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Norman Mailer

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by J. Michael Lennon

  Bufithis, Philip H. Norman Mailer. NY: Ungar, 1978.

  ———. “Norman Mailer.” Dictionary of Literary Biography, 1983. Ed. Matthew Bruccoli. Detroit: Gale, 1984.

  Burnett, Hallie and Whit. Fiction Writer’s Handbook. Preface by Norman Mailer. NY: Barnes & Noble. 1975.

  Campbell, James. Talking at the Gates: A Life of James Baldwin. NY: Viking, 1991.

  Chaiken, Michael, and Jason Altman. Producers. DVD. Maidstone and Other Films by Norman Mailer. NY: Eclipse from the Criterion Collection, 2012.

  Charters, Ann, ed. The Portable Beat Reader. NY: Viking Penguin, 1992.

  Clarke, Gerald. Capote: A Biography. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1988.

  Dearborn, Mary. Mailer: A Biography. NY: Houghton Mifflin, 1999.

  de Grazia, Edward. Girls Lean Back Everywhere: The Law of Obscenity and the Assault on Genius. NY: Random House, 1992.

  DeLillo, Don. Falling Man. NY: Scribner, 2007.

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  Fiedler, Leslie. A Fiedler Reader. NY: Stein & Day, 1977.

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  Flaherty, Joe. Managing Mailer. NY: Coward-McCann, 1970.

  Friedan, Betty. The Feminine Mystique. NY: Norton, 1963.

  Fülöp-Miller, René. Rasputin: The Holy Devil. NY: Viking, 1928.

  Gelmis, Joseph, ed. The Film Director as Superstar. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1970.

  Gillmor, Daniel S., ed. Speaking of Peace: An Edited Report of the Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace. NY: National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, 1949.

  Glenday, Michael K. Norman Mailer. NY: St. Martin’s, 1995.

  Goodwin, Doris Kearns. Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream. NY: Harper & Row, 1976.

  Gordon, Andrew. An American Dreamer: A Psychoanalytic Study of the Fiction of Norman Mailer. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1980.

  Green, Martin. Cities of Light and Sons of the Morning. Boston: Little, Brown, 1972.

  Greer, Germaine. The Madwoman’s Underclothes: Essays and Occasional Writings. NY: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987.

  Grobel, Lawrence. Conversations with Capote. NY: New American Library, 1985.

  ———. Endangered Species: Writers Talk About Their Craft, Their Visions, Their Lives. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo, 2001.

  Guiles, Fred Lawrence. Norma Jean: The Life of Marilyn Monroe. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1969.

  Gwaltney, Francis Irby. The Day the Century Ended. NY: Rinehart, 1955.

  Hamill, Pete. “Norman Mailer.” American Rebels. Ed. Jack Newfield. NY: Nation Books, 2003.

  Hemingway, Ernest. Selected Letters, 1917–1961. Ed. Carlos Baker. NY: Scribner’s, 1981.

  Hemingway, Gregory. Papa: A Personal Memoir. Preface by Norman Mailer. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1976.

  Holmes, John Clellon. Passionate Opinions: The Cultural Essays. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1988.

  Johnston, Glenn T., ed. We Ain’t No Heroes: The 112th Cavalry in World War II. Denton: University of North Texas Press, 2005.

  Jones, James. From Here to Eternity. NY: Scribner’s, 1951.

  ———. The Pistol. NY: Scribner’s, 1958.

  ———. To Reach Eternity: The Letters of James Jones. Ed. George Hendrick. NY: Random House, 1989.

  ———. Some Came Running. NY: Scribner’s, 1958.

  Jones, Kaylie. Lies My Mother Never Told Me. NY: Morrow, 2009.

  Jumonville, Neil. Critical Crossings: The New York Intellectuals in Postwar America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.

  Kaplan, Fred. Gore Vidal: A Biography. NY: Doubleday, 1999.

  Kaufmann, Walter, ed. Existentialism from Dostoyevsky to Sartre. NY: World, 1956.

  Kazin, Alfred. Bright Book of Life: American Storytellers from Hemingway to Mailer. Boston: Little Brown, 1973.

  ———. Contemporaries. Boston: Little, Brown, 1962.

  Kidd, Janet Aitken. The Beaverbrook Girl. London: Collins, 1987.

  Kierkegaard, Søren. Kierkegaard’s Concept of Dread. Trans. Walter Lowrie. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957.

  Knox, Mickey. The Good, the Bad, and the Dolce Vita: The Adventures of an Actor in Hollywood, Paris, and Rome. Preface by Norman Mailer. NY: Nation Books, 2004.

  Leeds, Barry H. The Enduring Vision of Norman Mailer. Bainbridge Island, WA: Pleasure Boat Studio, 2002.

  ———. The Structured Vision of Norman Mailer. New York: New York University Press, 1969.

  Lennon, J. Michael, ed. Critical Essays on Norman Mailer. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986.

  ———. Norman Mailer’s Provincetown: The Wild West of the East. Provincetown Arts Press, 2005.

  Lennon, J. Michael, and Donna Pedro Lennon. Norman Mailer: Works and Days. Preface by Norman Mailer. Shavertown, PA: Sligo, 2000.

  Lifton, Robert. Witness to an Extreme Century. NY: Free Press, 2011.

  Lindner, Robert. Prescription for Rebellion. NY: Rinehart, 1952.

  Lowell, Robert. Notebook, 1967–68. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1969.

  Lucid, Robert F., ed. Norman Mailer: The Man and His Work. Boston: Little, Brown, 1971.

  Macdonald, Dwight. Discriminations: Essays and Afterthoughts. Introduction by Norman Mailer. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo, 1985.

  MacDonogh, Steve, ed. The Rushdie Letters: Freedom to Speak, Freedom to Write. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1993.

  Mailer, Adele. The Last Party: Scenes from My Life with Norman Mailer. NY: Barricade, 1997.

  Mailer, Norris Church. Cheap Diamonds. NY: Random House, 2007.

  ———. A Ticket to the Circus. NY: Random House, 2010.

  ———. Windchill Summer. NY: Random House, 2000.

  Malaquais, Jean. The Joker. Preface by Norman Mailer. NY: Warner, 1974.

  ———. World Without Visa. NY: Doubleday, 1948.

  Mallory, Carole. Loving Mailer. Beverly Hills: Phoenix, 2009.

  Malraux, André. Man’s Fate. NY: Modern Library, 1961.

  Manso, Peter. Mailer: His Life and Times. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1985.

  Manso, Peter, ed. Running Against the Machine. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1969.

  Martin, David C. Wilderness of Mirrors. NY: Harper & Row, 1980.

  Martinson, Deborah. Lillian Hellman: A Life with Foxes and Scoundrels. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 2005.

  Maugham, W. Somerset, Up at the Villa. NY: Doubleday, Doran, 1941.

  McAuliffe, Kevin. The Great American Newspaper: The Rise and Fall of the Village Voice. NY: Scribner’s, 1978.

  McMillan, Priscilla Johnson. Marina and Lee. NY: Harper & Row, 1977.

  Menand, Louis. The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America (NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001).

  Michelson, Jeffrey, and Laura Bradley. Laura Meets Jeffrey: Both Sides of an Erotic Memoir. Foreword by Norman Mailer. Lehigh Valley, PA: New Blue, 2012.

  Miller, Arthur. Timebends: A Life. NY: Grove, 1987.

  Millett, Kate. Sexual Politics. NY: Doubleday, 1970.

  Mills, Hilary. Mailer: A Biography. NY: Empire, 1982.

  Morris, Willie. New York Days. Boston: Little, Brown, 1993.

  Olivier, Fernande. Souvenirs Intimes. Ed. Gilbert Krill. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1988.

  Ott-Toltz, Phyllis Silverman, with Barbara Bamberger Scott. Love Bade Me Welcome: The Life of Phyllis Ott. Lake Forest, CA: Behler, 2006.

  Pagels, Elaine. The Gnos
tic Gospels. NY: Random House, 1979.

  ———. The Origin of Satan. NY: Random House, 1995.

  Plimpton, George. Shadow Box. NY: Putnam’s, 1977.

  ———. Truman Capote: In Which Various Friends, Enemies, Acquaintances, and Detractors Recall His Turbulent Career. NY: Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, 1997.

  Podhoretz, Norman. Doings and Undoings: The Fifties and After in American Writing. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1964.

  ———. Ex-Friends. NY: Free Press, 1999.

  ———. Making It. NY: Random House, 1967.

  Podhoretz, Norman, ed. The Commentary Reader. NY: Atheneum, 1966.

  Poirier, Richard. Norman Mailer. NY: Viking, 1972.

  Polsgrove, Carol. It Wasn’t Pretty, Folks, But Didn’t We Have Fun? Esquire in the Sixties. NY: Norton, 1995.

  Posner, Gerald. Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK. NY: Random House, 1993.

  Raymond, Dwayne. Mornings with Mailer. NY: Harper Perennial, 2010.

  Reich, Wilhelm. The Sexual Revolution: Toward a Self-Governing Character Structure. Trans. Theodore P. Wolfe (NY: Orgone Institute Press, 1945).

  Rembar, Charles. The End of Obscenity: The Trials of Lady Chatterley, Tropic of Cancer and Fanny Hill. Introduction by Norman Mailer. NY: Bantam, 1969.

  Report of Court Proceedings: In the Case of the Anti-Soviet Bloc. Moscow: People’s Commission of Justice in the U.S.S.R., 1938.

  Richardson, John. A Life of Picasso: The Prodigy, 1881–1906. NY: Random House, 1991.

  ———. A Life of Picasso: The Cubist Rebel. NY: Random House, 1996.

  Rollyson, Carl. Female Icons: Marilyn Monroe to Susan Sontag. iUniverse, 2005.

  ———. The Lives of Norman Mailer. NY: Paragon House, 1991.

  Rosenbaum, Ron. Explaining Hitler. NY: Random House, 1998.

  Ross, Lillian. Picture. NY: Rinehart, 1952.

  Rosten, Norman. Marilyn—An Untold Story. NY: New American Library, 1973.

  Roth, Philip. Exit Ghost. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007.

  Rushdie, Salman. The Satanic Verses. NY: Viking, 1988.

  Schiller, Lawrence, and James Willwerth. American Tragedy: The Uncensored Story of the Simpson Defense. NY: Random House, 1996.

  Schiller, Lawrence, with Norman Mailer. Into the Mirror: The Life of Master Spy Robert P. Hanssen. NY: HarperCollins, 2002.

  Schroeder, Eric James, ed. Vietnam, We’ve All Been There. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1992.

  Seaver, Edwin, ed. Cross-Section: A Collection of New American Writing. NY: L. B. Fischer, 1944.

  Sipiora, Phillip, ed. The Mailer Review, Vols. 1–6 (2007–12).

  Solomon, Barbara Probst. Horse-Trading and Ecstasy. NY: North Point, 1989.

  Solotaroff, Robert. Down Mailer’s Way. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1975.

  Spengler, Oswald. The Decline of the West; Form and Actuality, Vol. 1. NY: Knopf, 1926.

  Stern, Richard G. One Person and Another: On Writers and Writing. Dallas: Baskerville, 1993.

  Styron, William. Lie Down in Darkness. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1951.

  ———. Selected Letters of William Styron. Ed. Rose Styron, with R. Blakeslee Gilpin. NY: Random House, 1989.

  ———. This Quiet Dust and Other Writings. NY: Random House, 1982.

  Suess, Raymond Karl, II. “Tom Sawyer, Horatio Alger and Sammy Glick: A Biography of Young Mailer.” Ph.D. diss., St. Louis University, 1974.

  Szwed, John. So What: The Life of Miles Davis. NY: Simon & Schuster, 2002.

  Talese, Gay. A Writer’s Life. NY: Random House, 2006.

  Tempels, Placide. Bantu Philosophy. Paris: Présence Africaine, 1959.

  Timberg, Bernard M. Television Talk: A History of the TV Talk Show. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2002.

  Trilling, Diana. Claremont Essays. NY: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1964.

  ———. We Must March My Darlings: A Critical Decade. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977.

  Trotsky, Leon. History of the Russian Revolution. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1937.

  Vidal, Gore. Dreaming War. NY: Thunder’s Mouth Press/Nation Books, 2002.

  ———. Homage to Daniel Shays: Collected Essays, 1952–1972. NY: Vintage, 1973.

  ———. Matters of Fact and Fiction: Essays, 1973–1976. NY: Random House, 1977.

  ———. Palimpsest: A Memoir. NY: Viking, 1995.

  ———. Point to Point Navigation. NY: Doubleday, 2006.

  ———. United States: Essays, 1952–1992. NY: Random House, 1993.

  Vogelgesang, Sandy. The Long Dark Night of the Soul: The American Intellectual Left and the Vietnam War. NY: Harper & Row, 1974.

  von der Leyen, Marie-Louise. Lifelines: Unusual Characters Tell Their Story. Munich: Piper Verlag, 2006.

  Wakefield, Dan. New York in the Fifties. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992.

  Wasserman, Barbara. “Spain 1948.” Hudson Review, Autumn 2000.

  Wenke, Joseph. Mailer’s America. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1987.

  West, James L. W., III. William Styron: A Life. NY: Random House, 1998.

  Whalen-Bridge, John, ed. Norman Mailer’s Later Fictions: Ancient Evenings Through Castle in the Forest. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

  Winters, Shelley. Shelley, Also Known as Shirley. NY: Morrow, 1980.

  ———. Shelley II: The Middle of My Century. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1989.

  Wolf, Daniel, and Edwin Fancher, eds. The Village Voice Reader. NY: Doubleday, 1962.

  Wolfe, Tom. Hooking Up. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000.

  Zolotow, Maurice. Marilyn Monroe. NY: Harcourt Brace, 1960.


  1–12, 14, 17, 19, 25, 32, 39–40, 44–45: Courtesy of Barbara Mailer Wasserman. 13: U.S. Army Military History Institute. 15: Gerald Holton. Courtesy of Alaric Naiman. 16: Courtesy of Erin Cressida Wilson. 18: Udel Brothers/Rinehart and Co. 20: Courtesy of Rhoda Lazare Wolf. 21: Associated Newspapers/Solo Syndication. 22: Ivan Massar/Black Star. 23: Emily Barry Lovering. 26: Copyright © The Estate of Diane Arbus, LLC. Courtesy of Lawrence Schiller. 27, 41: Cannon Films. 28: Yvonne Hannemann. 29: Paul Schwartzman. Copyright © The Norman Mailer Estate. 30: Courtesy of Sheldon H. Ramsdell Estate. 31: Donn Pennebaker. 33: Courtesy of Carol Stevens. 34: Courtesy of Eileen Frederickson. 35, 43, 47: Copyright Polaris Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. 36, 42, 46, 51: Copyright © The Norman Mailer Estate. 37: Norris Church Mailer. Courtesy of Matthew Mailer. 38: Milos Forman/Dino De Laurentiis/Sunley Productions. 48: Copyright © Nancy Crampton. 49: Donna Pedro Lennon. 50: Warren Mason. 52: Mark James. 53: Courtesy of the Norman Mailer Center. All rights reserved.


  Aaron, Chester, 169, 200, 229

  Abbott, Jack Henry, 551–66

  Adan murdered by, 543, 551, 558–59, 561, 562–64

  at Bowery halfway house, 554–55

  death of, 721

  flight of, 559–61

  Malaquais and, 603–4

  murder trial of, 562–63

  NM’s correspondence with, 518–20, 521, 526–27, 537, 544, 573, 587, 599, 603–4, 605, 619–20

  NM’s refusal to distance himself from, 562

  Norris and, 552–53, 555–56, 557

  paranoia of, 552, 553, 557, 620

  parole of, 543, 551, 565–66

  as prison informer, 552, 556, 566

  Zack’s relationship with, 619–20

  Abbott, Rufus, 551

  Abels, Cyrilly, 143

  Abercrombie, Neil, 732

  Abernathy, Ralph D., 426

  Actors Studio, 226, 399, 537, 614, 624, 633, 653

  Adams, Alice, 99, 105, 107, 108, 118, 331

  Adams, Henry, 392

  Adams, Laura, 569

  Adan, Richard, 558–59, 561, 562–64, 722

  Adventures of Augie March, The (Bellow), 174, 248, 326–27

  Advertisements for Myself (Mailer), 47, 128, 150, 195, 200, 201, 215, 221, 224, 251, 252–55, 259, 265, 277, 315, 324, 434, 483,
516, 633, 727

  “Biography of a Style” in, 247

  British edition of, 302–3

  modest sales of, 256

  NM’s struggles with, 242–43, 245–47

  positive reviews of, 256–58

  Vidal’s review of, 261–62

  “Advertisements for Myself on the Way Out” (Mailer), 127, 235–36, 239, 243, 310

  African Americans, 77, 729

  NM’s belief in sexual superiority of, 189, 209, 211

  After the Lost Generation (Aldridge), 137–38

  Aga Khan, Sadruddin, 280

  Aitken, Janet Gladys, 295

  Alaska, 347, 352–53

  Albin Michel, 101

  Aldridge, John, 137–38, 149, 162, 184, 211, 221, 230, 237, 259, 348–49, 378, 510, 538, 649

  American Dream reviewed by, 349, 350, 351

  Deer Park manuscript critqued by, 151–52, 154, 156

  NM’s correspondence with, 434, 671, 672, 692

  NM’s friendship with, 138, 260

  Aldridge, Leslie, 211, 221–22, 230

  Alfred A. Knopf, 179–80

  Algren, Nelson, 126, 248–49, 374

  Ali, Lonnie, 706

  Ali, Muhammad, 264, 323, 337, 357, 434, 477, 479, 480–82, 490, 631, 699, 706–7

  Ali-Foreman fight (“The Rumble in the Jungle”; 1974), 478, 479, 481–82, 699

  Ali-Frazier fight (1971), 434, 478

  Ali-Frazier fight (“The Thrilla in Manila”; 1975), 491–92

  Allen, Hervey, 645–46

  Allen, Jay, 211, 221, 229–30

  Allen, Lewis, 163, 166, 170, 211, 214, 221, 229–30

  Allen, Steve, 201, 275

  Allen, Woody, 458, 539, 603, 607

  Alson, Barbara, see Mailer, Barbara Jane

  Alson, Larry, 281, 283–84, 356

  Alson, Peter, 354–55, 508, 546, 732, 748, 759, 761

  Amador, Frances, 722

  Ambrose, David, 639

  Ambrose, Fred, 639–41

  Ambrose, Nancy, 639

  American Academy of Arts and Letters, 601, 653

  American Book Award, 540

  American Civil Liberties Union, 460

  American Conservative, 728

  American Dream, An (Mailer), 41, 89, 92, 225, 253, 256, 296, 310, 328, 329, 330–31, 338, 340–42, 351, 366, 435, 487, 575, 589, 732

  Aldridge’s review of, 349, 350, 351

  Dial Press as publisher of, 332, 339


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