Dark Paths: Apocalypse Riders

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Dark Paths: Apocalypse Riders Page 11

by Britten Thorne

  She stroked the warm waves of his hair. “Sounds to me like you did a good thing.”

  “The camp was only unguarded enough for us to get in ‘cause Satan’s Remains are concentrating on the herd. They’re driving them like cattle, right in our direction.”

  “Shit,” she breathed.

  He looked up, surprised. “Did you just curse?”

  She blushed. “I did.” She looked him up and down, then, making sure he was whole, taking him in. She wasn’t prepared to feel such joy just being in the same room as him again. “No boots on the bed, remember?” she said as she knelt in front of him. He sighed as she undid his laces.

  “Did I miss much around here?” he asked. “Any gossip?”

  “Nothing that I know of,” she said, “The missing girl from the farm arrived. Sunny. She’s working with me in the garden. She’s… you’d like her.”

  He nodded.

  “I learned a little about tomatoes.”

  That earned a soft chuckle. She tugged his boots away and set them aside, then sat back on her heels. “I can move out if you want me to,” she said quietly. She had to force the words out. It would have been so much easier to dance around the subject, to feign forgetfulness, but it had to be said. She didn’t want to hurt him anymore. “There’s plenty of empty rooms. I didn’t want to sneak out while you were away, but I can go. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  “Is that what you want to do?”

  “No.” Shaking her head, she rose to her feet and rested her forehead against his. “I don’t want to leave.” She sighed as his fingertips gently grazed her back.

  “What do you want?” he muttered.

  She didn’t quite know how to answer that; she didn’t know the answer. But she did see his lips as he spoke, and they called to her. That’s what I want, she thought. He hadn’t drawn away from her yet, so she took the chance and planted a soft, slow kiss on his mouth. Her heart swelled and she gasped as she broke away, unprepared for the wave of emotions that hit her. She wanted him, and that was all, and everything else be damned.

  He cursed and drew her in again with a sharp intake of breath, kissing her harder. She gave herself over to it, her fingers curling into his hair as he tasted her, devoured her. The sudden heat of his passion made her knees weak. She answered in kind; determined to let him know that she wanted this, she wanted him, she covered one of his hands with hers and guided it beneath her shirt. He groaned as he cupped and lifted a breast, his hand hot against her skin.

  “Am I going to regret this?” he asked against her mouth.

  “No,” she said between kisses, “No, I swear. Will I?”

  He chuckled. “Promise you won’t.” Then he stood, lifting her, turning her and laying her on the mattress on her back. All she had to do was look up at his lust-filled gaze and she was overcome by her own arousal. He kissed her again, a long, slow kiss that left her aching.

  “I missed you,” he whispered. He moved to her neck, his hot mouth leaving trails between her ear and collarbone. “I missed being on the road with you. Just us.”

  “I did too,” she gasped. It was true; it had been a much simpler time when it was just the two of them crossing miles everyday with only each other’s company. He pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. She didn’t even think to cover her breasts as she once would have. He rubbed the rough stubble of his chin over her nipples before taking them gently between his lips. All confusing thoughts, all nagging worries were driven out of her head as warm waves of pleasure broke through her body and pooled at her core. He kissed his way down her belly and unbuttoned her pants.

  “What was that you said about boots?” he murmured. She kicked her shoes off - comfortable, loose sneakers for once, thank God, as he helped her wiggle out of her pants. Her panties followed right after, but still he remained where he was, low on the bed, hovering over her belly, kissing her trembling skin.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered with alarm as he scooted lower yet.

  “Trust me?”

  She nodded. “Of course.” But what the heck is he… oh. He exhaled a hot breath across her mound as he pushed her thighs apart. Oh, God. He gave her a long, slow lick at the crease where her thigh met her body. She gasped and shifted as he did the same on the other side. Her blood ran hot and her heart beat faster. She could feel her own pulse all over her body. He can’t really mean to- He spread her sex open with his thumbs on his outer lips, revealing her wet, pink folds to his dark gaze.

  “God, look how wet you are.” She clenched her fists at her sides; she was gripped by a strong yearning, stronger than anything she’d felt yet. She couldn’t even put words to it - she only knew that she needed him to do something. “Tell me that I did this to you.”

  “Yes,” she said, squirming, seeking something more, “For you, Call.” She blushed again. “I’m so wet for you.” He held her for just a moment with a last, burning look before he moved in. Softly, he pressed his mouth to her sex, kissing her pink nether lips as he’d kissed her mouth - hot, hungry, devouring. She threw her head back with an animal groan. He was lighting a fire in the pit of her belly - one that she didn’t know how to put out, one she didn’t want to put out. He teased her with his tongue. She gasped as he probed and he swiped, exploring her velvety folds, leaving not an inch of skin untouched.

  If she was on fire, the soft brush of his tongue over her aching clit sent her into an inferno. Hot waves of pleasure rushed down her spine and coiled at her core, growing tighter and tighter as he brushed her sensitive button again and again, just a fraction firmer each time. The man knew what he was doing; slowly but surely he was driving her out of her mind and closer to the edge. She moaned helplessly beneath the barrage. It was almost too much to take.

  “Look at me,” he breathed. As their eyes met, he slid two fingers deep inside her; she inhaled sharply as she gripped him tight within.

  “Oh, God, Call,” she moaned, moving her hips against his hand and his face.

  “Do you want me to make you come?” he asked. “Say it.” He thrust his fingers once, earning another rough gasp. “Say it.” He pressed his face against her and teased her clit with a light brush of his tongue.

  “Please, Call…” The pleasure her in her kept building higher and higher, tighter and tighter. Words that she never even imagined she would say poured from her lips, her own voice unrecognizable. “I need to come, Call. Make me come, please.” So close, so close-

  He sucked her sensitive clit between his lips and laved it with his tongue in time with his thrusting fingers. It felt like an explosion when it hit her, all that heat and that need peaked and rushed over her in a torrent. She cried out as she rode against his face, her hands somehow in his hair. The intensity of her climax made her see stars; she trembled all over and clenched around his pumping fingers until no coherent thoughts remained in her head, until she could do nothing but feel, and still it wasn’t enough.

  “Call…” He scrambled out of his pants as she came back to earth. Climbing back up her body, he left a wet trail of hot and hungry kisses. His bared erection pressed against her hip, scorching her with its heat. Her lips parted and her back arched; her greedy body craved him so badly it hurt. She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.

  He shifted and crawled between her thighs. His cock pressed against her belly as he kissed her forehead, and she tensed. It was just a brief flicker of clarity, a leftover from her old lives as she realized what was about to happen. But as her mind raced, her voice failed her.

  “Give yourself to me,” he said, his voice raw, “Let me make you mine.”

  What could she say? What should she say, what should she do? But the panic faded as quickly as it had risen. Don’t trust your stupid confused brain. Trust your heart instead.


  Bells rang. Horns sounded. Call’s reaction was immediate - he rolled from the bed, pants in hand, and spoke as he dressed. “I knew I shouldn’t have gone on ahead of t
hat bus. Shit.”

  She wanted to scream at the loss but the sound of the alarms woke her from her sexual haze. “Let me help,” she said as she shook the surprise of their interruption away. She wasn’t quite sure what was happening but she could make a good guess. “You know that I can shoot. You said they aren’t far from here, let me go with you.”

  He was already shaking his head. “No.” He stamped his feet into his boots. “I left five of my best guys with that bus. If the trouble is more than they can handle then there’s nothing you can do.”

  She dressed anyway and chased him out the door and out of the building. Outside, people scattered at the sight of the bikers gathering at the front gate, where young boys were wheeling their bikes from the garage. “What’s going on?” Call asked as he approached the group of leather-clad men.

  “Sorry, Call. They got the jump on us.” The young biker who spoke was dirty and sweating, with a nasty abrasion bleeding on his forearm. “We didn’t expect them to attack this close.” He spit on the ground. “They’re asking for you. They want to talk.”

  “Like hell they do,” Call growled. He took his bike anyway. “All of you with me. Lark, show Lia to your post, then catch up with us.” Finally he turned to her, his eyes blazing with a fury she’d only seen once before. “You guys up there will be our last line of defense if we’re chased home,” he said. “So be alert.”

  Satan’s Remains. Living people. She nodded. “Be careful.”

  She stared out through the trees, over the road, straining her ears for any hint of an engine and hearing only birds. She shared the post atop the wall just to the left of the gate with two other men - young boys, probably around her age. One bore burn scars on his face, so many that it was difficult to keep from staring. The other wore a leather vest that was labeled simply “Prospect,” with no logo (or “colors,” as she’d learned) across the back. She’d retrieved all of her weapons as soon as the handsome dark-haired biker called Lark had showed her the way up and introduced her around.

  The boys stared at her out of the corners of their eyes when they thought she wouldn’t notice, obviously leery that a girl would be able to shoot as well as they could. Dumb. Good training and steady hands are all it takes. She kept her mouth shut - hopefully she wouldn’t have to prove her abilities to them. But she knew that she could, if it came down to it.

  They whispered together and snickered behind her. She couldn’t worry about it - Call was out there. If something happened to him, she didn’t know what she would do. I just got him back.

  The sun was just beginning to set when she made out the first hint of a buzz of engines on the wind.

  “Is that them?” one of the boys asked.

  “Shh.” She never took her eyes from the road.

  Her heart sank when the motorcycles finally approached. They were rushing but there was no one on their heels. And no bus.

  And no Call. Others were missing as well - the number of bikers driving inside was too low.

  She climbed down as soon as the last man was through the gate. Eyes casting about for a friendly face, they finally landed on Ripp. May reached him first, hugging him tight and speaking into his ear. Lia tried to wait politely but her fear overcame her manners.

  “What happened, Ripp? Where is he?”

  He shook his head and spat with disgust. May scowled up at him. “Sorry, love,” he mumbled, then said to both of them, “I’m still wrapping my head around it myself. I don’t know where they’re getting all these members. We were ambushed right here on our own turf.”

  Her ears rang as the alarms sounded in her head. “Is he dead?” Lia asked, the question tearing painfully from her throat. Panic welled in her chest. No, please, no…

  “He’s alive. Others aren’t. Some of the bitches on the fucking bus turned on us.”

  Both Lia’s and May’s jaws dropped. “That’s about the face I made,” Ripp said. “They wanted to go back. A couple ladies bailed out the back, but otherwise most of ‘em turned around and went right after Satan’s Remains.” He shook his head. “Damndest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “Brainwashed,” Lia whispered.


  “So what, are you going to rescue him?”

  Ripp shook his head. “Sun’s almost down. The dead are stronger at night and the closer the herd gets, the more of them are wandering around out there.”

  She didn’t intend to speak in a near shriek but heads turned as she said, “You’re just going to leave him?”

  May touched Lia’s elbow. “Call’s a tough bastard,” she said, “He’ll be all right. Hell, he’ll likely escape before anybody even starts looking for him.”

  “His own rules, his own orders,” Sheedy called to her. The VP looked shaken. One arm leaked a stream of blood to the ground. He spoke to all the bikers. “You boys remember, those rules are in place for good reason. So rest up. We set out again at first light.”

  She wanted to scream. She wanted to steal a bike and head out after him herself. I could have protected him if I was there. I would have had his back. She knew, she just knew that she could have. For him, she’d have shot the living. I’m going with them tomorrow, no matter what. I just need one sympathetic face. Ripp would never take her. Neither would Sheedy.

  Preacher. Sunny can convince him for me. I have to see Sunny.


  Lia found her waiting for Preacher in the apartment they shared, despite all her claims that she wanted her own place. She slammed her fists against the door until the blond girl answered. Her eyes went wide and she asked, “What happened?” as soon as she saw the expression on Lia’s face.

  “Is Preacher here with you?”

  “No. He’s been out for a few days. Is that what those alarms were about? Is he okay?”


  “I’m here.” The red-bearded biker appeared, striding down the hallway. “Come on in.”

  His apartment was very similar to Call’s - just a converted office filled with whatever vaguely clean and comfortable furniture he was able to get his hands on. It looks like Sunny had tried to decorate - she had some wildflowers hanging to dry in the windows.

  Lia took a seat across from Preacher at the computer desk they were using as a table, and Sunny sat on the edge of their bed. She bounced on the mattress and smiled her spacey smile at Preacher. “Glad you’re back. What happened? What’d I miss?”

  “Call and Dray were taken prisoner,” he grumbled. Her face fell and she stopped bouncing.

  “That’s why I’m here,” Lia said, “I want to help with the rescue.” Preacher looked between the two girls. Before he could say anything, Lia went on, “I heard you lost a few men out there. And that Satan’s Remains have been recruiting and outnumber you now. I can help. It sounds like you need all the help you can get.”

  He sighed heavily, his breath stirring his beard. He hasn’t outright refused, she thought, wringing her hands.

  “Assuming we can even get to him and get him out, what the fuck do you think my damn president is gonna say when he sees me putting his girl in danger?” He barked out a bitter laugh. “What the fuck would he say if you got shot?”

  His girl. They think of me as his girl. “I don’t know,” Lia said. That wasn’t a “no.”

  “She shoots better than I do,” Sunny piped up. “And you’ve seen me.”

  He nodded.

  “And she loves him.” Preacher raised an eyebrow. The blond girl grinned at her. “You do. Don’t look so surprised.” She didn’t even know what to say - if she wanted to protest, or agree, or just burst out crying. I can’t think about it. I can’t sort that out yet. We just have to get him home.

  Preacher sighed. “Listen, honey, fact is you can do what you want. This ain’t a prison and we ain’t in the habit of telling people what to do. If you happened to find a copy of the keys to the parking garage hidden where you live, and then if you just happened to make your way to the second floor an
d found that the cars to the right of the stairs were all fueled up with the keys inside, and if maybe you somehow drove that car down and out the gate when we were all leaving, who would stop you?” He showed his palms. “Not I.”

  “So they’d let me come?” she asked.

  “He’s saying not to worry about them letting you, Lia,” Sunny said, as if it was obvious, “He’s saying just go.”

  Go? Without permission? That wasn’t something she would ever do. It was sneaking around and practically stealing a car.

  Think of Call. She stood. “Thanks for having me over, guys. Enjoy your evening.” She had a key to find.

  Two bullets ready in the shotgun. Six more in the top right pocket. She patted the side of her cargo pants where the bullets resided, visibly bulging below her hip. 17 in the pistol. Extra magazine in the top left pocket. 13 more bullets. She patted that pocket again. Revolvers full. Six each for twelve. Four more bullets in the left knee pocket, five more on the right. She touched both of those pockets as well. She had even more in her backpack - it sat on the passenger seat next to her, filled with all her usual evacuation supplies - more ammunition, canteens, enough food for a couple days, clean socks, matches, and so on. Her knife was in her boot. Her dark hair was in braids. She was as ready as it was possible for her to be. She wasn’t nervous at all. This was the sort of thing that Father Speer had rigorously trained her and the other girls for.

  She’d visited him one last time the night before, after finding Call’s keys in a coffee can near his extra pair of boots. The minister was unshaven, tired, but clean and well-fed. The girls were gone, back with their assigned families for the night. It was just the two of them.

  The lamplight was dim. He hadn’t faced her at all.

  “I just wanted to thank you,” she said. “In case I don’t make it back. In case I don’t see you again.”

  “Should you die, you’ll burn for what you’ve done,” he’d said. “I can only offer absolution if you atone.”


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