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Living With Syn

Page 15

by A. C. Katt

Zaron placed his finger on Bron’s lips. “My long winded BondMate is trying to tell you that you are welcome to use the gate house until Castle Water is livable. If you find a fem, you don’t want to bring her there.”

  “Thank you and we will take you up on your offer. As for our fem, she is still on Earth. We know this in the fabric of our souls. We intend to go on the next fleet run and find her then. She is in the United States, we can feel her,” Juraens said simply.

  “Then her psy is strong. Why didn’t she get picked up in the first wave of fem? We thought we managed to get all of the fem with strong psy?” Zaron asked puzzled.

  “She has an impediment which we intend to remove,” Mark said grimly.

  “You have a touch of pre-cog?” Bron asked, concerned with Mark’s answer.

  “A touch, the sooner we get back to Earth the better. We only discovered her call here on Sarran,” Juraens said.

  “Be careful about removing the impediment. Remember the Codex,” Bron admonished.

  “The Codex is uppermost in our mind,” Mark replied, his hands clenching into fists.

  “The story is yours to tell. We will anxiously await the outcome. The gatehouse is yours.”

  “Good moonrise to you,” Zaron and Bron said as they escorted Mark and Juraens to the door.

  “Good moonrise, and thank you again.”

  * * * *

  The Triad went up to their slumber chamber. They undressed each other, exchanging kisses and caresses. Duchess and Tigger came out from under the bed where they were since they left the sleeping Naffie. ::We were better off in bed with Naffie. See, I told you, they’re like rabbits once they bond.:: The Triad were oblivious as the cats left the room.

  ::Pa Syn, your intellect is amazing, your beauty is breathtaking, and the way you love our offspring warms our hearts. The Goddess chose well for us. Let us love each other,:: Bron said as he trailed kisses down her neck. He touched her lips with his finger. ::So soft, perfectly shaped.::

  He bent down and put his tongue to her mouth while Zaron made his way down the bed, licking at Bron’s skin. ::See Pa Chette, see how he shivers when I put my mouth at back of his knee::.

  ::Oh my Dragon, how I missed you when you were away.::

  ::But we are all together now, in Triad just as the Goddess intended. We are blessed.::

  Zaron caressed the back of Bron’s leg and moved his lips to the juncture of his thigh. Syn turned and after raining kisses on Bron’s face moved to Zaron’s chest, laving each nub with her tongue and biting gently. Then her mouth moving in a straight line to his cock. She moved Zaron on top of her as she shimmied to the edge of the bed. Pulling him over her, she hung her head over the edge so she could take more of him into her mouth. She sucked and licked his cock while Bron fondled his ball sac.

  Bron put his tongue to Zaron’s cheeks, spreading them with his thumbs. He used his tongue to circle his prize, so long denied by the death of Nara. Moving swiftly he straightened his tongue and pierced his beloved’s rosette, using it as if it were a cock until his lover was completely wet. Zaron jerked into Syn’s mouth as she continued to lick and suck his cock.

  ::I have to move or I’ll spill my seed.:: Syn didn’t stop, she sucked even harder. Moments later Zaron erupted down her throat. Syn didn’t let him move out of her mouth until he gave her the last drop. Zaron, spent, lay back. It didn’t take him too long to recover. He pounced on Bron, taking Bron’s member in his mouth.

  ::Help me, Pa Chette, our dearest gives so much to all of us and takes so little.::

  Syn began an attack on Bron’s mouth. She bit lightly at the juncture of his neck and shoulders. She moved her tongue down to the nape of his neck, moving her hands to make light circles on his back.

  Zaron gave way to Syn. Bron’s cock stood straight out from between his legs as if waiting for Syn’s mouth. Her plump lips went down his thick shaft, her head moving in sync with Ravel’s Bolero playing in her mind. Bron came within a few moments. Syn’s thighs were wet with her juices. Bron tuned over and got up on his knees, parting Syn’s thighs. Zaron lined up behind him.

  Bron plunged into her sweet channel as Jonal entered him. With Ravel’s Bolero still playing in her head, the three allowed its rhythm to guide their movements. At the moment of the crescendo the Triad collapsed in orgasm.

  * * * *

  Chapter 11

  “Every person is a god in embryo, its only desire is to be born.”

  —Deepak Chopra

  The first birthing class with the Sarran Elders took place two risings after the com call. The Elder Triads arrived en masse along with the two Elder WarriorPairs who had not yet bonded. Elders TeAxit and TeZuron were immediately BondStruck by Ellen Macavoy, who was equally taken with her bonded.

  Embarrassed, Ellen said, “I didn’t think it would happen to me. I’m thirty-eight, rather prickly and set in my ways. I warn you, I don’t cook and I don’t clean, and I don’t want to—I work at my profession.”

  TeZuron answered, “It seems there will be plenty of work for you to do, Mir De.”

  “And what is Mir De?” Ellen asked.

  “Dear one,” TeAxit replied as he and TeZuron embraced their beloved.

  The first class went well with Anya and Mark explaining the Earthen female anatomy which was not really much different from the Sarran fem.

  Mark told Syn in an undertone, ‘‘It’s like middle school sex education.’’ Syn giggled.

  Bron transferred the information to crystal of a video showing an Earthen fem giving birth. Fortunately the Sarran Elders were made of stern stuff and did not faint at the sight of blood.

  What bothered them was the pain during the contractions. All of the Warriors had wet cheeks. “Isn’t there anyway to relieve the pain,” asked TeZen as he brought his Adele into the circle of his arms holding her tight.

  “I don’t remember Nara mentioning having pain in birthing either Nessie or Nafer,” said Zaron and Bron as they too held Syn close to their chests.

  “I have offspring,” said TeAllen, “and no mention was ever made of pain. A Sarran Warrior would rather die than have his fem in pain.”

  “Maybe that’s why birth was always handled by a fem’s Zenna or her fem relations,” Syn said thoughtfully.

  “Perhaps we should look in the archives and see what they say about live births on Sarran,” Anya suggested. Each Elder went straight to his own com to search the archives to see what they said about delivering bebes on Sarran.

  Syn leaned over Bron and Zaron’s shoulder to read. “It looks as if the fem used a mind block to shut out the pain.”

  Mark looked at his com. “If they did use a mind block, how did they keep track of contractions?” Juraens stood behind Mark, rubbing his neck and shoulders.

  Anya looked up from the console where she read over Jonal’s shoulder. “Mind control, all of the fem had it to use only for birthing. It came with the mind speech that connects a Zenna to her offspring. They can hear a psychic cry for help from their offspring or tell if anything is wrong. All Triads can use mind speech within the triangle and thus can communicate with both their bonded and their offspring.”

  “Yes,” Syn shouted, “Here it is. It’s in the fem section of the archives. It only opened when I tried to reach it. It was encoded to be read by fem’s eyes only. There must have been a light mind block that Goddess put all of the Sarran Warriors when they are born so that they didn’t know about this section of the archives.”

  “The block has been removed by the Goddess now when the need is great,” Anya added.

  Ellen Macavoy voiced her skepticism. “This Goddess business is real?” she asked Syn and Anya.

  Tina answered. “I was an avowed atheist until I bonded. I don’t know where she comes from or how she exists, but she is as real as you are,” Blot took Tina by the hand. “Panner and I had a hard time getting Tina to believe until the moment of completion. We were afraid the bond wouldn’t take if Tina was a non-believer. It took the Goddess’ a
ppearance to change her mind and then Tina wanted to make an offering. We had to explain to her that there are no temples or churches and the Goddess does not accept offerings. The Goddess exists all around us and has no need of Sarran goods or services.’’

  “This Goddess then is quite a bit different than your local mullah, priest, or televangelist. Even the Eastern religions expect offerings; which can be problematic for the poor. What about rules and regulations? I don’t want to wear a hat, a veil, or cut my hair,” Ellen reiterated.

  “Our Goddess has no rules except for the Codex; none can be added or subtracted. The Codex is a basic guide to honorable living.”

  Syn and Anya nodded their heads. “Ask any of the fem who bonded. The Goddess is real and appears at the moment of the bond bearing the gifts of love and trust.”

  Syn added, “I was also skeptical. I have no love of religion, but the Goddess spoke to me just before and during the bonding. I may not believe in any Earthen gods, but I do believe that there is a Goddess Ulna who watches over Sarran.”

  “If the Goddess protects Sarran, why did they get the plague?” Ellen persisted. Her newly bonded WarriorPair looked shocked.

  TeAxit and TeZuron took Ellen into their arms and she didn’t resist. “Mir De, the Goddess only holds sway over Sarran and the Codex. She does not claim to be omnipotent. She belongs to Sarran, especially to the Sarran fems.”

  “I’m a psychologist,” Syn said. “I was trained in skepticism; but now I believe. You will too upon completing your bond.” Syn rested her head on Bron’s shoulder. ‘‘Com me after you bond. You will have your own experience to share.”

  Mark said, “Excuse me Elders, maybe we should get back to the subject at hand.”

  Elder TeAllen laughed, “Juraens, you have a bold one there.”

  “Yes, I do, but I love him anyway.” The Elders laughed.

  “So, all we need to do for the class is to show what passes for a Sarran compact disc and teach the Warriors how to use the light mind block that takes away the pain,” Syn said as she was pulled down on Zaron’s lap.

  “We’ve noticed that psy increased in every WarriorPair that bonds with an Earthen fem. We didn’t have mind speech and now we do. This is true for others. A number of our patients came to us to tell us of the phenomenon. It is almost like a reward for bonding with the Earthen fem. We didn’t believe it until we found our Tina,” Blot said as he gave Tina a fierce hug. “The Earthen fem bring many gifts.

  TeAllen and TeWell looked on in unmistakable envy. ::We hope to find out for ourselves.::

  “TaSyn, maybe we should arrange for all of the women to take the classes along with the Warriors. This may be a way to promote more bonds,” Tina suggested.

  “It certainly helped us.” TeAxit and TeZuron again held Ellen tight. The newest Ta, Ta Ellen Macavoy, just smiled.

  * * * *

  As a whole, with questions, the class was able to master the material in two tines. It was long enough to watch the instructive video and to learn the specifics with the handouts the fem and Mark prepared, but not of such duration as to take too many Warriors off the duty roster for too long a period.

  All Sarrans served. Those who went into Triad made way for new pairs and singles in the fleet. Once their Triad was formed, they took up a trade and joined a guild. The guilds drilled the Warriors once a week so they didn’t lose their edge.

  The Zyptz, although temporarily defeated, lurked just beyond humanoid space. Because of this the Sarrans needed to be battle ready at all times. Sarran Warriors were the heart of the Federation’s fleet and therefore necessary to protect humanoid space from the Zyptz. They also policed Federation space, looking out for space pirates, raiders, and black marketeers.

  The Elders headed home, TeAxit and TeZuron to bond with the new TaEllen and TeAllen and TeWell ostensibly to check the fem’s quarters. Syn hoped Ellen would call next dawntine and tell Syn of her experience with the Goddess, psychiatrist to psychologist, it would be interesting to compare notes.

  * * * *

  For more than three tides, Syn forgot about Madeline Dixon-Howard and her poisonous tongue. She felt safe in the cocoon her Warriors created, that is, until the last birthing class.

  Her WarriorPair took her to every class and stayed while she searched the auras, as did the other Elders. They knew the material well enough to teach it and served as an example to all of the other Warriors. Bron and Zaron felt it was important to show their support of both the classes and their fem and the other Elders wished to serve as an example for their Warriors.

  As Anya was needed to teach class, Jonal and Tonas sat in the audience along with Tigger and Duchess. Their secret agenda to find Warriors with PTSD was working well. They found fifty cases in all, forty mild and ten severe, during the time the classes were held.

  Additionally, some of the Sarran physicians opted for advanced training in OB/GYN and pediatrics and others in PTSD. It was decided that this training would begin immediately after the last birthing class. The roster for the last class included all the WarriorPairs, single Warriors, and fems who had not yet bonded.

  So on this day the Sarran WarriorPhysicians came in mass. The birthing class had just ended and the doctors began to enter the hanger. Syn reached the dais for the advanced section on PTSD.

  Once Syn became Ta the furor from the ship subsided and Madeline Dixon-Howard found no one to listen to her vitriol. Since most of the fem bonded, they knew Syn was favored above all by the Goddess to be picked as the Ta for the senior Elders on the council.

  As soon as Syn left the crowd to get up to teach she spotted Maddy in the audience. When Maddy saw Syn on the dais she began her verbal assault.

  She pushed her way to the front of the room and shouted for all to hear, “Here they are; your fearless leaders with their street whore. How can you respect them when they took a prostitute to their bed?’’

  Because of her pugnacious personality, the other fem avoided her, therefore Maddy had no one to warn her about what would happen to her if she showed disrespect to the fem of the most senior Elders on Sarran. The majority of the Earthen fem knew of Syn’s work on the birthing classes, her concern over their housing and welfare, and nearest to their heart, her programming the fabricators with fresh Earthen foodstuffs. All of the Warriors and their fem held her in the highest esteem and completely disregarded Maddy’s attack.

  As soon as Maddy spoke Syn was surrounded by a Warrior guard at the ready to do their Te’s bidding if the assault became physical. TeAllen spoke in a hard voice as close to Maddy’s face as he could get without betraying the spirit of the Codex, “This fem has no respect for our Ta or the Goddess…”

  A soft voice seemed to come from the air and spoke into the minds of all of those assembled. hear. “TaSyn is my beloved fempring and no one may speak against her as long as she follows the laws set forth in the Codex. In this she has served as a help and example to all of the fem on how to a become Sarran. Fem Dixon-Howard, you have no place on Sarran. When the Brightstar leaves the planet, you may leave with it for you are not worthy of one of my WarriorPairs.”

  Maddy yelled, “That was a cheap pallor trick.”

  The audience acted as if struck dumb. The Warriors quickly surrounded Maddy and took her to a holding area.

  Naffie said, “That fem’s aura is black. You can fix it, Mommie.”

  TeZaron said, “Hush offspring, the Goddess has spoken. Fem Dixon-Howard has broken the laws of the Codex. Since she is not in Triad she is therefore not officially a Sarran. The Goddess imposed a sentence of exile, which is, for the offense of slander, is a mild punishment. Let her go in peace.”

  The soft voice heard by all spoke again. “The offspring has a point. She might yet be redeemed if shown the error of her ways. For TaSyn’s sake I will make an attempt. Syn felt the Goddess open the surface of her mind to Maddy and the rest of the assembled fem. Maddy’s eyes opened wide. “This is not the truth. My father would never do this thing. I do not accep
t this. It is a lie.”

  The Goddess said, “You cannot lie with a mind that has been opened for all to see. There is no hope for such a fem as this; she goes to meet her fate.”

  “I once said that Fem Dixon-Howard would meet her destiny with the Zyptz, I hope I was wrong,” Jonal told TeZaron and TeBron.

  “No one can escape their lot in life,” Juraens added enigmatically.

  * * * *

  Just as the young Ensign Blot predicted, after three tides every Warrior on Sarran and in the Fleet was trained in birthing. The physicians were comfortable with emergency procedures and it was a good thing because all of the fem who were bonded were pregnant. Baby bumps were present at every market and in every hall. The ratio of femprings to offspring was one fem for every two Warriors, just right for the balance of the planet. By this time there were only one hundred and sixty-one fem who hadn’t found their WarriorPair. When Syn brought this up to Zaron and Bron they considered her question.

  “Perhaps Pa Chette, they are meant for Warriors not yet bonded. All of the unmatched fem are young, from sixteen to nineteen cycles. We generally do not pair until we reach at least nineteen cycles. Although there are exceptions, Bron and I bonded at sixteen and were brought to the Elder Council at twenty-six. Perhaps the Goddess is waiting for culpability or as the Earthen say, coming of age.”

  Syn had no idea some of the Earthen fem were so young. When Zaron and Bron told her that all of these fem were orphans, she and Anya formulated a plan to open a social club for the older fem to mentor the younger and meet single and unbonded WarriorPairs. They also insisted that the younger ones finish school on Sarran and have the opportunity for further study.

  Syn was told by Zaron, “There is no need to insist. Education is a right on Sarran. It is spelled out in the Codex. The fem may study anything they wish and a tutor will be provided.” Syn and Anya were embarrassed for doubting their Warriors and the Codex that governed them all.

  * * * *

  The first Elder Council meeting after the birthing classes included the fem bonded to the Elders. The Elders decided that their fem’s input was so valuable that they needed their counsel to help govern the planet’s new state of affairs. The Earthen fem were different than the Sarran fem, and their life experience left the unbonded wary of the Warriors despite the other fem’s assurances.


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