tines?”

  “Nineteen tines is good for us. We shall see you then.”

  * * * *

  “Is this too much for you, Pa Syn?” Her Warriors looked at her in concern.

  “A casual dinner for five is not a problem; oh bother, invite Anya and company as well. Is it okay for us to do it informally?” Syn asked.

  “Of course it is. TeAllen and TeWell know that this is last mot. They will expect replicated food, not fresh. TeJonal and TeTonas won’t care,” Zaron pointed out as he caressed Syn’s shoulders.

  Bron kissed Syn’s nose. “The chefs can take care of all of this; you do not have to do anything.”

  “But I want to, my loves. And I have a bone to pick with you.” Syn put her hands on her hips.

  “What does this phrase mean, ‘bone to pick,’ is it slang again?” Bron asked, his face quizzical.

  “Plainly, it means that you mislead me. You did not tell me the two of you are the head of the council of Elders.” Syn stood tapping her foot on the carpet her arms crossed over her chest.

  “We thought you knew. Jonal and Tonas told you we ran the war.”

  “Knowing nothing about Sarran politics; how could I discern what that meant?” Syn asked.


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